
All cards with clarification and F.A.Q

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire ( Core Set, 1)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    Cards trashed by Noise’s ability are placed facedown in Archives. [Official FAQ]

Demolition Run ( Core Set, 3)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Runner can trash an agenda accessed with Demolition Run, instead of stealing it. [Official FAQ]

Datasucker ( Core Set, 8)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Is Leech a functional reprint of Datasucker?

    Not quite. Because Datasucker says that the ice you are encountering must be rezzed, there are some rare encounters where it cannot be used, such as an encounter with an Archangel being accessed from the Corp’s hand or deck. Leech can be used even during these encounters.

Djinn ( Core Set, 9)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    When the Runner installs a program, they have the choice of installing it directly into their rig or on Djinn. Thy cannot move programs onto Djinn at a later point. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Runner cannot move other installed programs to Djinn when it is installed. [Official FAQ]

Medium ( Core Set, 10)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    Before accessing cards from R&D at step 4.5 of a run, the Runner chooses how many cards they want to access when using Medium. [Official FAQ]

Parasite ( Core Set, 12)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    If a piece of ice hosting Parasite is derezzed, the Parasite continues to collect virus tokens, but the hosting ice has no strength while derezzed and therefore cannot be trashed by Parasite unless it is rezzed again. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Parasite cannot be hosted on Djinn [or any other Daemon program]. A card or counter can only be hosted in one place at a time, and Parasite has the restriction that it must be installed on a piece of ice. [Official FAQ]

Wyrm ( Core Set, 13)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Runner can only use Wyrm to lower the strength of a currently encountered piece of ice, and only if Wyrm is of equal or higher strength than that ice. [Official FAQ]

Yog.0 ( Core Set, 14)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Wyldside ( Core Set, 16)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Account Siphon ( Core Set, 18)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    If the Runner ends up running successfully on another server than HQ, the “If successful...” effect on Account Siphon cannot be triggered. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Runner can choose to not use the ability on Account Siphon when accessing cards, and if so does not take any tags. [Official FAQ]

Forged Activation Orders ( Core Set, 20)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp rez Akitaro Watanabe in response to Forged Activation Orders?

    No, the Corp cannot rez Akitaro Watanabe in response to a Forged Activation Orders being played. The effect of Forged Activation Orders is immediately resolved unless prevented or avoided.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Corp have to pay the rez cost of ice rezzed due to Forged Activation Orders?

    Yes. Install, rez, and play costs must always be paid, as well as any additional costs that apply, unless the ability that allows a player to install, rez, or play a card specifically says otherwise.

Femme Fatale ( Core Set, 26)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When an ice chosen for Femme Fatale's ability is uninstalled, can it be bypassed with Femme Fatale's ability after it has been reinstalled later in the game?

    No. The newly installed ice is a different game object than the originally installed ice. The chosen ice in Femme Fatale’s ability only applies to the original object, which doesn’t exist anymore.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When Femme Fatale is reinstalled, can the ice chosen when Femme Fatale was first installed be bypassed with Femme Fatale’s ability?

    No, the choice of ice is only retained for as long as Femme Fatale is installed. When it is uninstalled, the choice is forgotten. When you reinstall Femme Fatale, it can only bypass the ice chosen during its most recent installation.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can you use the credits hosted on Cyberfeeder to pay for Femme Fatale’s bypass ability?

    Yes. Since the bypass ability is an optional ability, you are considered to be using the ability. The credits from Cyberfeeder can be spent to pay for the use of that ability.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does Femme Fatale need to match strength to use its bypass ability?

    No, the bypass ability does not have an interface flag, so there is no prerequisite of matching the strength of the encountered ice in order to use that ability.

Bank Job ( Core Set, 29)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Runner can take credits from Bank Job if they made a successful run on an empty server. [Official FAQ]

Net Shield ( Core Set, 45)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    Multiple Net Shields cannot prevent more damage. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    Net Shield can prevent a single point of net damage each turn. It does not prevent all net damage from a single source. [Official FAQ]

Aesop’s Pawnshop ( Core Set, 47)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can Aesop’s Pawnshop be used multiple times in a turn to trash multiple cards?

    No, there is only one opportunity for ‘when your turn begins’ effects to meet their trigger condition.

Aggressive Secretary ( Core Set, 57)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The Corporation cannot choose to trash the same program more than once. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    The programs are trashed at the same time. [Official FAQ]

Chum ( Core Set, 75)

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    Chum deals its net damage the first time either of the following occur during an encounter with the next piece of ice:

    1) step 3.1 of a run closes and there is an unbroken subroutine on the piece of ice.

    2) step 3.1 of a run was skipped or did not resolve because the encounter/run ends (if 3.1 does not happen, no subroutines can be broken). This applies even if the piece of ice has 0 subroutines. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-08

    If the Runner jacks out immediately after encountering a Chum and not breaking its subroutine, the Runner does not take any damage. [Official FAQ]

Breaking News ( Core Set, 82)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Tollbooth ( Core Set, 90)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Can the Runner choose not to pay 3 and let the run end when encountering Tollbooth?

    No, the encounter ability from Tollbooth says that the Runner must pay 3 if they are able.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    What happens if the Runner cannot pay 3 when encountering Tollbooth?

    If the Runner cannot pay 3 when encountering Tollbooth, then the run ends without the Runner paying any credits.

Red Herrings ( Core Set, 91)

  • Updated 2017-04-07

    If the Runner accesses an agenda from R&D and does not pay the additional cost to steal it, they do not reveal it to the Corp. [Official FAQ]

Aggressive Negotiation ( Core Set, 97)

  • Updated 2017-04-07

    Aggressive Negotiation can be played if the Corp scores an agenda during step 1.1 of their draw phase. [Official FAQ]

Archer ( Core Set, 101)

  • Updated 2022-04-23

    When the Corp has a scored Braintrust with 1 agenda counter, and forfeits it to rez Archer, how much does the Corp pay for rezzing Archer?

    It costs 3 plus the forfeit of Braintrust. The decision of what you use to pay is made upfront and then the cost is paid simultaneously. The Braintrust ability applies while deciding what to pay for the cost.

Mandatory Upgrades ( What Lies Ahead, 11)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Mandatory Upgrades is forfeited, the Corp loses the additional click immediately. The Corp cannot choose to spend the additional click before the forfeit, except as part of his last action (at which point it has already been spent, and there is nothing left for the Corp to lose). Each player spends clicks from a pool of available clicks, and does not spend each click individually. [Official FAQ]

TMI ( What Lies Ahead, 17)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    TMI can be rezzed multiple times while the Runner approaches it. Timing structure of a run 2.3 is a window that allows the approached piece of ice to be rezzed. There is no limit to the number of times a Corp can rez an approached piece of ice if it is derezzed during this window. [Official FAQ]

e3 Feedback Implants ( Trace Amount, 24)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If multiple subroutines are broken at the same time, e3 Feedback Implants triggers once for each subroutine. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    e3 Feedback Implants triggers itself, so the Runner can break all subroutines on a bioroid ice by paying credits after spending a single click. [Official FAQ]

Fetal AI ( Trace Amount, 32)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner must pay the 2 to steal Fetal AI from Archives. [Official FAQ]

Sensei ( Trace Amount, 34)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Sensei only adds a single “End the run.” subroutine after all of the other subroutines on the next piece of ice, not a subroutine after each subroutine on the ice. [Official FAQ]

Nerve Agent ( Cyber Exodus, 41)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Before accessing cards from HQ at step 4.5 of a run, the Runner chooses how many cards they want to access when using Nerve Agent. [Official FAQ]

Snitch ( Cyber Exodus, 45)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the expose effect is prevented, the Runner can still jack out. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the outermost piece of ice on a server is unrezzed, the Runner can use Snitch to look at it and then decide to jack out before encountering it. [Official FAQ]

Dinosaurus ( Cyber Exodus, 48)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner has no free MU but a Dinosaurus that is not currently hosting an icebreaker, he can install an icebreaker on Dinosaurus without trashing a program. Declaring where a program is hosted is part of the install action, and so the memory cost of the program does not need to be taken into account. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If there is an icebreaker already installed on Dinosaurus, the Runner can install a different icebreaker onto Dinosaurus, trashing the previously installed icebreaker. [Official FAQ]

Personal Workshop ( Cyber Exodus, 49)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Personal Workshop is uninstalled, all cards hosted on it are trashed and all counters on those cards are removed. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    When there are no power counters on a program or a piece of hardware that has a play restriction on it that cannot be met (such as a Parasite with no rezzed ice to be hosted on or a console when there is already a console installed), that program or piece of hardware is trashed instead of being installed. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can pay to remove a power counter from a card hosted on Personal Workshop as a paid ability. A program installed from Personal Workshop follows all the normal install rules; the Runner must trash already installed programs to make room for the new one, if necessary. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner may use the first ability on Personal Workshop to host a program or a piece of hardware on it. Cards hosted by this ability are not installed, and therefore are inactive. [Official FAQ]

Sunset ( Cyber Exodus, 54)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    When resolving Sunset, the ice must be rearranged in such a way that the Runner knows which pieces of ice moved where. The Corp cannot conceal the rearrangement of the ice. [Official FAQ]

Disrupter ( A Study in Static, 61)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Disrupter cannot be used once the Corp has bid during a trace attempt. It must be used when the trace is being initiated, and it prevents the entire trace before re-initiating it with a base trace strength of 0. [Official FAQ]

Oversight AI ( A Study in Static, 79)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Oversight AI is trashed to the Archives if the host ice is uninstalled. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Oversight AI is treated as a condition counter, and is no longer an operation, while it is active. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Playing Oversight AI does not give Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future 1 for an install. [Official FAQ]

False Lead ( A Study in Static, 80)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp can forfeit 2 copies of False Lead at 1.1 to force the Runner to lose 4 clicks. The turn advances to the Runner’s discard phase after 1.2 resolves and the Runner has no clicks. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    False Lead cannot be forfeited unless the Runner can lose 2 clicks. [Official FAQ]

Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie ( Humanity's Shadow, 83)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    When the Runner mulligans with Andromeda, they draw another starting hand of 9 cards. [Official FAQ]

Midori ( Future Proof, 113)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Ice installed with Midori can be rezzed with the Amazon Industrial Zone. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Midori must already be rezzed before the run in order to use her on the first piece of ice protecting the server. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner exposes an ice with Snitch, Midori can still swap the ice unless the Runner jacks out with Snitch. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Ice that is swapped is installed, but the install cost of the ice being swapped does not have to be paid. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Midori can only be used at timing structure of a run 2. [Official FAQ]

Awakening Center ( Creation and Control, 21)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Tāo Salonga to swap a piece of ice protecting a server with ice hosted on ​Awakening Center​?

    Yes, but only if that piece of ice is a rezzed ​bioroid​, because Awakening Center​ is only a legal location for ​bioroid​ ice. If the ice is unrezzed, the Runner cannot demonstrate that the swap is legal. It does not matter if the ice was exposed earlier in the game or is otherwise known by the Runner; it only matters whether the Runner is allowed to see the ​bioroid​ subtype at the time Tāo’s ability resolves. If a rezzed bioroid​ is swapped this way, the Corp will not be able to pay the cost to force the Runner to encounter it with Awakening Center​​’s second ability unless another effect derezzes the ​bioroid​.

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Ice on Awakening Center are in the server and do not count as ice protecting the server. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Only one piece of hosted ice on Awakening Center can be encountered per run. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Ice hosted on Awakening Center can be rezzed through other card effects, but a rezzed piece of ice cannot be encountered unless it was rezzed by Awakening Center. [Official FAQ]

Scavenge ( Creation and Control, 34)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    As part of the install action, the Runner can trash installed programs. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can trash a program as [the] additional cost, and then reinstall that same program. [Official FAQ]

Clone Chip ( Creation and Control, 38)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Same Old Thing ( Creation and Control, 54)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner cannot use Same Old Thing to play priority events. [Official FAQ]

Pawn ( Opening Moves, 2)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner cannot choose the Pawn that is being trashed as the program to install with Pawn because the trash and install are part of the same effect. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Pawn can move onto a piece of ice hosting another caïssa, but other caïssa programs cannot move onto a piece of ice hosting Pawn. [Official FAQ]

Rook ( Opening Moves, 3)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Rook can be hosted on any piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Rook can only move to another server if there is another piece of ice in the same “row” as the ice Rook is hosted on, counting up from the innermost piece of ice protecting each server. [Official FAQ]

Bishop ( Second Thoughts, 21)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Bishop can be hosted on any piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Bishop only moves from a piece of ice protecting a central server to a piece of ice protecting a remote server, and vice versa. [Official FAQ]

Recon ( Second Thoughts, 24)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can jack out the first time they encounter a piece of ice with Recon, even if it was not the outermost piece of ice protecting the server. [Official FAQ]

Copycat ( Second Thoughts, 25)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If a piece of ice is bypassed, Copycat still triggers since the ice is also passed. [Official FAQ]

Eureka! ( Second Thoughts, 27)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can install the card even if they cannot lower the install cost by 10 credits (the “if able” only refers to the install action). [Official FAQ]

The Cleaners ( Second Thoughts, 36)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Cleaners can add unpreventable meat damage if the source is also unpreventable. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Cleaners adds an additional point of damage to the source of the damage before any damage is prevented. [Official FAQ]

Knight ( Mala Tempora, 43)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Knight can be hosted on any piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Knight cannot move to a piece of ice that is vertically adjacent to the ice that it is hosted on. Knight can move to a piece of ice protecting any other server without restriction. [Official FAQ]

Accelerated Diagnostics ( Mala Tempora, 52)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If one of the operations played shuffles R&D, the remainder of Accelerated Diagnostics’ effect is ignored. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp can only play and look at the top 3 cards (as determined when Accelerated Diagnostic was played). Even if other cards are moved into the top 3, those cards are not eligible to be played/ looked at by the Accelerated Diagnostics. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If any of the 3 cards looked at are no longer in the top 3 positions of R&D (as determined when Accelerated Diagnostics was played), then those cards cannot be played. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    When the Corp plays an operation, they fully resolve it before playing another one or trashing the rest of the cards. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Each operation the Corp looks at can be played in any order. The Corp does not have to play the topmost operation first. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Looking at the top 3 cards of R&D does not remove the cards from R&D. The cards are still in R&D and able to be affected by operations played with Accelerated Diagnostics. [Official FAQ]

Sundew ( Mala Tempora, 54)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner plays a run event to initiate a run on the server Sundew is installed in, the Corp does not gain 2 credits. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The credits are gained when the Runner spends a click to initiate an action that does not make a run on the server Sundew is installed in, before the click is resolved. [Official FAQ]

Power Shutdown ( Mala Tempora, 58)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp can play Power Shutdown even if the Runner has no installed cards. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp cannot choose a number that is greater than the number of cards in R&D. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp must choose X before trashing cards from R&D. [Official FAQ]

Keyhole ( True Colors, 61)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Keyhole is trashed during a run it initiated, the replacement effect is still resolved. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The card trashed by Keyhole is trashed faceup. [Official FAQ]

RSVP ( True Colors, 77)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner is prevented from spending credits, for example from the subroutine on RSVP, what bid can the runner make during Adrian Seis’s Psi Game?

    The runner can only choose to bid 0 credits.

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can spend zero credits after the subroutine on RSVP resolves to trash cards or trigger paid abilities. [Official FAQ] [eg to trash Project Junebug, or use Yog.0]

Blackmail ( Fear and Loathing, 89)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 3: Each copy of this card costs 3 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Toshiyuki Sakai ( Fear and Loathing, 92)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The card that is swapped with Toshiyuki Sakai is installed. This halts the resolution of the accessing step, taking the Runner back to the beginning of accessing the newly installed card. [Official FAQ]

Restoring Face ( Fear and Loathing, 94)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp can trash a facedown card, but must reveal it to the Runner. The card is still trashed facedown. [Official FAQ]

Subliminal Messaging ( Fear and Loathing, 100)

Paintbrush ( Double Time, 108)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner does not make a run during the turn they use Paintbrush, then the condition no longer applies and the ice loses any subtypes gained from Paintbrush. [Official FAQ]

Caprice Nisei ( Double Time, 114)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If there is no ice protecting the server, Caprice Nisei’s ability still triggers if she was rezzed before the run was initiated. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Caprice Nisei’s ability triggers at step 4 of a run. [Official FAQ]

    [This means that in order for Caprice's ability to trigger on a current run, the latest the Corp can rez Caprice is at run step 2.3 of the approach to the innermost ice, when the runner has decided to continue towards this ice. This is the same window that this ice can be rezzed.

    Rezzing Caprice after the runner passes the innermost ice is too late to have her ability trigger this run, because the next non-ice rez window after passing the innermost ice is 4.3, which is after Caprice's ability would trigger.]

NAPD Contract ( Double Time, 119)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner accesses NAPD Contract from R&D and does not pay the additional cost to steal it, the NAPD Contract is not revealed. [Official FAQ]

Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within ( Honor and Profit, 3)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Tennin Institute can place advancement tokens on Runner cards. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Tennin Institute cannot place advancement tokens on itself, since ID cards are not installed. [Official FAQ]

Tori Hanzō ( Honor and Profit, 22)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the first instance of net damage is prevented by another effect or replaced with Tori Hanzō’s own effect, Tori Hanzō cannot trigger for the remainder of the run. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The first net damage can be prevented/avoided before Tori Hanzō’s replacement ability resolves. [Official FAQ]

Iain Stirling: Retired Spook ( Honor and Profit, 28)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Iain Stirling has a negative agenda point total, then he has fewer agenda points than a Corp with 0 or more agenda points. [Official FAQ]

Security Testing ( Honor and Profit, 48)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Security Testing is trashed while running the chosen server, does the Runner still apply its replacement effect (gain 2 instead of breaching)?

    No. The second ability on Security Testing is a separate ability, not a lingering effect. If Security Testing is trashed during the run, it is not active at the time it would meet its trigger condition, so the Runner does not apply the replacement effect to gain 2.

Overmind ( Honor and Profit, 53)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Overmind is installed, and its MU counts against the Runner’s memory limit, when it gains power counters. [Official FAQ]

Taurus ( Upstalk, 9)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Corp’s trace strength is 5 or greater, Taurus trashes a piece of hardware even if the trace was unsuccessful. This also applies to Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo. [Official FAQ]

Mother Goddess ( Upstalk, 10)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Mother Goddess only gains the subtypes of other ice while it is rezzed. [Official FAQ]

Bad Times ( Upstalk, 12)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can choose which memory to lose (e.g., memory from Deep Red). [Official FAQ]

Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer ( Upstalk, 17)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Abilities which require the Corp to pay an additional cost to rez ice do not give Nasir more credits when his ability resolves. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Abilities which increase the rez cost of ice give Nasir more credits when his ability resolves. Likewise, abilities which reduce the rez cost of ice give Nasir fewer credits. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    An ice is considered “just rezzed” for Nasir’s ability if it is rezzed at any time during timing structure 2 of a run. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Nasir loses any bad publicity credits he has when his ability resolves. [Official FAQ]

The Foundry: Refining the Process ( The Spaces Between, 21)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp must find a piece of ice searched for, if able. [Official FAQ]

Targeted Marketing ( The Spaces Between, 26)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp cannot gain 10 credits when the Runner plays a current that trashes Targeted Marketing (if the current was named when Targeted Marketing was played). Targeted Marketing is trashed before its ability resolves. [Official FAQ]

D4v1d ( The Spaces Between, 33)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Crisium Grid ( First Contact, 48)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Can the Runner play Emergency Shutdown on their second click after they ran HQ with an active Crisium Grid that was trashed during the breach?

    No, the Runner did not make a successful run on HQ due to Crisium Grid’s ability. Trashing Crisium Grid does not retroactively make the run successful.

The Supplier ( First Contact, 56)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner cannot use any “when your turn begins” abilities on cards that are installed by The Supplier until their next turn. [Official FAQ]

Order of Sol ( First Contact, 58)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner gains 1 credit even during the resolution of another ability (e.g., paying the cost to play a Sure Gamble with 5 credits in their credit pool). [Official FAQ]

Angel Arena ( Up and Over, 80)

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    How do cost reductions, such as Career Fair, interact with the value of X?

    The Runner decides what the value X will be, and then pays X credits, minus the applicable discount. The number of power counters placed on Angel Arena is equal to the initial value chosen for X, not the discounted total paid.

Sagittarius ( All That Remains, 82)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Corp’s trace strength is 5 or greater, Sagittarius trashes a program even if the trace was unsuccessful. [Official FAQ, listed under Taurus' ruling]

Hostile Infrastructure ( All That Remains, 83)

  • Updated 2019-10-08

    If Hostile Infrastructure and any other Corp cards are trashed simultaneously, Hostile Infrastructure will trigger for each card trashed and do 1 net damage that many times. [Official FAQ/Updated for clarity Oct. 2019] [Relevant if playing Apocalypse.]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Hostile Infrastructure does not resolve when the Corp trashes his or her cards, even as a result of a Runner ability (e.g. Noise forcing the Corp to trash the top card of R&D). [Official FAQ]

Gemini ( All That Remains, 84)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Corp’s trace strength is 5 or greater, Gemini does 1 net damage even if the trace was unsuccessful. [Official FAQ, listed under Taurus' ruling]

Daily Business Show ( All That Remains, 86)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Are the abilities of multiple rezzed Daily Business Show assets cumulative?

    Yes, each of the interrupt abilities will increase the number of draws for the first draw by 1 each. The ‘when you draw those’ abilities will then also each separately cause you to add 1 card to the bottom of R&D.

Ekomind ( All That Remains, 93)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The memory limit from Ekomind is modified by other card abilities (e.g. a Runner with 5 cards in his or her grip and an Akamatsu Mem Chip installed has 6). [Official FAQ]

Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist ( All That Remains, 95)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Leela steals an agenda while accessing multiple cards from HQ, she adds a card to HQ before continuing to access more cards. [Official FAQ] [Typically, the Corp player would shuffle this card into their HQ before continuing with accesses.]

Cerberus "Lady" H1 ( All That Remains, 99)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Utopia Shard ( All That Remains, 100)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner returns Utopia Shard to their grip with Steve Cambridge, can they then install Utopia Shard?

    No. In order for Utopia Shard to install itself with its ability, it must already be in the Runner’s grip at the time the ability would meet its trigger condition.

IT Department ( The Source, 103)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    IT Department always gives a piece of ice +1 strength due to the token spent to activate the card ability, even if there are no other counters left on the card or IT Department is no longer installed.

    Example: There are 5 tokens on IT Department. If the Corp spends 1 token, the ice has +5 strength (1 for the initial token + 4 for the token still on IT Department). If the Corp spends another token, now the ice has +8 strength (2 for the initial tokens + 3 for each of the two instances of the ability). If the Corp spent a third token, now the ice has only +9 strength (3 for the initial tokens + 2 for each of the three instances of the ability). [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Once triggered, IT Department results in a constant ability that continually tracks how many power counters are on the card. [Official FAQ]

Virgo ( The Source, 109)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Corp’s trace strength is 5 or greater, Virgo gives the Runner 1 tag even if the trace was unsuccessful. [Official FAQ, listed under Taurus' ruling]

Self-destruct ( The Source, 112)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Self-Destruct does not count itself as one of the cards trashed in order to establish the trace value. [Official FAQ]

Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon ( Order and Chaos, 2)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner can decline to pay the 1 to access a card. [Official FAQ]

Glenn Station ( Order and Chaos, 5)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Glenn Station can only host a card through its click ability. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Glenn Station is forfeited, any card hosted on it is trashed. [Official FAQ]

Mark Yale ( Order and Chaos, 9)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Corp spends an agenda counter for Mark Yale’s paid ability, they also gain 1 from his conditional ability. [Official FAQ]

Asteroid Belt ( Order and Chaos, 12)

  • Updated 2021-10-09

    If an Asteroid Belt has 4 hosted advancement counters, how much does it cost to rez it during a run made with Tread Lightly?

    It would cost 0[c]. To determine what a cost is when effects are modifying its value, start with the default value for that cost (Asteroid Belt’s printed rez cost is 9[c]), apply each effect that increases the cost (Tread Lightly adds 3[c]), and then apply each effect that lowers the cost (Asteroid Belt’s ability subtracts 3[c] for each hosted advancement counter).

    9[c] + 3[c] – (3[c] ✕ 4) = 12[c] – 12[c] = 0[c].

Wormhole ( Order and Chaos, 13)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The subroutine that resolves is not considered to be on Wormhole (e.g. when the Corp uses Wormhole with cards like Data Raven or Viktor 2.0, the power counters are placed on those cards and not Wormhole). [Official FAQ]

Housekeeping ( Order and Chaos, 20)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner has 1 card in his or her grip and installs it, Housekeeping has no effect and does not prevent the install. (Only forced trashing through damage can result in a flatline.) [Official FAQ]

The Twins ( Order and Chaos, 24)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Runner cannot jack out before encountering the ice again. [Official FAQ]

Cyberdex Virus Suite ( Order and Chaos, 27)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp use Cyberdex Virus Suite in the middle of the Runner using Fermenter to stop them from gaining credits?

    No. Paid abilities can only be used when a player has priority in a paid ability window, not in the middle of resolving another ability.

Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer ( Order and Chaos, 28)

  • Updated 2024-09-20

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner runs Archives and there is a #Hedge Fund, then runs HQ and accesses another #Hedge Fund is it trashed?

    If the first operation Edward Kim accesses is in Archives, then he cannot trash another operation with his ability that turn.

    Updated (2024.09).

I've Had Worse ( Order and Chaos, 32)

  • Updated 2024-09-20

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Runner has 3 I've Had Worse in grip and takes 4 damage from End of the Line?

    The Runner is flatlined. The Runner trashes all cards from the damage before drawing for I've Had Worse. I’ve Had Worse cannot prevent the Runner from being flatlined if the Runner takes more damage than the number of cards in their grip.

    Updated (2024.09).

Itinerant Protesters ( Order and Chaos, 33)

  • Updated 2024-09-20

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Corp has 6 bad publicity?

    The Corp has to discard all cards from HQ during the discard phase. The Corp does not lose the game if they have a negative hand size.

    Updated (2024.09).

Eater ( Order and Chaos, 40)

  • Updated 2024-09-20

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Runner runs Archives with Eater installed?

    If the Runner access Archives after using Eater, all cards are turned faceup but no individual cards are accessed.

    Updated (2024.09).

Hivemind ( Order and Chaos, 42)

  • Updated 2024-09-20

    Suppose the Runner has Cookbook and Hivemind installed, with 1 virus counter on Hivemind. If they then install Tranquilizer, is the host ice derezzed immediately? Or does it wait for the next check at the beginning of the Runner's next turn?

    By managing their abilities carefully, the Runner can choose whether to derez the ice right away or not. Hivemind’s second ability is a static ability, so it always applies as soon as Tranquilizer is installed. But the conditional abilities on Cookbook and Tranquilizer meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order to resolve them. If they resolve Tranquilizer first, it will only have 2 hosted virus counters (including the one shared from Hivemind) at the time that the number of counters is checked. If they resolve Cookbook first, then by the time Tranquilizer resolves, it will have 3 hosted virus counters and will derez the ice.

Enhanced Vision ( The Valley, 5)

  • Updated 2024-09-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    When the Runner breaches HQ will they be able to see the revealed card while accessing?

    No. The revealed card is no longer revealed during the breach; it immediately returns to its unrevealed state after the Corp shows the card to the Runner.

    Updated (2024.09).

Turntable ( Chrome City, 43)

  • Updated 2024-09-05

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Runner steals an agenda and switches it with The Basalt Spire in the Corp's score area? Can the Runner use any agenda counters on the agenda?

    No. Agendas switched with Turntable keep any hosted counters or cards on them, but their text is not active.

    Updated (2024.09).

Allele Repression ( The Underway, 73)

  • Updated 2024-08-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    When resolving Allele Repression, can the Corp add the just-trashed copy of Allele Repression to HQ?


    Updated (2024.08).

Spoilers ( Old Hollywood, 82)

  • Updated 2024-08-22

    If the Runner has Spoilers installed and the Corp scores Longevity Serum, can the Corp choose to add the card trashed by Spoilers to R&D?

    No. The abilities on both Spoilers and Longevity Serum have the same trigger condition. Since agendas are always scored on the Corp’s turn, the Corp is the active player and must fully resolve their abilities before the Runner resolves any of theirs.

Film Critic ( Old Hollywood, 86)

  • Updated 2024-08-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Does the Runner take any damage when they access Fetal AI?

    No. After Film Critic’s "when accessed" ability resolves, any remaining "when accessed" abilities are non-resolvable.

    Does the Runner have to trash a program to place SDS Drone Deployment in their score area? Would the Runner take 3 meat damage from [Punitive Counterstrike] if successful after hosting and placing an agenda in their score area with Film Critic?

    An agenda hosted on Film Critic is not considered to be stolen. An agenda added to the score area from Film Critic is not considered to be stolen.

    If the Runner accesses a second agenda after Film Critic is already hosting one, can they trash or replace the currently hosted agenda?

    No. The Runner cannot voluntarily trash an agenda hosted on Film Critic, even if the Runner accesses another agenda.

    Can the Runner move or swap any agenda they control to Film Critic?

    No. Film Critic can only host an agenda through its "when accessed" ability.

    Updated (2024.08).

Casting Call ( Old Hollywood, 96)

  • Updated 2024-08-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Runner use the ability on Oracle Thinktank if it is installed by Casting Call?

    No. Agendas installed faceup with Casting Call are not active (unless those agendas can be installed faceup through their own abilities, e.g. Oaktown Renovation).

    What happens if the agenda hosting Casting Call is returned to HQ from Hermes?

    If the agenda hosting Casting Call is uninstalled, Casting Call is trashed.

    Updated (2024.08).

DDoS ( The Universe of Tomorrow, 103)

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 3: Each copy of this card costs 3 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Worlds Plaza ( The Universe of Tomorrow, 116)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Worlds Plaza may be accessed and trashed, thereby trashing all of its hosted cards, before the cards hosted on it are accessed. [Official FAQ]

Archangel ( Data and Destiny, 13)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Archangel is not considered to be rezzed during its encounter, and cards that interact with rezzed cards, e.g., Datasucker, cannot affect it. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If Archangel is encountered while accessed and it is moved from its position as determined when accessed (e.g., from R&D being shuffled during the encounter or from Archangel being trashed from HQ by Utopia Shard during the encounter), then the encounter immediately ends and any currently open paid ability windows close. [Official FAQ]

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    When encountering an Archangel during access, the Runner follows timing step 3 of a run, ignoring the portions about approaching ice/ the server. [Official FAQ]

Ad Blitz ( Data and Destiny, 20)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp must both install and rez any advertisements chosen by Ad Blitz. [Official FAQ]

The All-Seeing I ( Data and Destiny, 22)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The Corp does not have to have a bad publicity in order to play The All-Seeing I. [Official FAQ]

Endless Hunger ( Data and Destiny, 33)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Endless Hunger can only break subroutines that read exactly “ End the run.” It cannot break subroutines that use the words “end the run” as only part of its effect, e.g. on Tsurugi or Pop-up Window. [Official FAQ]

Hunting Grounds ( Data and Destiny, 35)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    The prevent ability on Hunting Grounds is optional; because it can only be triggered “once per turn” it is the Runner’s choice as to when to trigger it. [Official FAQ]

Adam: Compulsive Hacker ( Data and Destiny, 37)

  • Updated 2017-04-12

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When does the Runner need to decide which 3 directives Adam starts the game with?

    The Runner chooses which 3 directives Adam uses after IDs are revealed.

Brain Chip ( Data and Destiny, 39)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    If the Runner has negative agenda points, Brain Chip does not lower his or her hand size or MU: these cannot be increased by a negative number. [Official FAQ] [Negative agenda points can be gained from News Team or Shi.Kyū.]

Always Be Running ( Data and Destiny, 41)

  • Updated 2017-04-09

    Programs that make a run, such as Sneakdoor Beta, Keyhole, etc., do not fulfill the requirement to make a run on Always Be Running. [Official FAQ]

Run Amok ( Kala Ghoda, 1)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When does Run Amok trigger?

    Run Amok triggers as soon as the run ends, similar to Dirty Laundry or Doppelgänger.

    Can the Runner use Run Amok to trash a piece of ice the Corp rezzes during the run but then uses Test Ground to derez before the run ends?

    Yes. Run Amok only cares that the ice was rezzed during the run, not whether or not the ice is still rezzed at the end of the run.

Ramujan-reliant 550 BMI ( Kala Ghoda, 2)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Corp has a scored Sentinel Defense Program when the Runner encounters a Viktor 1.0 and cannot break the subroutines. How many copies of Ramujan-Reliant 550 BMI must be installed to prevent all the damage?

    The Runner only needs 1 copy of Ramujan-Reliant 550 BMI, which can be used to prevent the 1 brain damage from Viktor 1.0. Since Sentinel Defense Program requires the Runner to ‘’suffer’’ damage and not just be dealt damage, it does not trigger if the damage is prevented.

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Street Magic ( Kala Ghoda, 3)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When the Runner encounters a piece of ice with Street Magic installed, when is the order of resolution for the subroutines determined? Is the order determined before any subroutines resolve, or does the Runner choose one subroutine to resolve at a time?

    Instead of the subroutines resolving in the order printed on the ice, the Runner chooses the order they will resolve in, and then they resolve one at a time in that order.

High-Stakes Job ( Kala Ghoda, 4)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When does High-Stakes Job trigger?

    High-Stakes Job triggers as soon as a successful run ends, similar to Dirty Laundry or Doppelgänger?

Mongoose ( Kala Ghoda, 5)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner uses Mongoose to break subroutines on a piece of ice, and then that ice is encountered a second time during the run (through Cell Portal or The The Twins, for example) can the Runner still break its subroutines with Mongoose?

    Yes. It is the same copy of the ice, so the Runner can break subroutines on it.

Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain ( Kala Ghoda, 6)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens if the Runner has a mandatory ability that would prevent the tag from Funhouse, such as the ability on Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain?

    Players cannot attempt to pay a cost that would be prevented. If Jesminder Sareen’s ability is applicable, the Runner must choose to end the run.

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner avoids a tag from Data Raven with a card other than Jesminder Sareen (e.g. New Angeles City Hall), does Jesminder Sareen avoid the tag from a second Data Raven?

    No. Jesminder can only avoid the first tag that is given during any single run.

    Can Jesminder Sareen avoid the tag from John Masanori?

    No. John Masanori tags the Runner after the run has ended, so Jesminder's ability does not apply.

Maya ( Kala Ghoda, 7)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner use Maya to add an accessed card to the bottom of R&D even after trashing it or stealing it?

    Yes. Maya triggers after the access has ended, so the state of the accessed card does not matter for the resolution of Maya's effect.

Panchatantra ( Kala Ghoda, 8)

  • Updated 2019-11-26

    Which subtypes are valid for Panchatantra to give to ice? Does the Runner have to choose a subtype on a rezzed piece of ice?

    Comprehensive Rules 1.3, 2.15.6:

    If an effect requires a player to choose a subtype, that player must choose a single subtype that has been printed on at least one legal card. If a player is required to choose a subtype belonging to a specific card type, they must choose a subtype that has been printed on at least one legal card with that type.

    Can the Runner make up a subtype to give ice with Panchatantra?


Artist Colony ( Kala Ghoda, 9)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner use Artist Colony to search for a card they are unable to install (either because it’s an Event or because they can’t afford the install cost)?

    Yes because Artist Colony does not restrict which card can be searched for. If the Runner cannot install the card, though, it will just get shuffled back into the stack.

Chatterjee University ( Kala Ghoda, 10)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does the counter spent to install a program with Chatterjee University count toward reducing the program's cost?

    Yes. The text of the ability resolves in order, so the counter is only removed after the program is installed. Therefore the counter is still on Chatterjee University when the install cost must be paid, and reduces the cost.

    Can the Runner use Chatterjee University's ability to install a program when there are no counters on it?


Heritage Committee ( Kala Ghoda, 13)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal, and the influence value on the card is irrelevant for the purposes of gameplay.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Mumbad City Grid ( Kala Ghoda, 14)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Runner passes a Wall of Static and uses Copycat to bounce to another Wall of Static on a different server. Can the Corp still use Mumbad City Grid to swap the original Wall of Static with another piece of ice protecting the original server?

    No. The Runner is no longer passing that Wall of Static, so Mumbad City Grid's trigger condition has expired.

    If a passed piece of ice protecting a server with Mumbad City Grid is uninstalled (e.g. Paper Wall, or via a card effect like False Echo), what happens?

    Nothing. The ice is no longer installed, and so Mumbad City Grid's trigger condition has expired. "Another piece of ice protecting this server" implies that both pieces of ice must be protecting the server in order for Mumbad City Grid to work.

    Do Susanoo-no-Mikoto and Mumbad City Grid work together?

    No. If the subroutine on Susanoo-no-Mikoto resolves, passing Susanoo-no-Mikoto is replaced with running on Archives, so Mumbad City Grid never triggers.

    During a run, the Runner passes a Wall of Static and then passes an Enigma. When the Runner passes the Enigma, the Corp uses Mumbad City Grid to swap the Enigma with the Wall of Static. Does the Runner now approach the server or continue past the Enigma into an approach with the Wall of Static again?

    The Runner approaches the server, as this is the next step of the run according to the Runner's position in the server.

    The Runner runs on a server protected by two pieces of ice. They pass a Wall of Static and then pass an Enigma. Can the Corp use Mumbad City Grid to swap the Enigma and the Wall of Static, and then use The Twins to force the Runner to encounter the Enigma again from the outer position?

    You can’t use The Twins after using Mumbad City Grid. Both effects have the same trigger condition, which means the Corp could theoretically choose to resolve them in either order, but if they choose to resolve Mumbad City Grid first and swap the Enigma to a different position, the Runner is now passing a different piece of ice (Wall of Static). So the trigger condition for The Twins has expired and that ability can’t be resolved.

    The Runner runs on a server protected by two pieces of ice. They pass a Wall of Static and then pass an Enigma. Can the Corp use The Twins to force the Runner to re-encounter the Enigma and then swap the Runner out to the outer position?

    The Corp can choose to resolve the ability on The Twins first, forcing another encounter with Enigma, and then use Mumbad City Grid to swap it with Wall of Static afterward, but the Runner will approach the server after all the Enigma encounters are completed, and will not have to encounter Wall of Static again.

Dedication Ceremony ( Kala Ghoda, 17)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can Dedication Ceremony be used to place advancement tokens on a rezzed Haas Arcology AI?

    Yes. Dedicated Ceremony does not specify to put the tokens on a card that can be advanced, and rezzed cards are faceup.

    Does Dedication Ceremony trigger the abilities on public agendas like Oaktown Renovation?

    No, the action of advancing a card places advancement tokens, but placing advancement tokens through other effects does not count as advancing a card.

Mumba Temple ( Kala Ghoda, 18)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal, and the influence value on the card is irrelevant for the purposes of gameplay.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

  • Updated 2017-04-28

    NAPD Most Wanted List - Level 1: Each copy of this card costs 1 universal influence, which is separate & in addition to the normal printed influence, and counts against all Identities influence limits, even those in the same faction. [MWL v1.2]

Museum of History ( Kala Ghoda, 19)

  • Updated 2017-05-01

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal, and the influence value on the card is irrelevant for the purposes of gameplay.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

EMP Device ( Business First, 20)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp rez any pieces of ice after the Runner uses EMP Device if the Corp has already rezzed ice during the run?

    Yes, EMP Device only restricts how much ice the Corp can rez from the time it is used until the end of the run.

    After the Runner uses EMP Device, the Corp rezzes Howler. Can Howler’s subroutine still install a bioroid behind itself? Is the Howler still trashed?

    Howler installs the ice but does not rez it. Howler is not trashed, as it says “if you do” install and rez the ice.

    Can the Runner use a second EMP Device during a run after having already used one in order to trigger incidental abilities, such as Armand "Geist" Walker and Tech Trader?

    No, as the Corp is already precluded from rezzing more than one piece of ice for the remainder of the run, the second EMP Device would not change the game state and thus cannot be used.

NetChip ( Business First, 24)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    There are four NetChips installed, and one of them is hosting an Endless Hunger. A different NetChip is trashed. Is the Endless Hunger trashed as a result?

    Yes, as the hosting restriction applies at all times. Cards can host any other game object by default, but abilities can define limitations on the capability to host.

    There are four NetChips installed, and one of them is hosting an Endless Hunger. At the start of the Runner’s turn, Dr. Lovegood blanks the text of that NetChip. Is the Endless Hunger trashed as a result?

    No. Because cards can host any other game object by default, NetChip losing the restriction causes it to have no hosting restrictions, and the Endless Hunger remains. The Runner may, however, be forced to trash Endless Hunger (and/or other programs) because it will count against their MU until the end of the turn.

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Corporate Scandal ( Business First, 25)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the additional bad publicity from Corporate Scandal be removed?

    No. The Corp is considered to have an additional bad publicity, even when they have none, but it does not exist for the purposes of being manipulated (such as removing it).

    The Corp has 0 bad publicity when the Runner plays Corporate Scandal. The Corp plays The All-Seeing I. Can the Runner remove the additional bad publicity from Corporate Scandal to prevent all resources from being trashed?

    No. The additional bad publicity that the Corp is considered to have cannot be removed, so the Runner does not have the option to remove it in order to prevent the trash effect.

    The Corp has 2 bad publicity when the Runner plays Corporate Scandal. The Corp installs an Exposé, advances it twice, and uses its ability. How many bad publicity tokens does the Corp have after using Exposé? Later, the Corp scores an agenda. How many bad publicity tokens does the Corp have then?

    The additional bad publicity that the Corp is considered to have cannot be removed. When the Runner plays Corporate Scandal, the Corp has 2 bad publicity tokens and is considered to have an additional bad publicity. After using Exposé, the Corp has no bad publicity tokens but is still considered to have an additional bad publicity. After scoring an agenda, the Corp still has no bad publicity tokens and is no longer considered to have any either.

Populist Rally ( Business First, 26)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can Populist Rally be played if the Corp has 0 clicks to spend on their next turn?

    No. As the Corp cannot have fewer than 0 clicks to spend on their next turn, playing Populist Rally would not cause a change in game state and thus cannot be played.

Lakshmi Smartfabrics ( Business First, 28)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does Lakshmi Smartfabrics get a power counter when it is rezzed?

    Yes. "When you rez" abilities meet their trigger condition at the end of the rez action, so Lakshmi Smartfabrics is active and can see its own rez action trigger.

    If the Runner trashes Lakshmi Smartfabrics after the Corp uses its ability, can the Runner steal copies of the revealed agenda?

    No. Once triggered, the ability exists independently of its source.

Product Recall ( Business First, 29)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.07).

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Do the credits gained from Product Recall include modifications to the trash cost, such as that from Industrial Genomics?

    Yes. Modifiers are always taken into account whenever a value is queried from the game state.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Pālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth ( Business First, 30)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    The Runner has Safety First and Drug Dealer installed. What is the exact timing of the two draw effects, and how many times does Pālanā Foods gain 1?

    Pālanā Foods will gain a credit for both Safety First and for Drug Dealer, assuming each was the first time the Runner drew a card, because both Runner and Corp's turn count for Pālanā Foods.

    Updated (2024.07).

Harvester ( Business First, 32)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does the Runner have to discard before or after drawing 3 cards from Harvester?

    Resolve the text of each subroutine in the order it appears. First the Runner draws 3 cards, then they must discard to their maximum hand size.

    If the Runner does not draw 3 cards due to Harvester’s subroutine effect, must they still discard cards?

    Yes. Each effect is separate from the other. “Then” does not imply any conditionality to the discard effect, it only indicates the order of resolution.

    Does the Runner flatline if they have a negative hand size when Harvester’s subroutine resolves?

    No. The Runner only loses the game from having a negative hand size at the end of their turn. If the Runner’s hand size is negative when Harvester’s subroutine resolves, they just discard all the cards in their grip.

Disposable HQ ( Business First, 34)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    In what order are the cards added to the bottom of R&D with Disposable HQ?

    In the order of the Corp’s choice. Disposable HQ implicitly gives the choice to the Corp due to being a Corp card effect. (CBI Raid, for example, specifies the choice because it is a Runner card effect.)

    Does Disposable HQ trigger from Archives?

    Yes, "when accessed" abilities trigger from any server, whether or not the card is active, unless the ability specifically says otherwise.

New Construction ( Business First, 35)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp install ice with New Construction's ability?

    No, ice is installed protecting a server not in a server.

Mumbad Construction Co. ( Business First, 36)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does moving an advancement token from Mumbad Construction Co. to a public agenda trigger its ability?

    No. Neither placing nor moving advancement tokens is considered the same as advancing a card.

PAD Factory ( Business First, 38)

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.07).

  • Updated 2024-07-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can PAD Factory place tokens on non-installed cards?

    No. The Corp cannot choose a card that is not installed to place the advancement token on.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Political Graffiti ( Democracy and Dogma, 39)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner adds Political Graffiti to an AstroScript Pilot Program, is the AstroScript worth negative 1 agenda point or 1 agenda point?

    It would be worth 1 agenda point.

    If the Runner adds Political Graffiti to a Project Beale with an agenda counter on it, how many agenda points is the Beale worth?

    Project Beale will have +1 and -1 point, so it will be worth 2 agenda points.

    The Runner makes a run with Political Graffiti when the Corp has a Hostile Takeover and no other agendas in their score area. During the run, the Corp rezzes an Archer, forfeiting the Hostile Takeover. What happens when the run is successful?

    Political Graffiti’s "if successful" ability is not optional, so resolve as much of it as you can. When the run is successful, there is nothing to host Political Graffiti on, so the Runner does not access cards, and then trashes Political Graffiti once the run ends.

    The Runner steals a copy of Breaking News, uses Turntable to give it to the Corp, and then plays Political Graffiti on that Breaking News. Is the Corp allowed to play Punitive Counterstrike on their turn?

    The Corp can always play Punitive Counterstrike because it always initiates a trace. But if no other agendas were stolen during the Runner’s turn, Punitive Counterstrike would not do any damage.

    The Runner applies Political Graffiti to an Accelerated Beta Test. Later, they steal a Domestic Sleepers and use Turntable to swap it with the Accelerated Beta Test. How many points is the Accelerated Beta Test worth?

    The Accelerated Beta Test is worth 1 point. While cards in the Runner’s score area are inactive, cards hosted on them can still be active.

Spy Camera ( Democracy and Dogma, 42)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Political Operative ( Democracy and Dogma, 43)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can recurring credits from cards like Whizzard and Scrubber be used to pay the cost for Political Operative's ability?

    No. Those cards specify to use their credits for trashing cards, so they cannot be spent on using Political Operative.

    Is the cost of Political Operative's ability affected by cards such as Industrial Genomics and Skulljack?

    Yes. Whenever an ability queries a value from the game, modifiers are taken into account unless otherwise noted.

Sadyojata ( Democracy and Dogma, 44)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Runner use Sadyojata to swap in another copy of Sadyojata from the grip?


