Kate Plugged In 1st Place 10-6

kranse 2391

This is the corp deck that got me tied for 1st place in the 10/6 plugged-in tour at Dice Dojo.
7 Oct 2013 ttsgosadow

Looks very interesting! Cloak but no Dagger?

8 Oct 2013 kranse

Cloak just for the recurring credit. Darwin is pretty expensive, nearly every card in the list is used to support it in one way or another.

1 Nov 2013 nbove

The Levy seems a little paranoid. I assume it is there primarily as an insurance policy in case Darwin gets trashed. Does it another purpose that I am not seeing?

4 Nov 2013 kranse

Yea, though it also helps if a useful card gets discarded due to net damage. Since the deck has so little redundancy, rebuilding after a Levey is usually pretty quick.

7 Nov 2013 lopert

I really like this deck. With so much hardware, why not use Inside Man? Seems like the perfect deck for him.