Andromeda - President/CEO 2.0

Nordrunner 4152

This is an update to my semi-recently posted Andy deck. The core of it is the same but I have made a couple changes that I think have improved it. I found room for 3 Daily Casts instead of PPVP. I lose a little security for Corroder protection but I think Casts are generally worth more money during a game.

I dropped a Clone Chip to add a 2nd RDI. So many games are simply about the number of accesses I can get, and RDI is very powerful. Additionally, I dropped 2 LW for 1 HQI. This was mainly for deck space, and an HQI early is very strong.

Added 1 Carapace for the breaking news and Posted Bounties of the world. I am almost always able to out money Scorch decks, but 1 carapace gives me a little extra protection if needed.

Last change was Alias for Ninja. I am not sold out on this, but it's what I have for now.

Compromised Employee is still my favorite card. Its so strong against Glacier builds, and the extra link comes in handy very often.

This deck has been carrying me in the OCTGN Stimhack league as I am still finding a corp I am totally happy with. As always, any questions or comments, please let me know!

13 Aug 2014 Crazimir

I've been playing your list for about two weeks, give or take, (the first one), probably around 12-15 games and ended up switching Ninja for Mimic, cutting it down to one R&D Interface and putting in a singleton Datasucker - and I've really like the change. Cutting PPVP seems fine to me - it wasn't really adding too much to the list, as it carries enough economy without it, but I'm not sure about removing Hostage/Kati Jones. Maybe Daily Casts is enough to make up for it, but it does seem like a rather large cut in the overall cash-flow, if you will, of the deck. How has the changes been manifesting in your games? And what do you think of going with Mimic over Alias - there is an abundance of Faeries, having your back when Archer comes rolling around :)

13 Aug 2014 Nordrunner

I think Mimic is the preferred breaker or Alias, I suppose I could cut 1 RDI to fit it in, but I just love my accesses. I am sure I will keep tinkering.

The changes are mostly apparent with the RDI and being able to get one earlier. It forces the corp to try and protect 2 centrals and can slow them down a bit. I sometimes miss the extra clone chip, but overall I think its been an improvement.

13 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

Are you worried about draw consistency with the singleton cards? Legwork and HQI overlap in function, but Plascrete and Clone Chip could just not show up when you need them. Does Clone Chip provide value even as a singleton, or could you free up that two influence to use elsewhere?

13 Aug 2014 Nordrunner

Definitely not worried for a few reasons. Clone chip is utility, I seldom NEED it, and it's almost always useful. As for Carapace, as mentioned previously, I am almost always able to out money the corp.

Lastly, Mr. Li gets me around my deck pretty quick and I can usually find what I need.

14 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

Ah, I forgot about the power of Mr. Li. The rest of the deck seems really solid.

I find that the time where PPVP really shines over drip econ is when you can play it and use its recurring credit that same turn. Did you miss that in the switchover to Daily Casts?

14 Aug 2014 Nordrunner

I havent missed it econwise. I played a power shutdown deck yesterday where I wish I had PPVP. Other than that, I think Daily Casts was an upgrade.

16 Aug 2014 Gurkensalat

Maybe switching the "clonechip" for a "dejavu". This means no parasiting during runs but provides stronger recurring (2 parasites or any other card).