    Updated (2024.07).

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the first piece of ice Rielle "Kit" Peddler encounters is a NEXT Bronze, giving it the code gate subtype, is it considered to have 3 subtypes for the purpose of breaking with Sadyojata?

    No. Changes in subtypes are tracked cumulatively, but the state of having a subtype is binary.

    If Sadyojata is hosting The Personal Touch when it is swapped with another Deva, is The Personal Touch trashed or hosted onto the new deva?

    Trashed. The hosting card was removed from play, so all hosted items are immediately and unpreventably trashed.

    If the Runner has no unused MU, can they still use Sadyojata's swap ability without trashing programs to free up MU?

    Yes, because the rule about MU and trashing is about installing. Swapping is a simultaneous exchange of two cards. The moment the one deva is coming into play the other is leaving, with no overlap, so there is no need to free up MU.

"Freedom Through Equality" ( Democracy and Dogma, 45)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Is "Freedom Through Equality" trashed while in the score area if another current is played or an agenda is scored?

    No. "Freedom Through Equality" is added to the Runner's score area as a blank agenda worth 1 agenda point. Additionally, agendas in the Runner's score area are not active.

Councilman ( Democracy and Dogma, 47)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Is the rez cost in Councilman's ability affected by constant abilities on cards such as Breaker Bay Grid?

    Yes. Whenever an ability queries a value from the game, modifiers are taken into account unless otherwise noted.

    Is the rez cost in Councilman's ability affected by modifiers at the time of rez, such as from Worlds Plaza?

    No. A modifier that is part of a non-constant ability only applies during the resolution of that ability.

    Can the Runner use Fall Guy to protect Councilman but still pay the rez cost and get the effect?

    No. The Runner can use Fall Guy to prevent Councilman from being trashed, but then the derez effect will not resolve. "If you do" requires that both the credits are paid and the Councilman is trashed in order for the rest of the effect to resolve. Note that if the Runner chooses to use Councilman but then prevents it from being trashed, the credits are still paid.

    If the Runner uses Councilman on Lakshmi Smartfabrics, does Lakshmi Smartfabrics still gain a power counter?

    If it is the Runner’s turn, the Councilman resolves first. Lakshmi Smartfabrics will then be inactive when its ability would trigger, so that ability fails to resolve. If it is the Corp’s turn, Lakshmi Smartfabrics resolves first, so it will gain a power counter, which will remain hosted on it when it is derezzed.

Clone Suffrage Movement ( Democracy and Dogma, 49)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the operation returned to HQ with Clone Suffrage Movement is facedown in Archives, must the Corp reveal it to the Runner?

    Yes, just like when returning a copy of Subliminal Messaging from Archives to HQ, the Corp must reveal this information as the ability resolves.

    If the only piece of ice protecting Clone Suffrage Movement is returned to hand by Blue Sun at the start of the Corp's turn, does the ability of the political asset still trigger?

    Yes. If the Corp chooses to trigger Blue Sun before triggering the ability on Clone Suffrage Movement, then when that ability resolves the "if" clause will be true and allow resolution.

Bio-Ethics Association ( Democracy and Dogma, 50)

  • Updated 2024-07-18

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the only piece of ice protecting Bio-Ethics Association is returned to hand by Blue Sun at the start of the Corp's turn, does the ability of the political asset still trigger?

    Yes. If the Corp chooses to trigger Blue Sun before triggering the ability on Bio-Ethics Association, then when that ability resolves the "if" clause will be true and allow resolution.

Political Dealings ( Democracy and Dogma, 51)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Corp draws an agenda and a non-agenda with Daily Business Show and uses Political Dealings to install the agenda, is the Corp forced to return the non-agenda card to the bottom of R&D?

    Yes. The Corp draws an additional card and chooses to use Political Dealings to install the agenda. The Corp must return the other card still in HQ because the installed agenda is a different object and no longer considered a drawn card.

    If the Corp draws two agendas with Daily Business Show and uses Political Dealings to install both agendas, is the Corp forced to return one of the installed agendas to the bottom of R&D?

    No. Both installed agendas become different objects and they are no longer considered drawn cards once they are installed.

    Updated (2024.08).

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp use Political Dealings to reveal and install the agenda found with Fast Track?

    No. Adding a card to HQ is not the same as drawing a card.

"Clones are not People" ( Democracy and Dogma, 52)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Is "Clones are not People" trashed while in the score area if another current is played or an agenda is stolen?

    No. "Clones are not People" is added to the Corp's score area as a blank agenda.

Sensie Actors Union ( Democracy and Dogma, 53)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Corp has Sensie Actors Union and Daily Business Show rezzed, how is the Sensie Actors Union’s ability resolved?

    The Corp draws four cards, adds one of the drawn cards to the bottom of R&D due to Daily Business Show’s ability, then adds any card from HQ to the bottom of R&D due to Sensie Actors Union’s ability.

    If the only piece of ice protecting Sensie Actors Union is returned to hand by Blue Sun at the start of the Corp's turn, does the ability of the political asset still trigger?

    Yes. If the Corp chooses to trigger Blue Sun before triggering the ability on Sensie Actors Union, then when that ability resolves the "if" clause will be true and allow resolution.

Commercial Bankers Group ( Democracy and Dogma, 54)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the only piece of ice protecting Commercial Bankers Group is returned to hand by Blue Sun at the start of the Corp's turn, does the ability of the political asset still trigger?

    Yes. If the Corp chooses to trigger Blue Sun before triggering the ability on Commercial Bankers Group, then when that ability resolves the "if" clause will be true and allow resolution.

Mumbad City Hall ( Democracy and Dogma, 55)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Corp use Mumbad City Hall to search for an alliance card they can’t afford to play or install, just to shuffle R&D?

    Yes. Mumbad City Hall can resolve at least partially any time there are cards in R&D, so it can be activated regardless of the outcome its effect will have. The player may choose to fail to find an alliance card, even if one or more exist in R&D.

    Audited by NSG Rules (2024.08).

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp use Mumbad City Hall when there is only one card in R&D? Does it matter if that card is an alliance card?

    Yes, whether the last card is an alliance card or not. Since R&D is a hidden zone, the game doesn’t check whether the last card in R&D might meet the criteria for the search when determining if Mumbad City Hall’s ability has the potential to change the game state.

    Can the Corp use Mumbad City Hall when R&D is empty?

    No. Searching and shuffling an empty deck does not have the potential to change the game state.

    If Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center uses Mumbad City Hall to install Mumba Temple in a new remote server, do they draw a card before or after shuffling R&D?

    During resolution of the search effect from Mumbad City Hall, shuffling R&D must come before doing anything with the card the Corp searched for. Thus, R&D is shuffled before installing Mumba Temple and triggering Near-Earth Hub.

    If the Corp uses Mumbad City Hall to play Heritage Committee, when is R&D shuffled?

    During resolution of the search effect from Mumbad City Hall, shuffling R&D must come before doing anything with the card the Corp searched for. Thus, Heritage Committee is played only after R&D is shuffled.

Bailiff ( Democracy and Dogma, 56)

  • Updated 2024-08-21

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Corp uses Sub Boost or Sensei to give Bailiff an additional subroutine, and the Runner uses Breach to break both subroutines at once, does the Corp gain 1 or 2?

    The Corp gains 2. Even though the Runner only triggered one ability, both subroutines were broken.

Salsette Slums ( Salsette Island, 59)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner access a card and then later in the turn uses Political Operative to trash it, can they use Salsette Slums to remove that card from the game?

    No, Salsette Slums can only be used while accessing the card.

    Can the Runner choose not to use Salsette Slums the first time they trash an accessed card and then use it later to remove the second card trashed that turn from the game?

    Yes. Because Salsette Slums can only be used “once per turn”, it is the Runner’s choice when to do so.

    If the Runner has multiple copies of Salsette Slums installed, can they remove from game multiple trashed cards?

    Yes, each installed copy can be used once per turn.

    When the Runner removes a card from the game with Salsette Slums, do they take damage from Hostile Infrastructure?

    No. The accessed card is removed from the game instead of trashed, so Hostile Infrastructure does not trigger.

Exclusive Party ( Salsette Island, 60)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does the Runner gain 1 for the played copy of Exclusive Party?

    No. Events are not trashed until they finish resolving.

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Vamadeva ( Salsette Island, 61)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Runner use Vamadeva to swap in another copy of Vamadeva from the grip?


    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Runner encounters a Tyrant with a single advancement token on it and breaks the subroutine with Vamadeva. If the Corp then uses Firmware Updates to add another advancement token to Tyrant, can the Runner break the new subroutine with Vamadeva?

    No. Broken subroutines still exist on the ice.

    If Vamadeva is hosting The Personal Touch when it is swapped with another Deva, is The Personal Touch trashed or hosted onto the new deva?

    Trashed. The hosting card was removed from play, so all hosted items are immediately and unpreventably trashed.

    If the Runner has no unused MU, can they still use Vamadeva's swap ability without trashing programs to free up MU?

    Yes, because the rule about MU and trashing is about installing. Swapping is a simultaneous exchange of two cards. The moment the one deva is coming into play the other is leaving, with no overlap, so there is no need to free up MU.

Brahman ( Salsette Island, 62)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner uses both Brahman and Faerie to break subroutines on a piece of ice, can the Runner choose to add Faerie to the top of their stack instead of trashing Faerie?

    Yes. Faerie and Brahman meet their trigger condition simultaneously, so the Runner chooses the order in which their conditional abilities resolve. If the Runner chooses to resolve Brahman’s ability first, then Faerie is no longer active, so its conditional ability fails to resolve.

Patron ( Salsette Island, 63)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    What happens if the Runner's stack is empty by the time they make a successful run on the server chosen with Patron?

    Patron's replacement effect is not optional. Patron still replaces the access, but the Runner does not draw any cards.

Sports Hopper ( Salsette Island, 64)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner has no cards in their stack but a Tech Trader installed, can the Runner use Sports Hopper?

    No. Sports Hopper's effect cannot change the game state, so its ability cannot be triggered.

Bazaar ( Salsette Island, 65)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner has both Bazaar and Replicator installed, can they install all copies of a piece of hardware from Grip and Stack by installing the first copy?

    Yes. Bazaar and Replicator meet their trigger condition simultaneously, so the Runner can choose to trigger Replicator first and then trigger Bazaar. The Runner may choose to repeat this process until there are no more copies of that hardware available to install.

Personality Profiles ( Salsette Island, 66)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    When does Personality Profiles trigger when using Hostage to search?

    After the search initiates, but before any connection is added to the grip.

    Updated (2024.06).

Jeeves Model Bioroids ( Salsette Island, 67)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Among other things, the following series of actions can all trigger Jeeves Model Bioroids:

    Among other things, the following series of actions do not trigger Jeeves Model Bioroids:

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    Official FAQ

    • Playing a double operation and then playing a regular operation, spending three clicks for Melange Mining Corp., as well as clicking for three credits are each considered spending three clicks on the same action. Additional costs are still costs to trigger an ability.
    • Jeeves must be rezzed while all 3 clicks are being spent. Installed cards must be active while meeting their trigger condition, and Jeeves trigger condition is the spending of 3 clicks on the same action, not the third click.

Raman Rai ( Salsette Island, 68)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does the card swapped into Archives with Raman Rai enter faceup, facedown, or in the same state as the card swapped out of Archives?


    The Corp has Raman Rai and Political Dealings rezzed for the mandatory draw. If the Corp uses Raman Rai first to swap a drawn agenda with one in Archives, can the Corp then use Political Dealings to install the agenda swapped into Archives? What about the other way around?

    No. Raman Rai and Political Dealings are simultaneous effects that both trigger off of drawing the agenda. The Corp chooses the order that the two abilities trigger, but either ability will cause the agenda to no longer be in the state of being drawn. Thus, when the second ability goes to trigger, its trigger condition is no longer valid and the ability fails to resolve.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Upayoga ( Salsette Island, 69)

  • Updated 2024-06-27
  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner only has 1 after losing the Psi game on Upayoga, do they lose that credit?

    Yes. Upayoga’s subroutine lacks an “if able” clause, so as much of the effect as can be resolved must resolve.

    If the Runner has no credits in their credit pool after losing the Psi game on Upayoga, can they be forced to lose credits on other cards, such as Ghost Runner or Net Celebrity?

    Yes. Those credits are usable during a run, so they are available to be lost during the run.

    Can the second subroutine on Upayoga resolve the first subroutine on Upayoga?

    Yes. Upayoga’s second subroutine does not specify that the resolved subroutine must be on another piece of ice.

Aryabhata Tech ( Salsette Island, 70)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner has 2 when the trace on Virgo is successful, can the Runner avoid the tag with New Angeles City Hall before losing 1 to Aryabhata Tech?

    Both the Aryabhata Tech and Virgo become pending from the successful trace, and the Corp can choose to resolve Aryabhata Tech first to make the Runner lose 1c, before there are any tags to avoid.

    Audited by NSG Rules (2024.06).

Salem's Hospitality ( Salsette Island, 71)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Audited by NSG Rules (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp play Salem's Hospitality while the Runner has an empty grip?

    No. Salem's Hospitality has no potential to change the game state, so the Corp cannot choose to take that action.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Executive Search Firm ( Salsette Island, 72)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal, and the influence value on the card is irrelevant for the purposes of gameplay.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Indian Union Stock Exchange ( Salsette Island, 73)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does “out-of-faction” refer to cards not belonging to the Corp’s identity faction or to cards not belonging to Weyland?

    Out-of-faction refers to cards that do not belong to the faction of the Corp’s identity.

    If the Corp is playing a Weyland identity, does the parenthetical text on Indian Union Stock Exchange allow it to still trigger off of itself?

    No. Indian Union Stock Exchange is not out-of-faction for a Weyland identity, so it cannot trigger in a deck with a Weyland identity.

    Are neutral cards considered “out-of-faction”?

    Yes. Neutral cards do not belong to a faction, so they are out-of-faction cards for every Corp.

    If the Corp is playing as The Shadow, are all cards considered “out-of-faction”?

    Yes. The Shadow does not belong to a faction, so all cards, including neutral cards, are out-of-faction.

Mumbad Virtual Tour ( Salsette Island, 76)

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-27

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner does not have 5 but has an installed Imp that they haven’t used yet, is the Runner forced to use the Imp to trash Mumbad Virtual Tour?

    Yes. The Runner is able to trash Mumbad Virtual Tour, so they must do so.

    If the Runner has only 2 but a full Ghost Runner installed, is the Runner forced to spend the credits from Ghost Runner to trash Mumbad Virtual Tour?

    Yes. The Runner is able to trash Mumbad Virtual Tour, so they must do so.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

The Noble Path ( The Liberated Mind, 77)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Does The Noble Path prevent the damage dealt by Checkpoint?

    Yes. Checkpoint triggers when the run is declared successful during the Success Phase, which is still part of the run.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner play The Noble Path if it is the only card in their grip?

    Yes. There is no stipulation on the card that requires at least one card to be trashed.

    Does The Noble Path prevent the damage dealt by Dedicated Response Team?

    No. Dedicated Response Team triggers when the run ends, so ability on The Noble Path has already ended by the time the damage is dealt.

    Does The Noble Path prevent damage from both Runner and Corp card abilities?

    Yes, even damage suffered from Runner abilities like Spinal Modem is prevented.

Emptied Mind ( The Liberated Mind, 78)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner starts their turn with Out of the Ashes in their heap and Emptied Mind installed, does the Runner still gain if during the run from Out of the Ashes they discard all the cards in grip to using Faust?

    Yes, Emptied Mind checks the number of cards in grip when its ability resolves. If other simultaneous effects are triggered before Emptied Mind, then the check will wait until those effects are fully resolved.

Information Sifting ( The Liberated Mind, 79)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When Information Sifting resolves, can the Corp choose for one of the piles to contain 0 cards?

    The Corp cannot make a facedown pile of 0 cards. At least 1 card must be in each pile in order for it to be a pile and for it to be facedown.

    If HQ does not contain enough cards to make 2 piles when an Information Sifting run is successful, what happens?

    No cards are accessed. The access step has been mandatorily replaced by Information Sifting’s ability, and that ability cannot successfully resolve.

    In what order are the cards in a pile created by Information Sifting accessed?

    The Runner chooses the order in which the hidden cards are accessed, just like with remote servers. In practice, this means the Runner can either accept the Corp’s ordering or shuffle the chosen pile.

    If Leela Patel plays Information Sifting and accesses an agenda in the chosen pile, does she access the card returned to HQ?

    No, the Runner’s regular access step has been replaced with the ability of Information Sifting. The card added to HQ is not in the chosen pile, and as Leela must access all cards in the chosen pile, she does not have any accesses left over to access the card that was returned to HQ.

    The Runner accesses Disposable HQ while accessing cards in a pile created by Information Sifting. Can the Corp put any number of cards from the piles on the bottom of R&D?

    Yes. The Corp can freely choose cards from either, both, or neither pile, as the cards are still in HQ.

Out of the Ashes ( The Liberated Mind, 80)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner use more than one copy of Out of the Ashes when their turn begins?

    Yes, each Out of the Ashes triggers separately from each other. Each copy is finished resolving only after the run has ended, at which time the Runner can resolve another copy (or any other “when your turn begins” abilities).

    Is using the “When your turn begins” ability on Out of the Ashes considered to be playing the event?


    The Runner uses Out of the Ashes to make a run. During that run, they trash other copies of Out of the Ashes using Faust. When the run is complete, can the Runner trigger one of the newly trashed copies of Out of the Ashes?

    No. The only copies of Out of the Ashes that are eligible to trigger their “when your turn begins” abilities are the ones that were in the runner’s heap when the trigger condition was met.

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Liberated Chela ( The Liberated Mind, 81)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner has 5 agenda points and a Fan Site in their score area, can they use Liberated Chela to win the game before the Corp can forfeit an agenda?

    No, if adding Liberated Chela to the score area is prevented, then it never becomes an agenda at all.

Temple of the Liberated Mind ( The Liberated Mind, 82)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    The Runner uses a power counter from Temple of the Liberated Mind before the turn formally begins or during the discard phase. Can the gained be spent on actions at either of these times?

    No. The Runner can only spend clicks on taking actions during their action phase. Before that phase of the turn, clicks can still be lost or spent through card effects, such as Wyldside or Bioroid ice during a run initiated by a card effect, and will be added to their allotted clicks. A click gained during the discard phase will be lost.

    Updated (2024.06).

Rebirth ( The Liberated Mind, 83)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can Andromeda play Rebirth and change into Boris "Syfr" Kovac?

    No, the factioned identities from the Hardwired draft are for "draft format only" as indicated on the cards.

    Can Apex, Adam, and Sunny Lebeau play Rebirth?


Guru Davinder ( The Liberated Mind, 84)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Runner has Guru Davinder and Net Shield installed when they suffer 1 net damage. Can they choose to use Net Shield, or are they forced to use Guru Davinder because his ability is constant versus Net Shield's paid ability? What if the Runner suffers 1 meat damage while Guru Davinder and Muresh Bodysuit are both installed (as they are both constant)?

    Guru Davinder prevents all net or meat damage, leaving nothing left for the Runner to use Net Shield on. In the case of Guru Davinder and Muresh Bodysuit, simultaneous triggers on cards are resolved in the order of their owner's choosing.

The Turning Wheel ( The Liberated Mind, 85)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    The Runner activates The Turning Wheel’s ability during an on-access encounter with Archangel. If they continue to access more cards during the run, do they get additional accesses from The Turning Wheel?

    No. Additional accesses meet their trigger condition on a breach. If The Turning Wheel is used during an access, they won't get a new breach step, so they won't get the additional accesses.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    ANCUR UFAQ 5 [Damon Stone]

    After using The Turning Wheel, when does the Runner access an additional card?

    Each time the Runner accesses cards from HQ or R&D for the remainder of the run.

    After using The Turning Wheel, can the Runner choose to access a card from R&D when they access a card from HQ and vice versa?

    No. The Turning Wheel’s extra accesses are from whichever server the Runner accesses.

    Can the Runner wait to see the first card they will access from R&D before deciding to use The Turning Wheel to access another card?

    No. The Turning Wheel’s ability is activated during paid ability windows and thus cannot be used once accessing has begun.

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Does The Turning Wheel allow the Runner to increase their accesses for both R&D and HQ or only one at a time?

    Each time the Runner uses The Turning Wheel's ability, they must declare the server from which they wish to access additional cards.

Dedicated Neural Net ( The Liberated Mind, 88)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner plays Legwork while Dedicated Neural Net is scored and loses the Psi game, does the Corp choose the cards the Runner will access one at a time, or does the Corp choose a set of cards and the Runner accesses them in any order?

    The Corp chooses a set of cards for the runner to access of size equal to the number of cards the Runner will access from HQ, then the Runner accesses them one at a time in the order of the Runner’s choosing.

    If the Corp has scored Dedicated Neural Net and wins the Psi game, what happens when an Information Sifting run is successful?

    Dedicated Neural Net has no effect on Information Sifting runs. The Corp will create 2 piles, the Runner will choose one of the piles, then the Runner will access all cards in the pile in the order of their choosing.

Waiver ( The Liberated Mind, 91)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When resolving the trace on Waiver, by how much does the Corp’s trace strength need to exceed the Runner’s link strength in order to trash cards with cost X, such as Angel Arena and Bribery?

    The Corp’s trace strength only needs to exceed the Runner’s link strength by 1 to be considered successful and trash cards with cost X. A printed cost of X is considered to be 0 when referenced outside of paying that cost to play/install the card.

Consulting Visit ( The Liberated Mind, 94)

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-26

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Corp triggers Mumbad City Hall three times with Jeeves Model Bioroids rezzed, can they reveal Consulting Visit for the third usage of Mumbad City Hall and use the click from Jeeves to pay the additional cost?

    Yes. Jeeves Model Bioroids triggers off of the Corp paying the clicks, and due to the chain reaction rule it must resolve before Mumbad City Hall continues on to play the Consulting Visit.

    If the Corp plays Accelerated Diagnostics and finds Consulting Visit and two other operations, can they play Consulting Visit followed by the other operations seen with Accelerated Diagnostics?

    No. The three cards looked at with Accelerated Diagnostics are still in R&D, so when Consulting Visit shuffles R&D the cards previously looked at can no longer be played with Accelerated Diagnostics.

    When does Consulting Visit shuffle R&D?

    During resolution of the search effect from Consulting Visit, shuffling R&D must come before doing anything with the card the Corp searched for. Thus, the found operation is played only after R&D is shuffled.

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Fear the Masses ( Fear the Masses, 96)

  • Updated 2024-06-11

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    When does the Runner reveal extra copies of Fear the Masses to force the Corp to trash additional cards?

    During the Success Phase after the HQ run is declared successful, the Runner has the option to reveal other copies to force the Corp to trash X cards, where X is equal to 1 plus the number of cards revealed

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does "Limit 6 per deck." apply during a draft?

    Yes. As it is part of the card text, this limit applies even during a draft.

Aghora ( Fear the Masses, 97)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Runner use Aghora to swap in another copy of Aghora from the grip?


    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Does Reina Roja's ability allow a newly rezzed piece of ice with a printed rez cost of 4 to be broken by Aghora?

    No. Reina's ability only lasts for the duration in which the Corp is paying to rez the ice.

    If Aghora is hosting The Personal Touch when it is swapped with another Deva, is The Personal Touch trashed or hosted onto the new deva?

    Trashed. The hosting card was removed from play, so all hosted items are immediately and unpreventably trashed.

    If the Runner has no unused MU, can they still use Aghora's swap ability without trashing programs to free up MU?

    Yes, because the rule about MU and trashing is about installing. Swapping is a simultaneous exchange of two cards. The moment the one deva is coming into play the other is leaving, with no overlap, so there is no need to free up MU.

The Black File ( Fear the Masses, 99)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If both players have at least 7 agenda points while The Black File is installed, does the game end in a tie or the Runner winning?

    The Runner wins and the Corp loses.

The Price of Freedom ( Fear the Masses, 100)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp still place advancement counters on cards through card abilities while suffering the effects of The Price of Freedom?

    Yes, only the action of advancing cards is forbidden.

Ankusa ( Fear the Masses, 101)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If Ankusa breaks all the subroutines on Paper Wall, what happens?

    If it is the Runner's turn, then Paper Wall is returned to HQ and is not trashed. If it is the Corp's turn, then Paper Wall is trashed and is not returned to HQ.

    If Ankusa breaks all subroutines on a piece of ice during a Knifed run, what happens?

    Ankusa's ability must resolve first because it is constant, so the ice is returned to HQ. However, Knifed will not be able to trash any further barrier whose subroutines are all broken because its trigger condition has already been met during that run.

Magnet ( Fear the Masses, 103)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner host a Caïssa program on a Magnet that is already hosting another Caïssa program?

    No. Subtypes are not abilities and are not lost because of Magnet. All the Caïssa programs require themselves to move to ice not already hosting Caïssa, so the Runner cannot move them to Magnet if one is already hosted.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If a Parasite with 3 hosted virus counters is moved to a Magnet when it is rezzed, is Magnet trashed?

    No, the static ability on Magnet is already active before the conditional ability on Parasite can meet its trigger condition.

Voter Intimidation ( Fear the Masses, 106)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Runner has a copy of Fan Site in their score area. Can the Corp play Voter Intimidation?

    Yes. Cards that move to a zone as agendas are considered to be agendas for all purposes.

Harishchandra Ent.: Where You're the Star ( Fear the Masses, 107)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If a tagged Runner is damaged while playing against Harischandra Ent., how is the damage resolved?

    Damage is still random. In practice, the Runner should hide and shuffle their grip, suffer damage as normal, then reveal their grip again.

Ibrahim Salem ( Fear the Masses, 109)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner accesses an Alliance card from HQ, is the Corp required to tell the Runner how much influence that card is worth in their deck? What about if the Runner accesses an Alliance card from R&D?

    No. It is assumed that the Corp's deck is legal.

    Updated (2024.06).

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    What happens if the Corp no longer has enough cards in their deck to satisfy the Alliance requirement for a card due to cards being removed from the game?

    Nothing happens. Just like with Cerebral Static against The Professor, the deck building aspect of a card only matters during deck building and not during the game.

Navi Mumbai City Grid ( Fear the Masses, 110)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Does Navi Mumbai City Grid prohibit the Runner from using conditional abilities with costs, such as the subroutine breaking of e3 Feedback Implants or the derez of Councilman? What about the to break ability provided on many bioroid pieces of ice?

    No. The Runner can still use conditional abilities like E3 feedback implants because it is not a paid ability. The runner can also use abilities on Bioroid ice, because it belongs to the Corp.

    Updated (2024.06).

Zealous Judge ( Fear the Masses, 111)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp use Worlds Plaza to install Zealous Judge if the runner is not tagged?

    No. Worlds Plaza uses the phrase “if able”, which applies to the entire effect of installing and rezzing a card. Since Zealous Judge cannot be rezzed in this circumstance, Worlds Plaza’s ability cannot be used to install it.

    The Corp scores License Acquisition and the Runner is not tagged. Can the Corp install Zealous Judge with Licence Acquisition’s ability?

    Yes, but the Zealous Judge is not rezzed.

Election Day ( Fear the Masses, 112)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    What does the parenthetical "(minimum of 1)" mean on Election Day?

    The text "(minimum of 1)" prohibits the Corp from playing Election Day unless at least one card is trashed by its effect.

Subcontract ( Fear the Masses, 113)

  • Updated 2024-06-06

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp spend credits gained from the first operation played with Subcontract to pay for the second operation?

    Yes. The entire process of paying for the first operation’s cost and resolving its effects is carried out before playing the second operation.

    While resolving Subcontract, can the Corp play a Hedge Fund as the second operation if it was drawn from playing Anonymous Tip as the first operation?

    Yes. The Corp chooses a second operation to play (if any) after the first operation is finished resolving.

    When is Subcontract added to Archives?

    Subcontract is not trashed until after all operations played by its effect are finish resolving.

Merger ( Fear the Masses, 114)

GPI Net Tap ( 23 Seconds, 3)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the expose effect is prevented, can the Runner still trash GPI Net Tap to jack out?

    Yes. Each effect is separate from the other. "Then" does not imply any conditionality to the expose effect, it only indicates the order of resolution.

Hernando Cortez ( 23 Seconds, 4)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If a piece of ice will gain a subroutine from an effect like Sensei or Komainu, does that subroutine factor into the additional cost for Hernando Cortez as well?

    No. Those effects cause the next piece of ice encountered to gain a subroutine, but ice is rezzed during the approach.

    How many credits is the additional cost incurred for rezzing a piece of ice with flexible subroutines while Hernando Cortez's ability is active (such as NEXT Silver, Ashigaru, Tour Guide, etc.)?

    The abilities that cause these pieces of ice to gain/lose subroutines are only active once the pieces of ice have been successfully rezzed. Because costs are always paid before the rez, Hernando Cortez will not add an additional cost to these pieces of ice.

Mirror ( 23 Seconds, 5)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the number of recurring credits available on Pheromones has decreased (e.g. from the Corp using Cyberdex Virus Suite during the run on R&D), can the Runner still use Mirror to replace a recurring credit if the number of credits still hosted on Pheromones is greater than or equal the number of virus counters?

    No. Recurring credits can only be replaced up to the value shown or calculated from text on the card, never over it.

    Updated (2024.05).

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner use Mirror's ability to replace a spent recurring credit on Whizzard: Master Gamer?

    Mirror's ability does not require the choice of a card, so it can replace a recurring credit on any active card whether or not it is installed.

    Can the Runner use Mirror's ability to replace a spent recurring credit on a Corp card?


    If the number of recurring credits available on Pheromones has increased, can the Runner "replace" the new recurring credit using Mirror's ability?

    No. The Recurring credit must have actually been spent in order to be replaced.

    The Runner starts the turn with 1 virus counter on Pheromones. The Runner then makes a run on HQ, during which the Runner spends the credit on Pheromones and the Corp uses Cyberdex Virus Suite. The Runner makes a second run on HQ, bringing the number of virus counters on Pheromones to 2. If the Runner then makes two successful runs on R&D, can Mirror replace a spent credit on Pheromones both times?

    The first Mirror trigger can replace a recurring credit, but the second Mirror trigger cannot. Mirror cares only whether the card hosted recurring credits that were spent since the last replacement, but the game will only allow Mirror to replace a credit if there is "room" for the recurring credit to be replaced.

Deuces Wild ( 23 Seconds, 8)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    When does the Runner choose and resolve the second option for Deuces Wild?

    The Runner does not have to choose which mode to resolve next until the first has finished resolving.

    Can the Runner choose the same option on Deuces Wild twice?


    With Always Be Running installed, may a Runner play Deuces Wild with their first click?

    No. Deuces Wild is not a Run event.

    If all ice is rezzed, can the Runner select the fourth option on Deuces Wild?

    Yes. Each effect is separate from the other. "Then" does not imply any conditionality to the expose effect, it only indicates the order of resolution.

    Why is Dan D'Argenio depicted as wearing sleeves on Deuces Wild?

    Cards must be sleeved to be legal for tournament play.

Fairchild 1.0 ( 23 Seconds, 10)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    What happens if the Runner has no installed cards or no credits when encountering Fairchild 1.0?

    When one of Fairchild 1.0's subroutines resolves, the Runner must follow the instructions to the extent that they are able. So if they have no credits, they will need to trash an installed card. If they have no installed cards, they will be forced to pay a credit. If they have neither credits nor installed cards, they will not be able to fulfill the instruction at all, so the subroutine does nothing.

Chrysalis ( 23 Seconds, 13)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Runner use Political Operative to trash a rezzed Chrysalis?


Georgia Emelyov ( 23 Seconds, 14)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    Can the Corp move Georgia Emelyov to a new remote server?

    No. Georgia Emelyov must be moved to another server that already exists. New remote servers can only be made during installations.

Hard-Hitting News ( 23 Seconds, 16)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Hard-Hitting News work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Hard-Hitting News as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Hard-Hitting News. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Hard-Hitting News as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Hard-Hitting News. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

NBN: Controlling the Message ( 23 Seconds, 17)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    If the Runner trashes more than one Corp card at the same time, such as with Apocalypse, how many traces does Controlling the Message initiate?


    If the Runner plays Apocalypse and Aryabhata Tech Tech trigger?

    No. Controlling the Message triggers off of the Runner trashing the installed Corp cards, and only abilities on active cards can trigger.

Stock Buy-Back ( 23 Seconds, 19)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Stock Buyback work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Stock Buyback as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Stock Buyback. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Stock Buyback as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Stock Buyback. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

Sandburg ( 23 Seconds, 20)

  • Updated 2024-05-17

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    The Corp has 10 while Sandburg is installed. A Parasite with 1 hosted virus counter is installed on an Ice Wall without advancement counters. Is the Ice Wall trashed if the Corp plays Hedge Fund?

    Yes. The Corp's credit pool dips below 10 after paying the cost of Hedge Fund, so Ice Wall's strength is reduced to zero momentarily.

Credit Crash ( Blood Money, 21)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    During a run initiated by Credit Crash, is the Runner required to reveal the accessed card to the Corp if it is accessed from R&D?

    The card must be revealed. This effect requires the Corp to act on an element of the card, so it is satisfied by the Corp examining that card.

    If the Corp prevents the trashing of the first card accessed with Credit Crash, can the Runner still trash that card normally?


Rumor Mill ( Blood Money, 22)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Corp have to forfeit an agenda to rez Ibrahim Salem while Rumor Mill is active?

    No, Ibrahim Salem’s text box is considered blank while Rumor Mill is active, even if Ibrahim Salem is inactive.

    Does the Runner add Director Haas to their score area if they trash it when accessing it from R&D while Rumor Mill is active?

    No. Director Haas’s text box is considered blank while Rumor Mill is active, even if Director Haas is not installed.

    What happens to cards hosted on Worlds Plaza while Rumor Mill is active?

    They remain hosted. A blank card does not have any hosting abilities or restrictions, so anything already hosted on it remains hosted.

Nfr ( Blood Money, 23)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp has The Twins installed, which goes first, Nfr or The Twins? If The Twins is used first, does Nfr still gain a counter after the second encounter?

    The encounter with the piece of ice ending is a result of the Runner passing the ice. For simultaneous effects, first all of the active player’s abilities trigger, then all of the inactive player’s abilities trigger. Thus, if it is the Runner’s turn, Nfr will gain a counter before the second encounter occurs. If it is the Corp’s turn, The Twins triggers first; after the second encounter with the piece of ice, Nfr will resolve twice to place two counters on itself.

Paperclip ( Blood Money, 24)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner spend credits on Cloak to install Paperclip from the heap?

    No. While triggering Paperclip’s ability from the heap is considered using Paperclip, paying the install cost is part of the install action and not a cost of using the ability.

    Can the Runner use Paperclip’s paid ability even if its strength doesn’t match a piece of ice?

    Yes, you can always trigger the ability to get the strength boost. However, if the strength of Paperclip does not match the ice’s strength after this part of the ability resolves, the “break subroutines” part will not do anything.

    Can the Runner trash Paperclip for Null: Whistleblower ability and then install Paperclip at the same encounter step?

    No. In order for Paperclip's ability to meet its trigger condition, it must be in the heap at the time the encounter occurs.

Golden ( Blood Money, 25)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Golden to derez Troll?

    No. The Runner cannot use Golden to break any subroutines on Troll, so the usage requirement for Golden has no way of being satisfied.

Temüjin Contract ( Blood Money, 26)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if the remote server chosen for Temujin Contract is destroyed?

    Any credits still on Temujin Contract remain on it, but the card does not have any abilities that let you take them.

Khan: Savvy Skiptracer ( Blood Money, 27)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Khan’s ability trigger if an encountered ice is trashed?

    Yes. Ice that is uninstalled while it is being approached or encountered is immediately passed.

Data Breach ( Blood Money, 28)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If a Runner with Doppelgänger uses Data Breach, can he or she choose in which order their effects trigger?

    Both Doppelgänger and Data Breach meet their trigger condition at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order the effects trigger. Once the additional run from either effect has completed, then the other ability triggers and the Runner may initiate another run. Either (a) the Runner chooses to trigger Data Breach first, makes a run on R&D, and then makes an additional run with Doppelgänger’s ability; or (b) the Runner makes an additional run with Doppelgänger’s ability, and then makes an additional run on R&D after that run completes.

Algo Trading ( Blood Money, 29)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Algo Trading start getting 2 from the bank on the second or third turn after it is installed?

    Algo Trading’s second ability can start putting 2 on it the second turn after it is installed. Both abilities meet their trigger condition at the same time each turn, so the Runner can choose the order in which they trigger. The second ability does not check how many credits are on Algo Trading until it resolves, so if the Runner chooses to trigger the first ability before the second ability and this brings the number of credits on it up to 6, then the second ability will be able to resolve.

Beth Kilrain-Chang ( Blood Money, 30)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What does it mean for the Corp to “have” a certain number of credits?

    This means that the player has that number of credits in their credit pool. Recurring credits and other credits hosted on cards do not count unless they say otherwise.

    With Beth Kilrain-Chang installed, if the Corp has 9 and a scored Corporate Sales Team when the Runner's turn begins, does the Runner gain 1, draw 1 card, or both?

    The credit requirements for Beth's abilities are part of their trigger conditions, so only one of them can possibly meet its trigger condition when the Runner's turn begins. In this case, when the Runner's turn begins, Beth's first ability and Corporate Sales Team meet their trigger conditions at the same time. As it is the Runner's turn, first Beth's ability resolves and the Runner gains 1. Then, Corporate Sales Team's ability resolves. Since the turn has already begun, Beth's second ability cannot retroactively trigger at this point.

Fairchild 2.0 ( Blood Money, 31)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has exactly 1 when Fairchild 2.0’s first subroutine resolves, what happens? What if the Runner has no installed cards?

    The Runner must choose an option they are able to fulfill if possible. If they don’t have 2, they must trash an installed card. If the Runner doesn’t have any installed cards, they can’t fulfill either option, so they get to keep their 1.

Enforcing Loyalty ( Blood Money, 33)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can Enforcing Loyalty be used to trash installed Corp cards?

    Yes. There are no Corp cards that have factions that match the factions of Runner identities.

    Do neutral cards match the faction of any Runner's identity?

    Neutral cards do not belong to any faction, so Enforcing Loyalty can trash them against any Runner identity.

Hatchet Job ( Blood Money, 34)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can Hatchet Job add a Corp card to the Runner's grip?

    No, cards can only be added to hands and decks belonging to their owner.

    Can Hatchet Job add a facedown virtual card to the Runner's grip?

    Yes. Runner cards do not have subtypes while facedown.

Special Report ( Blood Money, 35)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp play Special Report and choose to shuffle 0 cards into R&D?


    Can the Corp play Special Report when it is the only card in HQ.

    Yes, Special Report can shuffle R&D even if you have no other cards in HQ, so it has the potential to change the game state and can be played.

    Can the Corp play Special Report when there are no cards in R&D?

    Yes, unless there would be no cards in HQ when Special Report is played, in which case it does not have the potential to changed the game state.

Liquidation ( Blood Money, 37)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp play Liquidation while there are no rezzed cards?

    No, you cannot trigger an ability that has no potential to change the game state.

    Can the Corp play Liquidation while there are rezzed cards, but then choose not to trash any cards?

    Yes. Abilities are only checked for their potential to change the game state to determine whether or not those abilities can be triggered. Once an ability begins resolving, it does not have to change the game state.

Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations ( Blood Money, 38)

  • Updated 2024-01-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Builder of Nations trigger when a piece of ice with advancement tokens on it is trashed?

    Yes. When an encountered piece of ice is uninstalled, the encounter immediately ends.

    Does Builder of Nations trigger for a piece of ice without any advancement tokens on it that is protecting a server in which Satellite Grid is installed and rezzed?

    Yes. The game treats each piece of ice protecting a server with Satellite Grid as though it had advancement tokens.

Financial Collapse ( Blood Money, 39)

  • Updated 2017-04-12

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp play Financial Collapse while there are no installed resources?


    The Runner is playing Armand "Geist" Walker, and Fall Guy and Tech Trader are the only installed resources. If the Corp plays Financial Collapse, can Geist attempt to trash Tech Trader for Financial Collapse, then prevent the trash with Fall Guy? What happens?

    The Runner can use Fall guy to prevent the trashing of Tech Trader (drawing a card and gaining a credit through Geist’s and Tech Trader’s abilities), but this means the cost to prevent Financial Collapse’s ability has not been paid, so Financial Collapse’s ability will still resolve, and Geist will lose 2 credits for the 1 remaining resource.

Obelus ( Escalation, 41)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner accesses a single card twice during a run on HQ with Obelus, how many cards do they draw?

    Two cards. The Runner is considered to have accessed two cards even if they end up being the same card.

    If the Runner accesses cards from another server during a run on HQ or R&D, such as through the ability on Hades Shard, does the Runner draw cards for those accesses as well?

    Yes. Those cards were accessed during the run, and the ability does not stipulate that the accesses must be from the attacked server or its root.

Omar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist ( Escalation, 43)

  • Updated 2024-05-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Runner uses Omar Keung’s ability to run R&D with Manegarm Skunkworks rezzed?

    Manegarm Skunkworks will not affect this run unless it is rezzed in the root of Archives. Omar Keung’s ability moves the attacked server just before the run is declared successful, which is after the step that can meet Manegarm Skunkworks’s trigger condition during the movement phase.

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Runner have to choose a server for Omar’s ability when it is used or when the run on Archives is successful?

    The choice is not made until the relevant part of the ability resolves.

Net Mercur ( Escalation, 46)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What does "for anything" on Net Mercur mean?

    For the purposes of spending credits, credits on Net Mercur act like credits in your credit pool. However, if an effect makes the Runner lose all credits in their credit pool, credits on Net Mercur are not lost.

Find the Truth ( Escalation, 47)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    Can the Runner choose to look at the top card of R&D with Find the Truth before using Steve Cambridge?

    Yes. Both abilities meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order to resolve them.

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Adam starts the game with Find the Truth in play, does the Runner reveal his or her starting hand to the Corp?

    No. The directives start the game installed, but during set up they are not active.

Ark Lockdown ( Escalation, 50)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp name a card that is not in the heap when playing Ark Lockdown?

    Yes. Abilities are only checked for their potential to change the game state to determine whether those abilities can be triggered. Once an ability begins resolving, it does not have to change the game state.

Hellion Beta Test ( Escalation, 51)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner accesses a card and then later trashes it outside of an access (e.g. with Political Operative), can the Corp play Hellion Beta Test on the next turn?

    No, Hellion Beta Test’s condition requires a card to have been trashed while it was being accessed.

    If the Runner trashed only one Corp card on their last turn and subsequently used Salsette Slums to remove that card from the game, can the Corp still play Hellion Beta Test?

    No. Salsette Slums has a replacement ability, so the card is not considered to have been trashed.

    If the Corp plays Hellion Beta Test and the Runner only has one installed non-program card, must the Corp trash one of their own installed cards?


Project Kusanagi ( Escalation, 52)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp choose an unrezzed piece of ice for Project Kusanagi's ability?

    Yes, but it won’t do anything because unrezzed ice cannot have subroutines. Note that the Corp can only activate Project Kusagani’s ability if there is a rezzed piece of ice somewhere: to activate the ability, it must have the potential to change the game state, but once the ability resolves the Corp is not required to make a choice that actually changes the game state.

Jinteki: Potential Unleashed ( Escalation, 54)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner suffers net damage and one of the cards trashed is I've Had Worse, which goes first: trashing the top card of the stack or drawing three cards?

    Both Potential Unleashed and I’ve Had Worse meet their trigger conditions at the same time. If it is currently the Runner’s turn, they draw three cards then trash a card from the top of the stack. If it is the Corp’s turn, the top card of the stack is trashed then the Runner draws three cards.

    If the Runner takes more than 1 net damage at once (e.g. with Project Junebug), how many cards do they trash from the top of the stack?

    “For each” effects are a single batch of net damage that depends on another value, so only one card from the top of the stack is trashed.

Observe and Destroy ( Escalation, 56)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can Observe and Destroy trash a Corp card?


Service Outage ( Escalation, 57)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner initiate an effect that makes a run while Service Outage is active, then decline to pay the additional cost? If so, does that count as the “first run” on their turn?

    Yes, the additional cost can be declined (and the run does not initiate). This does not count as the first run, as no run was initiated.

Door to Door ( Escalation, 59)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Door to Door give the Runner 1 tag if the trace is unsuccessful or if the runner is not tagged?

    Door to Door does not give the tag if the trace is unsuccessful, but rather only if the trace is successful and the Runner is not tagged.

En Passant ( Intervention, 61)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner play En Passant to trash a piece of ice that was passed while rezzed and then subsequently derezzed, such as by playing Emergency Shutdown?

    Yes. En Passant only cares about the current rezzed or unrezzed status of its target and whether it was passed during the Runner’s last run, not whether it happened to be rezzed at any point during that run.

Frantic Coding ( Intervention, 62)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Paige Piper to find and trash the other copies of the card installed by Frantic Coding, are the rest of the cards looked at still trashed?

    No. Paige Piper interrupts the resolution of Frantic Coding, and as a search effect it shuffles the stack. After this, the cards that were looked at can no longer be confirmed and referenced, so the rest of Frantic Coding’s ability fails to resolve.

The Gauntlet ( Intervention, 63)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does The Gauntlet count broken pieces of ice that have since been derezzed or trashed?

    The Gauntlet can count derezzed pieces of ice on which all subroutines were broken, but it cannot count trashed pieces of ice because they are no longer protecting HQ.

Top Hat ( Intervention, 67)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Top Hat allow the Runner to see the top cards of R&D before choosing which to access?


Citadel Sanctuary ( Intervention, 70)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Joshua B. to gain an extra click while untagged, can Citadel Sanctuary remove the tag gained from Joshua B.’s ability at the end of the turn?

    No. The Runner must be tagged when the end of the turn occurs in order for Citadel Sanctuary to meet its trigger condition. If the Runner takes a tag after the end of the turn has already occurred, such as through Joshua B.’s ability, then Citadel Sanctuary cannot retroactively meet its trigger condition.

Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow ( Intervention, 72)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow meet its trigger condition if the Runner trashes an encountered bioroid?

    No. Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow requires the Runner to pass a rezzed piece of ice in order to meet its trigger condition, and the trashed ice is no longer rezzed and also cannot be passed. Consequently, the ability is still available to meet its trigger condition later in the same turn.

Fumiko Yamamori ( Intervention, 73)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner loses the psi game from Caprice Nisei while Fumiko Yamamori is rezzed, does the Runner take meat damage before or after the run ends?

    Before. The meat damage from Fumiko Yamamori occurs in the checkpoint right after the reveal. Then, the run is ended.

Chief Slee ( Intervention, 77)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If an encountered piece of ice is trashed, does Chief Slee gain power counters?

    Yes. If an encountered piece of ice is uninstalled, then the encounter immediately ends.

    If the Runner trashes Hive during the encounter while the Corp has 2 agenda points in their score area, how many power counters are placed on Chief Slee? What if the Runner encounters and trashes an ice that gains subroutines, like Komainu?

