Personal Evolution Ideas - Would Like Some Advice.

FunVampire 1

I picked up the game about a month ago, and after some games at weekly meetups in my local store, I ended up constructing this, which, while probably not competitively viable, is something I think I can scrape by on for now, although as stated, I'd like any suggestions that people think would help.

I'll admit I didn't really construct the deck around the identity it uses: Personal Evolution just seems like a solid, stable ID that could fit a number of decks, and I'm not really sure I have the cards to build anything effective around anything else (I only own the core, H&P, All That Remains and Second Thoughts as of now. I intend on buying Trace Amount next, Fetal AI seems like something that could really help this and some other PE builds I had in mind. Any more purchase suggestions would be appreciated).

The deck pretty much revolves around what I think right now is the basic idea of a lot of Jinteki's arsenal: Use traps to scare the runner from running on remotes and potentially losing a lot of their hand, and then use this conditioning to be able to advance agendas more freely. This is also partly why I chose to play them rather than any other corp: That way of playing involves a better understanding of what I think are the basic mindgames Netrunner involves than fast advance or ice - centric decks. There's also a lot of economy cards here, mostly because not much less less than this resulted in me being pretty poor during the majority of the games I played, although I was also playing pretty poorly during those as well.

15 Dec 2014 narcow

The way you describe your impression of Jinteki: Personal Evolution's goal is pretty accurate. However, you're running Mental Health Clinic, which increases the runner's maximum hand size, allowing the other player to be a little less scared. You might want to look into other economic assets like Sundew and Celebrity Gift in the future. A runner that draws up to 6 doesn't have to worry about, say, hitting two snares in one run anymore.

From the cards you have in-faction, you would benefit greatly from the addition of House of Knives; three free net damage is nothing to scoff at, and will slow the runner down just a little more. It will increase your agenda count, but that's arguably a good thing for PE as it guarantees the runner will lose a few more cards. You also have Clone Retirement, so you could bring those or the neutral Profiteering in along with the House of Knives. Shi.Kyū also deserves an honourable mention; you don't need to bid much on it for it to be an annoying tax, and -1 agenda point is nothing to scoff at.

Finally, spend your influence! Daily Business Show is amazing and would help you find the cards you want when you want them while hiding the others away. Scorched Earth would strengthen your tag punishment. Rototurret and Archer would give the runner something else to be scared of. Tollbooth would add to the taxing aspect of your build. Adonis Campaign is a good source of economy. Of course, there is no absolute 'right' way to spend it, so just pick some effects that you think seem nice and go for it. Especially with ICE, you shouldn't be afraid of running 1-ofs; something unexpected can totally ruin a Runner's day.