    Chief Slee references the number of unbroken subroutines that were on the encountered ice at the time the encounter ended. Thus, if the Runner trashes Hive in this situation, Chief Slee will gain 3 power counters. Likewise, Chief Slee will gain as many power counters as the Komainu had subroutines when it was trashed.

Best Defense ( Intervention, 79)

  • Updated 2023-12-16

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can Best Defense trash a Corp card?

    No. Corp cards don't have install costs.

    Audited by NSG Rules (2023.12).

  • Updated 2023-12-16

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    Can Best Defense trash facedown Runner cards?

    No. Facedown Runner cards do not have install costs.

Preemptive Action ( Intervention, 80)

  • Updated 2017-04-12

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Preemptive Action work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Preemptive Action as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Preemptive Action. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Preemptive Action as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Preemptive Action. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

On the Lam ( Martial Law, 82)

  • Updated 2023-12-08

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does using On the Lam's ability trigger Wasteland?

    No. On the Lam is a condition counter and no longer considered a card while hosted on the resource.

    Can the Runner install On the Lam from a Street Peddler?

    No. On the Lam's ability causes it to be installed as a hosted condition counter. As an event, it cannot ever be installed.

Cold Read ( Martial Law, 83)

  • Updated 2023-12-08
  • Updated 2017-04-18

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner trash a Cloak if they spend the credit from Cloak during the run initiated by Cold Read?

    Yes. Spending recurring credits from a card is considered using that card, so trashing Cloak for Cold Read is allowed.

Friends in High Places ( Martial Law, 90)

  • Updated 2023-12-08

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Friends in High Places work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Friends in High Places as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Friends in High Places. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Friends in High Places as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Friends in High Places. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

Manta Grid ( Martial Law, 91)

  • Updated 2023-12-08

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner would gain enough credits to have more than 6 when the run ends (e.g. through a run initiated by Dirty Laundry or High-Stakes Job), does Manta Grid still trigger?

    The credit amount requirement for Manta Grid’s ability is a part of the trigger condition, so the number of credits the Runner has when the run ends is the amount that is checked. Any changes in credit amount due to other triggered abilities will not stop Manta Grid from triggering.

    If the Runner trashes Manta Grid after the run in which it triggers (e.g. with Political Operative or on another run), does the Corp still get an additional click on their next turn?

    Yes. Once an ability is triggered, it exists independently of its source.

Mind Game ( Martial Law, 92)

  • Updated 2023-12-08

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the subroutine on Wormhole resolves the one on Mind Game?

    The Psi occurs, and if both players spend a different number of credits, the Corp moves the runner to a different server from the one where Wormhole is installed. Mind Game's position is not considered.

  • Updated 2023-12-08

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If there is ice protecting the server chosen for Mind Game, can the Runner jack out before encountering the outermost piece of ice on that server, or must they encounter it first?

    The Runner can jack out before encountering ice on the new server, as long as they add 1 installed card to the bottom of the stack. The choice to jack out from a run is during the approach to a piece of ice, and the restriction from jacking out on a run only applies to the first piece of ice approached during a run, not the outermost ice of any server.

Şifr ( Quorum, 101)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    The Corp has a rezzed Sandburg and 14. The Runner has a Faust installed. If the Runner uses Şifr when they encounter Bulwark, what is Bulwark’s final strength?

    Bulwark’s final strength once the runner has the ability to use paid abilities to break subroutines is 3. Due to simultaneous effects, when Şifr is used, it sets the value to a specific value of 0 first, then increasing modifiers are applied after, so the result is 2. Then when Bulwark’s on encounter ability resolves causing the Corp to go from 14 to 16, Sandburg’s effect updates and the final strength becomes 3.

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can Şifr be used on Lotus Field?

    No. Lotus Field cannot have its strength lowered.

    What is the strength of Wraparound if there is no fracter installed and the Runner uses Şifr? What if the Runner then installs Paperclip from the heap?

    Wraparound will be 0 strength until the end of the encounter or until another strength modifier is applied. It will still be 0 after Paperclip is installed, as Wraparound losing the +7 strength modifier is not the same as applying a -7 modifier.

    The Runner has a Parasite hosting four virus counters and installed on a rezzed Architect, and they have an Atman with no power counters on it. Can the Runner use Şifr to set Architect’s strength to 0 so they can break it with Atman?

    No. Şifr can only lower the strength of an ice to 0, it cannot raise it.

Aaron Marrón ( Quorum, 106)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Aaron Marrón when they have no tags? How about if the stack is empty?

    As long as either a tag would be removed or a card would be drawn, the ability has the potential to change the game state and thus can be used. If both the stack is empty and the Runner has no tags, then Aaron Marrón cannot possibly change the game state and thus cannot be used.

Encore ( Quorum, 107)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner play two Encores on the same turn?

    If the Runner has enough clicks in a single turn to run successfully on R&D, HQ, and Archives then play two Encores, then the Runner takes two additional turns after that one.

Peace in Our Time ( Quorum, 109)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner play Peace in Our Time if they’ve already made any runs before spending any clicks, such as with Out of the Ashes or Jak Sinclair?


Violet Level Clearance ( Quorum, 111)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Violet Level Clearance work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Violet Level Clearance as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Violet Level Clearance. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Violet Level Clearance as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Violet Level Clearance. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

Psychokinesis ( Quorum, 113)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like Psychokinesis work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays Psychokinesis as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Psychokinesis. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays Psychokinesis as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of Psychokinesis. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

Net Quarantine ( Quorum, 114)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Micahel Boggs]

    Does the base link strength reduction include any link from installed cards?


    When the first trace on a turn occurs with Net Quarantine scored, do cloud breakers then cost MU (and subsequently must be trashed if the Runner is over their memory limit)?

    No. Net Quarantine reduces the Runner’s base link strength, which is the strength the Runner starts a trace with not the Runner’s current link.

Bryan Stinson ( Quorum, 117)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp plays Paywall Implementation with Bryan Stinson, does it get removed from the game? If so, when? What if the Runner trashes Bryan Stinson before an agenda is stolen or another current is played?

    Paywall Implementation will be removed from the game instead of trashed whenever it would normally get trashed: once an agenda is stolen or another current is played. Once Bryan Stinson’s ability is triggered, it exists independently of Bryan Stinson, so Paywall Implementation will still be removed from game instead of being trashed even if Bryan Stinson is trashed before that happens.

    If the Corp plays a terminal transaction with Bryan Stinson, such as Violet Level Clearance, does it still get removed from the game?

    Yes. “After you resolve this operation” does not meet its trigger condition until the operation is trashed following its resolution, so the operation resolves, is removed from the game instead of being trashed, and then the game immediately advances to discard phase.

NASX ( Quorum, 118)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp spends 1 after playing Hedge Fund, do they place 1 power counter on NASX or 9?

    The Corp places 1 power counter on NASX. "That many power counters" refers to the number of credits "up to 2" that the Corp spends using the ability.

    Does NASX trigger before or after the credits are gained? For example, if the Corp plays Beanstalk Royalties with an empty credit pool, can they use NASX at all?

    NASX triggers after the credits are gained, so after playing Beanstalk Royalties the Corp can spend those credits for the NASX ability.

Macrophage ( Quorum, 119)

  • Updated 2024-01-19

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the first subroutine on Macrophage resolves and the trace is successful, but there are no virus counters hosted on cards and no cards that will be trashed from the purge effect, does the Corp still lose 2 from Fester?

    Yes. Subroutines that are not broken must resolve, even if they will not have any direct effect on the game state.

Pushing the Envelope ( Daedalus Complex, 1)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner draws cards so they have 3 or more in grip during the run initiated by Pushing the Envelope, do installed icebreakers lose the +2 strength?

    No. The ability of Pushing the Envelope takes effect when the event is played.

    If the Runner installs another icebreaker during a run initiated by Pushing the Envelope (e.g. Paperclip from heap), does it have +2 strength?

    No. Pushing the Envelope’s effect occurs when the event is played, so only icebreakers installed at that time will get the strength boost. [UFAQ, Michael Boggs]

Maw ( Daedalus Complex, 2)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    ANCUR UFAQ 13 [Michael Boggs]

    If the first card the Runner accesses not in Archives that they do not steal or trash is an agenda that they host on Film Critic, does Maw trigger?

    Yes. The Runner accessed a card and did not steal or trash it. Maw's trigger condition can only ever be met after an access ends, so it isn't a condition met by entering the "accessing a card" timing structure. Ending the access prematurely with Film Critic won't invalidate its trigger condition.

    If the Runner does not steal or trash the first card they access in HQ, and that card is then randomly selected for Maw's trigger, is the card trashed to Archives faceup or facedown?

    The Corp trashes that card to Archives faceup as it is currently visible to the Runner.

    Does Maw trigger when the Runner accesses but does not trash an upgrade installed in the root of Archives?

    Yes. Cards in the root of Archives are not considered in Archives.

    How does Maw work if the Runner accesses more than one card from HQ during a single access step (e.g. through Legwork)?

    The first of the accesses from HQ that the Runner does not steal or trash triggers Maw. Before continuing accessing cards, the Corp trashes a card from HQ at the same time, which can include a card already accessed during this access step. As a best practice, resolve HQ accesses by placing all the cards in HQ facedown on the table. Thus, the Runner can flip cards faceup to access them, as well as roll a die or use some other method to select a random card to perform another type of effect (such as trashing with Maw).

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    ANCUR UFAQ 19 [Michael Boggs]

    Updated Does Maw trigger if the Runner uses Salsette Slums to remove an accessed card from the game?

    Yes. The Runner accessed a card but did not steal or trash it.

Bio-Modeled Network ( Daedalus Complex, 6)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner prevent all of the first instance of net damage in a turn using both Net Shield and Bio-Modeled Network?

    Yes. The Runner can trash Bio-Modeled Network, preventing all but the first damage, then pay 1 using Net Shield to prevent that damage.

NEXT Wave 2 ( Daedalus Complex, 9)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use Bifrost Array or 24/7 News Cycle to trigger the ability on NEXT Wave 2?

    No, NEXT Wave 2 does not have an explicit “when scored” ability on it because its ability has an additional condition.

Kakugo ( Daedalus Complex, 13)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Kakugo trigger if it is trashed during an encounter?

    No. The encounter ends immediately when Kakugo is trashed, but then it is no longer active and thus its ability cannot trigger.

SYNC BRE ( Daedalus Complex, 15)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run initiated by Information Sifting, how is the access step resolved?

    Just like normal since the breach that SYNC BRE modified is replaced, the Corp separates HQ into two piles, the Runner chooses one of the piles, and then the Runner accesses one card at a time from the chosen pile.

    Updated (2024.05).

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on Archives, how will the access step be affected?

    Just like normal, the Corp flips all facedown cards in Archives faceup, then the Runner accesses cards in the order of their choice. The Runner will not be able to access the last card, so in practice this means the Runner chooses a card to not access.

    If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on a remote server, how will the access step be affected? What if there are multiple cards installed in the server?

    Just like normal, the Runner chooses the order they will access the cards installed in the remote server. If there is only one card installed in the remote server, then the Runner does not access that card. If there are multiple cards installed in the remote server, the Runner chooses and accesses one card from the remote server at a time. The Runner will not be able to access the last card, so in practice this means the Runner chooses a card to not access.

    If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on a central server that has upgrades installed in its root, how will the access step be affected?

    Just like normal, the Runner chooses the order of accesses from among accessing the central server and accessing the root. The Runner picks one at a time, but will not be able to access the last card. For example, if the Runner plays Maker’s Eye and there is a Hokusai Grid installed in the root of R&D, the Runner can either

    (A) Access three cards in a row from R&D, not accessing Hokusai Grid

    (B) Access two cards from R&D, access Hokusai, and not access a third card from R&D

    (C) Access one card from R&D, access Hokusai, access a second card from R&D, and not access a third card from R&D

    (D) etc.

Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success. ( Daedalus Complex, 16)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp place the advancement tokens from the ability on Jemison Astronautics onto multiple cards?

    No, all the advancement tokens must be placed on the same card.

    If the Corp, playing as Jemison Astronautics, forfeits Hostile Takeover hosting Political Graffiti, how many advancement tokens do they place on a card?

    The Corp places 1 advancement token on a card, 1 for the ability and no additional tokens because the Hostile Takeover was worth 0 agenda points when it was forfeited.

    If the Corp forfeits a card that becomes an agenda, such as "Clones are not People", how many advancement tokens can Jemison place on a card?

    The Corp places 2 advancement tokens on the card, 1 for the ability and an additional 1 for the agenda point “Clones are Not People” was worth.

Quarantine System ( Daedalus Complex, 17)

  • Updated 2024-05-03

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    The Corp, playing Jemison Astronautics, uses Quarantine System to forfeit a Hostile Takeover. What is the exact order of operations, and how much discount does the Corp receive for rezzing an Asteroid Belt?

    The trigger for Jemison Astronautics is the forfeiting of the agenda. As this is a chain reaction, Jemison must resolve before Quarantine System, so the Corp places 2 advancement tokens on a card, which can be placed on Asteroid Belt. Then, Quarantine System resolves and rezzes one piece of ice at a time. If the Asteroid Belt receives the advancement tokens from Jemison, then the total rez cost of the Asteroid Belt is 1: 9 printed rez cost, 6 discounted for having 2 advancement tokens, and 2 discounted for the printed agenda point on the forfeited Hostile Takeover.

    If the Corp forfeits a card that becomes an agenda for Quarantine System, such as "Clones are not People", how much is the discount for rezzing the ice?

    The rez cost of the three pieces of ice will not be lowered by any amount, as cards that are turned into agendas do not have any agenda points printed on them.

Severnius Stim Implant ( Station One, 21)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When does the Runner trash cards to use Severnius Stim Implant?

    The cards are trashed as the run is initiated.

    After using Severnius Stim Implant, does the Runner access additional cards from that server in later runs or card abilities?

    No. The number of cards trashed can only be referenced by the ability itself during the run initiated by that ability.

Counter Surveillance ( Station One, 23)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Counter Surveillance to run on R&D, but they have fewer credits than tags by the time the run is successful, what happens?

    The Runner cannot pay the full cost, so the Runner’s access step is replaced with accessing no cards.

    If the Runner uses Eater during a run initiated by Counter Surveillance, what happens?

    The effect on Counter Surveillance is required, so the Runner pays the credits but then accesses no cards.

Möbius ( Station One, 24)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When does the Runner gain credits from Möbius?

    The Runner gains 4 from Möbius as soon as the second run is considered to be successful.

System Seizure ( Station One, 26)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the icebreaker affected by System Seizure hold its strength only during the run when System Seizure is triggered, or during every run that turn?

    The icebreaker only holds its strength until the end of the run System Seizure was triggered.

    While System Seizure is active, how long does the strength boost of an icebreaker last if the Runner boosts its strength outside of a run?

    If boosted outside of a run, its strength resets to base immediately, just like Gordian Blade and other icebreakers that hold their strength until the end of the run.

    While System Seizure is active, if the first time the Runner increases the strength of an icebreaker is from installing one while LLDS Processor is installed, how long does the +1 strength last?

    Any additional strength applied from installed LLDS Processors last until the end of the turn. If the Runner boosts the strength of that icebreaker during a run through other means, those strength boosts last until the end of the run.

Customized Secretary ( Station One, 27)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the Runner installs a program from Customized Secretary, does it remain hosted?

    No, the program moves off of Customized Secretary and is installed in the rig as usual.

Seidr Adaptive Barrier ( Station One, 29)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Seidr Adaptive Barrier have +1 strength from itself?


Bloom ( Station One, 32)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Where does the Corp install the ice for Bloom's second subroutine?

    The ice is installed in the position closer to the server than Bloom where the Runner would approach it after passing Bloom.

    If the Corp uses Wormhole to resolve Bloom's first subroutine, where can the Corp install the ice?

    "Another server" refers to a server that Bloom is not currently protecting.

    If the Corp uses Wormhole to resolve Bloom's second subroutine, where can the Corp install the ice?

    The ice is installed exactly as directed: in the next innermost position from Bloom protecting the same server as Bloom.

MCA Informant ( Station One, 36)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Damon Stone]

    How does "After you resolve this operation, end your action phase." on terminal operations like MCA Informant work?

    Immediately after the operation resolves and is trashed from playing it, "after you resolve this operation" triggers meet their trigger condition. Ending the action phase then advances the game to the discard phase. This skips the paid ability window that would normally follow the end of an action, ceases the resolution of any other pending abilities or effects, and invalidates any conditional abilities. If the operation was played as part of a card ability, any remaining effects from that card ability immediately stop resolving as well.

    If the Corp plays MCA Informant as the first operation for Subcontract, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of MCA Informant. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Subcontract is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing of a second operation with Subcontract. The played Subcontract is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

    If the Corp plays MCA Informant as one of the operations looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics, what happens?

    The game advances to the discard phase following the resolution and trashing of MCA Informant. The paid ability window that would normally follow the action of playing Accelerated Diagnostics is skipped, and no pending abilities or triggers are resolved - including the playing or trashing of any remaining cards looked at by Accelerated Diagnostics. The played Accelerated Diagnostics is immediately trashed by the game because its resolution is ceased and considered complete.

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    While MCA Informant is installed as a condition counter, can the tag be removed if the Runner has no tag tokens?

    No. The Runner is considered to have an additional tag, but it cannot be manipulated by card abilities.

Sacrifice ( Station One, 39)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp forfeits a Project Beale with an agenda counter on it when they play Sacrifice, how much bad publicity can they remove?

    The Corp removes three bad publicity as the Project Beale was worth three agenda points. If the Corp has less than three bad publicity, they remove all the bad publicity they have and gain that many credits.

    Can the Corp play Sacrifice if they have no bad publicity?

    No. The effect of Sacrifice does not have the potential to change the game state, so it cannot be initiated.

Berserker ( Earth's Scion, 41)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    How long does the strength boost on Berserker last?

    Like with typical strength boosts from icebreakers, Berserker resets at the end of each encounter.

    If the Runner encounters a Galahad, how much strength does Berserker gain?

    If it is currently the Runner’s turn, Berserker’s ability must trigger before Galahad’s ability, so Berserker gains 1 strength (for Galahad's printed “End the run.”) before Galahad gains any additional subroutines. If it is currently the Corp’s turn, Galahad must go first, so it can gain subroutines before Berserker checks the number of subroutines and gains strength.

Persephone ( Earth's Scion, 42)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If two subroutines resolve during an encounter with a sentry and the Runner has Persephone installed, how many cards does each player trash from the top of their decks?

    If the Runner wishes to use Persephone, they must trash 1 card from the top of their stack. This will trash the top 2 cards of R&D.

Aeneas Informant ( Earth's Scion, 44)

  • Updated 2018-02-13

    ANCUR UFAQ 15 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Aeneas Informant when accessing a rezzed card?

    Yes. Revealing the card is part of the effect and not a condition for using the ability.

    If the Runner has both Maw and Aeneas Informant installed, what happens if the first card accessed is not trashed or stolen? What if the card trashed by Maw is that already accessed card?

    Both Aeneas Informant and Maw meet their trigger at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order in which to trigger and resolve them. If the Runner chooses to trigger Maw first, and the card that was just accessed is randomly chosen to be trashed, then the Runner still gains 1.

  • Updated 2018-02-13

    ANCUR UFAQ 19 [Michael Boggs]

    Updated If the Runner uses Salsette Slums to remove an accessed card from the game, does Aeneas Informant trigger?

    Yes. The Runner accessed a card and did not trash it.

Rosetta 2.0 ( Earth's Scion, 45)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner removes a program hosted on Dhegdheer from the game as the cost for using Rosetta 2.0, by how much is the install cost of the new program lowered?

    Dhegdheer’s cost reduction only applies at the time the program hosted on it is installed. The install cost of the new program will be lowered by the printed cost of the trashed program.

Adjusted Matrix ( Earth's Scion, 46)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When can the Runner use the ability gained by Adjusted Matrix?

    The Runner can use this ability if the host icebreaker meets the strength of the encountered ice. Treat the card as if it said “Host icebreaker gains AI and "You may spend to break any subroutine on a piece of ice currently being encountered."

    Designer’s Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

    What happens if the Runner installs an Adjusted Matrix on an icebreaker hosted on another card with a non-AI icebreaker restriction (such as Dinosaurus)?

    The icebreaker hosting Adjusted Matrix gains AI, which makes it no longer satisfy the hosting requirement on Dinosaurus. The icebreaker is immediately trashed, then so is the Adjusted Matrix.

    What happens if the Runner installs an Adjusted Matrix on an icebreaker hosting Dedicated Processor?

    Similar to Parasite, Dedicated Processor’s restriction is only considered at the time of its installation. If the host icebreaker later gains AI, nothing happens.

Dedicated Processor ( Earth's Scion, 47)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Dedicated Processor is hosted on an icebreaker that is hosted on Baba Yaga, does Baba Yaga gain "2: +4 strength."?


Inversificator ( Earth's Scion, 48)

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    If the runner passes a piece of ice after fully breaking it, and uses Inversificator to swap it to another position, can "when the runner passes this ice" abilities on that ice still resolve?


  • Updated 2023-10-10

    ANCUR UFAQ 15 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Inversificator to swap the passed piece of ice with an ice in Archives?

    No. Unless specified otherwise, only installed cards can be chosen by effects.

Dadiana Chacon ( Earth's Scion, 49)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has both Dadiana Chacon and Order of Sol installed, can the Runner keep Dadiana Chacon from trashing herself by triggering Order of Sol first?

    No. Although the Runner can trigger Order of Sol first, Dadiana Chacon will still be trashed.

Bioroid Work Crew ( Earth's Scion, 51)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What does “immediately after playing an operation” on Bioroid Work Crew mean? Does the Corp trigger this ability in the next paid ability window after resolving an operation, or does it have special timing?

    Treat Bioroid Work Crew as if it read “Use this ability only during the next paid ability window after playing and resolving an operation.”

    Designer’s Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

    Does Bioroid Work Crew need to be rezzed when the Corp plays the operation, or can they rez and use it in the same window?

    Bioroid Work Crew does not need to be rezzed when the operation is played or resolved. The Corp can rez Bioroid Work Crew, or even use any other paid ability window effects, before using Bioroid Work Crew, as long as this all occurs during the first paid ability window that opens immediately following the resolution of the operation.

    Can the Corp use more than one Bioroid Work Crew in the same paid ability window after playing an operation?


    Can the Corp use Bioroid Work Crew after playing a terminal operation?

    Yes. Although the paid ability window that normally immediately follows each action is skipped by terminal operations, the paid ability window during the Corp’s discard phase is the “next” paid ability window that opens after having played and resolved the operation in question.

    Can the Corp use Bioroid Work Crew after playing an operation through a card ability, such as Bryan Stinson?


AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World ( Earth's Scion, 52)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does Front Company prevent the first run during a turn from being redirected to a remote server via effects like Slipstream or AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World?

    No. This restriction only prohibits the Runner from declaring a remote server as the initial attacked server.

  • Updated 2022-12-11

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server, what happens if there is no ice protecting the new server? Can the Runner jack out?

    The runner moves to the Movement Phase, 6.9.4. The runner can jack out before approaching the server.

  • Updated 2022-12-11

    When the Corp uses AgInfusion's ability, does it close the paid ability window? Can the runner use paid abilities before encountering the outermost ice on the server they are redirected to?

    AgInfusion's ability does close the paid ability window. The Runner does not have the opportunity to use paid abilities before the encounter with the outermost ice protecting the new server begins.

  • Updated 2022-12-11

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server, what happens if the outermost ice protecting the new server is unrezzed?

    If the outermost piece of ice is unrezzed, the Runner passes it and proceeds as normal for a run on the new server. There is no opportunity to rez the ice because the approach phase is skipped.

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server with a rezzed piece of ice, can the Runner jack out before encountering that ice?

    No. The Runner is encountering the ice, and there is no opportunity to jack out at that point, barring exceptions from other card abilities such as Nero Severn or Recon.

    Audited by the Null Signal Games Rules Team on 12/11/2022

Ben Musashi ( Earth's Scion, 54)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner still steal an agenda if they prevent some or all of the net damage incurred by Ben Musashi?

    If the Runner prevents even a single point of the net damage incurred by Ben Musashi, then they have not paid the additional cost to steal the agenda and therefore do not steal it.

Authenticator ( Earth's Scion, 55)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner avoid the tag from Authenticator and still bypass it?

    If the Runner avoids the tag, then they have not paid the cost to bypass Authenticator and therefore do not bypass it.

    If Jesminder Sareen has not previously avoided a tag this run and encounters Authenticator, can she bypass it?

    No. Her ability is mandatory, so she cannot pay the cost to bypass because the tag will be avoided.

Henry Phillips ( Earth's Scion, 56)

  • Updated 2017-05-26

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner is tagged and breaks more than one subroutine with a single ability (e.g. with Berserker), how many credits does the Corp gain?

    The Corp gains 2 for each subroutine broken.

Audacity ( Earth's Scion, 58)

  • Updated 2017-05-25

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Audacity count itself toward the required number of cards in HQ?


Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator ( Blood and Water, 61)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When Alice Merchant makes a successful run on Archives, does the Corp trash a card from HQ before or after the Runner accesses cards?


Jarogniew Mercs ( Blood and Water, 62)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has zero tags when they install Jarogniew Mercs, how many power counters are placed on it?

    Four power counters are placed on Jarogniew Mercs: 3 + 1 for the tag taken from its ability.

    If the Corp plays The All-Seeing I while Jarogniew Mercs and another resource are installed, what happens?

    The All-Seeing I attempts to trash all resources at the same time. Because there is another resource installed, Jarogniew Merc's ability prohibits it from being trashed.

    If the Corp plays Freelancer while Jarogniew Mercs and another resource are installed, can they trash Jarogniew Mercs?

    No. The Corp must pick both resources to trash first, then they are both trashed simultaneously. Since there is another resource installed, Jarogniew Merc's can be chosen but it cannot be trashed.

Māui ( Blood and Water, 63)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Runner place credits on Māui when they install it if there are pieces of ice currently protecting HQ?

    Yes. The value of X is already greater than 0 when Māui is installed, so credits up to that X value are immediately placed on it.

    If the Corp installs another piece of ice protecting HQ during a run on HQ, does Māui gain an additional credit for use immediately?

    No. The number of pieces of ice protecting HQ sets the value of X, but credits are only replaced up to that X value at the beginning of the Runner's turn.

    If a piece of ice protecting HQ is trashed during a run on HQ, does Māui ever lose a credit?

    No. The number of pieces of ice protecting HQ sets the value of X, but does not affect the credits currently hosted on Māui. Cards with recurring credits only ever get refilled up to the indicated value, the recurring credit mechanic never removes credits that are already there.

Bug Out Bag ( Blood and Water, 64)

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    How do cost reductions, such as Career Fair, interact with the value of X?

    The Runner decides what the value X will be, and then pays X credits, minus the applicable discount. The number of power counters placed on Bug Out Bag is equal to the initial value chosen for X, not the discounted total paid.

  • Updated 2023-11-17

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    How many tags must the Runner have for the Corp to use Best Defense to trash a Bug Out Bag with 5 power counters on it?

    The number of tags the Runner has does not matter for playing Best Defense to trash Bug Out Bag. The Value of X is only set during the time at which it is paid. Once installed, the cost of Bug Out Bag is assumed to be 0.

    If the Runner uses Fall Guy to prevent Bug Out Bag from trashing itself, do they still draw cards?

    Yes. Trashing Bug Out Bag is part of the effect of the ability not a cost or condition.

Keros Mcintyre ( Blood and Water, 65)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Keros Mcintyre gain 2 if the Corp derezzes a piece of ice? How do the players know if the Runner or the Corp is responsible for the derez?

    Unless otherwise stated in the card text, the player who owns the card is always assumed to be the owner of any abilities on that card. Keros Mcintyre's ability only triggers if the Runner is responsible for the ice being derezzed. If a Corp card derezzes a piece of ice (e.g. Test Ground), or if a Runner card tells the Corp to derez a piece of ice (e.g. Muertos Gang Member), then Keros Mcintyre does not trigger.

Mass-Driver ( Blood and Water, 67)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner breaks all the subroutines on a piece of ice with Mass-Driver, can they still break the subroutines on the next piece of ice that would not normally resolve?


    If the Runner breaks all the subroutines on a piece of ice with Mass-Driver, then breaks one of the first three subroutines on the next ice encountered, does the fourth subroutine on that ice resolve or not?

    Only the first three subroutines on the next piece of ice are ever ignored. If the Runner breaks any of those subroutines, then the effect of Mass-Driver does not pass on to the next subroutine.

Warroid Tracker ( Blood and Water, 68)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does a Warroid Tracker installed in the root of R&D trigger when the Runner uses Keyhole to trash a card?


    If Warroid Tracker and Adonis Campaign are installed in the same server and the Runner makes a run and trashes both cards while accessing them, how many times does Warroid Tracker trigger?

    The Runner accesses cards in a remote server one at a time in the order of their choice. If Adonis Campaign is accessed and trashed first, both trash events will trigger Warroid Tracker. If Warroid Tracker is accessed and trashed first, it will trigger once for itself, and then it will not trigger for Adonis Campaign because the ability is no longer active.

    If Warroid Tracker is installed in a remote server with other cards and the Runner plays Singularity to run on that server, how many times does Warroid Tracker trigger?

    Singularity trashes all cards in the server simultaneously, so Warroid Tracker will trigger only once.

    If the Runner uses Salsette Slums to remove a card from the game, does Warroid Tracker still trigger?


Loki ( Blood and Water, 69)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If Loki gains a subroutine from a Mausolus with 3 advancement tokens on it, does the regular text resolve or does the advanced text resolve?

    Loki gains the subroutine text and if Loki has 3 advancement counters, that part of the subroutine text would resolve.

    Updated (2024.04).

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has zero cards in grip, can they still choose to shuffle their grip into the stack in order to keep Loki from ending the run?

    Yes, as long as there are at least 2 cards in the stack that can be shuffled.

    If Loki gains the subroutines from NEXT Gold, what are the values of X?

    Loki does not have any way to set the value of X, so the subroutines do 0 net damage and trash 0 programs.

    If the Corp chooses a NEXT Opal or NEXT Silver for Loki's ability, how many subroutines does Loki gain?

    When Loki's ability resolves, it gains the subtypes and subroutines of the chosen ice simultaneously, so Loki is not counted as a rezzed NEXT ice until the ability completes. Loki gains as many subroutines as the NEXT Opal/Silver had before the ability began to resolve.

    If the Corp chooses a Hive for Loki's ability, and then the Corp forfeits a False Lead during the encounter, does Loki gain another subroutine?

    No. Loki only gains subroutines at the time that its "when encountered" ability resolves.

Obokata Protocol ( Blood and Water, 70)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the Runner accesses Obokata Protocol, can the Corp use Tori Hanzō to replace the net damage with brain damage? Does this prevent the Runner from stealing the agenda?

    The Corp cannot use Tori Hanzō's ability on the net damage from Obokata Protocol because Tori only works on net damage that is dealt by the Corp.

Mirāju ( Blood and Water, 71)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    When does Mirāju's effect resolve? Does the Runner start running on Archives immediately upon breaking Mirāju's subroutine?

    When the Runner reaches the Movement Phase of the run and would pass Mirāju, if they broke the printed subroutine they instead run on Archives and the Corp derezzes Mirāju.

    Updated (2024.04).

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the subroutine on Mirāju resolves, does the Corp have to draw a card in order to shuffle a card from HQ into R&D?

    No. "Then" does not imply any causation, it is merely an indicator of order of resolution.

Shipment from Tennin ( Blood and Water, 72)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp play Shipment from Tennin on their first turn?

    No. The Runner does not have a last turn to reference.

Reeducation ( Blood and Water, 74)

  • Updated 2023-03-19

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp uses Reeducation to add more cards from HQ to the bottom of R&D than the Runner has in their grip, does the Runner still have to randomly add cards to the bottom of their stack?

    No. If the Runner does not have enough cards with which to resolve the effect, then they are not "able" to do so.

Success ( Blood and Water, 78)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    If the Corp is playing Weyland Consortium: Built to Last and uses Success to advance a card multiple times at once, how many credits do they gain?

    Success advances its target multiple times in sequence, not simultaneously. Only the first advancement can meet Weyland Consortium: Built to Last's trigger condition, so the Corp can gain 2.

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the Corp plays Success, can they split the advancements among more than one card?


    If Jemison Astronautics plays Success, which goes first? Jemison or Success?

    Jemison Astronautics must go first because it is a chain reaction that meets its trigger condition while paying the costs of Success.

    If the Corp forfeits a NAPD Contract to Success while they have a bad publicity, how many times do they advance a card?

    The Corp advances a card 5 times.

    Does the ability on Success trigger the abilities on public agendas?


Whampoa Reclamation ( Blood and Water, 79)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use the ability on Whampoa Reclamation to add the card used to pay for the ability to the bottom of R&D?


    Can the Corp use Whampoa Reclamation while there are no cards in Archives?

    No. The effect of the ability does not have the potential to change the game state.

Mass Commercialization ( Blood and Water, 80)

  • Updated 2024-04-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Tennin Institute has placed an advancement token on a Runner card, does that increase the credits gained from Mass Commercialization?


God of War ( Free Mars, 82)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner avoid the tag from God of War and still get the virus counters?

    No, taking the tag is a cost to placing the virus counters on God of War. If the tag is avoided, the cost hasn't been paid and the counters do not get placed.

Rip Deal ( Free Mars, 84)

  • Updated 2023-05-31

    If the Runner has the ability to access three cards from HQ, but there are less than three cards in HQ at the time of access, how many cards can Rip Deal add to the grip?

    Rip Deal will add 3 cards to the grip. Rip Deal's effect determines the random access limit, and adds that many cards from the heap to the grip.

  • Updated 2023-05-31

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    How does Rip Deal interact with upgrades installed in the root of HQ?

    If the Runner chooses to use Rip Deal's ability, they still access cards from the root of HQ, but those cards do not add to the number of cards that the Runner adds from the heap to the grip.

    If the Runner has an installed Nerve Agent, does it gain an additional virus counter before or after the Runner decides to use Rip Deal's effect?

    Before. Nerve Agent gains a counter when the run is successful. The Runner uses Rip Deal after determining the number of accesses that will occur but before those accesses actually occur.

    If the Runner would access three cards from HQ, but there are only two cards in the heap, can the Runner still use Rip Deal to add those cards to grip?


    If the Runner would access three cards from HQ, but only wants two cards in the heap, can the Runner replace accessing two cards and access one card normally?

    No. "When you would access any number of cards" refers to the full set of accesses that is about to occur.

Flashbang ( Free Mars, 85)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does Flashbang have to match the strength of a sentry in order to derez it?

    Yes. Derezzing is a form of interacting with a piece of ice, and icebreakers must match strength to interact with ice.

Lean and Mean ( Free Mars, 86)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has four programs installed when they play Lean and Mean, then one of them is trashed during that run, do icebreakers then gain +2 strength?

    No. Lean and Mean checks the number of programs installed as the run is initiated, and if there are 3 or fewer programs installed at that time applies a constant effect during the run.

    If the Runner has three programs installed when they play Lean and Mean, then they use Clone Chip to install a fourth program, do icebreakers then lose the +2 strength?

    No. Lean and Mean checks the number of programs installed as the run is initiated.

    If the Runner installs an icebreaker during a run initiated by Lean and Mean, does the newly installed icebreaker gain the +2 strength?

    No. The effect applies when the Runner plays Lean and Mean, so it will only apply to icebreakers installed at that time.

Bloo Moose ( Free Mars, 89)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner trash a card with Aesop's Pawnshop and then remove that same card from the heap with Bloo Moose?

    Yes. Both Aesop's Pawnshop and Bloo Moose meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order in which the abilities trigger.

Helheim Servers ( Free Mars, 91)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use a Helheim Servers installed in the root of HQ if there is no ice protecting HQ?

    No. The effect does not have the potential to cause a change in the game state, so it cannot be used.

Mandatory Seed Replacement ( Free Mars, 92)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the Corp scores Mandatory Seed Replacement, can they change the number of ice protecting a server or create new servers with the available ice?

    No. The same amount of ice must be protecting each server after the rearrangement as before, and thus no new servers can be created through the rearrangement.

Metamorph ( Free Mars, 94)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Corp use Metamorph to swap a card with an installation restriction like Bamboo Dome (install only in the root of R&D) to a different server?

    No. A card can only ever be swapped into a location it is normally allowed to occupy.

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use Metamorph to swap an extra region, asset, or agenda into a server?

    No. The Corp must still follow any applicable restrictions from card abilities and game rules.

Data Loop ( Free Mars, 95)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner only has 1 card in their grip when they encounter Data Loop, do they have to put that card on top of the stack?

    Yes. As the effect does not stipulate "if able", as much of the effect as can be resolved must be resolved.

Biased Reporting ( Free Mars, 96)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When the Runner trashes cards during Biased Reporting, which player gains the credits?

    The Runner.

    Does the Corp gain credits before or after the Runner trashes cards to Biased Reporting?

    Resolve card effects in the order printed. The Runner trashes any number of installed cards of the chosen type, then the Corp gains 2 for each remaining installed card of the chosen type.

Tithonium ( Free Mars, 98)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Tithonium is already hosting a Pawn when it is rezzed, what happens to the Pawn?

    The Pawn is immediately and unpreventably trashed because Tithonium cannot host it.

    Can the Corp use Oversight AI to rez Tithonium? If so, does the Corp still install Oversight AI onto Tithonium?

    Yes and yes. When Oversight AI is installed as a condition counter, is no longer considered a card until it leaves play, so Tithonium can host it.

    If the Runner exposes Tithonium with Blackguard installed, can the Corp rez it by forfeiting an agenda instead of paying the rez cost?

    No. Blackguard specifies that the Corp must rez the exposed card by paying its rez cost.

Transparency Initiative ( Free Mars, 99)

  • Updated 2024-02-09

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp install Transparency Initiative on an already faceup installed public agenda?

    No. If no agenda is turned faceup, then Transparency Initiative can't find "that agenda" to install itself as a hosted condition counter.

Rover Algorithm ( Free Mars, 100)

  • Updated 2024-02-09

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the ice hosting Rover Algorithm is derezzed, does Rover Algorithm still gain power counters when the Runner passes that ice?

    Yes. The ability is on the condition counter, which remains active even while the ice is inactive.

Mining Accident ( Crimson Dust, 101)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp has less than 5 when the Runner plays Mining Accident, must they take the bad publicity?


Respirocytes ( Crimson Dust, 102)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has 3 Respirocytes installed, how many cards do they draw when they have 0 cards in their grip?

    When the trigger condition is met, the Runner draws one card for each installed Respirocytes, so they will draw 3 cards.

Aumakua ( Crimson Dust, 104)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Does Aumakua trigger if the Runner uses Eater during the run?

    Yes. Aumakua cares only about breaching the server, not about accessing any specific card(s).

    Does Aumakua trigger if the Runner uses Salsette Slums but does not steal or trash any other cards accessed?

    Yes. The Runner breached the server and did not steal or trash any of them.

    Updated (2024.04).

Diana's Hunt ( Crimson Dust, 106)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Diana's Hunt to install a Femme Fatale targeting the encountered ice, can they then use Femme Fatale to bypass that ice?

    No. The Femme Fatale was not installed at the time that its trigger condition would have been met.

Dummy Box ( Crimson Dust, 108)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp trashes a NetChip hosting a program, can the Runner trash a program from grip to use Dummy Box to save the hosted program?

    No. The program hosted on NetChip is trashed by the hosting rules and not by the Corp. Trashing hosted cards when the host is uninstalled cannot be prevented.

    If the first subroutine on Conundrum resolves, can the Runner use Dummy Box to save the chosen program?

    No. Conundrum instructs the Runner to trash a program, not the Corp.

MCA Austerity Policy ( Crimson Dust, 111)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use the second ability on MCA Austerity Policy on the same turn the third power counter is placed on it?

    Yes. Only the first ability is limited to once per turn.

Restore ( Crimson Dust, 112)

  • Updated 2024-04-05

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use Restore to install an agenda from Archives and remove any other copies of that agenda from the game?


    Can the Corp use Restore to install an asset, upgrade, or ice from Archives that they don't have enough credits to rez?

    Yes, as long as they are able to pay any install costs.

    If the Corp cannot rez the card installed with Restore (either because they cannot afford to do so or because it is an agenda), do they have to reveal it?

    Yes. The Corp must reveal the installed card to confirm that it cannot be rezzed and to confirm any other cards in Archives that must be removed from the game.

Fractal Threat Matrix ( Crimson Dust, 119)

  • Updated 2023-07-22

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner encounters a Troll protecting a server with Fractal Threat Matrix, do they trash the top 2 cards of their stack?

    If Troll's "when encountered" ability ends the run, then the Runner will not have reached step 3.1 of the run and thus will not have had the chance to break any subroutines. If Troll does not end the run, the Runner is considered to have broken all 0 subroutines on Troll, thus triggering Fractal Threat Matrix.

Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter ( Terminal Directive Cards, 1)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner returns Utopia Shard to their grip with Steve Cambridge, can they then install Utopia Shard?

    No. In order for Utopia Shard to install itself with its ability, it must already be in the Runner’s grip at the time the ability would meet its trigger condition.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner choose to look at the top card of R&D with Find the Truth before using Steve Cambridge?

    Yes. Both abilities meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order to resolve them.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner plays Jailbreak or another run event to make a successful run on HQ, can they choose that event as one of the cards for Steve Cambridge’s ability?

    No. An event that initiates a run is not fully resolved until that run is complete, and thus is in the play area, not the heap, at the time Steve Cambridge’s ability resolves.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does Steve Cambridge’s ability do anything if there are fewer than 2 cards in the heap?

    No. Choosing 2 cards in the heap is a nested cost because it is followed by “If you do”. If the Runner cannot pay the cost in full, the rest of the ability does not resolve.

Spear Phishing ( Terminal Directive Cards, 3)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner encounters the innermost piece of ice multiple times during a Spear Phishing run (e.g. through Cell Portal or The Twins), do they bypass it each time?


SYN Attack ( Terminal Directive Cards, 4)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp choose to discard 2 cards if they have 1 or fewer cards in HQ?

    No, in that case they must choose to draw 4 cards.

Mammon ( Terminal Directive Cards, 9)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Dr. Lovegood to blank the text of Mammon for the remainder of the turn, does Mammon still lose all of its power counters?

    No. When the Runner’s turn begins, they can trigger Mammon’s ability first to put power counters on it, then trigger Dr. Lovegood’s ability to blank Mammon’s text box. It is still the Runner’s turn when “turn ends” abilities meet their trigger condition, so Mammon’s text box will still be blank, and the ability that removes the counters won’t meet its trigger condition.

Charlatan ( Terminal Directive Cards, 10)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Charlatan to bypass a piece of ice after the Corp rezzes it?

    No. “When approached” abilities meet their trigger condition at step 2 of a run when the approach begins, but the Corp does not rez approached ice until step 2.3 of the run. Charlatan’s ability creates a conditional ability that only meets its trigger condition the first time the runner approaches an already rezzed piece of ice.

Maxwell James ( Terminal Directive Cards, 11)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When can the Runner use the ability on Maxwell James?

    Maxwell James can be used in any paid ability window during the same turn in which the Runner has made a successful run on HQ. Interpret the card as if it said "Use this ability only if you made a successful run on HQ during this turn."

    Designer's Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist ( Terminal Directive Cards, 12)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    When exactly does the Runner set aside cards with Ayla “Bios” Rahim, and how does the ability interact with taking a mulligan?

    The Runner should set aside the cards after revealing IDs and shuffling their deck, before drawing any cards. After setting aside cards and shuffling again, the Runner draws a starting hand. If the Runner chooses to take a mulligan, the set aside cards are not affected in any way, as those cards are no longer in the deck.

Deep Data Mining ( Terminal Directive Cards, 14)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has 4 unused MU when they play Deep Data Mining, do they access 4 cards or 5 cards from R&D?

    The Runner accesses 5 cards. “Up to” limits the number of additional accesses the Runner can get, not the total number of accesses.

Savant ( Terminal Directive Cards, 18)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Savant to break 1 code gate subroutine?

    Yes. Because the ability does not say "if able", it will resolve as much as possible when used.

Dhegdheer ( Terminal Directive Cards, 20)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Dhegdheer's middle ability is worded like a conditional ability that triggers after the install action. Does Dhegdheer actually reduce the cost to install programs on it?

    Yes. Interpret the text as if it read "Lower the install cost of programs you install on Dhegdheer by 1."

    Designer's Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

Levy Advanced Research Lab ( Terminal Directive Cards, 21)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Levy Advanced Research Lab reveals a program, can the Runner add a non-program from among the revealed cards to the grip?


    If Levy Advanced Research Lab does not reveal any programs, or if the Runner chooses not to take any revealed programs, do the revealed cards still get added to the bottom of the stack?


Dean Lister ( Terminal Directive Cards, 25)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    When does the ability from Dean Lister expire if activated outside of a run?

    It expires immediately just like an icebreaker boosting its own strength.

    Is the strength increase from Dean Lister locked in at the moment the ability resolves, or does it track the number of cards in the Runner’s grip?

    The latter. Dean Lister confers “+1 strength for each card in your grip” to the icebreaker until the end of the run.

Biometric Spoofing ( Terminal Directive Cards, 26)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Biometric Spoofing to prevent 1 damage?

    Yes. Because the ability does not say "if able", it will resolve as much as possible when used.

The Shadow Net ( Terminal Directive Cards, 27)

  • Updated 2017-08-29

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use The Shadow Net to play a priority event?

    No. The first click would have been spent to use The Shadow Net instead of on playing the priority event.

Brain Rewiring ( Terminal Directive Cards, 29)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What is randomized by Brain Rewiring? Which cards are selected from the grip, or the order they are put on the bottom of the stack?


Estelle Moon ( Terminal Directive Cards, 32)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Estelle Moon has 3 power counters, does the Corp draw 1 card and gain 6 or draw 3 cards and gain 6?

    The latter.

Marilyn Campaign ( Terminal Directive Cards, 33)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If Marilyn Campaign is installed but unrezzed, can the Corp still shuffle it into R&D when it is trashed?

    No. The interrupt ability on Marilyn Campaign is not active while the source card is unrezzed.

Executive Functioning ( Terminal Directive Cards, 35)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the trace for the subroutine on Executive Functioning need to be successful to do the brain damage?

    Yes. Interpret the text as if it said "If successful".

    Designer's Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

Holmegaard ( Terminal Directive Cards, 36)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the trace for the subroutine on Holmegaard need to be successful to stop the Runner from accessing cards?

    Yes. Interpret the text as if it said "If successful".

    Designer's Note: Errata for this card will be issued in the next FAQ.

    If the subroutine on Holmegaard resolves, can the Runner still use an access replacement effect like Security Testing?

    No. The Runner cannot access any cards, so the access cannot be replaced with anything.

Black Level Clearance ( Terminal Directive Cards, 39)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Corp gain the bonuses from Black Level Clearance if the Runner jacks out before Black Level Clearance allows the Runner to?

    No. The latter part of the ability is conditional on the first part.

    If the Runner jacks out with Black Level Clearance, does the Runner take a tag from John Masanori?

    No. The run has already been declared successful, so it does not become unsuccessful.

    What happens if the Corp has two Black Level Clearances installed in the same server?

    Both copies of Black Level Clearance meet their trigger conditions simultaneously, and the Corp chooses the order in which they trigger one at a time. When the first one resolves, either the Runner jacks out or takes a brain damage. If the Runner jacks out, the Corp gains 5, draws a card, and trashes that copy of Black Level Clearance, but as the run has ended before the other copy of Black Level Clearance triggers, the second one fails to resolve. If the Runner takes a brain damage from the first Black Level Clearance, then the second one triggers and resolves as normal.

Skorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power ( Terminal Directive Cards, 41)

  • Updated 2018-09-22

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If Employee Strike is active when either an agenda is scored or another current is played, can Skorpios Defense Systems remove it from the game?

    No. Employee Strike is active until it is trashed, so Skorpios doesn’t have its ability in time to see the trigger condition being met.

    If the Runner trashes multiple cards at once, such as through damage from Scorched Earth or through MaxX's ability, does the Corp have to choose one at a time which card to remove from the game as damage is picked?

    Skorpios meets its trigger condition once for each card trashed simultaneously after they have all been picked, so the Corp can choose any of the cards that were trashed to remove from the game.

    If an I've Had Worse is trashed to damage while the Corp is playing Skorpios Defense Systems, does the Runner get to draw 3 cards before I’ve Had Worse can be removed from the game?


    Can Skorpios Defense Systems remove an event from the game after the Runner plays and resolves it?


    If the Runner plays a run event like Account Siphon, when would Skorpios Defense Systems trigger?

    An event that initiates a run is not considered fully resolved until the run completes, and is thus not trashed until afterward. If a Runner card is trashed during the run initiated by Account Siphon, the Corp will have to choose at that moment whether or not to remove that card from the game. If the Corp chooses to use the ability on Skorpios, they will not be able to use it again when the Account Siphon run ends and the event is trashed.

    If the Corp uses Skorpios Defense Systems to remove a Clone Chip from the game when the Runner uses it, does the Runner still get to install a program from their heap or has the cost been prevented?

    Yes, the Runner still installs a program from their heap. Skorpios replaces the Clone Chip entering the heap with being removed from the game, it doesn’t replace the trash event; thus, the cost has been paid and the ability triggers.

Armored Servers ( Terminal Directive Cards, 42)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use more than one Armored Servers during a run?

    Yes. Both add an additional cost to jacking out or breaking subroutines, so the Runner would have to trash 2 cards from their grip whenever they wish to do one of those two things.

    If the Runner wants use an ability that breaks multiple subroutines, must they trash a card from their grip for each subroutine that ability would break?


    If the Runner wants use an ability that breaks multiple subroutines, but declines to pay the additional cost from Armored Servers for some of the subroutines, what happens?

    The Runner breaks the subroutines for which they paid the additional cost, and does not break the subroutines for which they didn’t.

Illegal Arms Factory ( Terminal Directive Cards, 45)

  • Updated 2017-05-02

    UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Corp take a bad publicity if the Runner trashes an unrezzed Illegal Arms Factory?

    No. The ability is not active if Illegal Arms Factory is not active. The phrase "while it is installed" is just a reminder and does not functionally change the ability.

Braintrust ( Revised Core Set, 78)

  • Updated 2023-10-06

    When the Corp has a scored Braintrust with 1 agenda counter, and forfeits it to rez Archer, how much does the Corp pay for rezzing Archer?

    It costs 3 plus the forfeit of Braintrust. The decision of what you use to pay is made upfront and then the cost is paid simultaneously. The Braintrust ability applies while deciding what to pay for the cost.

By Any Means ( Sovereign Sight, 1)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner plays By Any Means and then accesses an Archangel, can the Runner trash the Archangel before encountering it?

    Yes. Whenever more than one ability meet their trigger conditions, first the active player's abilities resolve, then the inactive player's abilities resolve. If one of those abilities moves the card being accessed to a different zone, no further "when accessed" abilities can resolve.

    If the Runner plays By Any Means and then accesses an advanced Project Junebug, can the Corp deal net damage?

    No. Similarly to the above example, Corp abilities like Project Junebug resolve after Runner abilities during a run on the Runner's turn, so Project Junebug will be trashed before its ability resolves.

    Can the Runner still steal accessed agenda after playing By Any Means?

    No. During a turn in which By Any Means has been played, the Runner can only steal agendas from Archives.

Puffer ( Sovereign Sight, 4)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if the Runner uses Puffer's click ability while it is hosted on an Omni-drive?

    Puffer is trashed as it no longer can be hosted on the Omni-drive.

Lewi Guilherme ( Sovereign Sight, 5)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    At the start of the Runner's turn, can they choose to trash Lewi Guilherme and use Fall Guy to prevent Lewi from being trashed?


Cyberdelia ( Sovereign Sight, 6)

  • Updated 2017-12-29

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner encounters Troll with Cyberdelia installed, do they gain 1?

    As long as the run reaches step 3.1, then the Runner is considered to have broken all 0 subroutines on Troll.

Assimilator ( Sovereign Sight, 8)

  • Updated 2023-10-06

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Runner uses Assimilator to flip up a console while a console is already installed?

    Updated console rule: if a player ever controls more than one installed console, all but the most recently active console are trashed.

    Updated (2023.10).

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can Apex: Invasive Predator use Assimilator to obtain non-virtual resources?


    If Assimilator flips up a program that causes the Runner's rig to exceed their memory limit, does the flipped program have to be trashed?

    No. If the Runner ever has insufficient MU, they choose which program(s) to trash.

    If Assimilator flips up a card with a "when installed" ability (e.g. Daily Casts or Femme Fatale), does that ability trigger?

    No, the card is already installed.

    If Assimilator flips up a Cyber-Cypher that was installed with Apex or Hunting Grounds, does the server restriction still apply even though a server has not been chosen?

    No. The server restriction is part of the "when installed" ability; thus, Cyber-Cypher can be used on any server.

    If Assimilator flips up a Cyber-Cypher that was installed and then turned facedown with Apocalypse, does the server restriction still apply for the previously chosen server?

    No. When Cyber-Cypher was turned facedown it became inactive, so its previous state no longer affects the game, even if later turned back up.

    If Assimilator flips up a current event, is that event still trashed?

    Yes. The ability on a current event stops the event from being trashed after resolution, it does not stop other card effects from trashing the event.

Mganga ( Sovereign Sight, 13)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Is Mganga trashed when the Corp and the Runner spend the same number of credits or a different number of credits?


Calibration Testing ( Sovereign Sight, 17)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp moves Calibration Testing to HQ, can they use it to place advancement tokens on an agenda in HQ?

    No. Only installed cards can host advancement tokens.

Wake Up Call ( Sovereign Sight, 19)

  • Updated 2023-10-12

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp use Wake Up Call to trash Jarogniew Mercs while other resources are installed?

    Yes. The Runner is the player specified to trash the chosen card, so Jarogniew Mercs's second ability does not apply.

    Can the Corp play Wake Up Call if the Runner does not have an installed hardware or non-virtual resource, and if so is the Runner forced to suffer the meat damage?

    No. Choosing an installed hardware or non-virtual resource is a requirement for playing the card. The Corp cannot play Wake Up Call if such a card cannot be chosen.

Acacia ( Down the White Nile, 21)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner prevent Acacia from being trashed and still gain the credits?


Credit Kiting ( Down the White Nile, 23)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner avoid the tag from Credit Kiting and still install a card?


Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker ( Down the White Nile, 25)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner plays Scavenge to trash and reinstall the program installed with Kabonesa Wu, do they still have to remove that program from the game at the end of the turn?

    No. After the program is uninstalled, it is considered a new copy of that card.

    If the Runner uses Kabonesa Wu to find and install a Chameleon, what happens at the end of the turn?

    Both Chameleon's ability and the delayed conditional ability created by Wu meet their trigger conditions at the same time. Since the Runner controls both abilities, they can choose the order in which to trigger them. Once Chameleon is uninstalled by either ability, the other ability will not be able to find it anymore. Thus, the Runner can choose whether to add Chameleon to the grip or to remove it from the game.

RNG Key ( Down the White Nile, 29)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    Does RNG Key trigger once for the first successful run on each of HQ and R&D, or does it trigger once the first time the Runner makes a successful run on either HQ or R&D?

    RNG Key triggers a maximum of once per turn, when the Runner makes a successful run on either HQ or R&D.

Nightdancer ( Down the White Nile, 30)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    If a subroutine on Nightdancer resolves while the Runner has no to lose, does the Corp still gain an additional on their next turn?


Jinja City Grid ( Down the White Nile, 31)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Corp has both Jinja City Grid and Daily Business Show rezzed, and they draw two pieces of ice, can they install both pieces of ice and avoid putting one on the bottom of R&D?

    Yes. Both ice are treated as new objects when installed with Jinja City Grid, so Daily Business Show cannot put them on the bottom of R&D.

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp plays Anonymous Tip, do they draw all the cards at once and then decide which ice to install with Jinja City Grid, or do they draw the cards one at a time and decide as ice is drawn whether or not to install any of those ice?

    Drawing multiple cards at once is a batch effect. The Corp draws all three cards, then Jinja City Grid meets its trigger condition simultaneously for each drawn piece of ice. The Corp decides the order in which to trigger the instances of Jinja City Grid's ability, and thus the order in which to install the drawn ice.

    If the Runner initiates a run on a server with Jinja City Grid and the Corp has a scored Advanced Concept Hopper, will the Runner approach an ice drawn with Advanced Concept Hopper and installed with Jinja City Grid?

    Yes. Advanced Concept Hopper meets its trigger condition at step 1 of the run, so by the time the Runner begins approaching ice in step 2, the newly installed piece of ice will be the outermost piece.

Bacterial Programming ( Down the White Nile, 33)

  • Updated 2023-08-31

    If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from R&D with accesses remaining, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming?

    The Runner continues accessing cards from R&D as normal, starting with whatever card is now on top of R&D, and proceeding down through as many cards as they have accesses remaining.

    If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from HQ with accesses remaining, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming to add any cards to HQ?

    The Corp randomizes any cards added to HQ together with the remaining unaccessed cards in HQ, then the Runner continues the accesses as normal. Note that cards entering HQ cannot change the total number of accesses the Runner has.

    If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from Archives, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming to trash any cards?

    The cards trashed by Bacterial Programming enter Archives facedown. The Runner must access those facedown cards like any other cards that have not been accessed yet. The accessed facedown cards are returned to Archives facedown when the access phase ends.

Jua ( Down the White Nile, 34)

  • Updated 2024-04-07

    ANCUR UFAQ 20 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if Jua's subroutine resolves while the Runner only has one installed card?

    The Corp cannot choose 2 installed cards, so nothing is added to the top of the stack.

NGO Front ( Down the White Nile, 39)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    Can the Corp use Pravdivost Consulting to put a counter on NGO Front and then use NGO Front’s ability before the Runner breaches the attacked server?

    No. Once the run is declared successful, there are no more windows to use paid abilities like the ones on NGO Front.

eXer ( Council of the Crest, 41)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    If the Runner steals an agenda with their first R&D access and uses Pantograph to install eXer, can they access another card?

    No. The limit to how many cards the Runner can access from R&D is determined at the beginning of breaching R&D. If an ability that would modify a breach, such as eXer’s ability, becomes active after the Runner has accessed a card, then it is too late to affect that breach.

No One Home ( Council of the Crest, 45)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    If the trace on No One Home is unsuccessful, can the Runner choose to avoid/prevent fewer than the total incoming tags/damage?


    When a Snare! resolves, when does the Runner have to choose between preventing the net damage or avoiding the tag with No One Home?

    Because the net damage and the tag are simultaneous, No One Home triggers after the corp pays 4 and immediately before the rest of the ability resolves. If the trace is unsuccessful, the Runner then chooses between avoiding the tag or preventing the net damage.

    If the Runner has two copies of No One Home installed, can they use both the first time they would suffer net damage or take tags?

    Yes. Both copies of No One Home meet their trigger conditions simultaneously, so the Runner triggers them one at a time. The Runner makes the decisions to trash each copy of No One Home or not when resolving the ability on that copy, so the first trace will fully resolve before the Runner has to decide whether to use the other copy.

    So if an ability like Snare! would both give tags and deal net damage, the Runner can avoid all of those effects with two unsuccessful traces from two different copies of No One Home?


    If the Runner uses a No One Home the first time in a turn they would take damage, can they install a second No One Home and use it the first time that same turn they would take tags?

    No. No One Home only triggers the first time the Runner would either take tags or take damage. Even though the later event may be the first time one of those two things has occurred, it is not the first time that the event encompassing either of the two options has occurred.

Marathon ( Council of the Crest, 46)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    If the run initiated with Marathon is unsuccessful, is the Runner still prohibited from running that server again?

    Yes. The restriction on running the server again is independent of the "if successful" ability.

    If the Runner is redirected to a different remote server during a Marathon run, do they still gain and add Marathon to their grip if the run is successful against the new server? Which server are they prohibited from running again during that turn?

    Yes. "If successful" effects work as long as the server the run is against is a server the run could have been initiated against. So if the Runner is moved to a different remote server, they can still continue the marathon. The restriction on future runs in the turn applies to the server that the Runner was redirected to.

    What if the new server is a central server?

    The "if successful" ability cannot resolve on a central server, so the marathon ends. The Runner is prohibited from running that central server for the remainder of the turn.

Anansi ( Council of the Crest, 51)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner bypasses Anansi with an encounter bypass ability (e.g. Inside Job), and then uses the effect of Capybara to derez Anansi, do they still take 3 net damage?

    No. Both Capybara’s and Anansi’s abilities become pending when the Runner bypasses Anansi, but the active player’s abilities resolve first. If the Runner uses Capybara to derez Anansi, the pending ability from Anansi will not resolve because its source card is inactive.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner bypasses Anansi with an encounter bypass ability (e.g. Inside Job), does Anansi still do 3 net damage?

    Yes. Bypassing causes the encounter to end immediately, which is the trigger condition for Anansi's ability.

    Can the Runner use Hunting Grounds to prevent Anansi's ability?

    No. Anansi has a "when encounter ends" ability, not a "when encountered" ability.

    If Anansi is derezzed or uninstalled during an encounter, does it still do 3 net damage?

    No. Anansi is no longer active in either case, so its ability cannot trigger.

Code Replicator ( Council of the Crest, 52)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp uses Code Replicator to force the Runner to approach the outermost piece of ice a second time, is the Runner still prohibited from jacking out?

    No. The Runner is only disallowed from jacking out the first time they approach a piece of ice in a run. This rule is not tied to any specific piece of ice.

Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future ( Council of the Crest, 54)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp names "event" for the card type for Azmari EdTech, does the Corp still gain 2 if the Runner plays Employee Strike?

    No. Following the rules for playing events, "when played" abilities do not meet their trigger condition until the even in question is active in the play area. Employee Strike blanks Azmari EdTech as soon as it becomes active, so its ability is no longer active and cannot trigger.

Armed Intimidation ( Council of the Crest, 57)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    When the Corp scores Armed Intimidation, can the Runner choose either of the options then prevent/avoid the damage/tags?

    Yes. The ability forces the Runner to choose one of the options, but once an option has been chosen, the resolution can still be modified or prevented.

Death and Taxes ( Council of the Crest, 58)

  • Updated 2024-03-29

    ANCUR UFAQ 21 [Michael Boggs]

    Does Death and Taxes trigger when the Runner trashes one of their own cards?


Glut Cipher ( The Devil and the Dragon, 61)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens when a run initiated by Glut Cipher is successful and there are fewer than 5 cards in Archives?

    The Runner does not access any cards. The Corp does not add any cards from Archives to HQ nor trash any cards from HQ.

    Which player trashes the random cards from HQ? Does this trashing trigger effects like Hostile Infrastructure?

    The Corp is forced to trash the cards. Effects that care about the Runner trashing cards will not meet their trigger conditions from Glut Cipher's effect.

419: Amoral Scammer ( The Devil and the Dragon, 63)

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    If the first time the Corp installs a card in a turn is with Building Blocks, does 419 trigger?

    Yes. An "install and rez" effect follows all the normal steps of installing a card, followed by all the normal steps of rezzing a card. 419's ability meets its trigger condition during the install steps, and resolves before the card is considered rezzed.

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    After the Corp installs a card for the first time in a turn, who decides first?

    • (A) Does the Runner decide to use the ability, forcing the Corp to pay 1 or expose the card, or
    • (B) Does the Corp decide whether or not to pay 1, allowing the Runner to choose whether or not the card should be exposed?

    A. The Runner chooses to use the ability, then the Corp chooses whether or not to pay the 1.

Nyashia ( The Devil and the Dragon, 67)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use all three power counters from Nyashia on a single run?

    No. The ability only triggers once per trigger condition.

Consume ( The Devil and the Dragon, 68)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has both Consume and Hivemind installed, each with 2 virus counters hosted on them, what happens when the Runner uses Consume?

    The Runner gains 8 and removes all four virus counters from both Consume and Hivemind.

    If the Runner plays Apocalypse while Consume is installed, does Consume gain virus counters before being flipped facedown?

    Yes. The virus counters then remain hosted on the facedown Consume until the Corp purges, the counters are removed by a card ability, or the facedown Consume becomes uninstalled.

Malia Z0L0K4 ( The Devil and the Dragon, 69)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if Malia is derezzed and then rezzed again?

    Once Malia is derezzed, its ability is no longer active. When it is rezzed again, only the resource chosen for the most recent trigger is blank.

    If the Corp chooses a resource for Malia that is hosting cards or tokens, what happens to the hosted objects?

    Nothing. Hosted objects are only removed via card abilities or if the host card becomes uninstalled.

    The Corp plays an MCA Informant, hosting it on one of the Runner's connections. What happens if the Corp then rezzes Malia and blanks the host connection?

    The Runner can still trash the connection by using the ability granted by the MCA Informant condition counter. Malia blanks the connection's text box, but it does not stop other cards or abilities from giving the connection new text.

    Can the Corp rez Malia after the Runner installs a Liberated Account to stop them from taking credits off of it?

    Yes. There is a paid ability window after each action taken by a player, so the Corp has a chance after Liberated Accounts is installed to rez Malia.

    Can the Corp rez Malia after the Runner installs a Fall Guy to stop them from using the Fall Guy to gain 2?

    In the paid ability window after the Runner installs Fall Guy, the Runner is the first player to receive priority, so they will be able to immediately use Fall Guy if they choose. If they pass priority without using Fall Guy, then the Corp receives priority and can rez Malia.

    The Corp is playing NBN: Controlling the Message and uses Malia to blank Power Tap. If the Runner then runs and trashes Malia, does the trace initiated by Controlling the Message trigger the Power Tap?

    Yes. As soon as Malia's ability is no longer active, the chosen resource becomes unblanked, so its abilities are active even during the resolution of abilities that trigger from trashing Malia.

    How does Malia interact with Councilman?

    The abilities on these two cards have the same trigger condition, so the player whose turn it is when Malia is rezzed resolves their card first. This can result in the following interactions:

    • If it is the Runner's turn, and they use Councilman to derez Malia, then Malia is no longer active and its ability will not resolve.
    • If it is the Corp's turn, and they use Malia to blank the text box of Councilman, its ability is no longer active and will not resolve.
    • If it is the Corp's turn, and they use Malia to blank the text box of another Runner card, the Runner can then derez Malia with Councilman. Although the card chosen for Malia will end up unblanked, it still has its text blank for a brief moment of time between ability resolutions. For example, if the Runner has cloud programs installed, and Malia momentarily blanks a card providing link such as Maxwell James, then the Runner's installed programs could exceed their available MU. The Runner will have to trash programs immediately before Councilman is able to resolve, as the MU requirement does not wait for the timing steps of resolving Councilman's ability to complete.

Tempus ( The Devil and the Dragon, 71)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner has only 1 left when the trace from Tempus is successful, can they choose to lose instead of taking the brain damage? What if the Runner has no remaining?

    The Runner must choose an option that can be fully resolved if there is an option that can be fully resolved. Suffering 1 brain damage is always possible, so if the Runner has fewer than 2 clicks remaining, they must choose to suffer the brain damage. Note that once the choice is made, prevent/avoid abilities can still be used to modify the results of that choice.

Sadaka ( The Devil and the Dragon, 73)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    If the second subroutine on Sadaka resolves, does the Corp still have to trash Sadaka if they do not trash a card in HQ to trash a resource?

    Yes. "Trash Sadaka" is independent of the other parts of the subroutine.

Endless EULA ( The Devil and the Dragon, 74)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner’s ability on Endless EULA, do they have to choose to pay 1 for each subroutine?

    No. The Runner can decline to pay for any subroutines on Endless EULA. The Corp will be prevented from ending the run. However, the Runner can still choose to pay if they want to.

Amani Senai ( The Devil and the Dragon, 76)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp scores Medical Breakthrough, what is the base trace strength for Amani Senai?

    Medical Breakthrough’s ability is active before Amani Senai’s ability resolves, so if it’s the first copy of Medical Breakthrough to be scored or stolen, the base trace strength will be 3. Each additional copy in a player’s score area would lower the base trace strength by another 1.

Oduduwa ( The Devil and the Dragon, 79)

  • Updated 2024-03-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 22 [Michael Boggs]

    When the Runner encounters Oduduwa, is the value of X determined before or after placing 1 advancement token on it?


Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 81)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Can Freedom Khumalo trash accessed agendas?

    No. Agendas do not have rez or play costs.

    If the Runner wishes to trash a card with a rez or play cost of 0 with Freedom Khumalo, can they still do so if they have no virus counters or no installed cards at all?


Contaminate ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 83)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner play Contaminate if the only installed Runner cards are virus programs and a Hivemind with a virus counter on it?


Slipstream ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 85)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner uses Slipstream after passing Kakugo, do they still take net damage?


    Updated (2024.03).

    Does Front Company prevent the first run during a turn from being redirected to a remote server via effects like Slipstream or AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World?

    No. This restriction only prohibits the Runner from declaring a remote server as the initial attacked server.

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Does Slipstream work if the ice is uninstalled during the encounter?

    No. Though ice is immediately passed if it is derezzed or uninstalled while being encountered, it then is no longer a rezzed piece of ice, so it does not meet Slipstream's trigger condition.

    How is ice position determined for Sipstream?

    Ice position is always counted from the innermost toward the outermost.

    So if the Runner passes the outermost piece of ice protecting a remote with 3 pieces of ice, they can't use Slipstream to approach the only piece of ice protecting HQ?

    Correct. In this case, the Runner could only use Slipstream to move to a central server with at least 3 pieces of ice protecting it.

    If the Runner uses Slipstream after bypassing the innermost piece of ice with Spear Phishing, can they bypass the innermost ice on the new server with Spear Phishing too?


Laamb ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 86)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Runner use Laamb to make a piece of ice into a barrier, then bypass it with Curupira?

    No. Curupira’s ability can only become pending at the beginning of the encounter, in the same reaction window in which Laamb’s ability becomes pending, but it only does so if the encountered ice is a barrier. Since the ice does not become a barrier until Laamb’s ability resolves, it is too late for Curupira’s ability to meet its trigger condition.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Does Laamb have to match the strength of an encountered piece of ice to give it barrier?

    No. Just like bypassing a piece of ice with Femme Fatale, Laamb has a "when encountered" ability that is usable regardless of strength.

    Can the Runner install Paperclip from their heap after giving apiece of ice barrier with Laamb?

    No. The ice was not a barrier at the time Paperclip's ability would have met its trigger condition.

Gebrselassie ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 87)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    How exactly does Gebrselassie's ability affect the host icebreaker?

    Gebrselassie increases the duration of any strength boosting effects to last for the remainder of the turn, instead of a shorter duration like the remainder of the encounter. Gebrselassie does not have any effect on abilities that continuously modify strength (like Na'Not'K).

    Updated (2024.03).

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens to the strength of the icebreaker hosting Gebrselassie if the Runner moves it onto another icebreaker after a run?

    The previous host immediately returns to its base strength.

Compile ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 88)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Does the Runner have to shuffle the stack after searching it with Compile?

    Per the rules on searching a deck for cards, after a search is performed, the deck must be shuffled immediately before proceeding with any remaining effects initiated by the search.

Logic Bomb ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 89)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Logic Bomb when they have no remaining ?

    Yes. Losing remaining is part of the ability's effect, not part of its cost.

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Logic Bomb to bypass a piece of ice on which they have already broken all subroutines, are those subroutines still considered broken for the purposes of card abilities (such as Inversificator)?


Jackpot! ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 90)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Does Jackpot! trigger with cards that are added to the Runner's score area without being stolen, such as Notoriety or Director Haas?


    If both Jackpot! and Another Day, Another Paycheck are active, which card meets its trigger condition first?

    Jackpot! and Another Day, Another Paycheck meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order in which to trigger the abilities.

Remote Enforcement ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 91)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Can Remote Enforcement rez an Archer without forfeiting an agenda?

    No. If you install Archer with Remote Enforcement and do not forfeit an agenda, it will remain unrezzed.

Warden Fatuma ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 93)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    If Loki copies the subroutines from another bioroid while Warden Fatuma is rezzed, how many " The Runner loses , if able." subroutines does Loki have?

    Loki will have two copies of the subroutine: one from Warden Fatuma, and one copied from the other bioroid ice.

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    In what order does a piece of ice gain subroutines while hosting Wetwork Refit with Warden Fatuma active?

    The subroutines are gained in "timestamp order". Whichever card became active first gives its subroutine first, then the other card gives its subroutine second. Thus, the most recently active card's subroutine will be the first subroutine, followed by the subroutine from the older card.

Viral Weaponization ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 94)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Corp has a rezzed Genetics Pavilion when they score a Viral Weaponization, does the Runner draw 2 or 3 cards if I've Had Worse is trashed?

    The Runner will draw the full 3 cards. Viral Weaponization triggers during the Corp's discard phase, which is still part of the Corp's turn.

    Updated (2024.03).

Mwanza City Grid ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 96)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner trashes any of the accessed cards, does the Corp still gain 2 for each of the trashed cards?

    Yes. The trashed cards were still accessed, even though they are no longer in the server.

    Can Mwanza City Grid count as one of the additional cards I need to access from R&D because of its ability?

    No. Upgrades are installed in the root of a central server, not in the central server itself.

    Does the Corp gain 2 for each upgrade installed in the root of R&D or HQ as well as for each of the cards accessed from the central server itself?

    Yes. While the first part of Mwanza City Grid's ability gives additional access from the server itself, the second part counts all cards accessed during that access phase, including Mwanza City Grid itself and other upgrades in the server's root.

    How many times does NASX meet its trigger condition from the credit gain of Mwanza City Grid's ability?

    Once. Mwanza City Grid counts the accesses, then gives the Corp the appropriate number of credits all at once, after the access phase is completed.

    What happens if Mwanza City Grid becomes installed in the root of Archives, for example by using Metamorph?

    The Runner already accesses all cards from Archives, so the ability granting additional accesses does not change anything. However, the Corp will gain 2 for each card in Archives and the root of Archives that the Runner accessed.

    So what happens if Mwanza City Grid becomes installed in a remote server?

    Like with Archives, the Runner already accesses all cards installed in a remote server. No additional accesses are made, but the Corp gains 2 for each cards accessed from the server.

    Okay, but what if the Corp is playing Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon?

    Gagarin does not change anything about the functionality of Mwanza. The Runner must pay 1 for each card in the remote server that they wish to access. After accessing is over, the Corp gains 2 for each card the Runner paid to access.

Standard Procedure ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 97)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp name a made up card type for Standard Procedure?

    No, but they can name a Corp card type.

Masvingo ( Whispers in Nalubaale, 99)

  • Updated 2024-03-22

    ANCUR UFAQ 23 [Michael Boggs]

    What is the additional cost to rez Masvingo incurred by Hernando Cortez?

    No matter how many advancement tokens are on Masvingo, Hernando Cortez does not add any additional cost to rez it. Masvingo's ability is not active until rezzed.

Zer0 ( Kampala Ascendent, 101)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the damage from Zer0 be prevented?

    No. Costs cannot be prevented.

    What happens if the Runner tries to use Zer0 while Guru Davinder is installed?

    Zer0 cannot be used while Guru Davinder is installed, because the Runner cannot pay the cost.

    Updated (2024.03)

Hippo ( Kampala Ascendent, 103)

  • Updated 2024-07-19

    The Runner fully breaks the outermost piece of ice protecting R&D during a run on R&D. Later in the turn, they fully break the outermost piece of ice protecting HQ during a run on HQ. Can the Runner use Hippo to trash the ice protecting HQ?

    No. Hippo meets its trigger condition the first time the Runner fully breaks a piece of ice that is currently the outermost piece of ice protecting a server being attacked. It does not meet its trigger condition separately for different servers.

  • Updated 2024-07-19

    If the Runner fully breaks a piece of ice during a forced encounter (such as an encounter created by Konjin), can they trash that ice with Hippo?

    Only if that ice is the outermost piece of ice protecting the attacked server and Hippo's trigger condition has not been met in a previous encounter this turn.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner uses Hippo to trash Tatu-Bola, can the Corp swap Tatu-Bola with an ice from HQ?

    No. Tatu-Bola is in Archives and is not active by the time the Runner passes its former position.

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner trash Mirāju with Hippo? If they do, are they moved to Archives?

    Yes, Hippo can be used after breaking the subroutine on Mirāju, and the Runner will not be moved to Archives. Mirāju's ability checks whether the Runner broke its printed subroutine at the time they would pass it (Step 4 of the run). Since Hippo's ability triggers as soon as all subroutines are broken (in step 3.1), Mirāju is no longer active in order to replace passing with moving to Archives.

PAD Tap ( Kampala Ascendent, 106)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does PAD Tap trigger when the Corp takes credits from a card like Adonis Campaign?

    Yes. Whenever the Corp "takes" credits from a card and moves them to their credit pool, they are considered to have “gained” those credits.

Flame-out ( Kampala Ascendent, 109)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use credits hosted on Flame-out to pay the install cost from using Self-Modifying Code?

    No. Paying a program's install cost is not using that program, and Self-Modifying Code is no longer hosted on Flame-out when the program is being installed, so neither card can meet the requirements to use credits from Flame-out.

Kasi String ( Kampala Ascendent, 111)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If there is a Kasi String in a score area, what happens when the Runner installs another Kasi String?

    Nothing. A Kasi String in the scoring area is not active, so the Runner can have another card with the same unique name installed.

    Updated (2024.03).

Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved ( Kampala Ascendent, 114)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    When the Corp installs a piece of ice with Mti Mwekundu, can they trash other ice protecting the server?


    Does installing a piece of ice with Mti Mwekundu cause K. P. Lynn to trigger twice during a single run?

    Yes. K. P. Lynn meets her trigger condition when the Runner has finished passing all the ice protecting the server at step 4 of the run. Mti does not meet its trigger condition until the Runner approaches the server at step 5 of the run. Mti’s ability then forces the Runner’s position back to step 2 with the newly installed piece of ice, so if the Runner encounters and then passes that ice they will meet K. P. Lynn’s trigger condition a second time.

Mlinzi ( Kampala Ascendent, 115)

  • Updated 2024-03-08

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner has fewer cards in their stack than required to trash by a subroutine on Mlinzi, can they still choose to trash the top cards of the stack to not suffer the net damage?

    No. The Runner must be able to pay the full cost in cards trashed in order to not suffer the net damage.

    Updated (2024.03).

Divide and Conquer ( Reign and Reverie, 2)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    How does Mercury: Chrome Libertador interact with Divide and Conquer?

    The Runner may choose to access an additional card from HQ or R&D, but not both.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the threat level is 3 or greater and the Runner uses Divide and Conquer to breach HQ, will Eru Ayase-Pessoa allow them to access an additional card?


  • Updated 2022-06-09

    NISEI [NISEI Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner plays Divide and Conquer with an Aumakua installed, how many times does Aumakua trigger?

    Aumakua will trigger up to three times, once for each server breached with no cards trashed or stolen.

    Updated (2022.05).

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner access upgrades installed in the root of R&D or HQ with Divide and Conquer?


    What happens if the Runner uses The Turning Wheel during a run made with Divide and Conquer?

    Because Runner must choose whether they wish to access an additional card from either R&D or HQ each time they use The Turning Wheel, each use of The Turning Wheel will only affect one of the accesses from Divide and Conquer.

    What happens if the Runner plays Divide and Conquer after an unsuccessful trace from Black Hat?

    The Runner accesses two additional cards from each of R&D and HQ. If the trace from Black Hat is unsuccessful, it sets up a floating conditional ability that triggers whenever the Runner accesses a card from either R&D or HQ.

    If the Runner replaces Accessing Archives with another effect (e.g. installing Hades Shard, do they still access a card from HQ then R&D?


    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Guinea Pig ( Reign and Reverie, 3)

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner play Guinea Pig when it is the only card left in the grip?


    If the Runner plays Guinea Pig with Dadiana Chacon installed and exactly 4 in their credit pool, does the Runner flatline?

    Dadiana's ability triggers after the Runner pays the play cost of Guinea Pig but before the Guinea Pig's abilities resolve. As long as the Runner has at least 3 other cards in their grip, they do not die from Dadiana's ability. After the damage resolves, the Runner continues resolving Guinea Pig as normal.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Patchwork ( Reign and Reverie, 4)

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner use Patchwork to play Sure Gamble with only 3 in their credit pool?


    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Cradle ( Reign and Reverie, 6)

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can Cradle have negative strength if the Runner has 6 or more cards in their grip? If so, what ice can Cradle break if its strength is negative?

    Yes, strength on both ice and icebreakers can be negative. An icebreaker's strength being negative does not affect its basic functionality; it can still only break subroutines on ice with strength less than or equal to the icebreaker's strength.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

District 99 ( Reign and Reverie, 7)

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If damage is the first time in a turn that a program or hardware is put into the heap, does District 99 gain a power counter?

    Yes. Damage causes cards to be trashed.

    If discarding at the end of the Runner's turn is the first time that turn a program or hardware is put into the heap, does District 99 gain a power counter?

    No. Discarding is not trashing.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator ( Reign and Reverie, 8)

  • Updated 2022-06-09

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner avoid the tag and still draw the 2 cards?

    Yes. The cards and the tag are not dependent on each other, they are two separate effects combined into one composite ability.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.06).

Thunder Art Gallery ( Reign and Reverie, 13)

  • Updated 2022-06-09

    NISEI [NISEI Rules Team Update]

    The Runner has Citadel Sanctuary, Thunder Art Gallery, and Autoscripter installed. At the end of the Runner’s turn, they use Citadel Sanctuary to remove a tag, triggering Thunder Art Gallery. Does the Runner gain a click from Autoscripter if they install a program with the Gallery?

    Yes. But, players cannot spend clicks outside of the Action Phase and any of the Runner's unspent clicks are lost during the discard phase (5.7.2c).

    The Runner has Forger and Thunder Art Gallery installed when they access a Snare!. If they avoid the tag with Forger and install a Sports Hopper with the Gallery, can they use the Sports Hopper to draw more cards to survive the incoming net damage? Can the Runner install and use Bio-Modeled Network to prevent the incoming net damage?

    The Runner uses Forger during the interrupt ability window while Snare!'s ability is in the "trigger" state. Thunder Art Gallery triggers and resolves as a chain reaction during this window. Once it is resolved, the Runner can continue to trigger relevant interrupt abilities, such as Bio-Modeled Network, including a Bio-Modeled Network installed during that same window with Thunder Art Gallery. The Runner cannot use the Sports Hopper in this situation, as it does not have an interrupt ability, and there is no window for standard paid abilities during access.

    Updated (2022.06).

Mind's Eye ( Reign and Reverie, 17)

  • Updated 2022-06-21

    NISEI [NISEI Rules Team Update]

    Can the access from Mind's Eye be augmented with additional accesses from cards like Akiko Nisei, Nyashia, and eXer?

    Yes. Mind's Eye resolves the steps of the Timing Structure of Breaching a Server (section 11.4) as if the Runner had just made a successful run on R&D, including applying effects that modify accessing cards from R&D and setting the number of cards to access. However, you cannot access upgrades installed in the root of R&D with Mind's Eye, nor can you apply effects like The Turning Wheel that depend on a run being in progress.

    Updated (2022.06).

Mâché ( Reign and Reverie, 18)

  • Updated 2022-06-21

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner access a card and then trashes that card later in the turn (e.g. with Apocalypse or Political Operative), does Mâché gain power counters?

    No. Mâché triggers when the Runner trashes a card at the time of access.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.06).

Ika ( Reign and Reverie, 19)

  • Updated 2022-06-21

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses credits from Flame-out to use Ika, and then moves Ika off of Flame-out, is Ika still trashed at the end of the turn?


    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.06).

Psych Mike ( Reign and Reverie, 21)

  • Updated 2022-06-21

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner accesses the same card twice (e.g. running R&D and a Shiro fires), do they gain 1 or 2?

    The Runner gains 2. Psych Mike counts the number of times the Runner accesses a card from R&D, not specific cards accessed from R&D.

    Does the Runner gain credits from Psych Mike for accessing upgrades installed in the root of R&D?

    No. Upgrades are accessed from the root of a central server, not from the central server itself.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.06).

Algernon ( Reign and Reverie, 22)

  • Updated 2022-05-27

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner uses Algernon to gain , but then uses Dr. Lovegood to blank Algernon, is it still trashed at the end of the turn if the Runner doesn't make a successful run?

    Yes. Once triggered, Algernon's ability exists independently of the source card, so the second part of its ability will still trigger when the turn ends.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

DJ Fenris ( Reign and Reverie, 25)

  • Updated 2022-05-10

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if DJ Fenris is flipped facedown by Apocalypse?

    The identity remains hosted on DJ Fenris but has no effect on the game as it is not active. If DJ Fenris is turned back faceup, it will have the text of the hosted identity again.

    What happens if DJ Fenris is blanked by Dr. Lovegood?

    The identity remains hosted on DJ Fenris but has no effect on the game state as it is not active. At the end of the turn, DJ Fenris becomes unblanked and has the text of the hosted identity.

    What happens if DJ fenris is uninstalled while facedown or blanked?

    If an identity would ever be placed anywhere other than into the play area, it is immediately removed from the game.

    If DJ Fenris is uninstalled and then later installed again, can the Runner host the same identity as before on DJ Fenris?


    How does DJ Fenris work with Ele "Smoke" Scovak?

    At the start of the next turn after the Runner installs DJ Fenris (at step 1.3) the Runner places a credit on DJ Fenris, which can be used to pay for using icebreakers. DJ Fenris does not have a recurring credit until after his ability resolves, so no credit is placed on him when he is installed. Also note that DJ Fenris does not gain Smoke’s Stealth subtype.

    If the first card the Runner installs in a turn is DJ Fenris, and the identity they choose is Hayley Kaplan, can the Runner then install another resource using the newly gained ability from Hayley?

    No. DJ Fenris did not have the the ability from Hayley until after the ability's trigger condition would have been met.

    If the Runner is playing as Nasir Meidan and hosts Reina Roja on DJ Fenris, do they gain an additional credit when Nasir’s ability resolves?

    No. Reina only increases the rez cost of a piece of ice at the time the Corp rezzes it.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home ( Reign and Reverie, 26)

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    What happens if the Runner steals an agenda in the middle of accessing cards from R&D and the Corp uses Sportsmetal to draw cards?

    The Runner continues accessing from the topmost card of R&D that the Runner has not already accessed. If Sportsmetal drew past the point the Runner already accessed, the new top of R&D is the next card accessed. If Sportsmetal drew 2 cards the Runner has already accessed and there are other cards the Runner has already accessed, the Runner simply continues accessing from the point in R&D at which they are already accessing.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.07).

Hyperloop Extension ( Reign and Reverie, 27)

Meridian ( Reign and Reverie, 28)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner to prevent Meridian from ending the run, what happens?

    Meridian’s subroutine offers the Runner an opportunity to pay the cost of adding Meridian to their score area to prevent it from ending the run. If the runner chooses not to pay that cost and uses Banner’s ability, the Corp will gain 4, but will be prevented from ending the run.

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    NISEI [NISEI Rules Team Update]

    What happens if the Corp uses Loki to copy Meridian's subroutine?

    Because of the text update to Meridian to remove the self-reference, the subroutine resolves as normal. The Runner can add Loki to their score area; if they don't the run ends and the Corp gains 4.

    Updated (2022.07).

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner takes Meridian as a -1 point agenda, does the Corp still gain 4?


    If Meridian is hosting a Sub Boost when the Runner chooses to add Meridian to their score area, does the run still end?

    No. Once Meridian is uninstalled, all hosted cards and counters are trashed, the encounter ends, and the Runner passes the position Meridian had occupied.

    What happens if the Corp uses Wormhole to resolve Meridian's subroutine?

    The subroutine resolves as normal. The Runner can add Meridian to their score area; if they don't the run ends and the Corp gains 4.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.07).

Gatekeeper ( Reign and Reverie, 29)

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    Can the Runner force the corp to shuffle R&D by letting the first Gatekeeper sub fire, even if the Corp does not draw or reveal any agendas?


Divert Power ( Reign and Reverie, 30)

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp play Divert Power but choose not to derez or rez any cards?

    Yes. To play Divert Power, it must have the potential to change the game state (via at least one rezzed card that can be derezzed and/or at least one unrezzed card that can be rezzed), but when the operation actually resolves, the Corp does not have to do anything since all of Divert Power's effects are adjustable.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.07).

Fast Break ( Reign and Reverie, 31)

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    When the Corp plays Fast Break, do they draw cards until either they have drawn X cards or they wish to stop? What about for the installs?

    The Corp must decide how many cards they will draw (any number from 0 to X), then draw that many cards. They cannot see the cards as they draw them, then use this information to decide when to stop drawing. The same is true for the installs; first the Corp decides how many cards they will install, then they install that many cards one at a time.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.07).

Giordano Memorial Field ( Reign and Reverie, 33)

  • Updated 2022-07-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If Giordano Memorial Field ends the run, is the run considered successful or unsuccessful?

    After a run has been declared successful, it cannot be made unsuccessful.

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.07).

Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration ( Reign and Reverie, 34)

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    After installing a card with Saraswati Mnemonics, when is the earliest that the Corp can rez or score that card?

    The restriction from Saraswati expires at step 5.6.1d of the Corp's turn. The Corp's first opportunity to rez or score the card after that point is step 5.6.2a before taking actions.

    Updated (2023.09).

Otoroshi ( Reign and Reverie, 38)

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    If the Runner runs HQ or R&D, accesses a card during the run due to Otoroshi, and then the run ends unsuccessfully, can they still claim 1[c] from Zahya Sadeghi's ability?

    Yes, the card accessed would still count. Zahya’s ability does not require a successful run.

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Is the Corp allowed to place 0 advancement tokens on a card and still force the Runner to either access that card or pay 3?


Thimblerig ( Reign and Reverie, 39)

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    If the runner passes a piece of ice after fully breaking it, and uses Inversificator to swap it to another position, can "when the runner passes this ice" abilities on that ice still resolve?


  • Updated 2023-09-01

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    If the Runner uses Inversificator to swap Thimblerig in for another piece of ice, can the Corp then swap Thimblerig away with another piece of ice?

    No. Thimblerig was not the ice installed and broken in the position the Runner is passing at the time that the pass occurred.

    Updated (2023.09).

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Runner passes Thimblerig, then Corp swaps it with a Kakugo, does the Runner suffer 1 net damage?

    No. Kakugo was not the ice in the position being passed at the time that its trigger condition would have been met.

Hangeki ( Reign and Reverie, 40)

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp choose an installed piece of ice for Hangeki?


    So if the Corp chooses an installed Archangel for Hangeki, the Runner could encounter it if they do not take the -1 agenda point?


    If the Runner accesses an installed piece of ice with Hangeki, can they trash it with Imp, reveal it with Aeneas Informant, etc.?

    Yes. Accessing an installed ice behaves just like accessing any other installed card.

Daruma ( Reign and Reverie, 41)

  • Updated 2023-09-01

    NSG [NSG Rules Team Update]

    Can the Corp use a Daruma that is installed in the root of a central server?

    Yes, as long as there was another upgrade installed in that central server. Daruma swaps out a card installed in the same server from which it was trashed.

    What about using Daruma in a remote server to swap something into the root of a central server?


    Updated (2023.09).

  • Updated 2023-04-15

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp uses Daruma to swap a card hosting tokens or other cards with a card in HQ, what happens to the hosted items?

    As their host has become uninstalled, they are all immediately and unpreventably trashed.

    If the Corp uses Daruma to swap a card hosting tokens or other cars with another installed card, what happens to the hosted items?

    The host relationship remains intact as the host has not been uninstalled; it has simply moved to a new position in play.

    Can the Corp swap an upgrade out for an asset or agenda in HQ or another server if there is already an asset or agenda in the Daruma server? What about swapping in a second region?

    No. The Corp must still follow any applicable restrictions from card abilities and game rules.

Acme Consulting: The Truth You Need ( Reign and Reverie, 42)

  • Updated 2023-09-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the additional tag from Acme Consulting be removed?

    No. The Runner is considered to have an additional tag during encounters with outermost ice, even when they have none, but it does not exist for the purposes of being manipulated (such as removing it).

Eavesdrop ( Reign and Reverie, 47)

  • Updated 2023-09-08

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Runner prevent the Eavesdrop trace with Hunting Grounds?

    No. Hunting Grounds prevents "when encountered" abilities on ice, and the trace ability from Eavesdrop is on a condition counter.

The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated ( Reign and Reverie, 50)

  • Updated 2023-09-14

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    If The Outfit is playing against Valencia Estevez, does the Corp start the game with 1 bad publicity and 8?

    No. The Corp does not "take" a bad publicity from Valencia, they simply start the game with the bad publicity.

Formicary ( Reign and Reverie, 54)

  • Updated 2023-09-14

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    Can the Corp rez and move more than one Formicary per run?

    Yes. Although forcing the Runner into a Formicary negates the trigger for any additional Formicaries, the next thing the Runner does after passing the first Formicary is approach the server a second time. At that point the Corp could use a second Formicary, and even a third afterward in similar fashion.

    How does Formicary interact with Mti Mwekundu?

    Similarly to the above, once either ability from Formicary or Mti Mwekundu resolves, the Runner is no longer approaching the server and the other ability cannot be triggered. But if the Runner passes the piece of ice encountered this way, they will approach the server again and these abilities can meet their trigger condition again.

Building Blocks ( Reign and Reverie, 55)

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    If the first time the Corp installs a card in a turn is with Building Blocks, does 419 trigger?

    Yes. An "install and rez" effect follows all the normal steps of installing a card, followed by all the normal steps of rezzing a card. 419's ability meets its trigger condition during the install steps, and resolves before the card is considered rezzed.

Lady Liberty ( Reign and Reverie, 58)

  • Updated 2023-09-14

    ANCUR UFAQ 24 [Michael Boggs]

    How does Lady Liberty Work? Can the Corp use Lady Liberty to turn an agenda into a different number of agenda points?

    The phrase "worth agenda points equal to the exact number of hosted power counters" is a qualifier to "an agenda". The Corp can only use Lady Liberty on an agenda in HQ that is already worth as many agenda points as there are power counters hosted on Lady Liberty. The ability cannot change the number of points on an agenda because it is not a conversion effect using the word "as".

    Audited by NISEI Rules (2022.05).

Cyberfeeder ( System Core 2019, 8)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Can you use the credits hosted on Cyberfeeder to pay for Femme Fatale’s bypass ability?

    Yes. Since the bypass ability is an optional ability, you are considered to be using the ability. The credits from Cyberfeeder can be spent to pay for the use of that ability.

Patchwork ( System Core 2019, 9)

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    The Runner has an installed copy of Patchwork, and their grip contains Moshing, Steelskin Scarring, and one other card. Can the runner play Moshing, using Patchwork to trash Steelskin Scarring from their grip in order to draw 2 cards and have 3 cards in their grip to pay for Moshing's additional cost?

    Yes. Patchwork's replacement effect applies before the Runner pays the cost of playing an event, allowing the Runner to use Steelskin Scarring's ability to draw 2 cards before they need 3 cards in the grip.

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    The runner plays an event, using Patchwork to trash a copy of Steelskin Scarring from their grip to discount the event's play cost by 2. After the Runner draws 2 cards from Steelskin Scarring's ability, can they choose to play an event that they drew via Steelskin Scarring?

    No. The Runner must announce the card that they are playing with the "Play an event" basic action before they can use Patchwork's replacement effect, and before they could draw any cards from trashing Steelskin Scarring.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner trashes Strike Fund with the interrupt ability on Patchwork, can they use the 2 from Strike Fund to pay the cost of the card they are playing or installing?


Isolation ( Downfall, 1)

  • Updated 2019-04-26

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner has exactly 2 and plays Isolation, trashing Dadiana Chacon, do they suffer meat damage?

    No. Both the credit cost and the additional cost are paid at the same time. Dadiana is inactive by the time her last ability meets its trigger condition, so it never becomes pending or resolves.

Chisel ( Downfall, 3)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Does Ice Carver apply its -1 strength before or after Chisel’s ability resolves?

    Before. Ice Carver has a static ability, which means it applies as soon as the encounter begins. The Runner doesn’t have to trigger the ability explicitly or wait for conditional abilities to resolve before it takes effect.

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Datasucker to help trash ice faster with Chisel? What about cards like Null: Whistleblower?

    No, Datasucker can only reduce the strength of ice during the paid ability window of an encounter, which is after Chisel’s ability will already have resolved and either trashed the ice or added a virus counter to itself. Null, on the other hand, has a conditional ability with the same trigger condition as Chisel, so the Runner can choose the order to trigger and resolve those abilities. Chisel looks at the strength of the ice at the time its ability resolves, which will include Null’s effect if that was resolved first.

    If the Runner encounters a Tollbooth hosting a Chisel with 5 virus counters, do they still have to pay 3?

    If it’s the Runner’s turn, their “when encountered” abilities resolve first. Tollbooth is trashed by Chisel before the Runner has to pay, and its ability then cannot resolve.

Stargate ( Downfall, 4)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens to the other two cards revealed by Stargate?

    The cards not trashed are returned to R&D in the same order they were originally in.

    If the Runner uses Stargate and the run is unsuccessful, can they try again the same turn?

    No. Stargate’s restriction to “Use this ability only once per turn” applies to the entire ability, not just the “if successful” effect.

Climactic Showdown ( Downfall, 6)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp does not trash a card for Climactic Showdown, does the Runner access 2 additional cards from the chosen server or from the server they are accessing?

    If the Runner accesses HQ before R&D that turn, they access 2 additional cards from HQ. If the Runner accesses R&D before HQ that turn, they access 2 additional cards from R&D.

    What happens if the Corp does not have any installed ice when Climactic Showdown resolves?

    The Runner cannot choose a server. Climactic Showdown removes itself from the game and the rest of the ability does nothing.

    If the Runner makes a successful run with Divide and Conquer after Climactic Showdown resolves?

    Card text is resolved in the order it appears. The Runner accesses Archives, then accesses 3 cards from HQ, then accesses 1 card from R&D.

Fencer Fueno ( Downfall, 7)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What are the applicable uses for credits on Fencer Fueno other than trashing accessed cards? Can the Runner use the credits to break the subroutine when accessing Archangel?

    Once a run becomes successful, the credits on Fencer Fueno become available for the Runner to spend for any purpose until that run ends. The Runner can feel free to spend the credits on anything as if they were in their credit pool, including but not limited to the trace from Ash 2X3ZB9CY, the psi game from The Future Perfect, or even using a Self-Modifying Code during an access encounter with Archangel.

The Nihilist ( Downfall, 8)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp choose to trash the top card of R&D if R&D is empty to keep the Runner from drawing with The Nihilist?

    No. Since “unless” designates that trashing the top card of R&D is a nested cost (rule 1.15.10b), the Corp must trash a card to stop the Runner from drawing. If they do not trash a card, the Runner draws.

    If the Runner’s stack is empty, does The Nihilist force the Corp to trash the top card of R&D?

    No. Since “unless” designates trashing the top card of R&D as a nested cost (rule 1.15.10b), the Corp can choose not to pay that cost. In this case, “draw 2 cards” resolves but does nothing.

Trickster Taka ( Downfall, 9)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner avoid the tag from Trickster Taka’s last ability?

    Yes. Just like with avoiding the tag from Data Raven, the ability only requires the Runner to make a choice. Once the choice is made, whether or not the effect is prevented does not undo or invalidate the choice.

Always Have a Backup Plan ( Downfall, 11)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the last ice you encountered during the first run of Always Have a Backup Plan is swapped to a different server, uninstalled, or derezzed, what happens during the second run?

    In either case, the Runner does not encounter that piece of ice, and thus no ice is bypassed.

    If the first run with Always Have a Backup Plan is deflected to a new server, which server does the Runner run the second time?

    The second run is made against the server that is being attacked when the first run ends.

Flip Switch ( Downfall, 13)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the Runner still have to pay the additional cost from Port Anson Grid if they use Flip Switch to jack out from a run on its server?

    Yes. When the ability on Flip Switch resolves, the Runner must trash a program to jack out. If they do not trash a program, they do not jack out.

    Does the third ability on Flip Switch trigger Armand “Geist” Walker?

    Yes. Geist only cares that it’s an ability with a icon; it doesn’t have to be a paid ability.

Lucky Charm ( Downfall, 14)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Lucky Charm to prevent the “when encountered” ability on Data Raven from ending the run without having to take a tag?

    Yes. Just like with avoiding the tag from Data Raven, the ability only requires the Runner to make a choice. Once the choice is made, whether or not the effect is prevented does not undo or invalidate the choice.

    Can the Runner use Lucky Charm to prevent the first subroutine on Fairchild from ending the run if they decline to pay the credits?

    Yes. Since “unless” designates paying 4 as a nested cost (rule 1.15.10b), the Runner can choose not to pay the credits. “End the run” then becomes imminent, and the Runner can use Lucky Charm on it.

    Can the Runner use Lucky Charm to prevent the Security Nexus trace from ending the run?

    No. Even though the Corp is the one resolving the trace, the ability originated from a Runner card and thus cannot be prevented by Lucky Charm.

Masterwork (v37) ( Downfall, 15)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Masterwork (v37) with Az McCaffrey to install a 0 cost piece of hardware when they have no credits?

    Yes. The two cost modifiers are combined into a net of 0.

Bukhgalter ( Downfall, 16)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the Runner still gain credits from Bukhgalter if another card is used during the encounter where all subroutines are broken by Bukhgalter (i..e Datasucker to reduce strength)?

    Yes, what matters is that all subroutines were broken using Bukhgalter.

    What happens if the encountered ice gains additional subroutines after the Runner uses Bukhgalter to break all of the other subroutines?

    Nothing happens. Bukhgalter already triggered and resolved, so the Runner will not gain credits again, and adding new subroutines cannot force the Runner to return the credits gained.

“Baklan” Bochkin ( Downfall, 17)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use “Baklan” Bochkin to take a tag, even if they are not encountering a piece of ice?


    Can the Corp re-rez a piece of ice immediately after “Baklan” Bochkin derezzes it?

    No. Baklan’s ability is used during the encounter ice phase, which does not allow the Corp to rez ice.

The Class Act ( Downfall, 18)

  • Updated 2022-06-20

    How does Verbal Plasticity interact with The Class Act?

    Verbal Plasticity’s ability resolves immediately after the Runner pays the cost to take the basic action to draw 1 card, before the actual draw becomes imminent. The Class Act’s second ability resolves later, during the interrupt window that occurs while the draw effect is imminent. If both abilities are applicable, the Runner will look at 3 cards and put 1 of those cards on the bottom of their stack, then draw the other 2.

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If The Class Act is uninstalled during the turn the Runner installed it, do they still draw 4 cards?


    Which comes first, The Class Act’s first ability or discarding to hand size?

    The Runner discards to hand size first, then draws four cards. They don’t check hand size again that turn.

    If The Class Act’s first ability is the first time the Runner would draw cards that turn, does her second ability apply to that draw?


    How many cards does the Runner draw at the end of the turn after installing The Class Act if Genetics Pavilion is active? How many do they look at?

    The Runner only draws 2 cards. The Class Act triggers at Step 5.7.2d of the Runner’s turn when the end of their turn is formally observed, but Genetics Pavilion remains active until the Runner’s turn officially passes to the Corp’s turn after step 5.7.2f. If The Class Act’s second ability is applicable in this situation, the Runner will look at 3 cards and put one on the bottom before drawing.

    How does The Class Act work with Window?

    If the Runner uses Window’s ability without having drawn cards previously that turn, they will look at the top two cards of their stack, put one on top and one on the bottom, then draw the card they put on the bottom.

    How does the first draw effect in a turn resolve with The Class Act if there are fewer cards in the stack than the Runner will draw or look at?

    If the Runner is to draw as many cards as there are in the stack or more, the Runner looks at all the remaining cards, puts one on the bottom, then draws all of them. If both players agree to the shortcut, the Runner can simply draw all the cards in the stack.

    If the Runner is to draw exactly 1 fewer card than there are in the stack, the Runner looks at all the cards in the stack, puts one on the bottom, then draws all but that bottom card.

    How does The Class Act work with Lockdown?

    If the subroutine on Lockdown resolves, the Runner cannot draw cards for the remainder of that turn. If this happens during the turn on which the Runner installed The Class Act, the Runner does not draw 4 cards. Since the Runner will not draw any cards that turn, the second ability on The Class Act will never apply during that turn.

    How does The Class Act work with Game Day?

    Determine how many cards the Runner needs to draw to be at their maximum hand size. If it’s more than 0, X in The Class Act’s ability will be that number plus 1. Cards drawn by Game Day’s effect are considered to be drawn all at once.

    How does The Class Act work with Levy AR Lab Access?

    After the Runner shuffles their heap and grip into their stack, they look at the top 6 cards of their stack, put one on the bottom of their stack, then draw 5 cards.

    How does The Class Act work with Oracle May?

    If Oracle May is used and no other cards have been drawn that turn, after revealing a card of the named type, the Runner looks at that card and the next card in the stack, puts one of them on the bottom of the stack, draws the other one, and gains 2.

    How does The Class Act work with Mr. Li?

    The Runner looks at the top 3 cards of their stack, puts one on the bottom of their stack, draws the other 2, then puts one of those cards on the bottom of their stack.

Lat: Ethical Freelancer ( Downfall, 19)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Which comes first, Lat’s ability or discarding to hand size?

    The Runner discards to hand size first, then checks whether to draw a card from Lat’s ability. They don’t check hand size again that turn.

    If Lat has Safety First installed, which comes first?

    Both Lat and Safety First meet their trigger conditions when the Runner’s turn ends, so the Runner can choose to resolve them in either order. Note that both abilities check the number of cards in the Runner’s grip when they resolve, so the ordering of the two abilities can affect whether each other draws the Runner a card.

Khusyuk ( Downfall, 21)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if the trace on Ash 2X3ZB9CY is successful during a Khusyuk run?

    Khushyuk replaces the Runner’s access step with its own ability, but Ash still prohibits the Runner from accessing any card other than itself. The Runner reveals cards from the top of R&D, but does not access any of them, nor do they access Ash.

    What happens if the trace from the second subroutine on SYNC BRE is successful during a Khusyuk run?

    The Runner reveals cards from the top of R&D, but does not access any of them.

Supercorridor ( Downfall, 23)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    When does Supercorridor check the number of credits the players have? If they have a different number of credits at the end of the Runner’s turn, but resolving another ability (such as Citadel Sanctuary) causes them to have the same number of credits, does the Runner gain 2?

    Supercorridor checks the number of credits the players have when its ability resolves. Even if the players have a different number of credits when the Runner’s turn ends, it will still trigger, and other abilities can cause Supercorridor to end up paying out.

Gauss ( Downfall, 24)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner is able to uninstall and reinstall the same Gauss in a single turn, will it have +6 strength that turn?

    No. Whenever a card becomes uninstalled, it becomes a new copy of itself without any memory of its previous state.

Pelangi ( Downfall, 25)

  • Updated 2019-04-29

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Pelangi to give an encountered Wraparound “fracter” or a made up subtype?

    No. Whenever a player must choose a subtype, they must choose one that exists, and if applicable they must choose one that is applicable to the card type in question. For a complete list of all subtypes by card type, see rule 2.15.7.

Direct Access ( Downfall, 28)

  • Updated 2019-12-27

    If the Runner uses Direct Access to run a remote server against Replicating Perfection, do they have to run a central server to run another remote server?

    Yes. Replicating Perfection must register a central server run when they regain their ability, before a remote server can be attacked.

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Playing against Replicating Perfection, can the Runner use Direct Access to run on a remote server if they have not run on any central servers yet that turn?

    Yes. The identities lose their abilities as soon as Direct Access becomes active, before the run begins and the attacked server is declared.

    Playing as Apex, can the Runner use DaVinci to install a non-virtual resource during a Direct Access run?


    If the Corp most recently named “event” with Azmari EdTech, does the Corp gain 2 when the Runner plays Direct Access?

    No. Direct Access becomes active at step 8.6.4 of playing an event, causing Azmari to lose its abilities before it would meet its trigger condition at step 8.6.5.

    Does the Runner gain 1 from Ken Tenma when they play Direct Access?

    No. Direct Access becomes active at step 8.6.4 of playing an event, causing Ken to lose his abilities before he would meet his trigger condition at step 8.6.5.

    Can Skorpios Defense Systems remove Direct Access from the game?

    If the Runner chooses to shuffle Direct Access into their stack, then it is never trashed and thus Skorpios never has a chance to act on it. If the Runner does not choose to shuffle Direct Access into their stack, then it is trashed after the run completes and the effects are fully resolved, so Skorpios has its abilities again and may remove Direct Access from the game.

    If the only successful run the Runner makes on their turn is a Direct Access run, does Tennin Institute get to place an advancement token on a card?

    No. Tennin checks the Runner’s previous turn when the Corp’s turn begins. It does not need to have its ability when the successful run happens.

Rejig ( Downfall, 29)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    The Runner has an Astrolabe installed and has installed programs with a total memory cost meeting their memory limit. If they Rejig their Astrolabe into another console with +1, do they have to trash programs?

    Yes. After the Runner adds the Astrolabe to their grip, their installed programs exceed their memory limit, so they must trash programs down to their new memory limit before continuing to resolve Rejig.

    Which uninstalled card does Rejig refer to?

    The cost reduction for installing the card with Rejig is based on the install cost of the card the Runner chose to add to their grip.

Whistleblower ( Downfall, 30)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What does Whistleblower do? Won’t the Runner steal the agenda anyway?

    Whistleblower skips the usual sequence of steps for accessing a card, and lets the Runner steal it before any “when accessed” abilities resolve. Once the agenda is stolen, it is no longer being accessed, which stops other “when accessed” abilities from resolving. It also lets the Runner ignore additional costs to steal agendas like the one imposed by Red Herrings or the one on Obokata Protocol.

    So if the Runner names Fetal AI with Whistleblower and accesses a Fetal AI, do they still suffer the net damage?

    Whistleblower and Fetal AI both meet their trigger conditions at the same time. If it is the Runner’s turn, Whistleblower resolves first, and the Runner steals Fetal AI (without paying 2) before Fetal AI’s “when accessed” ability resolves. Since Fetal AI is no longer being accessed, its ability does not resolve.

MirrorMorph: Endless Iteration ( Downfall, 31)

  • Updated 2023-05-25

    If the Corp is playing Mirrormorph: Endless Iteration and the third action they take on their turn is to play a Terminal operation, do they get a bonus action?

    No. A player can only take actions during the action phase of their turn. If an effect directs a player to take an action outside of that player’s action phase, instead that player does nothing. However, the Corp can still use MirrorMorph to gain a credit.

  • Updated 2023-05-24

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp clears Employee Strike with one of their three actions (or between), does MirrorMorph trigger?


    If the Corp’s third action is to install a Calvin B4L3Y, can they rez Calvin and use its action with MirrorMorph?

    No, there is no window to rez cards between completing your third action and resolving MirrorMorph’s ability.

    Is there a paid ability window for the Runner to install Clot with Clone Chip after the Corp’s third action, or can the Corp immediately use the bonus action to place the final advancement counter on an agenda and score it in the next paid ability window?

    There is no paid ability window between completing the Corp’s third action and resolving MirrorMorph’s ability. Clot must be installed before the third action (or in the middle of it, if the action includes a nested timing structure with a paid ability window) to be able to stop the Corp from scoring with their extra action.

Architect Deployment Test ( Downfall, 32)

  • Updated 2024-09-23

    If the first time the Corp installs a card in a turn is with Architect, does 419: Amoral Scammer trigger?

    Yes. An "install and rez" effect follows all the normal steps of installing a card, followed by all the normal steps of rezzing a card. 419: Amoral Scammer's ability meets its trigger condition during the install steps, and resolves before the card is considered rezzed.

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens to the cards the Corp looked at but did not install when resolving Architect Deployment Test’s ability?

    They remain in R&D in the same order they were found.

Calvin B4L3Y ( Downfall, 33)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does Calvin B4L3Y’s last ability trigger when it’s unrezzed or not installed?


Nanoetching Matrix ( Downfall, 34)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Corp has 3 rezzed copies of Nanoetching Matrix and clicks all 3 copies, will Wage Workers grant an extra click?

    No. Actions on different cards are different actions, even if the cards have the same name.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does Nanoetching Matrix’s last ability trigger when it’s unrezzed or not installed?


Fully Operational ( Downfall, 36)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp has one remote server with ice protecting it and a card installed in it, how many times does the ability resolve?

    Twice. The ability resolves once, then it is repeated for the one matching remote server.

    How many times does NASX trigger while resolving Fully Operational?

    All of the times. All of them. (It triggers for each iteration in which the Corp chooses to gain credits).

    Can the Corp increase the number of repetitions for Fully Operational while it is resolving (e.g. by drawing a piece of ice and installing it with Jinja City Grid)?

    Only if this happens during the initial resolution. When the instruction to “Repeat this process” would resolve, it then counts your servers, and that number of repetitions is locked in.

Project Yagi-Uda ( Downfall, 40)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp swaps a rezzed piece of ice with an unrezzed one, does the Runner still approach the swapped in ice? If so, is the Runner still allowed to jack out?

    Project Yagi-Uda explicitly allows the Runner to jack out right after the swap occurs, regardless of when the ability is used. If a piece of ice is swapped while it is being approached, the Runner is still approaching that position and the Corp can rez the new piece of ice. If a piece of ice is swapped to HQ while being encountered, the encounter will end and the Runner will proceed to pass the position now occupied by the ice swapped from HQ.

    Can the Corp swap a card in HQ with a card in R&D or Archives?

    No. Only installed cards can be chosen as targets for abilities unless specifically noted, so cards in central servers cannot be chosen as the card “in or protecting the attacked server” to be swapped.

Sting! ( Downfall, 41)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    How much net damage does Sting! do?

    The first copy of Sting! Scored or stolen just does 1 net damage. Assuming no agendas are swapped or forfeited, the second copy does 1 net damage if the same player scores or steals it, or 2 if the other player does. The third copy does between 1 and 3 net damage: 3 if that player just scored or stole their only copy of Sting!, 2 if they already had one and their opponent had one, and 1 if the same player has all three.

Storgotic Resonator ( Downfall, 43)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does Storgotic Resonator get a counter when the Corp clears a Runner current matching the Runner’s identity faction?

    No. Currents are trashed by the game rules, not by a player.

    Does Storgotic Resonator get a counter when the Corp trashes a daemon hosting a card matching the Runner’s identity faction?

    No. Cards trashed because the card they were hosted on was uninstalled are trashed by the game rules, not by a player.

Saisentan ( Downfall, 44)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the extra damage from Saisentan’s “when encountered” ability trigger itself?

    No. The damage from trashing a card of the chosen type is not dealt by a subroutine, so it cannot meet the trigger condition of the ability again.

    How does Marcus Batty interact with Saisentan?

    If Marcus Batty is used during an encounter with Saisentan and resolves one of its subroutines, Saisentan’s ability does apply and can trigger the extra damage. If Marcus Batty is used outside of an encounter with Saisentan, or if the “when encountered” ability did not resolve (perhaps due to Hunting Grounds), then there is no chosen card type and the resolved subroutine just does a regular 1 net damage.

    How does Project Kusanagi interact with Saisentan?

    Subroutines added to Saisentan by Project Kusanagi can meet the trigger condition for Saisentan’s ability just like its printed subroutines.

Complete Image ( Downfall, 45)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp names I’ve Had Worse and trashes one with Complete Image, does the Runner draw right away or later?

    The Runner draws from the ability on I’ve Had Worse before the next iteration of Complete Image. The Corp names the next target card after the draw is complete.

    If Complete Image doesn’t trash the named card but Potential Unleashed does, does Complete Image repeat?

    No. “If you trash a copy of the named card” is specifically referring to the card trashing caused by Complete Image’s net damage.

Letheia Nisei ( Downfall, 46)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What does Letheia Nisei actually do?

    If the Corp wins the Psi game, the Corp may choose to trash Letheia and force the Runner to go back to the top of the server and progress through all the ice protecting the server again. Since her trigger condition is “the first time each run the Runner approaches this server”, once the Runner gets through the ice a second time, another copy of Letheia Nisei cannot trigger.

Loot Box ( Downfall, 51)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if Loki gains Loot Box’s subroutines and they resolve?

    With the recent changes to self-reference templating, “this ice” refers to Loki and Loki will trash itself when the subroutines resolve.

Increased Drop Rates ( Downfall, 54)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner avoids a tag from Increased Drop rate, can the Corp still remove bad publicity?

    Since “unless” designates taking a tag as a nested cost (rule 1.15.10b) and costs cannot be avoided (rule 1.15.1a), the tag cannot be avoided.

    If the Corp does not have any bad publicity when the Runner accesses Increased Drop Rates, is the Runner forced to take a tag?

    No. Since “unless” designates taking a tag as a nested cost (rule 1.15.10b), the Runner can choose not to pay that cost. In this case, “remove 1 bad publicity” resolves but does nothing.

Divested Trust ( Downfall, 55)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp use Divested Trust to stop the Runner from winning after stealing their 7th agenda point?

    No. The Runner wins the game while Divested Trust’s ability is still pending.

    If the Corp uses Divested Trust to snatch a 3-point agenda from the Runner, but the Runner steals that agenda again, how much damage does Punitive Counterstrike do?

    Punitive Counterstrike looks at the printed agenda point value on each agenda at the time it was stolen. Since the card moves between zones between the two times the Runner steals it, the game does not consider it to be the same agenda, and Punitive deals damage for both times it was stolen, for a total of 6 damage.

    If Media Blitz is copying Divested Trust, can the corp use it?

    No. Media Blitz is neither an agenda nor in the score area, so it cannot be forfeited.

    What if there are multiple agendas in Archives while the Corp has Divested Trust scored?

    The Runner accesses cards in Archives one at a time in the order of their choice. After an access is complete, they then choose the next card to access. They do not have to choose an order for all of the cards up front. The Corp will have to decide whether or not to use Divested Trust each time the Runner chooses to access an agenda, without knowing the order that any other cards in Archives will be accessed.

Afshar ( Downfall, 58)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if Afshar is protecting HQ and gains additional subroutines?

    The additional subroutines can be broken normally. Afshar’s ability only affects its printed subroutines.

Sandstone ( Downfall, 59)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner spend virus counters from Sandstone for Yusuf, Freedom, etc.?

    No. Players can only pay costs with items they control, and the Corp controls the virus counters on Sandstone as per rule 1.13.2f.

Rime ( Downfall, 65)

  • Updated 2019-04-27

    NISEI Downfall Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    When can Rime be rezzed?

    Rime’s ability means that it can be rezzed in paid ability windows that allow the Corp to rez assets and upgrades, not just the special paid ability window while it is being approached. It cannot be rezzed during paid ability windows that don’t allow rezzing non-ice cards, most notably the paid ability window during an encounter.

    Can the Corp rez Rime with the ability on Architects of Tomorrow?

    No. Rime is not a bioroid.

    Can the Corp rez Rime when they could rez Tyr’s Hand or Zaibatsu Loyalty?

    No. Rime can be rezzed during paid abilities where ice cannot normally be rezzed. It does not apply to special rez abilities from other cards.

Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist ( Uprising, 66)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if the Runner plays Rebirth to switch their identity with Hoshiko Shiro?

    Hoshiko enters play with her Untold Protagonist side faceup.

    If the Runner runs a server with no cards in it, does Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist flip at the end of the turn?

    No, at least 1 card must be accessed to flip to Hoshiko's Mahou Shoujo side.

Moshing ( Uprising, 67)

  • Updated 2020-02-19

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner trash Moshing itself as one of the 3 cards trashed for its additional cost?

    No. An event is placed into the play area before its play cost is paid, so it is not a card in the grip at the time 3 cards need to be trashed.

Devil Charm ( Uprising, 68)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Devil Charm to lower the strength of a piece of ice to 0 or less before using Chisel to trash it?

    Yes. Devil Charm and Chisel meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order to trigger and resolve the two abilities. Chisel does not check the ice's strength until its ability resolves.

    If the Runner uses Devil Charm to lower the strength of a piece of ice to a negative value during a run made with Prey, can the Runner trash that ice when they pass it? How many cards do they need to trash?

    Yes, the Runner can trash the ice by trashing 0 of their installed cards. Any time a cost is less than 0, it is treated as 0.

Gachapon ( Uprising, 69)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Are cards set aside with Gachapon still on top of the stack? What happens if another effect moves or shuffles cards within the stack while Gachapon is resolving?

    Cards that are set aside are in their own zone and are no longer in their previous location. See the notes on the set-aside zone, above. Other effects that manipulate the stack cannot affect the cards from Gachapon while they are set aside.

    How do set-aside cards interact with Paige Piper?

    Assuming no cards have been installed earlier in the turn, Paige Piper meets her trigger condition when Gachapon installs a card. The install is the end of an instruction, so the Runner can only use her ability in the reaction window immediately after that checkpoint, before the other set-aside cards are shuffled back into the stack or removed from the game. Paige's ability will not be able to trash the set-aside cards.

    Are cards set aside with Gachapon faceup or facedown?

    Faceup. The set-aside zone is a public zone, so cards are set aside faceup unless otherwise indicated.

    What happens if the Runner uses Gachapon with fewer than 6 cards in their stack?

    The Runner sets aside all of the cards in their stack, and may install one of those cards if appropriate as normal. If there are 4 or more cards left after this, the Runner chooses 3 of them and randomizes them to form their new stack. If 3 or fewer cards are set aside after the install, all of them are randomized to form the new stack.

Keiko ( Uprising, 70)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner installs Keiko, and hasn't installed or used any other companions this turn, do they gain a credit?

    Yes. Keiko's trigger condition is met when installing a companion is complete, at step 8.3.6 in the rules for installing a card. Keiko becomes active before that, at step 8.3.5, so the ability is able to see that its trigger condition is met, and the Runner can trigger it and gain a credit.

    If the Runner spends a credit from Paladin Poemu to install Keiko, can they trigger Keiko's ability?

    No. Since Paladin Poemu is a companion, the first time the Runner spends credits from or installs a companion this turn is paying Keiko's install cost, which happens at step 8.3.4. Keiko's abilities only become active at step 8.3.5, so the ability is not active when the trigger condition is met, and it cannot be triggered.

Mystic Maemi ( Uprising, 72)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Corp scores an agenda, and the Runner uses Pantograph to install Mystic Maemi, does the Runner put a credit on Mystic Maemi?

    No. Conditional abilities must be active at the time their trigger condition is met in order to resolve. Mystic Maemi was not installed until after the agenda was stolen, so the Runner cannot trigger its ability at that time.

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If Mystic Maemi's last ability trashes a program or hardware from the Runner's grip, does District 99 get a counter?

    Yes. District 99's trigger condition looks for cards trashed from any location.

    Can the Runner play Isolation by spending credits from Mystic Maemi to pay the play cost and trashing Mystic Maemi to pay the additional cost?

    Yes. The play cost and additional cost are paid simultaneously, so Mystic Maemi's ability allowing the Runner to spend the credits is still active as the Runner is deciding how to pay the costs. Any credits left after the costs are paid are returned to the bank.

Paladin Poemu ( Uprising, 73)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner spends a credit from Paladin Poemu to install Keiko, can they trigger Keiko's ability?

    No. Since Paladin Poemu is a companion, the first time the Runner spends credits from or installs a companion this turn is paying Keiko's install cost, which happens at step 8.3.4. Keiko's abilities only become active at step 8.3.5, so the ability is not active when the trigger condition is met, and it cannot be triggered.

Bravado ( Uprising, 74)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the run need to be successful for the Runner to gain credits?

    No. Bravado's conditional ability meets its trigger condition when the run ends, regardless of how it ended.

    If the Runner passes an unrezzed piece of ice, does it count toward how many credits Bravado lets them gain?

    Yes. The Runner does not encounter unrezzed ice, but they still pass it.

    What happens if a piece of ice is uninstalled during a run made with Bravado?

    If the Runner already passed the uninstalled piece of ice, Bravado will remember that it was passed and count it toward the credits gained. If the ice is uninstalled while it is being encountered, the encounter immediately ends. The Runner passes that ice's former position, but since the ice is no longer there it does not count as a piece of ice the Runner passed during the run.

    If the runner passes the same ice more than once during a single Bravado run, does that ice count multiple times for the payout?

    No. Bravado counts each distinct piece of ice the Runner passes, not the number of times the Pass Ice phase of the run occurs.

    What about if a piece of ice is trashed after being passed, installed again from Archives, and passed again, all in the same Bravado run?

    In this case, Bravado would count 2 pieces of ice passed. The game treats each card as a new object when it is uninstalled, so Bravado has no way of knowing the new ice is the same card that was trashed earlier in the run.

    If the Runner plays Bravado, but then Mind Game or another deflector moves the run to a server without any ice protecting it, does the Runner gain credits at the end of the run?

    Yes. Only "if successful" abilities have an implicit check that the attacked server is still one that the effect creating the run would have allowed. Bravado's conditional ability does not stipulate anything about where the run may have gone, but just looks for it to be complete.

Boomerang ( Uprising, 75)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the ice chosen for Boomerang is derezzed or moved, can Boomerang still be used?

    Yes. Boomerang can keep track of which piece of ice was chosen as long as both Boomerang and the ice remain installed.

    If the ice chosen for Boomerang is uninstalled and then reinstalled, can Boomerang still be used?

    No. Once a card is uninstalled, it is considered a new card. Boomerang cannot tell that ice installed later is the same piece of ice as it chose.

    If Boomerang is installed facedown and then turned faceup with Assimilator, does the Runner have to choose a piece of ice?

    No. The ice restriction is created as part of the "when installed" ability. Turning a card faceup does not change its installed status, so in this case the ability never meets its trigger condition and Boomerang can be used during any encounter.

    If Boomerang is used and the run is successful, but that Boomerang is not in the heap when the run ends, can the Runner shuffle another Boomerang from their heap into their stack?

    Yes. The phrase "a copy of Boomerang" refers to any card named Boomerang. The game does not distinguish between the copy used to create the ability and any other copy that might be in the heap.

    If Boomerang is used and the run is successful, and Doppelganger is used to make another run, when is Boomerang shuffled into the stack?

    Both Doppelganger's ability and the ability shuffling a Boomerang into the stack meet their trigger conditions at the same time. The Runner can trigger the Boomerang ability first and shuffle before making the second run. However, if the Runner triggers Doppelganger first, the entire additional run is resolved before returning to the reaction window where the Boomerang ability is pending, at which point the Runner is able to trigger that ability and shuffle a copy of Boomerang from their heap into their stack.

Mu Safecracker ( Uprising, 76)

  • Updated 2021-10-05

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner spend 2[c] from stealth cards to access 2 additional cards from HQ with Mu Safecracker?

    No. Only one instance of a conditional ability becomes pending for each time the trigger condition is met. The Runner will only have 1 opportunity each run to trigger the pending ability and pay 1[c] to access 1 additional card from HQ.

Prognostic Q-Loop ( Uprising, 77)

  • Updated 2020-02-21

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does Prognostic Q-Loop require the Runner to pay the install cost when they use it to install a program or piece of hardware?

    Yes. Effects that allow players to install cards require them to pay their normal costs unless specifically stated.

Swift ( Uprising, 78)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the Runner gain [click] from Swift before or after making a run?

    Before making a run. Swift's ability meets its trigger condition at step 8.6.4 of playing an event, and resolves in step 8.6.5, before the play abilities of the event itself are resolved.

Afterimage ( Uprising, 79)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Pelangi to make a piece of ice a sentry and then bypass it with Afterimage?

    No. Pelangi can only add subtypes to ice during the paid ability window of an encounter, and Afterimage meets its trigger condition when an encounter begins. There is no opportunity to use Pelangi in time to trigger Afterimage's bypass ability for that same encounter.

Makler ( Uprising, 80)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the Runner still gain credits from Makler if another card (like Datasucker) is used during the encounter where all subroutines are broken by Makler?

    Yes. All that matters for Makler's trigger condition is that all subroutines were broken using only Makler and no other cards.

    What happens if the encountered ice gains additional subroutines after the Runner uses Makler to break all of the other subroutines?

    Nothing special happens. Makler's ability has already triggered and resolved, so the Runner will not gain credits again, and adding new subroutines cannot force the Runner to return the credits gained.

Penumbral Toolkit ( Uprising, 81)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner lose credits hosted on Overclock or Penumbral Toolkit for the first subroutine on Whitespace?

    No. Those credits are only available to be spent. “Losing” credits always drains the Runner’s credit pool.

The Back ( Uprising, 82)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What is "using" a hardware for the purposes of The Back?

    A card is "used" if its controller makes a choice to trigger or resolve any optional ability or part of an ability with that card as its source, or if its controller spends or moves counters to pay costs because of an ability from that card. See section 9.1.6 in CR 1.4.

    OK, that was a confusing answer. Can we talk about the kinds of "using" one at a time?

    Absolutely! And for simplicity, feel free to assume that we're always talking about the first relevant thing that happens during a run that turn.

    If the Runner triggers a paid ability on a piece of hardware, do they put a power counter on The Back?

    Yes. Paid abilities are always optional.

    If the Runner triggers the paid ability from Dedicated Processor to increase its host's strength, do they put a power counter on The Back?

    No. The ability is granted to the host icebreaker, so its source is that icebreaker. The Runner is "using" the icebreaker, not Dedicated Processor.

    Does Masterwork (v37)’s first ability cause the Runner to put a power counter on The Back?

    No. The card draw ability on Masterwork (v37) is entirely mandatory, so the Runner is not making any choices and is not "using" the ability.

    Does Masterwork (v37)'s second ability cause the Runner to put a power counter on The Back?

    Yes. If the Runner chooses to install a card with the ability, they are "using" it and meet The Back's trigger condition. If they choose not to install a card, however, they are not "using" Masterwork (v37).

    If the Runner spends a credit from Cyberfeeder, do they put a power counter on The Back?

    Yes. The Runner is spending the credit due to Cyberfeeder's own ability.

    If the Runner spends a virus counter from Friday Chip to break a subroutine with Yusuf, do they put a power counter on The Back?

    No. Even though the counter was hosted on hardware when it was spent, the ability allowing it to be spent came from Yusuf, so the Runner is only "using" Yusuf.

    If the Runner installs a program on NetChip because of its first ability, do they put a power counter on The Back?

    No. NetChip's hosting permission is a static ability, so it is active continuously and is never triggered or resolved. The only static abilities that can meet the definition of "using" a card are those that allow counters to be spent.

Harmony AR Therapy ( Uprising, 83)

  • Updated 2020-03-09

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner play Harmony AR Therapy if there are no cards in their stack?

    Yes. Harmony AR Therapy removes itself from the game, so it always has the potential to change the game state. In this case, the Runner will shuffle the cards found by the search to form their new stack.

    Can the Runner play Harmony AR Therapy if there are no cards in their heap?

    Yes. Harmony AR Therapy removes itself from the game, so it always has the potential to change the game state. All Harmony AR Therapy will do in this case is shuffle the stack and remove itself from the game.

Aniccam ( Uprising, 84)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If you play Networking and choose to add it to your grip, do you draw 1 card with Aniccam?

    No, Networking adding itself to HQ prevents the default trashing of a resolved event.

  • Updated 2020-03-09

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card after playing an event?

    Yes, unless the event removes itself from the game or otherwise does not follow normal procedure. Normally, events are trashed after resolving.

    Can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card after an event is hit by damage?

    Yes. Damage causes the Runner to trash cards.

    If an event is installed facedown and then is trashed, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    No. Runner cards installed facedown don't have a card type or any other properties, and they are not turned faceup until after being trashed.

    If a Street Peddler is trashed, and 1 or more of the hosted cards is an event, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    Yes. The cards hosted on Street Peddler are not installed, so the rules for Runner cards installed facedown don't apply. Note also that if Street Peddler is trashed due to its own ability, cards hosted on it are set aside until that ability finishes resolving. The Runner must choose which card to install (and complete the installation) before trashing the other cards and drawing from Aniccam.

    If the Runner plays Modded and uses it to install Aniccam, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    Yes. The installation completes and Aniccam becomes active as part of resolving Modded's play abilities in step 8.6.6 of playing an event. Modded is trashed after this, in step 8.6.7, so Aniccam sees its trigger condition being met.

    Does Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card when they use the [trash] ability from On the Lam?

    No. On the Lam is a condition counter while it is hosted on a resource, so it is trashed as a condition counter and doesn't return to being an event until after it enters the heap.

Simulchip ( Uprising, 85)

  • Updated 2023-05-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner uses Aesop's Pawnshop to trash Harbinger, turning it facedown, do they have to pay the additional cost to use Simulchip that turn?

    No. Harbinger still counts as having been trashed, even though its ability replaces moving it to the heap with turning it facedown.

    If the Runner uses Aesop's Pawnshop to trash a Harbinger that is already facedown, do they have to pay the additional cost to use Simulchip that turn?

    Yes. Runner cards installed facedown do not have card types, and trashing one does not turn it faceup until after it enters the heap.

    Can the Runner use Simulchip if there are no programs in the heap? What if they need to pay the additional cost?

    No. The game determines whether Simulchip has the potential to change the game state without considering the consequences of paying the costs of triggering its ability. Even if the Runner will pay the additional cost, there must already be a program in the heap to act as a potential target that could be installed with Simulchip.

    Can the Runner trash a program to pay Simulchip's additional cost, then install the same card when its ability resolves?

    Yes. A different program is only needed to pass the check for Simulchip's potential to change the game state. The actual target for its instruction is chosen after the cost is paid. Note that for both potential targets and the actual target, the Runner must be able to pay the (reduced) install cost for the chosen program.

    Suppose Engolo (which costs 5[c]) is the only program in the heap. Engolo would cost 2[c] with Simulchip alone, but it could cost 0[c] if the Runner can also use Patchwork. If the Runner has fewer than 2[c] available, can they still trigger Simulchip?

    Yes. When checking if an ability has the potential to change the game state, only ignore the consequences of paying the ability's costs and potential chain reactions due to paying that cost or resolving the ability. Do consider cost modifiers like Patchwork's ability when determining if potential targets exists.

Cordyceps ( Uprising, 86)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Cordyceps to swap a piece of ice protecting the attacked server with ice hosted on Awakening Center?

    Yes, but only if that piece of ice is a rezzed bioroid, because Awakening Center is only a legal location for bioroid ice. If the ice is unrezzed, the Runner cannot demonstrate that the swap is legal. It does not matter if the ice was exposed earlier in the game or is otherwise known by the Runner; it only matters whether the Runner is allowed to see the bioroid subtype at the time Cordyceps's ability resolves. If a rezzed bioroid is swapped this way, the Corp will not be able to pay the cost to force the Runner to encounter it with Awakening Center's second ability unless another effect derezzes the bioroid.

Penrose ( Uprising, 89)

  • Updated 2020-03-10

    After the turn when Penrose is installed ends, does Wraparound get +7 strength?

    No. Penrose always has the fracter subtype, even after it loses its ability to break barrier subroutines.

Self-modifying Code ( Uprising, 90)

  • Updated 2020-03-11

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    This card is a reprint. Has anything changed about how Self-modifying Code works?

    No. We cleaned up this card's wording by removing the redundant directions to pay the install cost and to shuffle after the search, but those are still required parts of the ability. We felt that players would enjoy having a version of this iconic card with clean and concise text, so we opted not to include the frequently-used "(Shuffle your stack after searching it)" reminder text in this case.

Cybertrooper Talut ( Uprising, 91)

  • Updated 2020-03-11

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner installs a non-AI icebreaker and then hosts Adjusted Matrix on it, does that icebreaker lose the strength bonus from Cybertrooper Talut?

    No. Cybertrooper Talut only cares whether the program is an AI or not at the time it is installed. Once the strength bonus is applied, the ability does not continue checking the program's subtypes.

Pauleʼs Café ( Uprising, 92)

  • Updated 2023-10-08

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What does "each unique connection” mean?

    Paule's Café counts each installed connection that has the ◆ symbol, which indicates unique cards. It does not count connections without that symbol, even if they are the only installed copy of that card or have one-of-a-kind alternate art.

Buffer Drive ( Uprising, 93)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Runner use Buffer Drive to put an event at the bottom of the stack after playing it?

    No. Events resolve in and are then trashed from from the play area, not the grip. Nice try!

    If a card is trashed from the grip or stack, can Buffer Drive move it to the bottom of the stack before Skorpios Defense Systems removes it from the game?

    No. The entire procedure in Skorpios Defense Systems's replacement effect, including removing a card from the game, is performed before the reaction window occurs where the Runner can trigger Buffer Drive's first ability. However, The Runner can use Buffer Drive's first ability on a card that was set aside and then added to the heap by Skorpios Defense Systems.

    Does discarding cards to maximum hand size allow the Runner to trigger Buffer Drive?

    No. Discarding is not trashing.

    How does Buffer Drive interact with I've Had Worse?

    Both cards' conditional abilities meet their trigger conditions at the same time, and the Runner can choose to resolve either one first. If they choose to trigger Buffer Drive's ability first and put I've Had Worse on the bottom of the stack, they will not be able to trigger I've Had Worse's ability because that ability is no longer active once its source leaves the heap.

    Can the Runner use Buffer Drive if Blacklist is rezzed?

    No. Blacklist does not allow any cards to be moved out of the heap.

    Can the Runner use Buffer Drive to return a card trashed by Emergent Creativity to the stack and then search for and install that same card?

    Yes. Cards are trashed by Emergent Creativity's first instruction, and the Runner can trigger Buffer Drive as a chain reaction after that instruction. The search performed by Emergent Creativity's second instruction occurs only after Buffer Drive has resolved. The card returned to the stack will still have its install cost counted toward the total install cost of the trashed cards, whether the Runner finds that same card with the search or not.

Daily Casts ( Uprising, 94)

  • Updated 2023-03-19

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    This card is a reprint. Has anything changed about how Daily Casts works?

    No. The wording was updated to our current style, including using the new "load" and "empty" keywords, but there are no functional changes.

DreamNet ( Uprising, 95)

  • Updated 2020-03-20

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner is resolving DreamNet's ability, but they are unable to draw a card because their stack is empty or the Corp resolved the subroutine on Lockdown, do they still gain a credit?

    Yes, as long as they meet one of the specified conditions of having a digital identity or at least 2[link]. The second sentence of the ability is not in any way dependent on the effects of the first sentence. The word "also" is used only to make clear that both sentences are part of the same ability.

Megaprix Qualifier ( Uprising, 96)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If a copy of Megaprix Qualifier in the Runner's score area has a hosted agenda counter, is it worth an extra agenda point?

    No. Megaprix Qualifier's ability is only active in the Corp's score area, so it keeps its printed agenda point value in the Runner's score area.

    If the Corp scores Bifrost Array while there is a copy of Megaprix Qualifier in their score area, can they trigger Megaprix Qualifier's ability and put an agenda counter on it?

    No. Bifrost Array only allows the Corp to trigger an ability with a trigger condition equivalent to "when you score this agenda" or "when this agenda is scored or stolen". Since Megaprix Qualifier checks an additional condition (that another copy of Megaprix Qualifier is in either player's score area), it doesn't match what Bifrost Array allows.

Project Vacheron ( Uprising, 97)

  • Updated 2020-08-04

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner has 4 or more agenda points and then steals Project Vacheron from a server other than Archives, do they win the game?

    No. When the Runner steals Project Vacheron, it will already have hosted agenda counters, and the ability changing its agenda point value will already be active, as it enters their score area. There is no point at which the Runner has agenda points from Project Vacheron until all the counters are removed.

    If the Runner steals Project Vacheron during their turn, can the Corp play Game Over or Punitive Counterstrike on their next turn?

    Yes. Project Vacheron's replacement effect does not change that the agenda was stolen, but only changes the effects of stealing. Since Punitive Counterstrike counts the printed agenda points on stolen agendas, not their current agenda points, Project Vacheron will contribute 3 towards the amount of meat damage Punitive Counterstrike can deal.

    What happens if the Runner adds Project Vacheron to their score area with Film Critic?

    The interrupt ability will apply, and Project Vacheron will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters.

    What happens if the Runner steals Project Vacheron using Whistleblower?

    The interrupt ability on Project Vacheron is not a cost to steal it, so Whistleblower will not negate it. The interrupt ability will apply, and Project Vacheron will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters.

    What happens if Project Vacheron is swapped into the Runner's score area using Turntable or Exchange of Information?

    Swapping 2 cards adds each of those cards to the other's location, so Project Vacheron's interrupt ability will apply, and it will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters (in addition to any other counters it may already be hosting).

    What happens if Project Vacheron is swapped into the Corp's score area?

    Any hosted agenda counters remain on Project Vacheron, but the abilities that remove the counters and set its agenda point value to 0 do not apply. Project Vacheron will be worth 3 agenda points for the Corp and will keep its hosted counters unless they are removed by another effect.

Cerebral Overwriter ( Uprising, 99)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    This card is a reprint. Has anything changed about how Cerebral Overwriter works?

    Only in the most technical sense. The newly updated wording and the rules for nested costs in CR 1.4 indicate that the 3[c] in Cerebral Overwriter's second ability is a cost, which was not clear before. But the ability functions essentially as it always did.

Vaporframe Fabricator ( Uprising, 100)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the restriction "You cannot use this ability to install a card in this server." apply to Vaporframe Fabricator's click ability?

    No, it only applies to the install from the second ability.

Drafter ( Uprising, 101)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp installs a piece of ice with Drafter's second subroutine, can they force the Runner to approach the new ice by trashing Drafter and/or other ice protecting the attacked server as part of that install?

    No. The new ice must be installed in the outermost position protecting the server. Since the Runner already has a position relative to the other ice protecting the server, the new ice will necessarily have a position outward from the Runner. Trashing multiple ice does not allow new ice to "leapfrog" the Runner's position, but just moves the Runner 1 position toward the server for each trashed piece of ice that was inward from their earlier position.

Týr ( Uprising, 102)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if Týr is trashed after increasing the Corp's allotted [click]?

    The Corp still gets the extra allotted [click] next turn.

    When exactly does Týr's ability apply? If the Corp uses Tyr's Hand to prevent a subroutine from being broken after a click is spent, do they still get the extra allotted [click] next turn? What if the Runner breaks the last subroutine using Týr's ability and then immediately uses Hippo to trash it (so that Týr is not active for a conditional ability to resolve)?

    In both cases, the Corp will still get the extra allotted [click]. Týr gives the Corp this benefit in response to the Runner spending [click]. It does not need a subroutine to actually be broken before it can apply.

NEXT Activation Command ( Uprising, 103)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can Quetzal break a barrier subroutine when NEXT Activation Command is active?

    No. Quetzal is a non-icebreaker card.

    Can the Runner click through bioroids if NEXT Activation Command is active?

    No. Bioroids are non-icebreaker cards.

Tranquility Home Grid ( Uprising, 105)

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    If the Corp uses an ability to "install and rez" Tranquility Home Grid in a single instruction (such as Restore), can they trigger its ability?

    No. An "install and rez" effect follows all the normal steps of installing a card, followed by all the normal steps of rezzing a card. The reaction window for abilities related to the install occurs before the rez is complete, so Tranquility Home Grid is not yet active and its ability will not become pending or resolve.

  • Updated 2024-09-19

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does Tranquility Home Grid's "Remote server only." restriction apply even while it is unrezzed?

    Yes. It cannot even be installed into the root of a central server.

    Can Tranquility Home Grid be swapped to a central server?

    No. The roots of central servers are not valid locations for a card with "Remote server only." Cards can only be swapped if each card can legally exist in the other's location.

    What happens if somehow Tranquility Home Grid ends up in the root of a central server anyway?

    It is trashed during step 10.3.1e of the next checkpoint.

    Does Tranquility Home Grid meet its trigger condition from the Corp installing ice protecting its server?

    No. Tranquility Home Grid only looks at cards installed in the server itself.

    If Tranquility Home Grid is the first card the Corp installs in a turn, can they trigger its ability?

    No. Its trigger condition will be met while Tranquility Home Grid is inactive, before the Corp has a chance to rez it. Conditional abilities can only resolve if they are active when their trigger condition occurs.

    Is there any way for the Corp to trigger Tranquility Home Grid on the same turn as it is installed?

    In order to do this, the Corp would have to install Tranquility Home Grid, swap it with another card already installed in a second server where no cards have yet been installed this turn, and then finally install still another card in that second server. A Corp player who manages to pull this off deserves a medal.

    What happens if Tranquility Home Grid is trashed as part of installing another card in its server?

    Nothing. Tranquility Home Grid will not be active when the installation completes, and therefore it will not be able to resolve its ability.

Flower Sermon ( Uprising, 106)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    How does Flower Sermon interact with Daily Business Show?

    If Flower Sermon's ability is the first time the Corp would draw cards in a turn, and no other relevant effects apply, then the Corp reveals the top card of R&D, then looks at the top 3 cards of R&D. They put one of those 3 cards on the bottom of R&D and draw the other 2. Finally, they put a card from HQ (which could be one of the drawn cards or another card) on top of R&D.

    What happens if the Corp uses Jinja City Grid to reveal and install all the cards they would draw while resolving Flower Sermon's ability?

    The Corp must still put another card from HQ on top of R&D.

Prāna Condenser ( Uprising, 107)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if both players want to prevent the same instance of net damage?

    The active player has the first opportunity to trigger interrupts and prevent the damage. Once the expected amount of damage is 0 or less, any further interrupt abilities preventing damage are not relevant and can no longer be triggered.

    If the Corp plays Neural EMP and prevents the damage with Prāna Condenser, then they use Prāna Condenser's other ability to do net damage, can the Runner use No One Home?

    No. Since the Corp is playing Neural EMP on their own turn, they can prevent its damage before the Runner has a chance to trigger No One Home, stopping it from being relevant at that time. Then, the damage from Prāna Condenser is the second time the Corp "would do net damage" that turn, so No One Home's trigger condition is not met.

Engram Flush ( Uprising, 108)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp uses Marcus Batty to resolve a subroutine with Engram Flush, can they trash a card from the grip?

    If an encounter with Engram Flush is in progress and its conditional ability has resolved, the Corp can trash a card of the chosen type, regardless of whether the subroutine is resolving due to the normal progression of a run or because of a card ability. If a subroutine on Engram Flush resolves outside of an encounter with it, or during an encounter in which no card type was chosen (perhaps due to Hunting Grounds's first ability), the Corp only reveals the grip and cannot trash anything.

    If the Corp is playing Harishchandra Ent. and the Runner is tagged, can the Corp reveal the grip and trash a card with Engram Flush?

    Yes. To reveal a card is to show it to all players and return it to its previous state. In this case, the previous state is another reveal effect in progress. Nothing prevents cards that are already visible from being revealed. Contrast this with "expose", which is distinct from "reveal" in that only installed, unrezzed cards can be exposed.

Konjin ( Uprising, 109)

  • Updated 2020-04-10

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What actually happens when the runner encounters Konjin?

    If the Corp wins the Psi game, they choose another rezzed piece of ice and create a forced encounter with it. This means that an Encounter Ice Phase resolves for the chosen ice, but the Runner's position does not change: they are still in Konjin's position throughout, and they will not pass the other piece of ice. When that encounter ends, Konjin's ability is finished resolving and the game proceeds with the rest of the encounter with Konjin itself. So if Konjin has acquired any subroutines of its own, the Runner's opportunity to break those subroutines is after the forced encounter. See section 6.5.2 for more details.

    What happens if an "end the run" effect resolves during an encounter created by Konjin?

    The "end the run" effect ends the forced encounter, the encounter with Konjin, and the run in which Konjin was being encountered (if any).

Hyoubu Precog Manifold ( Uprising, 110)

  • Updated 2020-04-13

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If Hyoubu Precog Manifold ends the run, is the run still successful?

    Yes. Once the run is declared successful, it can't stop being successful. The Runner just won't access cards if the run ends before they have the chance.

    If the Runner makes a run using Sneakdoor Beta while Hyoubu Precog Manifold is active, and the chosen server is HQ, can Hyoubu Precog Manifold's ability resolve?

    Yes. Under the errata from CR 1.4, Sneakdoor Beta changes the attacked server to HQ just before the run is declared successful, so the trigger condition of Hyoubu Precog Manifold's last ability is met.

Kakurenbo ( Uprising, 111)

  • Updated 2020-04-13

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp shuffle or rearrange the cards in Archives after turning them facedown?

    Yes. Cards in Archives do not have an order, and the Corp is not required to distinguish facedown cards in Archives from each other for the Runner.

La Costa Grid ( Uprising, 112)

  • Updated 2020-04-13

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does La Costa Grid's "Remote server only." restriction apply even while it is unrezzed?

    Yes. It cannot even be installed into the root of a central server.

    Can La Costa Grid be swapped to a central server?

    No. The roots of central servers are not valid locations for a card with "Remote server only." Cards can only be swapped if each card can legally exist in the other's location.

    What happens if somehow La Costa Grid ends up in the root of a central server anyway?

    It is trashed during step 10.3.1e of the next checkpoint.

    Can La Costa Grid place advancement tokens on ice protecting its server?

    No. La Costa Grid‘s ability must target a card in the server itself.

GameNET: Where Dreams are Real ( Uprising, 113)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can an ability meet GameNET's trigger condition if it tries to make the Runner spend or lose credits, but the Runner doesn't have any credits to spend or lose?

    No. The Runner must actually lose or spend at least 1 for the Corp to be able to trigger GameNET. For simplicity, we'll assume the Runner is able to spend at least 1 for the rest of these GameNET questions.

    Does the "pay credits" option on abilities like one of Fairchild 1.0's subroutines meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    Yes. The payment is made because of the resolving ability. There is no difference between "paying credits" and "spending credits".

    How many times can the Corp trigger GameNET after resolving the second ability on Cayambe Grid?

    Only once. The total cost is calculated and paid as a whole. The Runner does not make a separate 2 payment for each piece of ice counted.

    Does paying the cost on F2P or Negotiator meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    Yes. The Runner is able to pay the cost of an ability because of that ability, and these abilities appear on Corp cards.

    Can GameNET meet its trigger condition from a trace resolving?

    Yes. As long as the trace attempt is initiated by a Corp card ability, if the Runner spends at least 1 to increase their link strength, the Corp can trigger GameNET once after the result of the trace attempt is determined. Runner card abilities like No One Home that force the Corp to initiate a trace can never meet GameNET's trigger condition.

    Can GameNET meet its trigger condition from a Psi game resolving?

    Yes. If the Runner secretly spends 1 or 2, GameNET will become pending after the secretly spent credits are revealed.

    Does an ability like Reduced Service that creates an additional cost to run meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    No. Any additional costs to run are paid before the run begins.

    Does the additional cost from Midway Station Grid meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    No. Midway Station Grid creates an additional cost to use icebreaker abilities. Since icebreakers are Runner cards, any costs of their abilities are paid because of a Runner card ability, not a Corp card ability.

    Does the additional cost from Bellona meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    Yes. There is not normally a cost to steal an agenda, so the Runner is paying a cost because of a Corp card ability.

    If the Runner steals Bellona with 2 advancement counters on it while NAPD Cordon is active, how many different costs do they pay? How many times can the Corp trigger GameNET?

    The Corp can trigger GameNET only once. The Runner pays an additional cost of 8 due to NAPD Cordon and an additional cost of 5 due to Bellona, but the Runner pays both costs simultaneously for a total of 13. Since the total cost to steal Bellona is paid all at once, Corp card abilities caused the Runner to spend credits only 1 time.

    Does GameNET meet its trigger condition if the Runner is forced to trash Mumbad Virtual Tour?

    No. The Runner's opportunity to trash an accessed card is presented by the game rules, not a Corp card ability. Mumbad Virtual Tour's ability does not create an occurrence of the Runner spending or losing credits, but only constrains the Runner's options when resolving the normal steps of accessing a card.

Bellona ( Uprising, 114)

  • Updated 2020-04-14

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Does the additional cost from Bellona meet GameNET's trigger condition?

    Yes. There is not normally a cost to steal an agenda, so the Runner is paying a cost because of a Corp card ability.

    If the Runner steals Bellona with 2 advancement counters on it while NAPD Cordon is active, how many different costs do they pay? How many times can the Corp trigger GameNET?

    The Corp can trigger GameNET only once. The Runner pays an additional cost of 8[c] due to NAPD Cordon and an additional cost of 5[c] due to Bellona, but the Runner pays both costs simultaneously for a total of 13[c]. Since the total cost to steal Bellona is paid all at once, Corp card abilities caused the Runner to spend credits only 1 time.

Gold Farmer ( Uprising, 116)

  • Updated 2020-04-14

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner breaks both subroutines on Gold Farmer with a single ability, such as Paperclip's ability, how many credits do they lose?

    The Runner will lose 2[c]. Gold Farmer's trigger condition is met for each subroutine that is broken, regardless of which or how many abilities are used to break them.

    If the Runner breaks both subroutines on Gold Farmer by using Corroder's ability twice, and then trashes Gold Farmer with Hippo, do they still lose 2[c]?

    As long as the encounter is happening during the Runner's turn, they will only lose 1[c]. The first use of Corroder to break a subroutine will meet Gold Farmer's trigger condition, resulting in the Runner losing 1[c] as normal. Then the Runner will receive priority again and can use Corroder to break the other subroutine. Once this happens, the abilities from Hippo and Gold Farmer both become pending in the same reaction window. The active player has the first opportunity to trigger pending abilities, so Hippo can trash Gold Farmer before the Corp has the opportunity to trigger their ability. Once Gold Farmer is uninstalled, the pending ability is no longer active, so the Corp is unable to trigger it even after they get priority.

    If this scenario happens on the Corp's turn, then the Corp will be able to trigger and resolve Gold Farmer's ability the second time before the Runner has the opportunity to trigger Hippo, so the Runner will lose a total of 2[c].

    In the previous scenario, what happens if the Runner uses Paperclip instead of Corroder and breaks both subroutines at the same time?

    Both instances of Gold Farmer's ability will be pending in the same reaction window as Hippo's ability. So on the Runner's turn, they can trash Gold Farmer first and avoid losing any credits. On the Corp's turn, they will still lose 2[c].

Digital Rights Management ( Uprising, 117)

  • Updated 2020-04-15

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp play Digital Rights Management on the first turn of the game?

    No. The "Play only if…" restriction is not satisfied, because there is no "Runner's last turn" to check as to whether there were any successful runs on HQ.

SYNC Rerouting ( Uprising, 118)

  • Updated 2020-04-15

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    While SYNC Rerouting is active, can the Runner choose to take a tag rather than pay credits and then avoid the tag?

    Yes. SYNC Rerouting does not create a cost to initiate the run, so its effects can be prevented or avoided normally. Furthermore, when an ability directs that a player "must" resolve one of two effects, they are required to choose an effect they could potentially resolve, but this potential does not take into account interrupts that could apply after the choice is made.

Ganked! ( Uprising, 119)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner plays S-Dobrado to run a central server defended by 1 piece of ice, and accesses Ganked!. If the threat level is at least 4, can the runner spend a click to bypass the ice they are forced to encounter?


  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If Karunā’s first subroutine resolves while the Runner is already breaching the attacked server (perhaps because of Ganked!), can the Runner still jack out? Does that stop them from accessing any more cards?

    Yes and yes. Nothing stops the Runner from jacking out at unusual times if given the opportunity by a card ability. Jacking out ends the run, which ends any breach in progress as well.

  • Updated 2020-04-15

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp uses Ganked! to make the Runner to encounter a piece of ice, does the Runner's position move back to that ice?

    No. The Runner is still accessing cards while they are being forced to encounter the ice. However, they are no longer accessing Ganked! itself, because Ganked! is trashed as part of resolving its ability. When the forced encounter ends, resolving Ganked!'s ability is complete, and the game proceeds with the remaining accesses from the set of cards being accessed.

    What happens if an "end the run" effect resolves during an encounter created by Ganked!?

    The "end the run" effect ends the forced encounter and the run in progress. The Runner will not access any more cards.

    If somehow Ganked! was accessed while there is not a run in progress, an "end the run" effect only ends the encounter. The access of Ganked! itself will already be over since the Corp trashed it to trigger its ability, but if more cards are due to be accessed, the Runner proceeds to access the next card.

    Can the Corp use Ganked! if the Runner accesses it from Archives?

    No. The Corp is not able to trash cards that are already in Archives, so they cannot pay the cost of Ganked!'s ability.

    If the first card the Runner accesses is Ganked!, and a subroutine on Hudson 1.0 resolves during the resulting encounter, can the Runner access any more cards?

    No. While the number of cards the Runner is to access has been set before Hudson 1.0 applies its effect, that effect says that the Runner "cannot" access any more cards. By the Golden Rules, the permission to access the designated number of cards is overridden by the "cannot" ability.

    If the first card the Runner accesses out of 2 cards in a remote server is Ganked!, and the trace in SYNC BRE's second subroutine is successful during the resulting encounter, can the Runner access the other card?

    Yes. The delayed conditional ability from SYNC BRE meets its trigger condition when accessing cards begins at step 7.6.1. Since this step has already passed, the ability cannot be triggered. If somehow another instance of accessing cards occurs before the delayed conditional ability's duration expires at the end of the run, the ability will be able to resolve and reduce the number of cards accessed in that instance as normal.

    What happens if the Runner accesses Ganked! while they have Aeneas Informant installed?

    The Runner can gain 1[c] after the Corp trashes Ganked!, but before the forced encounter begins.

    Aeneas Informant's trigger condition is equivalent to "Whenever accessing a card with a trash cost ends, if you did not trash that card during the access, …". The ability from Ganked! always meets its trigger condition first. This ability only has 1 instruction, so the Corp will choose a rezzed piece of ice protecting the server (if possible) as the required target, then begin resolving the instruction by deciding whether to pay the nested cost. If they do not pay the cost, resolving Ganked!'s ability is complete and the access proceeds normally, with the Runner potentially triggering Aeneas Informant after their normal opportunity to trash it.

    If the Corp does pay Ganked!'s nested cost, the access in progress ends immediately, because the card being accessed has been trashed. Aeneas Informant becomes pending as a "chain reaction" in the next checkpoint, which occurs immediately after Ganked! is trashed because paying a cost is always followed by a checkpoint. Though Ganked! was trashed, the Runner did not trash it, so they can resolve Aeneas Informant's ability. They cannot reveal Ganked! as it is no longer in the zone where the ability expected it to be, but they can gain 1[c]. Finally, the game proceeds with resolving the rest of Ganked!'s ability, with the Corp forcing the Runner to encounter the chosen ice.

Earth Station: SEA Headquarters ( Uprising, 120)

  • Updated 2020-04-16

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if there is more than one remote server when an effect disabling Earth Station's "Limit 1 remote server." ability (such as Employee Strike or Direct Access) ends?

    The game state is now illegal, so in the next checkpoint after Earth Station's ability becomes active again, the Corp must choose exactly 1 remote server they will keep. The game trashes all cards in and protecting all other remote servers. This trashing cannot be prevented.

    What happens if the previous situation occurs while Architect is rezzed protecting a remote server?

    Per its new errata, only players and their card abilities are prohibited from trashing a rezzed Architect. Since the game, not the Corp, trashes the cards in the servers the Corp doesn't keep, Architect's ability does not affect it. The Corp is not required to choose a server protected by Architect as the server they keep.

Transport Monopoly ( Uprising, 121)

  • Updated 2020-04-16

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens at the time a run is supposed to become successful if the run "cannot be declared successful"?

    Step 6.9.5e of the run will do nothing, and abilities that look for a successful run will never see this run. The run proceeds through the remaining steps of the Approach Server Phase and the Run Ends Phase normally, including the Runner accessing cards from the attacked server. The run will not be declared unsuccessful either.

Wall to Wall ( Uprising, 122)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Corp is able to resolve 3 choices on Wall to Wall, do they have to choose all 3 before resolving them? Do they have to resolve them in the order they appear on the card?

    No and no. The Corp chooses the next instruction to resolve after the previous one is finished resolving. They do not have to choose instructions that are written after those they have already chosen.

    Can the Corp resolve the same instruction on Wall to Wall more than once on the same turn?

    No. Once one of the instructions has resolved, it cannot be chosen again during this instance of resolving the ability.

    If the Corp adds Wall to Wall to HQ with choices remaining, can they continue to resolve its other instructions?

    Yes. Wall to Wall's entire ability is already resolving, so it is independent of its source card and no longer requires that card to remain active.

Akhet ( Uprising, 123)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    What happens if Akhet has 3 or more hosted advancement tokens and gains additional subroutines?

    The additional subroutines can be broken normally. Akhet's ability only affects its printed subroutines.

Colossus ( Uprising, 124)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    This card is a reprint. Has anything changed about how Colossus works?

    Yes. The wording of Colossus's subroutines has been updated to remove the parentheses. Each subroutine now uses a conditional replacement effect, which in most cases achieves the same result. But effects such as Loki that refer to subroutines on Colossus now interact with it differently. If Loki gains a subroutine from Colossus, it will now check the number of advancement tokens on itself (Loki) to determine the effect the subroutine should have. Previously, it was unclear how to interpret the two different instructions in the subroutine without the linked ability explaining the parenthetical text.

Cayambe Grid ( Uprising, 127)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp use Cayambe Grid to place advancement tokens on Border Control?

    Yes. Cayambe Grid's first ability does not require you to choose a piece of ice you can advance.

    What is an "advanced piece of ice?"

    Any piece of ice with at least 1 advancement token hosted on it is an advanced piece of ice.

    If the Corp resolves Cayambe Grid's second ability, then rezzes and moves Formicary to the same server, will the Corp be able to trigger Cayambe Grid's second ability again after the encounter?

    Yes. Formicary moves the Runner back to its new position, and after passing it, the Runner approaches the server again.

Cyberdex Sandbox ( Uprising, 128)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can the Corp purge virus counters even if there are none in play?

    Yes. Per rule 10.1.1a, the Corp can always use an effect that purges virus counters, even if that effect would not normally be determined to have the potential to change the game state.

    When the Corp scores Cyberdex Sandbox, does its second ability allow them to trigger its first ability and gain 4[c]?

    Yes. The first ability is active as soon as Cyberdex Sandbox enters the score area, well before the second ability resolves.

False Lead ( Uprising, 129)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    This card is a reprint. Has anything changed about how False Lead works?

    No. The original wording of False Lead used an “if able” clause to accomplish the same thing as the condition in the new wording, but we feel that the new wording is much clearer.

NAPD Cordon ( Uprising, 130)

  • Updated 2020-04-23

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner steals Bellona with 2 advancement counters on it while NAPD Cordon is active, how many different costs do they pay? How many times can the Corp trigger GameNET?

    The Corp can trigger GameNET only once. The Runner pays an additional cost of 8[c] due to NAPD Cordon and an additional cost of 5[c] due to Bellona, but the Runner pays both costs simultaneously for a total of 13[c]. Since the total cost to steal Bellona is paid all at once, Corp card abilities caused the Runner to spend credits only 1 time.

Labor Rights ( Magnum Opus Reprint, 1)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    What happens if Strike Fund is on top of the Runner's stack and they play Labor Rights?

    Each sentence on Labor Rights is an instruction, and other abilities that meet their trigger conditions have the opportunity to resolve between instructions. Labor Rights will trash the top 3 cards of the stack, including Strike Fund, then Strike Fund's ability will trigger and the Runner may gain 2. Then the Runner shuffles 3 cards from the heap into the stack, which could include the just-trashed copy of Strike Fund. Finally, they will draw 1 card and remove Labor Rights from the game.

René “Loup” Arcemont: Party Animal ( System Gateway, 1)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner chooses to use Carnivore, can they draw with René “Loup” Arcemont before trashing cards from their grip?

    No. The Runner must fully resolve Carnivore’s ability before the trigger condition on Loup’s ability is met.

Wildcat Strike ( System Gateway, 2)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner plays Wildcat Strike with fewer than 4 cards left in their stack, can the Corp choose the draw option? What if the Runner cannot draw cards due to some other effect?

    The Corp can choose either option regardless of the Runner’s stack or abilities affecting the Runner’s ability to draw cards. Making the choice for Wildcat Strike is not taking an action or using an ability, so it does not need to have the potential to change the game state.

Carnivore ( System Gateway, 3)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Carnivore if the last subroutine on Ansel 1.0 resolved earlier in the run?

    No. That subroutine prohibits the Runner from trashing cards they access in any way, not just by using the basic trash ability.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Carnivore to trash an agenda they don’t want to steal?

    Yes. Once the agenda is trashed, the access ends. The Runner will not steal it.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Carnivore to trash an operation or piece of ice?

    Yes. Carnivore does not care whether a card you access has a trash cost.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner chooses to use Carnivore, can they draw with René “Loup” Arcemont before trashing cards from their grip?

    No. The Runner must fully resolve Carnivore’s ability before the trigger condition on Loup’s ability is met.

Botulus ( System Gateway, 4)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens to Botulus if the ice hosting it is trashed or derezzed?

    If the host ice is trashed or otherwise uninstalled, any cards and counters hosted on it, including Botulus, are trashed. If the host ice is merely derezzed, it keeps all of its hosted cards and counters, including Botulus.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What is Botulus’s strength?

    Botulus is not an icebreaker, so it does not have a strength value. Its ability can be used to break subroutines on ice of any strength.

Fermenter ( System Gateway, 7)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp use Cyberdex Virus Suite in the middle of the Runner using Fermenter to stop them from gaining credits?

    No. Paid abilities can only be used when a player has priority in a paid ability window, not in the middle of resolving another ability.

Leech ( System Gateway, 8)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Is Leech a functional reprint of Datasucker?

    Not quite. Because Datasucker says that the ice you are encountering must be rezzed, there are some rare encounters where it cannot be used, such as an encounter with an Archangel being accessed from the Corp’s hand or deck. Leech can be used even during these encounters.

Cookbook ( System Gateway, 9)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Suppose the Runner has Cookbook and Hivemind installed, with 1 virus counter on Hivemind. If they then install Tranquilizer, is the host ice derezzed immediately? Or does it wait for the next check at the beginning of the Runner's next turn?

    By managing their abilities carefully, the Runner can choose whether to derez the ice right away or not. Hivemind’s second ability is a static ability, so it always applies as soon as Tranquilizer is installed. But the conditional abilities on Cookbook and Tranquilizer meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order to resolve them. If they resolve Tranquilizer first, it will only have 2 hosted virus counters (including the one shared from Hivemind) at the time that the number of counters is checked. If they resolve Cookbook first, then by the time Tranquilizer resolves, it will have 3 hosted virus counters and will derez the ice.

Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler ( System Gateway, 10)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner runs HQ or R&D, accesses a card during the run due to Otoroshi, and then the run ends unsuccessfully, can they still claim 1 from Zahya Sadeghi's ability?

    Yes, the card accessed would still count. Zahya’s ability does not require a successful run.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Why does Zahya Sadeghi say “for each time you accessed a card” instead of “for each card you accessed”?

    Although the Runner is not usually allowed to access any given card more than once during a single breach, some cards, such as Bacterial Programming, have abilities that can move cards around in the middle of a breach, potentially resulting in the Runner having to access 1 or more cards for a second time. Zahya’s wording emphasizes that these repeat accesses still count toward the number of credits the Runner can gain.

Tread Lightly ( System Gateway, 12)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If an Asteroid Belt has 4 hosted advancement counters, how much does it cost to rez it during a run made with Tread Lightly?

    It would cost 0. To determine what a cost is when effects are modifying its value, start with the default value for that cost (Asteroid Belt’s printed rez cost is 9), apply each effect that increases the cost (Tread Lightly adds 3), and then apply each effect that lowers the cost (Asteroid Belt’s ability subtracts 3 for each hosted advancement counter).

    9 + 3 – (3 ✕ 4) = 12 – 12 = 0.

Docklands Pass ( System Gateway, 13)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If breaching HQ is replaced with another effect, such as gaining 2 with Security Testing, will the Runner get the additional access with Docklands Pass if they make a successful run on HQ again later in the turn?

    Yes. “The first time you breach HQ” refers to a breach actually taking place, not just reaching the “Breach the attacked server.” step of the run.

Tranquilizer ( System Gateway, 17)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens if the Corp rezzes ice that is hosting a Tranquilizer with 3 virus counters?

    The ice remains rezzed. If Tranquilizer still has 3 or more virus counters at the start of the Runner’s turn, then it will become derezzed again.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Suppose the Runner has Cookbook and Hivemind installed, with 1 virus counter on Hivemind. If they then install Tranquilizer, is the host ice derezzed immediately? Or does it wait for the next check at the beginning of the Runner's next turn?

    By managing their abilities carefully, the Runner can choose whether to derez the ice right away or not. Hivemind’s second ability is a static ability, so it always applies as soon as Tranquilizer is installed. But the conditional abilities on Cookbook and Tranquilizer meet their trigger conditions at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order to resolve them. If they resolve Tranquilizer first, it will only have 2 hosted virus counters (including the one shared from Hivemind) at the time that the number of counters is checked. If they resolve Cookbook first, then by the time Tranquilizer resolves, it will have 3 hosted virus counters and will derez the ice.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If Tranquilizer gets to 3 virus counters in the middle of the turn, does the ice derez?

    No. Tranquilizer can only derez ice when its ability resolves: when it is installed and when the Runner’s turn begins.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens to Tranquilizer after it derezzes its host ice?

    Tranquilizer remains installed and hosted on the derezzed ice and keeps its virus counters. If that ice is later rezzed again, Tranquilizer could potentially derez it again.

Red Team ( System Gateway, 18)

  • Updated 2021-10-12

    If the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta to run Archives and then switch to HQ, does Red Team count that as a run on Archives or HQ?

    Red Team cares about the server the Runner declared to be the attacked server at the beginning of the run. Therefore, it will always count a run made with Sneakdoor Beta as a run against Archives. The Runner will not be able to use Red Team to run Archives later in the turn.

Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician ( System Gateway, 19)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Tāo Salonga to swap a piece of ice protecting a server with ice hosted on ​Awakening Center​?

    Yes, but only if that piece of ice is a rezzed ​bioroid​, because Awakening Center​ is only a legal location for ​bioroid​ ice. If the ice is unrezzed, the Runner cannot demonstrate that the swap is legal. It does not matter if the ice was exposed earlier in the game or is otherwise known by the Runner; it only matters whether the Runner is allowed to see the ​bioroid​ subtype at the time Tāo’s ability resolves. If a rezzed bioroid​ is swapped this way, the Corp will not be able to pay the cost to force the Runner to encounter it with Awakening Center​​’s second ability unless another effect derezzes the ​bioroid​.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner is playing as Tāo Salonga and manages to steal an agenda during an encounter, can they use his ability to change the attacked server by moving the currently encountered ice to another server?

    Yes. If a piece of ice moves while the Runner is encountering it, the Runner moves with the ice.

Creative Commission ( System Gateway, 20)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Runner play Creative Commission if they only have 1 click left?

    Yes. The Runner only needs to spend the 1 click required for the basic action to play an event. The second sentence on Creative Commission is part of its effect, not a cost to play the card.

VRcation ( System Gateway, 21)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Runner play VRcation if they only have 1 click left?

    Yes. The Runner only needs to spend the 1 click required for the basic action to play an event. The second sentence on VRcation is part of its effect, not a cost to play the card.

DZMZ Optimizer ( System Gateway, 22)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If I have multiple DZMZ Optimizers installed, do their discounts stack?

    Yes. If you have 2 DZMZ Optimizers installed, you will pay 2[c] less to install your first program each turn.

Pantograph ( System Gateway, 23)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Corp scores an agenda, and the Runner uses Pantograph to install Mystic Maemi, does the Runner put a credit on Mystic Maemi?

    No. Conditional abilities must be active at the time their trigger condition is met in order to resolve. Mystic Maemi was not installed until after the agenda was stolen, so the Runner cannot trigger its ability at that time.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner steals an agenda with their first R&D access and uses Pantograph to install eXer, can they access another card?

    No. The limit to how many cards the Runner can access from R&D is determined at the beginning of breaching R&D. If an ability that would modify a breach, such as eXer’s ability, becomes active after the Runner has accessed a card, then it is too late to affect that breach.

Conduit ( System Gateway, 24)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    The Runner uses Conduit's action ability while there are 2 virus counters on Conduit. The second card the Runner accesses is Cyberdex Virus Suite and the Corp purges virus counters. Does the Runner access a third card in R&D?

    Yes. The limit to how many cards the Runner can access from R&D is determined at the beginning of breaching R&D. Once accessing cards begins, changing the number of virus counters on Conduit will have no effect on the breach already in progress.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner uses Conduit’s action ability to run R&D, but Conduit is trashed before R&D is breached, how many additional cards does the Runner access?

    Conduit’s action ability checks the number of hosted counters at the time its nested “when you breach R&D” ability resolves. If Conduit is trashed before this, there are no longer any hosted counters, so the Runner will not access any additional cards.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner uses Conduit's paid ability and makes a successful run on R&D, do they put a virus counter on Conduit before or after they breach R&D?

    After. A run is still in progress while the attacked server is being breached, and Conduit’s first ability waits for the run to end.

Unity ( System Gateway, 26)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Does Unity's boost ability give +1 strength to each installed icebreaker?

    No, Unity's boost ability increases the strength of Unity by an amount equal to the number of installed icebreakers.

Jailbreak ( System Gateway, 28)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner plays Jailbreak or another run event to make a successful run on HQ, can they choose that event as one of the cards for Steve Cambridge’s ability?

    No. An event that initiates a run is not fully resolved until that run is complete, and thus is in the play area, not the heap, at the time Steve Cambridge’s ability resolves.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner uses Jailbreak to run a server with a rezzed Crisium Grid, will they access an additional card?

    No. Jailbreak’s ability that gives an additional access is a delayed conditional ability created by its “If successful” ability. Since Crisium Grid stops the run from being declared successful, that ability is never resolved.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    When does the Runner draw 1 card with Jailbreak?

    When the run is declared successful at step 5a.

Overclock ( System Gateway, 29)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the first subroutine on Whitespace resolves, can the Runner lose credits from Overclock?

    No. Credits are always lost from the credit pool.

Mayfly ( System Gateway, 32)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Runner use Mayfly to break more than one subroutine in a run?

    Yes. Each time Mayfly’s interface ability resolves, it creates a delayed conditional ability that will wait until the end of the run to trash Mayfly, but extra copies of this ability that try to resolve after Mayfly is already trashed will simply do nothing.

Smartware Distributor ( System Gateway, 33)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Runner use the action to place credits on Smartware Distributor if there are already credits on it?


Verbal Plasticity ( System Gateway, 34)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    How does Verbal Plasticity interact with The Class Act?

    Verbal Plasticity’s ability resolves immediately after the Runner pays the cost to take the basic action to draw 1 card, before the actual draw becomes imminent. The Class Act’s second ability resolves later, during the interrupt window that occurs while the draw effect is imminent. If both abilities are applicable, the Runner will draw 3 cards and put 1 of those cards on the bottom of their stack.

Nico Campaign ( System Gateway, 37)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner trashes Nico Campaign, does the Corp draw a card?

    No. The Corp only draws a card if Nico Campaign is trashed by its own ability.

Ansel 1.0 ( System Gateway, 38)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Corp installs a piece of ice with the second subroutine on Ansel 1.0, can they force the Runner to approach the new ice by trashing Ansel 1.0 and/or other ice protecting the attacked server as part of that install?

    No. The new ice must be installed in the outermost position protecting the server. Since the Runner already has a position relative to the other ice protecting the server, the new ice will necessarily have a position outward from the Runner. Trashing multiple ice does not allow new ice to “leapfrog” the Runner’s position, but just moves the Runner 1 position toward the server for each trashed piece of ice that was inward from their earlier position.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Corp installs a piece of ice with the second subroutine on Ansel 1.0 and trashes Ansel 1.0 as part of the installation process, what happens?

    If the Corp trashes Ansel 1.0 this way, they finish resolving the install instruction, then the encounter ends and the Runner passes Ansel 1.0’s former position. The third subroutine on Ansel 1.0 will not have the opportunity to resolve, because it is no longer active.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner use Carnivore if the last subroutine on Ansel 1.0 resolved earlier in the run?

    No. That subroutine prohibits the Runner from trashing cards they access in any way, not just by using the basic trash ability.

Brân 1.0 ( System Gateway, 39)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Does the Corp have to pay to rez ice installed with Brân 1.0?

    Yes. The “ignoring all costs” clause only applies while the ice is being installed, not when it is later approached and rezzed.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    When the Corp installs ice with the first subroutine on Brân 1.0, can they trash other ice? Can they trash Brân 1.0 itself? What happens if they do?

    Yes, the procedure for installing ice is followed normally, except for the destination position being behind Brân 1.0 instead of the outermost position. However, the relative position of each piece of ice protecting the server is established before any cards are trashed. If Brân 1.0 is trashed, the encounter will end as soon as the install effect is complete, no more of its subroutines will resolve, and the Runner’s next position will correspond to the newly-installed ice.

Seamless Launch ( System Gateway, 40)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Does placing advancement counters with Seamless Launch meet the trigger condition for “when you advance” abilities like the one on Oaktown Renovation?

    No. Advancing a card results in placing an advancement counter on it, but placing advancement counters does not by itself count as advancing a card.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Corp use Seamless Launch to place advancement counters on 1 of the Runner’s installed cards?


  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Can the Corp use Seamless Launch to place advancement counters on 1 of their cards that they could not normally advance?


Manegarm Skunkworks ( System Gateway, 42)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    What happens if the Runner uses Omar Keung’s ability to run R&D with Manegarm Skunkworks rezzed?

    Manegarm Skunkworks will not affect this run unless it is rezzed in the root of Archives. Omar Keung’s ability moves the attacked server just before step 5a, which is after the step that can meet Manegarm Skunkworks’s trigger condition, step 4g.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    When is the Corp’s last chance to rez Manegarm Skunkworks for its ability to apply to a run?

    The Runner has an opportunity to jack out after passing the last piece of ice protecting the server. The “last chance” you are looking for is the paid ability window just after this (step 4e).

Jinteki: Restoring Humanity ( System Gateway, 43)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What’s the difference between "when your discard phase ends" and "when your turn ends"?

    We sometimes write abilities with “when your discard phase ends” to emphasize that they resolve after your hand size is checked. There is no difference in timing or functionality between this wording and “when your turn ends”.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp trigger Jinteki: Restoring Humanity if they have no facedown cards in Archives for most of their turn, but they discard cards to their maximum hand size?


Longevity Serum ( System Gateway, 44)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner has Spoilers installed and the Corp scores Longevity Serum, can the Corp choose to add the card trashed by Spoilers to R&D?

    No. The abilities on both Spoilers and Longevity Serum have the same trigger condition. Since agendas are always scored on the Corp’s turn, the Corp is the active player and must fully resolve their abilities before the Runner resolves any of theirs.

Urtica Cipher ( System Gateway, 45)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Does Urtica Cipher do its damage all at once, or in increments?

    Urtica Cipher’s ability causes a single occurrence of damage, whether or not Urtica Cipher is advanced.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Does Urtica Cipher do damage even if it has no advancement counters on it?

    Yes, as long as it is installed. The 2 damage indicated in the card text is not contingent on adding more damage for advancement counters.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp advance Urtica Cipher if it’s unrezzed?

    Yes. Abilities that allow the Corp to advance a card are active even if the card is unrezzed.

Diviner ( System Gateway, 46)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Does Diviner’s subroutine require you to trash cards from HQ like Anoetic Void?

    No. Diviner’s subroutine is checking the install/play cost of the card that was trashed from the Runner’s grip by the net damage.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens if Diviner trashes a card with play or install cost of X?

    Diviner will not end the run. A play or install cost of X is considered to be 0 until the card is played or installed.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens if Diviner trashes a card with a play or install cost of 0?

    Diviner will not end the run.

Karunā ( System Gateway, 47)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If Karunā’s first subroutine resolves while the Runner is already breaching the attacked server (perhaps because of Ganked!), can the Runner still jack out? Does that stop them from accessing any more cards?

    Yes and yes. Nothing stops the Runner from jacking out at unusual times if given the opportunity by a card ability. Jacking out ends the run, which ends any breach in progress as well.

Hansei Review ( System Gateway, 48)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Is Hansei Review a card in HQ while its own ability is resolving?

    No. Operations and events are placed into the play area before they begin to resolve.

Neurospike ( System Gateway, 49)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp scores an agenda, but then forfeits that agenda later in the turn, how much damage does Neurospike do?

    Neurospike doesn’t look for agendas in any particular location. Rather, it looks back at the history of the Corp’s turn for each time that they scored an agenda, then checks the printed point value of each of those scored agendas at the time when they were scored. Forfeiting an agenda has no effect on the amount of damage it adds to Neurospike’s total.

Anoetic Void ( System Gateway, 50)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If Anoetic Void is installed in the root of HQ, can it be one of the cards trashed from HQ for its ability?

    No. “Cards from HQ” only refers to cards in the Corp’s hand. Upgrades installed in the root of a central server are not “in” that server.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    When is the Corp’s last chance to rez Anoetic Void for its ability to apply to a run?

    The Runner has an opportunity to jack out after passing the last piece of ice protecting the server. The “last chance” you are looking for is the paid ability window just after this (step 4e).

NBN: Reality Plus ( System Gateway, 51)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner accesses Behold! in the middle of accessing multiple cards from R&D. The Corp, playing NBN: Reality Plus, uses Behold! to give the Runner 2 tags, and draws 2 cards. Where does the Runner resume accessing cards?

    The Runner continues accessing from the topmost card of R&D that they have not already accessed. If the Corp drew past the point the Runner already accessed, the new top of R&D is the next card accessed. If the Corp uses the effect of NBN: Reality Plus to draw 2 cards the Runner has already accessed, the Runner continues accessing R&D from the position they were already accessing.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner accesses Snare! from R&D and takes a tag, can they still trash the Snare! if the Corp draws it with NBN: Reality Plus?

    No. Once a card being accessed moves to another zone, the access ends immediately.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner prevents taking a tag and then takes a tag later in the turn, can the Corp trigger NBN: Reality Plus?

    Yes. NBN: Reality Plus’s ability looks for the first time a tag is actually taken. It doesn’t care whether it’s the first time an ability tried to give the Runner a tag.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner prevents taking a tag, can the Corp still trigger NBN: Reality Plus?

    No. If a tag is prevented, then the Runner does not take the tag.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp uses Public Trail or another card to give the Runner a tag, can they trigger NBN: Reality Plus?

    Yes. Giving the Runner 1 or more tags results in the Runner taking tags.

Spin Doctor ( System Gateway, 53)

  • Updated 2024-07-30

    During an Overclock run, the Corporation uses Spin Doctor to remove itself from the game while there are no other cards in or protecting that server. Can the runner spend credits from Overclock to use Self-modifying Code before the server is destroyed?

    Yes. When a server has no cards in its root or protecting it, it is not destroyed until any open paid ability windows close. The Runner thus has a chance to use abilities such as Self-modifying Code during this paid ability window.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses the first ability of Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra to run a remote server containing Spin Doctor, what happens if the server ceases to exist due to the Corp removing Spin Doctor from the game?

    If the server ceases to exist during a run, that run is neither successful nor unsuccessful. The Runner will not take a tag.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    When rezzing or using Spin Doctor, can the Corp quote Malcolm Tucker from the BBC series The Thick of It?

    Maybe! Please be mindful of what is appropriate language for your play environment. NISEI encourages players to be respectful and welcoming to each other, and some players may find strong expletives to be off-putting. Refer to the NISEI Code of Conduct and Organized Play Policies for more information.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If there are no cards in Archives, can the corp activate Spin Doctor’s ability to remove it from the game in order to shuffle the deck?

    Yes. Shuffling the deck is a change in game state, so you could activate this ability without any targets to shuffle back. Note that you must have at least 2 cards in R&D to do this, because if you only have 1 card, you aren’t actually shuffling the deck.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp use Spin Doctor’s ability to remove it from the game without choosing any cards in Archives? Does this cause R&D to be shuffled?

    Yes and yes.

Funhouse ( System Gateway, 54)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use No Free Lunch to remove a tag gained from encountering a Funhouse before the Corp can remove that tag with B-1001 to end the run?

    Yes. The active player will get priority first in the next paid ability window.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner plays Inside Job and bypasses Funhouse or Tollbooth, do the non-subroutine abilities on those cards resolve?

    No. An ability that meets its trigger condition due to an encounter beginning can only resolve if the encounter is still taking place. Inside Job’s bypass ability meets its trigger condition at the same time as Funhouse or Tollbooth’s ability, and as it’s the Runner’s turn, they will resolve the ability they control first. Bypassing a piece of ice immediately ends the encounter, stopping the Corp from resolving their ability before they can tag the Runner or charge a toll.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What happens if the Runner has a mandatory ability that would prevent the tag from Funhouse, such as the ability on Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain?

    Players cannot attempt to pay a cost that would be prevented. If Jesminder’s ability is applicable, the Runner must choose to end the run.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner stop Funhouse from ending the run by choosing to take the tag and then preventing it?

    No. The “unless” in Funhouse’s ability indicates a nested cost. If the Runner does not take a tag, the cost is not paid and Funhouse will end the run.

Ping ( System Gateway, 55)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use No Free Lunch to remove a tag gained from the rezzing of Ping before the Corp can remove that tag with B-1001 to end the run?

    No. The Corp has priority when they rez Ping, and its ability resolves in the immediately-following reaction window. After the ability resolves, the Corp receives priority again in the same paid ability window, and they can end the run with B-1001 before the Runner’s next opportunity to use a paid ability.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp uses a card ability to rez Ping at a time other than while the Runner is approaching it, will its ability give the Runner a tag?

    Yes, as long as there is a run in progress and Ping is protecting the attacked server.

Predictive Planogram ( System Gateway, 56)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp plays Predictive Planogram while the Runner is tagged, can they choose the order to resolve its effects?

    Yes, but the Corp must decide before resolving either effect whether they will be resolving both of them or only 1.

Public Trail ( System Gateway, 57)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp uses Public Trail or another card to give the Runner a tag, can they trigger NBN: Reality Plus?

    Yes. Giving the Runner 1 or more tags results in the Runner taking tags.

AMAZE Amusements ( System Gateway, 58)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner accesses and trashes an unrezzed AMAZE Amusements, does its ability apply?

    No. The persistent flag only indicates that an active ability can remain active beyond its source card. The ability must be active to begin with in order for it to persist.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Runner uses Political Operative to trash AMAZE Amusements, does its ability remain active?

    No. The ability only persists if the Runner trashes AMAZE Amusements while accessing it.

Weyland Consortium: Built to Last ( System Gateway, 59)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp is playing Weyland Consortium: Built to Last and uses Success to advance a card multiple times at once, how many credits do they gain?

    Success advances its target multiple times in sequence, not simultaneously. Only the first advancement can meet Weyland Consortium: Built to Last's trigger condition, so the Corp can gain 2.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    If the Corp is playing Weyland Consortium: Built to Last and uses Seamless Launch to place 2 advancement counters at the same time, how many credits do they gain?

    None. Placing or moving advancement counters directly does not count as advancing a card.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What does “if it had no advancement counters” mean?

    Usually, it simply refers to the first time you advance a card.

    More precisely, the ability on Weyland Consortium: Built to Last meets its trigger condition if there are no advancement counters hosted on a card at the time the Corp advances it. The ability does not look any further back into the history of the card and when or whether it had any hosted counters. This condition is written in the past tense because by the time the ability resolves, advancing is complete, and now the card will have a hosted advancement counter.

Clearinghouse ( System Gateway, 61)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp advance Clearinghouse if it’s unrezzed?

    Yes. Abilities that allow the Corp to advance a card are active even if the card is unrezzed.

Ballista ( System Gateway, 62)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Who chooses whether to trash a program or end the run?

    The Corp makes any choices in resolving subroutines unless the ability specifically directs the Runner to perform its effect.

Pharos ( System Gateway, 63)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp advance Pharos if it’s unrezzed?

    Yes. Abilities that allow the Corp to advance a card are active even if the card is unrezzed.

Malapert Data Vault ( System Gateway, 66)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    What does it mean to “score an agenda from this server”?

    This ability meets its trigger condition when the Corp scores an agenda that was in or in the root of the same server as Malapert Data Vault.

Send a Message ( System Gateway, 69)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp use Send a Message’s ability to rez an Archer without forfeiting an agenda?

    Yes. “Ignoring all costs” in Send a Message’s ability refers to both the rez cost of the ice and any additional costs.

Whitespace ( System Gateway, 74)

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Do credits hosted on cards like Overclock and Penumbral Toolkit count toward whether the Runner has more than 6?

    No. The Runner only “has” credits in their credit pool. The abilities on these cards only allow players to spend their hosted credits.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Runner lose credits hosted on Overclock or Penumbral Toolkit for the first subroutine on Whitespace?

    No. Those credits are only available to be spent. “Losing” credits always drains the Runner’s credit pool.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Does Whitespace check for the Runner having 6 or less before or after the Runner loses 3?

    After. Resolve each subroutine 1 at a time, in the order they appear on the card.

Quetzal: Free Spirit ( System Update 2021, 1)

  • Updated 2022-04-22

    Why is Quetzal’s ability written differently than in previous printings?

    The old wording of Quetzal’s ability did not fit into any of the modern ability types that the CR supports. In practice, it always worked like a paid ability, but now it’s written as one so that it’s clear what timing and other rules apply to it.

Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter ( System Update 2021, 2)

  • Updated 2022-04-22

    If the Runner is playing Reina Roja and the first piece of ice the Corp rezzes in a given turn is Tithonium, does the Corp have to pay 1 if they forfeit an agenda rather than pay Tithonium’s rez cost?

    No. Reina increases the rez cost temporarily of the first ice being rezzed by the Corp. This increase in rez cost is not an additional cost, so by using Tithonium’s first ability you do not need to pay 1 extra credit.

Clot ( System Update 2021, 5)

  • Updated 2022-04-28

    When is the Runner’s last chance to use an ability like Simulchip to install Clot before the Corp can score an agenda?

    When the Corp places the last required advancement counter on an agenda during their turn, they will be the next player to receive priority, so they can score the agenda immediately. If the Runner wants to use Clot to prohibit the Corp from scoring, they must install it before the final advancement counter is placed on it. Note that sometimes more than one advancement counter can be placed at a time, such as with Trick of Light, so the Runner may have to install Clot when they think the Corp still needs two more advancement counters to account for such effects.

Imp ( System Update 2021, 7)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Why is Imp’s ability written differently than in previous printings?

    The previous wording for Imp and similar cards did not fit into any of the modern ability types that the Comprehensive Rules supports, and it was not clear exactly when it could be used. The new “Access →“ flag lets this type of ability be written as a paid ability and gives it clear timing and structure.

Ice Carver ( System Update 2021, 9)

  • Updated 2022-04-23

    Does Ice Carver apply its -1 strength before or after Chisel’s ability resolves?

    Before. Ice Carver has a static ability, which means it applies as soon as the encounter begins. The Runner doesn’t have to trigger the ability explicitly or wait for conditional abilities to resolve before it takes effect.

Scrubber ( System Update 2021, 11)

  • Updated 2022-04-23

    The wording on Scrubber looks a little different. Has anything changed about how the Runner can spend its credits?

    Only the interaction with Salsette Slums has changed, and it is restored to the original state of that interaction before Salsette Slums received its first errata. The new wording for Scrubber allows the Runner to spend its hosted credits when paying any cost that refers to a card’s trash cost, including the basic trash ability and the current wording of Salsette Slums. While Political Operative previously used a wording that would be compatible with this requirement, it has never previously been able to work with Scrubber, and so has received otherwise-nonfunctional errata to maintain this non-interaction.

  • Updated 2022-04-23

    What is the credit symbol with the arrow on Scrubber and what does it do?

    That symbol means “recurring credits”, and it means that after a player installs (or rezzes, for Corp cards) the card it appears on, they should place the indicated number of credits on it (in Scrubber’s case, 2 of them). Then, for as long as the card remains active, the player “refills” the card up to the indicated number of credits just before their turn begins. If there are already as many credits as the number indicated (or more), then no more credits will be added.

Emergency Shutdown ( System Update 2021, 16)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Can the Runner play Emergency Shutdown on their second click after they ran HQ with an active Crisium Grid that was trashed during the breach?

    No, the Runner did not make a successful run on HQ due to Crisium Grid’s ability. Trashing Crisium Grid does not retroactively make the run successful.

Inside Job ( System Update 2021, 18)

  • Updated 2022-04-23

    If the Runner plays Inside Job and bypasses Funhouse or Tollbooth, do the non-subroutine abilities on those cards resolve?

    No. An ability that meets its trigger condition due to an encounter beginning can only resolve if the encounter is still taking place. Inside Job’s bypass ability meets its trigger condition at the same time as Funhouse or Tollbooth’s ability, and as it’s the Runner’s turn, they will resolve the ability they control first. Bypassing a piece of ice immediately ends the encounter, stopping the Corp from resolving their ability before they can tag the Runner or charge a toll.

Networking ( System Update 2021, 20)

  • Updated 2023-03-17

    If you play Networking and choose to add it to your grip, do you draw 1 card with Aniccam?

    No, Networking adding itself to the grip prevents the default trashing of a resolved event.

Sneakdoor Beta ( System Update 2021, 23)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta to run Archives and then switch to HQ, does Red Team count that as a run on Archives or HQ?

    Archives. Red Team cares about the server the Runner declared to be the attacked server at the beginning of the run. Therefore, it will always count a run made with Sneakdoor Beta as a run against Archives.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Sneakdoor Beta is trashed during a run it initiated, is the attacked server still changed to HQ?

    Yes, once the ability is initiated, resolving its effects becomes independent from the source card.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Crisium Grid is active in the root of Archives and the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta, what server does the Runner breach and is the run successful?

    The Runner breaches Archives and the run is not declared successful. Since Crisium Grid’s ability is a static ability and applies immediately, declaring the run successful is never part of the expected effects of step 6.9.5a of the run, so the trigger condition of Sneakdoor Beta’s delayed conditional ability is never met and the ability never resolves.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Crisium Grid is active in the root of HQ and the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta, is the run successful on either Archives or HQ?

    No, Sneakdoor Beta changes the attacked server while step 6.9.5a of the run is imminent, because the expected effects of that step include the trigger condition of Sneakdoor Beta’s delayed conditional ability, which is that the run on Archives would be declared successful. However, once the attacked server is changed to HQ, the imminent step cannot declare the run successful after all because of Crisium Grid’s ability. The Runner will still breach HQ.

Security Testing ( System Update 2021, 24)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If breaching HQ is replaced with another effect, such as gaining 2 with Security Testing, will the Runner get the additional access with Docklands Pass if they make a successful run on HQ again later in the turn?

    Yes. “The first time you breach HQ” refers to a breach actually taking place, not just reaching the “Breach the attacked server.” step of the run.

Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist ( System Update 2021, 25)

Test Run ( System Update 2021, 28)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    Why does Test Run now say "has not been uninstalled"?

    The lingering effect to place the program on top of the stack only affects the object installed with this event, not the program as a whole. If the Runner reinstalls that program, for example with Rejig, then the lingering effect does not apply to the newly installed object anymore. This wording was chosen to clarify this interaction; this is not a change in the functionality of the card.

Egret ( System Update 2021, 32)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If an ice with a hosted Egret is derezzed, does the ice still gain the subtypes from Egret?

    Yes, facedown corp cards still have subtypes as normal and Egret still grants the subtypes sentry, code gate and barrier to the ice.

Paricia ( System Update 2021, 34)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    The wording on Paricia looks a little different. Has anything changed about how the Runner can spend its credits?

    Only the interaction with Salsette Slums has changed, and it is restored to the original state of that interaction before Salsette Slums received its first errata. The new wording for Paricia allows the Runner to spend its hosted credits when paying any cost that refers to an asset’s trash cost, including the basic trash ability and the current wording of Salsette Slums. While Political Operative previously used a wording that would be compatible with this requirement, it has never previously been able to work with Paricia, and so has received otherwise-nonfunctional errata to maintain this non-interaction.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    What is the credit symbol with the arrow on Paricia and what does it do?

    That symbol means “recurring credits”, and it means that after a player installs (or rezzes, for Corp cards) the card it appears on, they should place the indicated number of credits on it (in Paricia’s case, 2 of them). Then, for as long as the card remains active, the player “refills” the card up to the indicated number of credits just before their turn begins. If there are already as many credits as the number indicated (or more), then no more credits will be added.

Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow ( System Update 2021, 40)

Magnet ( System Update 2021, 44)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If Saci is installed on a rezzed Magnet, does the Runner get 3 credits when the Magnet is derezzed?

    Yes. Saci's ability is active in the checkpoint after Magnet is derezzed, so it is able to see that its trigger condition was met, become pending, and resolve.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If Saci is installed on an unrezzed Magnet, does the Runner gain 3 credits when the Corp rezzes Magnet?

    No. Saci's ability is no longer active once Magnet is rezzed, so it cannot become pending or resolve.

Ravana 1.0 ( System Update 2021, 45)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the only rezzed bioroid ice are multiple copies of Ravana 1.0, what happens if one of their subs resolves?

    A mandatory loop is created. The general rule is that the Corp chooses a number X and the loop continues X iterations and then stops. In this case the end result is that the subroutine does not have any effect for whatever number the Corp chooses.

Jinteki: Personal Evolution ( System Update 2021, 50)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner accesses an agenda that would earn them 7 agenda points with 0 cards in their grip, who wins the game?

    The Runner wins the game in the checkpoint following the steal. The Jinteki: Personal Evolution ability has become pending, but would only resolve in the reaction window following this checkpoint. Since the Runner has won the game in this checkpoint, the game has ended and that reaction window never happens.

Tollbooth ( System Update 2021, 66)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner plays Inside Job and bypasses Funhouse or Tollbooth, do the non-subroutine abilities on those cards resolve?

    No. An ability that meets its trigger condition due to an encounter beginning can only resolve if the encounter is still taking place. Inside Job’s bypass ability meets its trigger condition at the same time as Funhouse or Tollbooth’s ability, and as it’s the Runner’s turn, they will resolve the ability they control first. Bypassing a piece of ice immediately ends the encounter, stopping the Corp from resolving their ability before they can tag the Runner or charge a toll.

Oaktown Renovation ( System Update 2021, 72)

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    Does placing advancement counters with Seamless Launch meet the trigger condition for “when you advance” abilities like the one on Oaktown Renovation?

    No. Advancing a card results in placing an advancement counter on it, but placing advancement counters does not by itself count as advancing a card.

Archer ( System Update 2021, 75)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner plays S-Dobrado, bypasses a piece of ice, and continues to approach the next ice. The Corp rezzes Archer, lowering the threat level below 4. Can the second S-Dobrado ability still be used?

    No. In order for the Runner to trigger S-Dobrado’s threat ability, it must be active when the second encounter begins, and it is no longer active after the Corp forfeits an agenda to pay Archer’s additional cost. The Runner cannot spend to bypass Archer.

  • Updated 2021-10-11

    Can the Corp use Send a Message’s ability to rez an Archer without forfeiting an agenda?

    Yes. “Ignoring all costs” in Send a Message’s ability refers to both the rez cost of the ice and any additional costs.

Crisium Grid ( System Update 2021, 79)

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Crisium Grid is active in the root of Archives and the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta, what server does the Runner breach and is the run successful?

    The Runner breaches Archives and the run is not declared successful. Since Crisium Grid’s ability is a static ability and applies immediately, declaring the run successful is never part of the expected effects of step 6.9.5a of the run, so the trigger condition of Sneakdoor Beta’s delayed conditional ability is never met and the ability never resolves.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If Crisium Grid is active in the root of HQ and the Runner uses Sneakdoor Beta, is the run successful on either Archives or HQ?

    No, Sneakdoor Beta changes the attacked server while step 6.9.5a of the run is imminent, because the expected effects of that step include the trigger condition of Sneakdoor Beta’s delayed conditional ability, which is that the run on Archives would be declared successful. However, once the attacked server is changed to HQ, the imminent step cannot declare the run successful after all because of Crisium Grid’s ability. The Runner will still breach HQ.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If the Runner breaches a server that has a rezzed Crisium Grid, do they access cards as normal?

    Yes. Preventing the run from being declared successful only affects abilities that require a successful run, such as the restriction on playing Emergency Shutdown.

  • Updated 2021-10-10

    If the Runner uses Jailbreak to run a server with a rezzed Crisium Grid, will they access an additional card?

    No. Jailbreak’s ability that gives an additional access is a delayed conditional ability created by its “If successful” ability. Since Crisium Grid stops the run from being declared successful, that ability is never resolved.

Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist ( Midnight Sun, 1)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner gain a credit when they sabotage and have Demolisher installed?

    No, the Corp is trashing the cards when resolving a sabotage effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    What if the Corp has only 1 card total in HQ and R&D and must sabotage 2?

    The Corp trashes all cards from HQ and R&D.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Corp has only 1 card in R&D and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from R&D” in order to only trash the 1 card in R&D?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from HQ.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Corp has only 1 card in HQ and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from HQ” in order to only trash the 1 card in HQ?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from R&D.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Corp look at the cards that are being trashed while resolving sabotage?

    No, the Corp must choose which cards to trash first, and then all cards are trashed simultaneously. The Corp can look at the trashed cards from R&D in Archives after all trashes from sabotage have been resolved.

Chastushka ( Midnight Sun, 2)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner gain a credit when they sabotage and have Demolisher installed?

    No, the Corp is trashing the cards when resolving a sabotage effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    What if the Corp has only 1 card total in HQ and R&D and must sabotage 2?

    The Corp trashes all cards from HQ and R&D.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Corp has only 1 card in R&D and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from R&D” in order to only trash the 1 card in R&D?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from HQ.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Corp has only 1 card in HQ and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from HQ” in order to only trash the 1 card in HQ?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from R&D.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Corp look at the cards that are being trashed while resolving sabotage?

    No, the Corp must choose which cards to trash first, and then all cards are trashed simultaneously. The Corp can look at the trashed cards from R&D in Archives after all trashes from sabotage have been resolved.

Running Hot ( Midnight Sun, 3)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner play Running Hot if the core damage will flatline them at the end of their turn?


  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner play Running Hot if it is the only card in their hand?

    They can, but they will flatline from doing so.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the core damage cost be prevented?

    No. Costs cannot be prevented.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner pay the core damage cost before or after removing Running Hot from the grip when playing it?

    Running Hot is placed into the play area and then the cost for playing the event is paid, including the additional cost of suffering a core damage. The core damage cannot trash the copy of Running Hot that was played.

Steelskin Scarring ( Midnight Sun, 4)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner plays The Price, and the top card of the stack is Steelskin Scarring, which cards from the top of the stack will be trashed, and which ones will be drawn?

    Each sentence on The Price is an instruction, and other abilities that meet their trigger conditions have the opportunity to resolve between instructions. The Price will trash the top 4 cards of the stack all at once, and then the trashed Steelskin Scarring will allow the Runner to draw the next two cards of the stack.

  • Updated 2022-09-28

    What exactly happens if Steelskin Scarring is on top of the Runner's stack and they play Labor Rights?

    Each sentence on Labor Rights is an instruction, and other abilities that meet their trigger conditions have the opportunity to resolve between instructions. So Labor Rights will trash 3 cards including Steelskin Scarring, then Steelskin Scarring's ability will trigger and the Runner may draw 2 cards. Then, the Runner shuffles cards (which could include the same copy of Steelskin Scarring) from their heap into their stack, and finally, they draw 1 more card and remove Labor Rights from the game.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    How does Buffer Drive interact with Steelskin Scarring?

    Both cards' conditional abilities meet their trigger conditions at the same time, and the Runner can choose to resolve either one first. If they choose to resolve Buffer Drive's ability first and put Steelskin Scarring on the bottom of the stack, they will not be able to resolve Steelskin Scarring’s ability because that ability is no longer active once its source leaves the heap. If they choose to resolve Steelskin Scarring’s ability first, they will still be able to use Buffer Drive’s ability after drawing 2 cards.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner draw cards from Steelskin Scarring when it is discarded to meet their maximum hand size?

    No, discarded cards are not considered trashed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    When the Runner plays Steelskin Scarring, is it trashed from their grip?

    No, it is trashed from the play area. When the Runner plays Steelskin Scarring, they will only resolve its first ability, drawing 3 cards.

Avgustina Ivanovskaya ( Midnight Sun, 8)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner gain a credit when they sabotage and have Demolisher installed?

    No, the Corp is trashing the cards when resolving a sabotage effect.

Light the Fire! ( Midnight Sun, 9)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    How does Light the Fire! affect a remote server with an advanced NGO Front?

    Once the Runner triggers Light the Fire!’s ability, there is no opportunity for the Corp to use NGO Front before the ability begins to resolve. If the run is made against the server with NGO Front in its root, the Corp will not be able to use that NGO Front until after the run ends, and then only if it is still installed. However, the Corp does have the opportunity to use NGO Front in the paid ability window before the Runner takes the action on Light the Fire!. The Runner cannot use Light the Fire! immediately after installing it without giving the Corp an opportunity to trigger paid abilities.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the attacked server changes to a central server during a run made with Light the Fire!, what happens?

    When the run is declared successful, the Runner will trash all upgrades in the root of the new attacked server. They will breach and access cards in the server’s corresponding zone normally.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner uses Light the Fire! to run a server that has a Full Immersion RecStudio in the root, hosting two cards, do the hosted cards lose their abilities? What happens to the hosted cards once Full Immersion RecStudio is trashed?

    Cards hosted on Full Immersion RecStudio are in the root of the server, and lose their abilities. All cards in the root of the attacked server, including the hosted cards, will be trashed by Light the Fire!.

  • Updated 2022-09-11

    Can the Runner gain credits from Security Testing and trash the cards due to Light the Fire!?

    Yes, you still breach the server when using Light the Fire!. You can combine the breach replacement effect and the Light the Fire! trash effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does Aumakua gain a virus counter when successfully running a server with Light the Fire!?

    As long as the server is protected by ice, yes. You still breach the server when using Light the Fire!, unless the server itself ceases to exist. Usually, there will be no cards to access during that breach, but Aumakua’s trigger condition is still met.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    What happens to agendas during a run made with Light the Fire!?

    Any agenda in the root of the attacked server is trashed along with any other cards in that root. There will be no cards of any type left in the root to access when the Runner breaches the attacked server.

The Twinning ( Midnight Sun, 10)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner spends credits hosted on Paladin Poemu to install The Twinning, does the Runner place a power counter on The Twinning?

    No. The Twinning is not yet active when you are paying its install cost.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can you spend hosted credits to use an icebreaker’s paid ability to increase its strength outside of a run, in order to place a power counter on The Twinning?


  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If Virtuoso is installed and the Runner’s mark is R&D, how many additional cards can they access with The Twinning when they make a successful run on R&D?

    The Runner resolves a separate instance of The Twinning’s second ability for each breach: the normal breach of R&D as part of the Success Phase of the run, and the breach of HQ at the end of the run from Virtuoso’s ability. If The Twinning has enough hosted power counters, the Runner can spend 2 counters each time and access a total of 4 additional cards.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does The Twinning gain a power counter when spending credits from DJ Fenris hosting Ele "Smoke" Scovak?

    Yes. The recurring credit is hosted on DJ Fenris, which is an installed card.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does The Twinning gain a power counter when spending credits from Ele "Smoke" Scovak?

    No. A player’s identity is not installed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does The Twinning gain a power counter when spending credits from Overclock? No. Credits can be spent from Overclock, but it is not an installed card.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does The Twinning gain a power counter when spending credits from Prepaid VoicePAD?

    Yes, recurring credits are hosted credits and are spent from their host card.

Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy ( Midnight Sun, 11)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner gain a click with Nyusha “Sable” Sintashta if they are somehow able to make a successful run on the Corp’s turn?

    No. The mark only lasts for the Runner’s turn.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner has multiple “mark” cards, how do they identify their mark?

    The first time each turn the Runner resolves an instruction to identify their mark, they will randomly choose a central server. That server becomes their mark for the entire turn. Resolving another instruction to identify their mark will have no effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner does not have a mark, and they install a card that says “When your turn begins, identify your mark.”, do they get a mark for the current turn?

    No. The Runner only identifies a mark when an ability instructs them to.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner’s mark stay if all mark cards leave play, or does it leave and return when a new mark card comes into play?

    When you identify your mark, that server becomes your mark for the turn, even if the card that instructed you to identify your mark leaves play. If an event instructs you to identify your mark, that server continues to be your mark for the remainder of the turn after that event resolves.

Carpe Diem ( Midnight Sun, 12)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner makes a successful run on a server that later becomes their mark with Carpe Diem, will “the first time each turn you make a successful run on your mark” abilities resolve?

    No. To meet these abilities’ trigger conditions, the Runner must make a successful run on a server while that server is their mark. A previous successful run made before the attacked server became the Runner’s mark will not retroactively become a run on their mark. The Runner can still trigger these abilities by running the server again after it becomes their mark.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner has multiple “mark” cards, how do they identify their mark?

    The first time each turn the Runner resolves an instruction to identify their mark, they will randomly choose a central server. That server becomes their mark for the entire turn. Resolving another instruction to identify their mark will have no effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner’s mark stay if all mark cards leave play, or does it leave and return when a new mark card comes into play?

    When you identify your mark, that server becomes your mark for the turn, even if the card that instructed you to identify your mark leaves play. If an event instructs you to identify your mark, that server continues to be your mark for the remainder of the turn after that event resolves.

Pinhole Threading ( Midnight Sun, 13)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner uses Pinhole Threading to run a central server, can they use credits hosted on Cezve to trash an asset in the root of a remote server?

    Yes. The run is still on a central server.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    The Runner uses Pinhole Threading to access Ganked! and is forced to encounter ice. If the Runner is tagged, can the Corp gain credits from Henry Phillips during that encounter? Where would Henry Phillips need to be installed for this to work?

    The access from Pinhole Threading doesn't change the attacked server, so abilities like Henry Phillips that apply “during a run on this server” only apply for cards in the root of or protecting the server where the run was made. The ability would be able to resolve successfully even though the subroutines being broken are on ice protecting a different server. Conversely, a copy of Henry Phillips in the root of the server where Ganked! was accessed would not be able to meet its trigger condition.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    The Runner uses Pinhole Threading to access Ganked! and is forced to encounter ice. Both the attacked server and the accessed server are protected by Border Control. Which paid ability among the Border Controls can the Corp use to end the run?

    The access from Pinhole Threading doesn't change the attacked server, so the Corp can only use the Border Control protecting the server where the run was made, not the server where Ganked! was accessed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner trigger Kasi String with the access from Pinhole Threading by running Archives?

    No. Pinhole Threading replaces breaching the attacked server, and the access it grants is not a breach, so it does not meet Kasi String’s trigger condition regardless of whether the accessed card is stolen.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner trigger Aumakua’s ability with the access from Pinhole Threading?

    No. Pinhole Threading replaces breaching the attacked server, and the access it grants is not a breach, so it does not meet Aumakua’s trigger condition regardless of whether the accessed card is trashed.

Virtuoso ( Midnight Sun, 15)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does Virtuoso work with Docklands Pass?

    Yes. If the Runner has not previously breached HQ this turn, they will access 1 additional card during the breach from Virtuoso.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If Virtuoso is installed and the Runner’s mark is R&D, how many additional cards can they access with The Twinning when they make a successful run on R&D?

    The Runner resolves a separate instance of The Twinning’s second ability for each breach: the normal breach of R&D as part of the Success Phase of the run, and the breach of HQ at the end of the run from Virtuoso’s ability. If The Twinning has enough hosted power counters, the Runner can spend 2 counters each time and access a total of 4 additional cards.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Suppose the Corp has a copy of Ganked! in HQ. What happens if an “End the run.” subroutine resolves during a breach made with Virtuoso?

    Since this breach is not happening during a run, an “End the run.” instruction ends the forced encounter that was in progress, but otherwise does not affect the breach. If the Runner still has cards to access, they continue doing so.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    How does Virtuoso interact with Security Testing if the Runner’s mark is not HQ?

    If the same server was identified as the Runner’s mark and chosen with Security Testing, the Runner will gain 2 instead of breaching that server. They will then breach HQ after the run ends.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner over-install Virtuoso and trigger the “first time you make a successful run on your mark” ability a second time?

    No. The next successful run on the Runner’s mark is not the first run, even if different cards are installed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the "otherwise" in Virtuoso’s ability mean it triggers if the run is unsuccessful?

    No. “Otherwise” in Virtuoso’s ability means “If that server is not HQ”.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does breaching HQ with Virtuoso after breaching a non-HQ mark allow Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler to gain credits from the additional breach?

    No. The additional breach occurs after the run ends.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If R&D is identified as the Runner's mark, and they run R&D with Jailbreak, can the Runner access 1 additional card in HQ when they breach it with Virtuoso’s ability?

    No. When you make a run on R&D with Jailbreak and breach HQ afterwards due to Virtuoso, HQ is not the attacked server. You will only access an additional card in R&D.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner has multiple “mark” cards, how do they identify their mark?

    The first time each turn the Runner resolves an instruction to identify their mark, they will randomly choose a central server. That server becomes their mark for the entire turn. Resolving another instruction to identify their mark will have no effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner does not have a mark, and they install a card that says “When your turn begins, identify your mark.”, do they get a mark for the current turn?

    No. The Runner only identifies a mark when an ability instructs them to.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner’s mark stay if all mark cards leave play, or does it leave and return when a new mark card comes into play?

    When you identify your mark, that server becomes your mark for the turn, even if the card that instructed you to identify your mark leaves play. If an event instructs you to identify your mark, that server continues to be your mark for the remainder of the turn after that event resolves.

Cezve ( Midnight Sun, 17)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner use credits hosted on Cezve to install MKUltra, Black Orchestra or Paperclip if they intend to trash Cezve to install that program?

    No. When installing a card, players trash cards before paying for install costs.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner use credits on Cezve to pay for installing cards with Masterwork (v37)?

    Yes. The run is already in progress when abilities with “run begins” trigger conditions resolve.

Revolver ( Midnight Sun, 18)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    When using the interface ability on Revolver by spending a power counter, does the Runner gain a credit from Tech Trader?


Backstitching ( Midnight Sun, 19)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner encounters Konjin protecting their mark, and they are forced to encounter ice protecting a different server, can they trash Backstitching to bypass the ice that Konjin forced them to encounter?

    Yes. The attacked server is still the Runner’s mark, so the forced encounter from Konjin still meets Backstitching’s trigger condition.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner has multiple “mark” cards, how do they identify their mark?

    The first time each turn the Runner resolves an instruction to identify their mark, they will randomly choose a central server. That server becomes their mark for the entire turn. Resolving another instruction to identify their mark will have no effect.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner does not have a mark, and they install a card that says “When your turn begins, identify your mark.”, do they get a mark for the current turn?

    No. The Runner only identifies a mark when an ability instructs them to.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Does the Runner’s mark stay if all mark cards leave play, or does it leave and return when a new mark card comes into play?

    When you identify your mark, that server becomes your mark for the turn, even if the card that instructed you to identify your mark leaves play. If an event instructs you to identify your mark, that server continues to be your mark for the remainder of the turn after that event resolves.

No Free Lunch ( Midnight Sun, 20)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use No Free Lunch to remove a tag gained from the rezzing of Ping before the Corp can remove that tag with B-1001 to end the run?

    No. The Corp has priority when they rez Ping, and its ability resolves in the immediately-following reaction window. After the ability resolves, the Corp receives priority again in the same paid ability window, and they can end the run with B-1001 before the Runner’s next opportunity to use a paid ability.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner trash No Free Lunch to gain credits while another ability is resolving, such as when they are installing a card with Gachapon or contesting a trace from Punitive Counterstrike?

    No. The Runner can only use No Free Lunch when they have priority in a paid ability window.

Captain Padma Isbister: Intrepid Explorer ( Midnight Sun, 21)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

Deep Dive ( Midnight Sun, 22)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner has more than 2 remaining when they play Deep Dive, can they pay multiple additional to access more than 2 cards?

    No. Deep Dive grants a single opportunity to pay 1 to access 1 additional card.

Into the Depths ( Midnight Sun, 23)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner passes the same ice more than once during a single Into the Depths run, does that ice count multiple times for the payout?


  • Updated 2022-09-10

    What happens if a piece of ice is uninstalled during a run made with Into the Depths?

    If the Runner already passed the uninstalled piece of ice, Into the Depths will remember that it was passed and count that toward the number of modes the Runner can resolve when the run is declared successful. If the ice is uninstalled while it is being encountered, the encounter immediately ends. The Runner passes that ice's former position, but since the ice is no longer there it does not count as the Runner passing a piece of ice.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner passes an unrezzed piece of ice, does it count toward how many modes they can use for Into the Depths?

    Yes. The Runner does not encounter unrezzed ice, but they still pass it.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

Rigging Up ( Midnight Sun, 24)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Why does Rigging Up say “if able”?

    This text is included to clarify that the “you may charge that card” effect is still subject to the requirement that a card can only be charged if it has a hosted power counter.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner use Rigging Up to put an extra counter on Hyperbaric?

    Yes. Hyperbaric’s “when you install” ability resolves in between the instruction from Rigging Up that installs it and the instruction that gives the option to charge it. By the time the latter instruction resolves, Hyperbaric has a hosted power counter and is legal to charge.

Endurance ( Midnight Sun, 25)

Hyperbaric ( Midnight Sun, 26)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner use Rigging Up to put an extra counter on Hyperbaric?

    Yes. Hyperbaric’s “when you install” ability resolves in between the instruction from Rigging Up that installs it and the instruction that gives the option to charge it. By the time the latter instruction resolves, Hyperbaric has a hosted power counter and is legal to charge.

Daeg, First Net-Cat ( Midnight Sun, 28)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

Stoneship Chart Room ( Midnight Sun, 30)

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner use Stoneship Chart Room after their discard step to draw additional cards before Lat: Ethical Freelancer’s ability meets its trigger condition?

    Yes, there is a paid ability window after the discard step but before the end of the discard phase.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

Midnight-3 Arcology ( Midnight Sun, 32)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What does “skip your discard step this turn” mean?

    You will not discard cards due to exceeding your maximum hand size this turn.

Trieste Model Bioroids ( Midnight Sun, 34)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the ice chosen with Trieste Model Bioroids loses the bioroid subtype, what happens?

    That ice is still affected by the ability. The bioroid subtype is only required at the time Trieste Model Bioroids is rezzed and the choice of ice is made.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Is the ability on Quetzal: Free Spirit affected by Trieste Model Bioroids?


  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If Trieste Model Bioroids is derezzed, what happens?

    The effect prohibiting Runner card abilities from breaking subroutines ends immediately, and the lingering effect remembering which ice was chosen expires. If the Corp rezzes Trieste Model Bioroids again, they will make a new choice of a rezzed piece of bioroid ice.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the ice chosen for Trieste Model Bioroids is derezzed, what happens?

    The choice made when Trieste Model Bioroids was rezzed is still maintained, because the ice is still the same object, and Trieste Model Bioroids is still active. If the Corp rezzes that ice again, Trieste’s ability will still apply.

Echo ( Midnight Sun, 35)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp derezzes Echo to rez Bloop, does Echo still get a power counter? Does Echo keep its power counters when it is derezzed by Bloop?

    Echo does not gain a power counter, because Echo’s ability becomes inactive before rezzing Bloop is complete. The power counters already on Echo remain hosted when Echo is derezzed.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Does Echo get a power counter from itself?

    Yes. When Echo is rezzed, it becomes active before the checkpoint in which its own ability’s trigger condition is met.

Hákarl 1.0 ( Midnight Sun, 36)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the Corp uses a card ability to rez Hákarl 1.0 at a time other than while the Runner is approaching it, will they be able to use its ability?

    Yes. The Corp can use the ability as long as there is a run in progress and Hákarl 1.0 is protecting the attacked server.

Wave ( Midnight Sun, 37)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the Corp uses a card ability to rez Wave at a time other than while the Runner is approaching it, will they be able to use its ability?

    Yes. The Corp can use the ability as long as there is a run in progress and Wave is protecting the attacked server.

Big Deal ( Midnight Sun, 38)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What does “You may score that card, if able.” mean?

    Normally, resolving a terminal operation would skip all remaining paid ability windows this turn where the Corp can score an agenda. This effect provides an opportunity to score outside of a paid ability window, but the Corp still needs to meet the advancement requirement of the agenda and any other requirements in effect.

Blood in the Water ( Midnight Sun, 39)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What choice does the Runner need to make with RNG Key to gain credits or draw cards if the next card they access is Blood in the Water?

    The chosen number must be equal to the number of cards in the Runner’s grip at the time RNG Key’s last sentence resolves during the access of Blood in the Water. This is not necessarily the same as the number of cards in the Runner’s grip when the choice is made. For example, if the Runner has 4 cards in their grip when the run is declared successful, but suffers 1 net damage from Hokusai Grid before breaching the server, they will need to have chosen the number 3 in order to draw cards or gain credits with RNG Key.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What is the base trace strength for Amani Senai’s ability if Blood in the Water is scored or stolen?

    Amani Senai’s base trace strength will be equal to the number of cards in the Runner’s grip.

Regenesis ( Midnight Sun, 40)

  • Updated 2022-11-27

    Can the Corp use Regensis’s ability after using Moon Pool?

    If the Corp uses Moon Pool on their turn and does not trash any cards from HQ with its ability, they can still meet the condition on Regenesis. Moon Pool itself is removed from the game by its ability, so it never enters Archives.

  • Updated 2022-11-27

    Can the Corp play Seamless Launch to put the last required advancement counters on Regenesis, and then score Regenesis before Seamless Launch is added to Archives?

    No. Seamless Launch will resolve and be trashed before a paid ability window occurs in which the Corp could score Regenesis.

Bladderwort ( Midnight Sun, 41)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    How do multiple rezzed copies of Bladderwort interact with each other?

    The Corp resolves 1 copy of the ability at a time in full before moving on to the next copy. If a chain reaction or other “when your turn begins” ability resolves in the middle of this process and causes the Corp to lose or spend credits, it is possible that a copy resolved later could do net damage even though the Corp had too many credits to meet the requirement on a previously-resolved copy.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    When does Bladderwort check the Corp’s credits?

    Bladderwort checks the Corp’s credits when its second instruction resolves, after the Corp gains 1 from its first instruction.

Moon Pool ( Midnight Sun, 42)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the Corp shuffles 0 cards into R&D with Moon Pool, do they shuffle R&D?


  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Corp use Regensis’s ability after using Moon Pool? If the Corp uses Moon Pool on their turn and does not trash any cards from HQ with its ability, they can still meet the condition on Regenesis. Moon Pool itself is removed from the game by its ability, so it never enters Archives.

Anemone ( Midnight Sun, 43)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the Corp uses a card ability to rez Anemone at a time other than while the Runner is approaching it, will they be able to use its ability?

    Yes, as long as there is a run in progress and Anemone is protecting the attacked server.

Ivik ( Midnight Sun, 45)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    If the Runner plays Tinkering on an unrezzed Ivik, then runs the server it is protecting, does it reduce its own cost when the Corp rezzes it?

    No. Ivik only counts rezzed code gates, and it is not rezzed until after the Corp pays its rez cost. However, if an ability checks Ivik’s rez cost afterward, it will count itself then.

Mitosis ( Midnight Sun, 46)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp, playing as A Teia: IP Recovery, use Mitosis to create two new remote servers, then use A Teia: IP Recovery’s ability to install an additional card in the root of or protecting one of these servers?

    No. Each instance of installing a card is always resolved as a separate instruction, so A Teia: IP Recovery’s conditional ability can only resolve immediately after the first card is installed with Mitosis. If the Corp chooses to install a card with A Teia: IP Recovery's ability, they will necessarily already have 2 remote servers. It will not be possible to create a new server after this point, so a second card cannot be installed with Mitosis.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What does “creating a new remote server each time” mean?

    Each card installed with Mitosis must create a new server. The two cards cannot be installed to the same server as each other or to any other server that already exists.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Corp rez cards installed with Mitosis on the Runner’s immediately following turn? Yes.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Corp play Mitosis but install 0 cards?

    Yes. The Corp must have at least 1 card in HQ that could be installed in order to play Mitosis, but once they are resolving the operation, they can choose not to install any cards.

Pravdivost Consulting: Political Solutions ( Midnight Sun, 48)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Corp use Pravdivost Consulting to put a counter on NGO Front and then use NGO Front’s ability before the Runner breaches the attacked server?

    No. Once the run is declared successful, there are no more windows to use paid abilities like the ones on NGO Front.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Runner jack out after the Corp places an advancement counter with Pravdivost Consulting?

    No. The Runner’s final chance to jack out is before the run is declared successful.

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    Can the Corp use Pravdivost Consulting’s ability to place an advancement counter on a card the Runner is about to access, like a Chekist Scion?


Artificial Cryptocrash ( Midnight Sun, 49)

  • Updated 2022-10-22

    What happens if the Corp scores Artificial Cryptocrash when the Runner has fewer than 7?

    The Runner loses all of their credits.

Mestnichestvo ( Midnight Sun, 53)

Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. ( Midnight Sun, 57)

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    How big is Endurance compared to the ships depicted on Ob Superheavy Logistics?

    There are two tanker ships in the foreground of Ob Superheavy Logistics with large white cylindrical tanks. Endurance is about one-twelfth the length of those ships, smaller than the radius of one of the tanks.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    The Corp trashes a card with Svyatogor Excavator and uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to install Rashida Jaheem. Can the Corp immediately use Rashida Jaheem’s ability?

    No, Rashida Jaheem has the same trigger condition as Svyatogor Excavator, and was not active when that trigger condition was met. Once a reaction window opens to handle pending conditional abilities for a particular trigger condition, new abilities cannot become pending for that trigger condition.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    During a run, if the attacked server has Reconstruction Contract and no other cards in its root and no ice protecting it, can the Corp trash Reconstruction Contract to use its ability and then use Ob Superheavy Logistics to install a new card in the root of the same server?

    No. The attacked server ceases to exist in the checkpoint immediately after Reconstruction Contract is trashed, before the ability on Ob Superheavy Logistics resolves. The non-existent server is not a valid destination for installing a card after this point.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp trash Calibration Testing to use its ability, install a card with Ob Superheavy Logistics, and then resolve the ability to place an advancement counter on the card that was just installed? Does it matter what other cards are in the root of the server with Calibration Testing when they begin this process?

    Yes, the Corp can do this, as long as the new card is installed in the root of the same server from which Calibration Testing is trashed. It is not relevant whether other cards are installed in the root of the server. The game checks if Calibration Testing’s ability has the potential to change the game state before the card is trashed, so it sees Calibration Testing itself as a potential target and allows the Corp to use the ability.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp trash Reconstruction Contract to use its paid ability, install a card with Ob Superheavy Logistics, and then resolve the ability to place an advancement counter on the card that was just installed?

    Yes, but there must be a card the Corp can advance installed before they begin this process. If there are no installed cards the Corp can advance, the game does not consider Reconstruction Contract’s ability to have the potential to change the game state.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp use Ob Superheavy Logistics while resolving the additional cost on Azef Protocol to install an asset in the root of the same server as Azef Protocol?

    It is not possible to do this and still score the Azef Protocol. When the Corp pays the additional cost to score Azef Protocol, a checkpoint occurs before the score effect itself is resolved. Ob Superheavy Logistics triggers at this checkpoint and resolves fully before the game continues attempting to resolve scoring. If the Corp chooses to install an asset in the root of the server that currently contains Azef Protocol, they must trash Azef Protocol as part of installing the asset. This is legal, but when the reaction window closes and the game proceeds, the score effect won't be able to find Azef Protocol because it is no longer installed.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp trash Daruma to use its ability, install a card with Ob Superheavy Logistics, and then choose the newly installed card to swap when resolving Daruma’s ability?

    Yes. Trashing Daruma is paying a nested cost, so it is immediately followed by a checkpoint. The ability on Ob Superheavy Logistics resolves in full before the game continues to the instruction to swap cards in Daruma’s ability, so the newly installed card is available as a possible target for that instruction.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes Alexa Belsky with her ability, can they use Ob Superheavy Logistics to install a card shuffled from HQ into R&D by that ability?

    No. The Corp’s opportunity to use Ob Superheavy Logistics is immediately after the cost of Alexa Belsky’s ability is paid, before the ability resolves. No cards will have been shuffled from HQ into R&D yet.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes a piece of ice (such as Envelopment) while the Runner is encountering it, then installs a new piece of ice protecting the same server with Ob Superheavy Logistics, where is the Runner’s position relative to the newly installed ice?

    The Runner is inward from the new ice, so they will not approach it. When ice is uninstalled during a run, the Runner and all ice protecting the server immediately “collapse” their positions toward the root of the server. Ice cannot “jump in front of ” the Runner by trashing and installing midrun.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to install a card that has an additional cost to rez, can they decline to pay the additional cost?

    If the additional cost is paying credits, that cost is already being ignored, so the Corp cannot decline to pay it. If the additional cost is anything other than credits, such as the additional cost on Archer, the Corp can decline to pay it. If they decline, the card will not be rezzed, but they must reveal the card to show why it was not rezzed.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp has two rezzed copies of a unique (♦) card, the older copy will be trashed. Can the Corp use Ob Superheavy Logistics due to this trashing?

    No. The trigger condition on Ob Superheavy Logistics only looks for cards trashed by the Corp, and cards trashed because of uniqueness are trashed by the game rules, not by a player.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp use Ob Superheavy Logistics to install an agenda?

    No. Since agendas do not have rez costs, they can never meet the requirements of the search.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    What does “except during installation” mean?

    The Corp has the opportunity to trash other cards as part of the process of installing a new card. This clause excludes this type of trashing from the trigger condition of Ob Superheavy Logistics. You cannot use its ability while in the process of installing a card.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Does rezzing a piece of ice with Ob Superheavy Logistics ignore effects like Tread Lightly and Hernando Cortez?

    Yes. “Ignoring credit costs” includes both increases to rez costs like the one imposed by Tread Lightly and additional costs consisting of credits like the one imposed by Hernando Cortez.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to install a piece of ice, do they pay the install cost of that ice?

    No. Ob Superheavy Logistics directs the Corp to ignore credit costs, and this includes install costs.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes a card with a printed rez cost of 2 to pay the additional cost to score Azef Protocol, can they use Ob Superheavy Logistics to install Malapert Data Vault into the root of the same server as the Azef Protocol? Can they then resolve Malapert Data Vault’s ability?

    Yes and yes. When the Corp pays the additional cost to score Azef Protocol, a checkpoint occurs before the score effect itself is resolved. Ob Superheavy Logistics triggers at this checkpoint and resolves in time for Malapert Data Vault to be active when its trigger condition is met.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp use Ob Superheavy Logistics to search for Daily Quest when not in their action phase? What happens if the Corp tries to install and rez a card that cannot be rezzed?

    The Corp can search for and install Daily Quest, but if it is not their action phase, it will remain unrezzed. The Corp must reveal the card to show that it cannot be rezzed.

  • Updated 2022-11-22

    If the Corp uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to search for Spin Doctor, do they shuffle R&D before or after drawing cards with Spin Doctor’s first ability?

    The shuffle happens before drawing cards. When searching their deck, players set aside any cards found by the search and shuffle immediately, before resolving further instructions that act on the found cards. In particular, in this case the Corp shuffles before Spin Doctor is installed and rezzed.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes Rashida Jaheem and triggers Ob Superheavy Logistics to shuffle R&D, does the shuffle happen before or after they draw 3 cards?

    The shuffle happens before drawing cards. Trashing Rashida Jaheem is a nested cost, which requires a checkpoint to occur after it is paid. Ob Superheavy Logistics triggers at this checkpoint and resolves before the rest of Rashida Jaheem’s ability resolves.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    Can the Corp use Ob Superheavy Logistics to search R&D for a card when they trash a card with rez cost 0?

    Yes, but since there are no cards with a printed rez cost less than 0, they will fail to find any cards and simply shuffle R&D. Note that the ability was still used, even if no card was installed, so it cannot be used again that turn.

  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes a Border Control to end the run and then uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to search for an Anemone, can they also trigger Anemone's rez ability?

    Yes, as long as the Anemone is installed protecting the attacked server. The search effect from Ob Superheavy Logistics and any resulting chain reactions are resolved immediately after paying the cost of Border Control's ability, before the "End the run." instruction resolves, so the condition on Anemone's ability can still be met.

Azef Protocol ( Midnight Sun, 58)

Svyatogor Excavator ( Midnight Sun, 59)

Envelopment ( Midnight Sun, 60)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Corp trash M.I.C to end the run after the runner has broken Envelopment’s “End the run” subroutines, but before the “Trash this ice” subroutine resolves?


  • Updated 2022-11-20

    If the Corp trashes a piece of ice (such as Envelopment) while the Runner is encountering it, then installs a new piece of ice protecting the same server with Ob Superheavy Logistics, where is the Runner’s position relative to the newly installed ice?

    The Runner is inward from the new ice, so they will not approach it. When ice is uninstalled during a run, the Runner and all ice protecting the server immediately “collapse” their positions toward the root of the server. Ice cannot “jump in front of ” the Runner by trashing and installing midrun.

Stavka ( Midnight Sun, 62)

  • Updated 2023-08-21

    If the Corp uses a card ability to rez Stavka at a time other than while the Runner is approaching it, will they be able to use its ability?

    Yes. If this happens outside of a run, the increased strength will expire immediately.

Katorga Breakout ( Parhelion, 67)

Raindrops Cut Stone ( Parhelion, 68)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When the Runner plays Raindrops Cut Stone and the Corp resolves a subroutine with ZATO City Grid, does the Runner place a power counter on Raindrops Cut Stone?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    The Runner plays Raindrops Cut Stone, encounters Ravana 1.0, and does not fully break it. If another copy of Ravana 1.0 is rezzed, can the Corp repeatedly have two Ravana 1.0 subroutines resolve each other in order to force the Runner to draw their entire stack?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    How many power counters does the Runner place on Raindrops Cut Stone during an encounter with Ravana 1.0?

    If neither of Ravana 1.0’s printed subroutines are broken, up to 4 instances of a subroutine resolving could occur. Raindrops Cut Stone’s ability counts both the subroutines on Ravana 1.0 and the subroutines on another rezzed bioroid resolved by the effect of Ravana 1.0’s subroutines.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If no subroutines resolve during a run initiated by Raindrops Cut Stone, does the Runner still gain 3c?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Runner gain 3c for every power counter on Raindrops Cut Stone?

    No, the “for each hosted power counter” text applies only to the “draw 1 card” part of Raindrops Cut Stone’s ability. The Runner gains exactly 3c regardless of how many power counters are hosted on Raindrops Cut Stone.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner plays Raindrops Cut Stone, encounters Eli 1.0, and does not break any subroutines, does the Runner place 1 or 2 power counters on Raindrops Cut Stone?

    The Runner places only 1 power counter on Raindrops Cut Stone, as the first “{sub} End the run.” subroutine causes the run to end before the second subroutine resolves.

Time Bomb ( Parhelion, 69)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Runner gain a credit when they sabotage and have Demolisher installed?

    No, the Corp is trashing the cards when resolving a sabotage effect.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    What if the Corp has only 1 card total in HQ and R&D and must sabotage 2?

    The Corp trashes all cards from HQ and R&D.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp has only 1 card in R&D and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from R&D” in order to only trash the 1 card in R&D?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from HQ.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp has only 1 card in HQ and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from HQ” in order to only trash the 1 card in HQ?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from R&D.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp look at the cards that are being trashed while resolving sabotage?

    No, the Corp must choose which cards to trash first, and then all cards are trashed simultaneously. The Corp can look at the trashed cards from R&D in Archives after all trashes from sabotage have been resolved.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner use Rigging Up to put an extra power counter on Time Bomb?

    Yes. Time Bomb’s “when you install” ability resolves in between the instruction from Rigging Up that installs it and the instruction that gives the option to charge it. By the time the latter instruction resolves,Time Bomb has a hosted power counter and is legal to charge.

Hush ( Parhelion, 71)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If a piece of ice requires the Corp to pay an additional cost to rez it, does that ability apply when Hush is hosted on that ice?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If Hush is hosted on Surveyor, what is the value of X used for Surveyor’s strength and subroutines?

    Hush causes Surveyor to lose the ability that defines the value of X, so X is equal to 0 by default.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If a piece of ice is hosting Hush and Eavesdrop, is Eavesdrop’s ability active?

    Yes, Eavesdrop’s ability is granted to the condition counter, not the ice itself.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can Hush be installed on a rezzed Tithonium?

    No, Hush’s ability to make Tithonium lose all abilities only becomes active after it is installed. This means that Tithonium is not a valid location to install Hush.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    How does Magnet interact with Hush?

    If Hush is hosted on a rezzed Magnet (including becoming hosted by being moved with Magnet’s conditional ability), the static abilities printed on the two cards are each dependent on the other, creating a “loop”. To resolve a dependency loop, the abilities of a hosted object are applied before abilities of the host object. Therefore, Hush’s static ability is applied first, and Magnet loses both its static ability and its conditional ability. Hush keeps all of its abilities, as do any other programs hosted on that copy of Magnet.

Nga ( Parhelion, 72)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Runner gain a credit when they sabotage and have Demolisher installed?

    No, the Corp is trashing the cards when resolving a sabotage effect.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    What if the Corp has only 1 card total in HQ and R&D and must sabotage 2?

    The Corp trashes all cards from HQ and R&D.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp has only 1 card in R&D and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from R&D” in order to only trash the 1 card in R&D?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from HQ.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp has only 1 card in HQ and must sabotage 2, can they choose to “trash 2 cards from HQ” in order to only trash the 1 card in HQ?

    No, the Corp must trash 2 cards if possible. The Corp must trash the remaining card from R&D.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp look at the cards that are being trashed while resolving sabotage?

    No, the Corp must choose which cards to trash first, and then all cards are trashed simultaneously. The Corp can look at the trashed cards from R&D in Archives after all trashes from sabotage have been resolved.

Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga ( Parhelion, 74)

Poison Vial ( Parhelion, 77)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When the Runner loses a to break a subroutine on Ansel 1.0, can the other subroutines be broken with Poison Vial?


WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ ( Parhelion, 78)

Tremolo ( Parhelion, 80)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    What is the cost of Tremolo’s interface ability if the Runner has 4 or more pieces of cybernetic hardware installed?

    Since costs cannot be negative, the interface ability costs 0.

Tunnel Vision ( Parhelion, 81)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner has multiple “mark” cards, how do they identify their mark?

    The first time each turn the Runner resolves an instruction to identify their mark, they will randomly choose a central server. That server becomes their mark for the entire turn. Resolving another instruction to identify their mark will have no effect.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner does not have a mark, and they install a card that says “When your turn begins, identify your mark.”, do they get a mark for the current turn?

    No. The Runner only identifies a mark when an ability instructs them to.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Runner’s mark stay if all mark cards leave play, or does it leave and return when a new mark card comes into play?

    When you identify your mark, that server becomes your mark for the turn, even if the card that instructed you to identify your mark leaves play. If an event instructs you to identify your mark, that server continues to be your mark for the remainder of the turn after that event resolves.

Asmund Pudlat ( Parhelion, 82)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner fails to find any cards with Asmund Pudlat’s first ability, does Asmund Pudlat trash itself the next time the Runner’s turn begins?

    Yes. If there are no cards hosted on Asmund Pudlat, the last instruction of its second ability will trash it, regardless of whether a card was added to the grip by the previous instruction.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner search for 1 virus and 1 weapon with Asmund Pudlat?

    Yes. Asmund Pudlat can search for 2 virus cards, 2 weapon cards, or 1 of each. The Runner can also fail to find 2 different cards and host only 1 virus or weapon card on Asmund Pudlat.

Info Bounty ( Parhelion, 83)

Spark of Inspiration ( Parhelion, 84)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    What happens if the Runner chooses not to install the program set aside by Spark of Inspiration?

    If the Runner chooses not to install the program, it is shuffled back into the stack with the other set-aside cards.

Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ ( Parhelion, 86)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the effect of Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ give the Runner an extra on the turn it is installed?

    No, the additional is only gained when the Runner receives their allotted s at the beginning of their turn.

Flux Capacitor ( Parhelion, 87)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

Nanuq ( Parhelion, 88)

  • Updated 2023-03-26

    If the runner trashes Nanuq, causing it to be removed from the game, can they still draw a card with Reaver?


  • Updated 2023-03-26

    If a facedown Nanuq is trashed, does it remove itself from the game?

    No. While Nanuq’s ability to remove itself from the game is normally active and able to resolve from zones where Nanuq is inactive, Nanuq is not turned faceup until after it enters the heap, so at the time its trigger condition would be met, the ability is still inactive due to the rules for Runner cards installed facedown.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When Nanuq is turned facedown due to Apocalypse, does it remove itself from the game?

    No, Nanuq is not uninstalled when it is turned facedown.

Orca ( Parhelion, 89)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can a player charge cards that have 2 or more power counters?

    Yes, a card that has 2 power counters qualifies as having at least 1 power counter.

World Tree ( Parhelion, 91)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner use World Tree to trash a Runner card installed facedown and search their deck for a card with the corresponding type?

    The Runner can trash a facedown card, but because Runner cards installed facedown have no type, they will not be able to find any eligible cards to install and will simply shuffle their stack.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner uses World Tree to trash a card that provides MU, will their MU be checked before they can search for and install another card that provides MU?

    Yes. If the Runner is over their memory limit without the trashed card, they must trash programs before searching for a new card.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner trashes a card to use World Tree with Reaver installed, do they draw with Reaver’s ability before or after searching their deck?

    The Runner draws a card before searching their deck. Trashing a card with World Tree is a cost, and paying a cost is always followed by a checkpoint. Reaver’s ability becomes pending in that checkpoint and resolves before the rest of World Tree’s ability.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner use World Tree to install Tapwrm during the first run on a central server that turn?

    Yes. The run is declared successful before World Tree’s ability resolves, so the restriction on installing Tapwrm is satisfied.

Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus ( Parhelion, 93)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can a Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus deck include 6 copies of a card with “Limit 6 per deck.”, such as Matryoshka?

    No. Nova Initumia’s ability restricting their deck to 1 copy of any card takes precedence over abilities that allow you to include extra copies of a card.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When the Corp trashes a neutral card from Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus’ grip, does Storgotic Resonator get a power counter?

    No, neutral cards do not belong to any faction.

Matryoshka ( Parhelion, 94)

Thule Subsea: Safety Below ( Parhelion, 95)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner steals an agenda while breaching Archives, takes 1 core damage from Thule Subsea: Safety Below, and resolves Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist’s ability, does the Runner access the cards trashed by the sabotage effect? Are they turned faceup?

    The Runner must access the new cards that enter Archives, but those cards will remain facedown after the access.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner steals an agenda and prevents the core damage from Thule Subsea: Safety Below, do they have to spend and 2?


Nightmare Archive ( Parhelion, 97)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Runner prevent the core damage from Nightmare Archive?

    Yes. This damage is not a cost; rather, adding Nightmare Archive to the Runner’s score area is a cost, and the core damage is part of the default effect that happens if the cost is not paid. So abilities that prevent damage can apply normally.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist accesses Nightmare Archive from HQ and takes 1 core damage, can the Corp choose to discard that copy of Nightmare Archive to the subsequent sabotage effect?

    No. Conditional abilities like the one on Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist only become pending at the next checkpoint after their trigger condition is met. The sentence “If they do not, do 1 core damage and remove this asset from the game.” is a single instruction, and will resolve completely before the Runner can resolve Esâ Afontov’s ability.

Bloop ( Parhelion, 98)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp derezzes Echo to rez Bloop, does Echo still get a power counter? Does Echo keep its power counters when it is derezzed by Bloop?

    Echo does not gain a power counter, because Echo’s ability becomes inactive before rezzing Bloop is complete. The power counters already on Echo remain hosted when Echo is derezzed.

Distributed Tracing ( Parhelion, 100)

Hypoxia ( Parhelion, 101)

Mr. Hendrik ( Parhelion, 103)

  • Updated 2023-03-26

    What happens if the Runner accesses multiple installed copies of Mr. Hendrik in the root of the same server?

    Each copy is resolved separately, at the time that particular card is accessed. If the Corp pays the 2 every time and the Runner loses all their to prevent damage from the first copy, they will not be able to use the prevention effect on the second copy.

Issuaq Adaptics: Sustaining Diversity ( Parhelion, 104)

Hybrid Release ( Parhelion, 105)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Corp scores Hybrid Release while the Runner has Hermes installed, what order do those abilities resolve in? Can the Corp rez the card they install before Hermes has a chance to add it to HQ?

    Both Hybrid Release and Hermes become pending in the same reaction window, but the active player resolves their abilities first. Since agendas can only be scored on the Corp’s turn, this means the Corp is the active player and must resolve Hybrid Release’s ability first. Then the Runner resolves Hermes’s ability, adding an unrezzed card to HQ, which could be the card that the Corp just installed. The Corp does not have a chance to rez any cards in between the two abilities.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses the effect of Hybrid Release to install a piece of ice on a server already protected by ice, do they pay install costs?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp use the effect of Hybrid Release to install a piece of ice and trash an existing piece of ice that was protecting that server in the process?


Dr. Vientiane Keeling ( Parhelion, 106)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Do the power counters stay on Dr. Vientiane Keeling if you derez her with Élivágar Bifurcation or other derez effects?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Is Dr. Vientiane Keeling’s hand size reduction cumulative with the hand size reduction of core damage?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When is the last paid ability window in which you can rez Dr. Vientiane Keeling and affect the Runner’s discard phase?

    Step 5.7.1e, after the Runner finishes their last action.

Hafrún ( Parhelion, 108)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can Hafrún prevent Banner from using its ability?

    No. Banner does not break subroutines.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses Hafrún’s ability and chooses an icebreaker hosting Adjusted Matrix, can the Runner still use the effect of Adjusted Matrix to break subroutines during that run?

    No. Adjusted Matrix grants a new ability to the host icebreaker, and the Runner cannot use the chosen icebreaker.

Vampyronassa ( Parhelion, 109)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp choose to draw 0 cards?


Simulation Reset ( Parhelion, 110)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp play Simulation Reset and trash 0 cards?

    Yes. If the Corp trashes 0 cards, they will shuffle R&D.

Nanisivik Grid ( Parhelion, 111)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp resolves Drafter’s first subroutine using Nanisivik Grid, can they add that same copy of Drafter from Archives to HQ?


  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp install a piece of ice by using Nanisivik Grid to resolve the first subroutine of Brân 1.0 or the second subroutine of Bloom? What does “directly inward from this ice” mean in this context?

    No. Ice does not have a position in Archives, so “directly inward” has no meaning. Since there is no valid location for the install, the subroutine will do nothing if it is resolved this way.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp install a piece of ice by using Nanisivik Grid to resolve the first subroutine of Bloom? What does “another server” mean in this context?

    Yes. When Bloom is in Archives, the text “another server” refers to any other server than Archives.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When resolving a subroutine with Nanisivik Grid, are the values for X on cards like Surveyor and NEXT Sapphire calculated as if they were installed?

    No. Those values are equal to 0, because the ability that determines the value of X is not active.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses Nanisivik Grid to resolve Mind Game’s subroutine and wins the psi game, what happens?

    Because Mind Game is not being encountered, the Runner does not pass Mind Game, so there is no opportunity for the replacement effect created by its subroutine to apply. The additional cost to jack out is applied (although the Runner will not normally have another opportunity to jack out by this point in the run anyway), but the run will not be moved to another server.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp place a counter on Free Lunch in Archives?

    No, cards in Archives cannot host anything.

Vera Ivanovna Shuyskaya ( Parhelion, 115)

Klevetnik ( Parhelion, 116)

Nonequivalent Exchange ( Parhelion, 118)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does Nonequivalent Exchange’s option to “have each player gain 2” allow the Corp to choose which players gain 2? Can they give themself credits but not give any to the Runner?

    No. The Corp only has the choice to resolve the effect or not. If they do resolve it, all players will gain 2.

Superdeep Borehole ( Parhelion, 123)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Can the Corp use effects that remove bad publicity to get rid of bad publicity hosted on Superdeep Borehole?

    No. The Corp does not have permission to spend, remove, or otherwise interact with counters hosted on their cards unless an ability explicitly allows it.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does bad publicity hosted on Superdeep Borehole give credits to the Runner?

    No. Only bad publicity the Corp actually "has" are counted when giving the Runner credits during a run, and the Corp doesn’t “have” the bad publicity counters hosted on Superdeep Borehole until they take them off it.

End of the Line ( Parhelion, 125)

Yakov Erikovich Avdakov ( Parhelion, 126)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp rezzes two copies of Yakov Erikovich Avdakov, causing one to be trashed due to uniqueness, does the Corp gain credits?

    No. Cards that are trashed due to uniqueness are considered to be trashed by the game, not by a player.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Runner trashes Yakov Erikovich Avdakov first, and then they trash another card from the root of the same server, does the Corp get credits from Yakov’s ability the second time?

    No. While Yakov Erikovich Avdakov’s ability does remain active long enough to pay the Corp for Yakov itself being trashed, it does not have the “persistent” ability flag, so the ability does not apply to any subsequent trashing that occurs.

ZATO City Grid ( Parhelion, 127)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    What is the Runner’s position while resolving a subroutine with the ability from ZATO City Grid? If the Corp uses Ob Superheavy Logistics to install and rez another piece of ice protecting the same server, will the Runner encounter it?

    No. When ice is trashed while it is being encountered, the Runner’s position collapses inward. Any new ice the Corp installs will be outward from the Runner and will not be approached or encountered unless an ability explicitly moves the Runner back to the outermost position.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When resolving a subroutine with the ability from ZATO City Grid, how are the values for X on cards like Surveyor and NEXT Sapphire calculated?

    The ability that determines the value of X is no longer active, so X is equal to 0 by default.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses the ability from ZATO City Grid to trash Wave, does the trashed Wave count towards the number of rezzed harmonic ice?

    No. When the subroutine resolves, Wave is in Archives.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses the ability from ZATO City Grid to trash Meridian, what happens?

    The Runner cannot add Meridian to their score area, because the object they would have added was trashed and no longer exists in the play area. The Corp gains 4 and ends the run.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does Tsakhia “Bankhar” Gantulga work on a subroutine resolved with ZATO City Grid?

    No. The encounter ends when the ice is trashed, so Tsakhia “Bankhar” Gantulga’s ability is no longer applicable by the time the subroutine resolves.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses the ability from ZATO City Grid to trash Envelopment, can the Corp choose to resolve an “ End the run.” subroutine granted due to hosted power counters?

    Yes. The Corp chooses a subroutine before trashing Envelopment, and the game remembers the text of the chosen subroutine. It does not matter that the Envelopment in Archives does not have any “ End the run.” subroutines.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    If the Corp uses the ability from ZATO City Grid to trash Colossus while it has 3 hosted advancement counters, do they get the better version of the chosen subroutine?

    No. The subroutine looks for hosted advancement counters at the time it resolves. At this point, Colossus has already been trashed, so the subroutine’s source object no longer exists, and therefore it does not have any hosted counters.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    When the Corp uses the ability from ZATO City Grid to trash a Masvingo with 5 hosted advancement counters, does the Corp place 5 counters on Chief Slee?

    Yes, an encounter ended and 5 subroutines were unbroken, so the Corp places 5 counters on Chief Slee.

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Does the Runner take net damage from Anansi’s “encounter ends” ability after it is trashed using the ability from ZATO City Grid?

    No. Since Anansi was trashed, its “encounter ends” ability is no longer active when it would meet its trigger condition.

Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone ( Parhelion, 128)

  • Updated 2023-03-25

    How can the Corp build a deck with enough agenda points using Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone?

    The Corp can include up to 8 faction agendas (up to 2 from each of the 4 Corp factions), and the rest of their agenda points must come from neutral agendas. There is no specific limit to the number of neutral agendas in an Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone deck. Neutral agendas do not belong to any faction, and unlike faction agendas, they have influence values (often 0), so no special permission to include them in a deck is needed. Note that the Corp can still only include 1 copy of any particular agenda card (neutral or not), as required by the first ability on Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone.

Strike Fund ( The Automata Initiative, 1)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner trashes Strike Fund with the interrupt ability on Patchwork, can they use the 2 from Strike Fund to pay the cost of the card they are playing or installing?


  • Updated 2023-10-01

    What happens if Strike Fund is on top of the Runner's stack and they play Labor Rights?

    Each sentence on Labor Rights is an instruction, and other abilities that meet their trigger conditions have the opportunity to resolve between instructions. Labor Rights will trash the top 3 cards of the stack, including Strike Fund, then Strike Fund's ability will trigger and the Runner may gain 2. Then the Runner shuffles 3 cards from the heap into the stack, which could include the just-trashed copy of Strike Fund. Finally, they will draw 1 card and remove Labor Rights from the game.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    How does Buffer Drive interact with Strike Fund?

    Both cards' conditional abilities meet their trigger conditions at the same time, and the Runner can choose to resolve either one first. If they choose to resolve Buffer Drive's ability first and put Strike Fund on the bottom of the stack, they will not be able to resolve Strike Fund’s ability because that ability is no longer active once its source leaves the heap. If they choose to resolve Strike Fund’s ability first, they will still be able to use Buffer Drive’s ability after gaining 2c.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Does the Runner gain credits from Strike Fund when it is discarded to meet their maximum hand size?

    No, discarded cards are not considered trashed.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    When the Runner plays Strike Fund, is it trashed from their grip?

    No, it is trashed from the play area. When the Runner plays Strike Fund, they will only resolve its first ability, gaining 4.

The Price ( The Automata Initiative, 2)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner plays The Price, and the top card of the stack is Steelskin Scarring, which cards from the top of the stack will be trashed, and which ones will be drawn?

    Each sentence on The Price is an instruction, and other abilities that meet their trigger conditions have the opportunity to resolve between instructions. The Price will trash the top 4 cards of the stack all at once, and then the trashed Steelskin Scarring will allow the Runner to draw the next two cards of the stack.

Solidarity Badge ( The Automata Initiative, 3)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Does the Runner need to remove a power counter to remove a tag with Solidarity Badge?

    Yes. The “remove 1 hosted power counter” cost applies to both the “draw 1 card” and the “remove 1 tag” options.

Audrey v2 ( The Automata Initiative, 4)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use Audrey v2’s strength-boosting ability outside of a run, in order to trash Strike Fund or Steelskin Scarring?

    Yes. While interface abilities can only be used during an encounter, most strength-boosting abilities, including the one on Audrey v2, are not interface abilities. Strength-boosting abilities on icebreakers implicitly have a duration of “for the remainder of the current encounter”, but can be triggered in any paid ability window. If such an ability is used outside of an encounter, the strength increase will expire immediately.

Banner ( The Automata Initiative, 5)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner’s ability on Endless EULA, do they have to choose to pay 1 for each subroutine?

    No. The Runner can decline to pay for any subroutines on Endless EULA. The Corp will be prevented from ending the run. However, the Runner can still choose to pay if they want to.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner to prevent Tree Line from ending the run, does the Corp gain 1 when the subroutine fires?

    Yes. Any part of the subroutine that does not end the run still happens.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can Hafrún prevent Banner from using its ability?

    No. Banner does not break subroutines.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner to prevent Meridian from ending the run, what happens?

    Meridian’s subroutine offers the Runner an opportunity to pay the cost of adding Meridian to their score area to prevent it from ending the run. If the runner chooses not to pay that cost and uses Banner’s ability, the Corp will gain 4, but will be prevented from ending the run.

Eru Ayase-Pessoa ( The Automata Initiative, 7)

  • Updated 2023-10-09

    If the Runner uses Eru Ayase-Pessoa to run Archives and breach R&D, can they access an additional card with Mercury: Chrome Libertador’s ability?

    Yes, as long as they meet the usual requirement of not breaking any subroutines. Mercury: Chrome Libertador’s ability does not care about the attacked server, only that the breach occurs during a run.

  • Updated 2023-10-09

    If the threat level is 3 or greater and the Runner uses Divide and Conquer to breach R&D, will Eru Ayase-Pessoa allow them to access an additional card?


Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra ( The Automata Initiative, 8)

  • Updated 2024-02-02

    Can you use Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra’s second ability if you don’t have a tag to remove?


  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses the first ability of Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra to run a remote server containing Spin Doctor, what happens if the server ceases to exist due to the Corp removing Spin Doctor from the game?

    If the server ceases to exist during a run, that run is neither successful nor unsuccessful. The Runner will not take a tag.

Lago Paranoá Shelter ( The Automata Initiative, 9)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner only has 1 card left in the stack, can they activate the effect of Lago Paranoá Shelter?

    Yes. For the purpose of evaluating if this ability can be used, side effects of paying the cost are ignored, and the fact that the last card will be trashed instead of drawn is not considered.

Mercury: Chrome Libertador ( The Automata Initiative, 10)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner encounters Konjin, which has 0 subroutines, and is automatically fully broken. Does this count as breaking a subroutine?

    Even though Konjin is considered to be fully broken, no subroutines were broken. Mercury: Chrome Libertador’s ability to grant an additional access can still be used.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    How does Mercury: Chrome Libertador interact with Divide and Conquer?

    The Runner may choose to access an additional card from HQ or R&D, but not both.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Eru Ayase-Pessoa to run Archives and breach HQ, can they access an additional card with Mercury: Chrome Libertador’s ability?

    Yes, as long as they meet the usual requirement of not breaking any subroutines. Mercury: Chrome Libertador’s ability does not care about the attacked server, only that the breach occurs during a run.

S-Dobrado ( The Automata Initiative, 12)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner plays S-Dobrado, bypasses a piece of ice, and continues to approach the next ice. The Corp rezzes Archer, lowering the threat level below 4. Can the second S-Dobrado ability still be used?

    No. In order for the Runner to trigger S-Dobrado’s threat ability, it must be active when the second encounter begins, and it is no longer active after the Corp forfeits an agenda to pay Archer’s additional cost. The Runner cannot spend to bypass Archer.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner plays S-Dobrado to run a central server defended by 1 piece of ice, and accesses Ganked!. If the threat level is at least 4, can the runner spend a click to bypass the ice they are forced to encounter?


Capybara ( The Automata Initiative, 13)

Hermes ( The Automata Initiative, 14)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Runner decline to use the Hermes ability?

    No, Hermes’ ability is mandatory.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner has Hermes installed and breaches HQ with additional accesses, what happens if they steal an agenda during this breach?

    The Runner resolves Hermes’ ability and adds a card to HQ before accessing any more cards. The Corp should randomize that card with the other cards in HQ that have not yet been accessed during this breach. The Runner does not get information about whether their remaining accesses include the card that was just added to HQ.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Corp scores Hybrid Release while the Runner has Hermes installed, what order do those abilities resolve in? Can the Corp rez the card they install before Hermes has a chance to add it to HQ?

    Both Hybrid Release and Hermes become pending in the same reaction window, but the active player resolves their abilities first. Since agendas can only be scored on the Corp’s turn, this means the Corp is the active player and must resolve Hybrid Release’s ability first. Then the Runner resolves Hermes’s ability, adding an unrezzed card to HQ, which could be the card that the Corp just installed. The Corp does not have a chance to rez any cards in between the two abilities.

Curupira ( The Automata Initiative, 15)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Runner use Laamb to make a piece of ice into a barrier, then bypass it with Curupira?

    No. Curupira’s ability can only become pending at the beginning of the encounter, in the same reaction window in which Laamb’s ability becomes pending, but it only does so if the encountered ice is a barrier. Since the ice does not become a barrier until Laamb’s ability resolves, it is too late for Curupira’s ability to meet its trigger condition.

Saci ( The Automata Initiative, 17)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If Saci is installed on a rezzed Magnet, does the Runner get 3 credits when the Magnet is derezzed?

    Yes. Saci's ability is active in the checkpoint after Magnet is derezzed, so it is able to see that its trigger condition was met, become pending, and resolve.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If Saci is installed on an unrezzed Magnet, does the Runner gain 3 credits when the Corp rezzes Magnet?

    No. Saci's ability is no longer active once Magnet is rezzed, so it cannot become pending or resolve.

Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist ( The Automata Initiative, 20)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner is encountering an ice that is not installed, such as Chrysalis, can trojans be hosted on that ice?

    No. Only objects in score areas and the play area can host objects.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    The Runner approaches a piece of ice, and the Corp decides not to rez it. Can the Runner then use Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist to install a program before they pass the unrezzed ice?

    No. The Runner has the first opportunity to act in any paid ability window on their turn, so they must have already passed priority by the time the Corp could rez the ice. If the Corp does not rez it or use any other abilities, that means both players have passed consecutively, so the paid ability window immediately closes. The Runner proceeds to pass the unrezzed ice before their next opportunity to use a paid ability.

Joy Ride ( The Automata Initiative, 21)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    When the Runner makes a successful run with Joy Ride, do they still breach R&D?


AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) ( The Automata Initiative, 22)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner would take net damage during a run while AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) is installed and the Corp has a rezzed copy of Prāna Condenser, which effect has priority to prevent the damage?

    The active player can choose to prevent the net damage first. The active player is the Runner, unless a run is happening on the Corp’s turn.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) to prevent the conditional ability from Saisentan? Does this happen before or after the card type is chosen?

    Yes, Saisentan’s conditional ability can be prevented by AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.). The Runner must do so before the Corp chooses a card type. Since a card type is not a target, the choice is made when the ability resolves, after the interrupt window in which AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) can be used closes.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) to prevent the conditional ability granted by ZATO City Grid? When exactly does this happen?

    Yes, the ability granted by ZATO City Grid is a “when encountered” ability on ice, so it can be prevented this way. The Runner’s opportunity to prevent it is during the interrupt window for the ability’s first instruction. Targets are chosen as an interrupt window opens, and subroutines are targets, so the Corp must declare which subroutine they will choose first, then the Runner can use AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.). Finally, if the Runner does not prevent the ability, the Corp chooses whether to trash the ice to resolve the subroutine they chose.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use multiple hosted power counters on AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) to prevent more than 1 net damage from the same effect?


LilyPAD ( The Automata Initiative, 23)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the runner has LilyPAD installed and installs Begemot, what order do those abilities resolve in?

    Both abilities meet their trigger condition at the same time, so the Runner chooses the order they resolve in.

Living Mural ( The Automata Initiative, 24)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner installs Living Mural while the threat 4 ability is active, does the +3 strength expire early if the threat level is reduced below 4 in the middle of the turn?

    No. The threat ability becomes independent of its source after it resolves.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    To break subroutines, does Living Mural need to match the strength of the ice it is hosted on, or the strength of the ice the Runner is encountering?

    Interface abilities always require the icebreaker to match the strength of the ice the Runner is encountering. The host ice only determines which server Living Mural can be used on.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use Living Mural to break a subroutine on a sentry they are not encountering?


  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner install Living Mural on a non-sentry ice and use it to break a sentry defending the same server?


Pichação ( The Automata Initiative, 25)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner passes a piece of ice that has 2 copies of Pichação hosted on it, what happens?

    The Runner will resolve the ability of each copy of Pichação, one at a time. If the Runner chooses to gain from both abilities, the copy of Pichação that had its ability resolved second will be added to the grip.

Umbrella ( The Automata Initiative, 27)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Umbrella to fully break a subroutine, what order do players draw in?

    First, the active player chooses if they will draw a card. Then, the inactive player chooses if they will draw a card. Then, the player(s) that chose to draw will do so simultaneously.

Beatriz Friere Gonzalez ( The Automata Initiative, 28)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Beatriz Friere Gonzalez to run HQ and has WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ installed, which abilities can they use?

    The Runner can use both abilities on WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ: the successful run on HQ causes them to place a power counter on it, and the breach of R&D allows them to spend power counters from it, including the one just placed.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Beatriz Friere Gonzalez to run HQ and breach R&D, does Conduit get a virus counter?

    No. The run is still a run on HQ, and Conduit’s ability cares about runs on R&D.

Urban Art Vernissage ( The Automata Initiative, 29)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Does "non-virus trojan program" mean a program that is not a virus and not a trojan?

    No, it means "a trojan program that is not a virus".

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Is a trojan hosted on Magnet an eligible target for Urban Art Vernissage?


Stegodon MK IV ( The Automata Initiative, 32)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Do multiple copies of Stegodon MK IV stack?

    Yes. For example, if two copies of Stegodon MK IV are in the Corp’s score area and a piece of ice has been derezzed during the current run, each installed icebreaker will get −4 strength.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Corp has derezzed a piece of ice through another card, does that satisfy Stegodon MK IV’s ability and reduce the strength of installed icebreakers?


  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner installs an icebreaker during a run after the Corp has derezzed a piece of ice with a scored Stegodon MK IV, does that icebreaker get −2 strength?

    Yes. Stegodon MK IV’s strength reduction is a static effect that applies continuously during the run.

Wage Workers ( The Automata Initiative, 33)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Does Wage Workers grant an extra click if the Corp spends 3 clicks to purge virus counters?

    No. The Corp only took the “: Purge virus counters.” action once.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Corp has 3 rezzed copies of Nanoetching Matrix and clicks all 3 copies, will Wage Workers grant an extra click?

    No. Actions on different cards are different actions, even if the cards have the same name.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Does Wage Workers need to be rezzed during the performance of all 3 matching actions to grant a click, or just the 3rd one?

    Wage Workers only needs to be active before the 3rd action finishes.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the corp does an action three times in a row and then another action three times in a row, do they earn a second click from Wage Workers?


  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If you do the same action 6 times in a turn, will you earn a second click from Wage Workers?

    No. Wage Workers only triggers the 3rd time you take an action, not every 3rd time you take an action.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    When exactly does Wage Workers meet its trigger condition?

    Wage Workers meets its trigger condition at the completion of step 5.6.2b of the Corp’s turn.

M.I.C. ( The Automata Initiative, 36)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Corp trash M.I.C to end the run after the runner has broken Envelopment’s “End the run” subroutines, but before the “Trash this ice” subroutine resolves?


Vovô Ozetti ( The Automata Initiative, 38)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can Vovô Ozetti be rezzed for free at threat 4?

    No. Vovô Ozetti’s abilities are inactive at the time its rez cost is paid.

A Teia: IP Recovery ( The Automata Initiative, 39)

  • Updated 2024-09-06

    What happens if the previous situation occurs while Architect is rezzed protecting a remote server?

    Per its errata, only players and their card abilities are prohibited from trashing a rezzed Architect. Since the game, not the Corp, trashes the cards in the servers the Corp doesn't keep, Architect's ability does not affect it. The Corp is not required to choose a server protected by Architect as a server they keep.

  • Updated 2024-09-06

    What happens if there is more than two remote servers when an effect disabling A Teia: IP Recovery's "Limit 2 remote servers." ability (such as Employee Strike or Direct Access) ends?

    The game state is now illegal, so in the next checkpoint after A Teia: IP Recovery's ability becomes active again, the Corp must choose exactly 2 remote servers they will keep. The game trashes all cards in and protecting all other remote servers. This trashing cannot be prevented.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp, playing as A Teia: IP Recovery, use Mitosis to create two new remote servers, then use A Teia: IP Recovery’s ability to install an additional card in the root of or protecting one of these servers?

    No. Each instance of installing a card is always resolved as a separate instruction, so A Teia: IP Recovery’s conditional ability can only resolve immediately after the first card is installed with Mitosis. If the Corp chooses to install a card with A Teia: IP Recovery's ability, they will necessarily already have 2 remote servers. It will not be possible to create a new server after this point, so a second card cannot be installed with Mitosis.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does A Teia: IP Recovery meet its trigger condition when Tatu-Bola swaps with an ice from HQ?


Fujii Asset Retrieval ( The Automata Initiative, 40)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner steals Fujii Asset Retrieval to earn themselves 7 agenda points with 0 cards in their grip, who wins the game?

    The Runner wins the game in the checkpoint following the steal. The Fujii Asset Retrieval ability becomes pending, but would only resolve in the reaction window following this checkpoint. Since the Runner wins the game in this checkpoint, the game ends and that reaction window never occurs.

Front Company ( The Automata Initiative, 41)

Attini ( The Automata Initiative, 42)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does Attini’s threat ability prohibit the Runner from spending credits to use interrupt abilities that prevent the damage from its subroutines?

    Yes. The subroutine is resolving during the interrupt window for the damage instruction.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does Attini’s threat ability prohibit the Runner from spending credits to break the subroutines on Attini?

    No. Subroutines do not begin to resolve until after the runner declines to break them.

Tatu-Bola ( The Automata Initiative, 44)

  • Updated 2023-10-30

    When using Tatu-Bola's swap ability, can the Corp trash other ice protecting the server?

    No. Swap effects do not follow the steps of installing a card, even if one of the cards involved becomes installed due to the swap. There is no opportunity for players to trash other cards during a swap.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner uses Hippo to trash Tatu-Bola, can the Corp swap Tatu-Bola with an ice from HQ?

    No. Tatu-Bola is in Archives and is not active by the time the Runner passes its former position.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp rez upgrades or assets after the Runner breaks Tatu-Bola, but before they pass it?

    No. The Corp cannot rez cards during the paid ability window in the Encounter Ice phase.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does A Teia: IP Recovery meet its trigger condition when Tatu-Bola swaps with an ice from HQ?


Mindscaping ( The Automata Initiative, 45)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner has no tags, can the Corp play Mindscaping and choose to deal 0 damage?

    Yes. In order to play a card, it must have the potential to change the game state, and the option of choosing to draw cards and gain credits meets this requirement. However, players are not required to choose a mode that actually changes the game state.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does the “up to” mean that you can choose to do less net damage than the number of tags the Runner has?

    No, the Corp must do X damage. “Up to” is a limit on how large X can be.

Adrian Seis ( The Automata Initiative, 46)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner is prevented from spending credits, for example from the subroutine on RSVP, what bid can the runner make during Adrian Seis’s Psi Game?

    The runner can only choose to bid 0 credits.

Daniela Jorge Inácio ( The Automata Initiative, 47)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does the “at random” refer to which cards are taken from the Runner’s grip, or the order that those cards are added to the bottom of the stack?


Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided ( The Automata Initiative, 48)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Corp uses Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided’s ability to install a card from R&D. Is it open information which position in R&D that card came from?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If you use the effect of Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided to install a piece of ice on a server already protected by ice, do you have to pay the install cost?


Oracle Thinktank ( The Automata Initiative, 49)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Runner use the ability of Oracle Thinktank while it’s in their score area to remove a tag?


Balanced Coverage ( The Automata Initiative, 50)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Do you have to reveal the card to gain the 2?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    What card types can the Corp choose for Balanced Coverage?

    The card types that can be in R&D are agenda, asset, ice, operation, and upgrade. The Corp is also allowed to choose card types that cannot be in R&D, despite lower chances of seeing the named type.

Behold! ( The Automata Initiative, 51)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner accesses Behold! in the middle of accessing multiple cards from R&D. The Corp, playing NBN: Reality Plus, uses Behold! to give the Runner 2 tags, and draws 2 cards. Where does the Runner resume accessing cards?

    The Runner continues accessing from the topmost card of R&D that they have not already accessed. If the Corp drew past the point the Runner already accessed, the new top of R&D is the next card accessed. If the Corp uses the effect of NBN: Reality Plus to draw 2 cards the Runner has already accessed, the Runner continues accessing R&D from the position they were already accessing.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    The Runner accesses Behold! on the top of R&D, and the Corp pays to give the Runner 2 tags. What happens if the Corp chooses to draw cards with NBN: Reality Plus?

    The Corp will draw Behold! and the next card in R&D, causing the access to end. The Runner will not be able to trash Behold!.

Starlit Knight ( The Automata Initiative, 53)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner has no tags at the beginning of an encounter with Starlit Knight at threat level 4, but they take tags from the subroutines, does Starlit Knight gain “end the run” subroutines during that encounter?


Virtual Service Agent ( The Automata Initiative, 54)

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    If the runner passes a piece of ice after fully breaking it, and uses Inversificator to swap it to another position, can "when the runner passes this ice" abilities on that ice still resolve?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner uses Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga to make the corp resolve “Do 1 net damage” instead of Virtual Service Agent’s printed subroutine, does the Runner take a tag?“

    Yes. The Runner did not break the subroutine using a decoder.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner bypasses Virtual Service Agent, do they take a tag?

    Yes. Bypassing ice causes the Runner to pass it.

Oppo Research ( The Automata Initiative, 55)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Corp plays Oppo Research when the threat level is 4 or higher, does playing Oppo Research still end the action phase?

    Yes, the threat abilities are active in addition to any other abilities on the card. Threat abilities do not replace any other abilities.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If NBN: Reality Plus plays Oppo Research, can the Corp gain credits from their identity before paying 5 for the threat ability?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    When resolving Oppo Research, if the Corp chooses to pay 5 to give the runner 2 more tags, can the Runner use No One Home to attempt to avoid all 4 tags?

    No. No One Home will trigger after taking the first 2 tags, before the Corp pays to give the Runner 2 more tags

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does Oppo Research’s threat ability allow the Corp to give the Runner a total of 4 tags?


Your Digital Life ( The Automata Initiative, 56)

Slash and Burn Agriculture ( The Automata Initiative, 57)

Cybersand Harvester ( The Automata Initiative, 58)

Tree Line ( The Automata Initiative, 59)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does the Corp need an installed, rezzed copy of Tree Line in order to trash a copy of Tree Line from HQ?

    No. The expendable ability is active on any copies of Tree Line that are in HQ.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    If the Runner uses Banner to prevent Tree Line from ending the run, does the Corp gain 1 when the subroutine fires?

    Yes. Any part of the subroutine that does not end the run still happens.

Valentão ( The Automata Initiative, 60)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Are bad publicity credits counted when counting how many credits the Runner has?

    Yes. However, note that if the Corp took bad publicity from rezzing Valentão during this run, the Runner will not have an additional credit for that bad publicity.

Armed Asset Protection ( The Automata Initiative, 61)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    What card types does Armed Asset Protection count?

    The possible card types that faceup cards in Archives can have are agenda, asset, ice, operation, and upgrade.

Pivot ( The Automata Initiative, 62)

  • Updated 2023-10-08

    Can the Corp use an expendable ability like Slash and Burn Agriculture with the second half of Pivot’s effect?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does playing Pivot and then playing an operation as part of resolving Pivot count as 2 operations for the purpose of Wage Workers granting an extra click?

    No. Playing an operation with Pivot’s threat ability is not the “: Play an operation.” action.

Angelique Garza Correa ( The Automata Initiative, 63)

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    When is the last window that the Corp can rez Angelique Garza Correa in the root of the attacked server?

    The Corp can rez Angelique Garza Correa at step 6.9.4e of the Movement Phase, after the Runner passes the innermost ice. This window is just before the runner approaches the server, and after the Runner’s final chance to jack out. The runner will be forced to access Angelique Garza Correa.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does the Corp need an installed, rezzed copy of Angelique Garza Correa in order to trash a copy of Angelique Garza Correa from HQ?

    No. The expendable ability is active on any copies of Angelique Garza Correa that are in HQ.

Tucana ( The Automata Initiative, 64)

  • Updated 2024-09-23

    If the first time the Corp installs a card in a turn is with Tucana, does 419: Amoral Scammer trigger?

    Yes. An "install and rez" effect follows all the normal steps of installing a card, followed by all the normal steps of rezzing a card. 419: Amoral Scammer's ability meets its trigger condition during the install steps, and resolves before the card is considered rezzed.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp search for ice with Tucana and install it if they can't afford the rez cost?

    Yes. The ice will remain unrezzed, but the Corp must reveal it to show that they could not rez it.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp search for ice with Tucana, install it, and then decline to pay the rez cost?

    No. However, the Corp could decline to pay any additional costs to rez that ice. In that case, the Corp would not pay its rez cost either. The ice would remain unrezzed, and the Corp would be required to reveal the ice to show that it has an additional cost that they have declined to pay.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the 3 discount from Tucana be spread across the rez and install costs of that ice?


B-1001 ( The Automata Initiative, 65)

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use No Free Lunch to remove a tag gained from encountering a Funhouse before the Corp can remove that tag with B-1001 to end the run?

    Yes. The active player will get priority first in the next paid ability window.

  • Updated 2023-10-01

    Can the Runner use No Free Lunch to remove a tag gained from the rezzing of Ping before the Corp can remove that tag with B-1001 to end the run?

    No. The Corp has priority when they rez Ping, and its ability resolves in the immediately-following reaction window. After the ability resolves, the Corp receives priority again in the same paid ability window, and they can end the run with B-1001 before the Runner’s next opportunity to use a paid ability.

Sebastião Souza Pessoa: Activist Organizer ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 66)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    The Corp is playing Acme Consulting. If Sebastião Souza Pessoa has no tags, but takes a tag during an encounter with the outermost piece of ice, does his ability meet its trigger condition?

    No. The Runner is considered to have 1 more tag due to Acme Consulting’s ability, making the “if you had no tags” condition false.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    If the Runner has no tags and an installed copy of Paparazzi, can Sebastião Souza Pessoa trigger from taking a tag?

    Yes. Sebastião's ability only considers if the Runner gained tags while they previously had no tags. It does not consider the tagged status caused by Paparazzi.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    When the Corp trashes a connection resource with the basic action, do they get to choose which card is trashed from HQ to pay for Sebastião Souza Pessoa's ability?


Eye for an Eye ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 67)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Can the Runner trash a card that does not have a trash cost using Eye for an Eye’s ability?


  • Updated 2024-05-25

    While breaching HQ, can the Runner use the mid-access ability on Eye for an Eye multiple times to trash more than one card?


Privileged Access ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 68)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    The Runner plays Privileged Access, making a run on Archives. If the Corp rezzes Ping, giving the runner 1 tag and ending the run, can the Runner install cards using Privileged Access?

    No. The abilities that allow the Runner to install cards from their heap only meet their trigger conditions when they take a tag from Privileged Access, not from other sources.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Can the Runner choose the order in which they install a program and a resource with Privileged Access when the threat level is at least 3?

    Yes. Both abilities meet their trigger condition at the same time, so the Runner can choose the order that they resolve in.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Does Privileged Access’s threat ability replace the ability to install a resource?

    No. The threat ability allows the Runner to install 1 program from their heap in addition to 1 resource.

Amanuensis ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 69)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    If the Corp removes a tag, can the Runner use Amanuensis to draw cards?

    No. The Runner is not the player that removed the tag, so the ability to draw 2 cards on Amanuensis does not meet its trigger condition.

The Wizard’s Chest ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 70)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    If the Runner installs Bug Out Bag using The Wizard’s Chest, what is the value of X?

    If the Runner installs Bug Out Bag, ignoring all costs, X is defined to be 0, and no power counters will be placed on Bug Out Bag.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    What happens if the Runner does not have 2 cards of the chosen type in their stack when using The Wizard’s Chest’s ability?

    In this case, the Runner sets aside their entire stack. If 1 card of the chosen type was set aside, the Runner may install that card

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    What happens if the Runner chooses not to install either of the cards set aside by The Wizard’s Chest?

    If the Runner chooses not to install a card set aside by The Wizard’s Chest, all set-aside cards are shuffled back into the stack.

Heliamphora ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 72)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    How does Heliamphora interact with cards added to Archives facedown in the middle of breaching Archives, after the step where cards are turned faceup? Can the Runner look at a facedown card in Archives before deciding whether to use Heliamphora’s interrupt ability?

    No. The Runner is only allowed to look at a facedown card while they are actually accessing it. Since Heliamphora’s interrupt ability replaces the access, the Runner must choose to use it or not before seeing the card.

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Can the Corp purge virus counters while the Runner has Heliamphora installed if there are fewer than 2 cards in HQ?

    Yes. Trashing 2 cards at random is not a cost. If the Corp has 0 or 1 cards in HQ, they trash as many cards as possible after purging virus counters.

Arruaceiras Crew ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 73)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Can you use Arruaceiras Crew’s ability to take a tag while you are not encountering ice?


Friend of a Friend ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 74)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    Can the Runner use Friend of a Friend’s first ability if they don’t have a tag to remove?


Manuel Lattes de Moura ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 75)

  • Updated 2024-05-25

    When the Corp trashes Manuel Lattes de Moura while the threat level is 3 or greater, do they get to choose which card is trashed from HQ to pay for the additional cost?


  • Updated 2024-05-25

    If the Runner breaches HQ or R&D with no tags, but takes 1 or more tags while accessing cards during that breach, will Manuel Lattes de Moura let the Runner access an additional card?

    No. The number of cards the Runner is allowed to access in HQ or R&D is determined at the start of the breach.

Meeting of Minds ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 76)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner reveal the same card they found with the search in Meeting of Minds’s first ability as part of the credit gain effect in its second ability?


Window of Opportunity ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 77)

Jeitinho ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 79)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    When installing Jeitinho with its threat ability, does the Runner have to pay its install cost?


Cupellation ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 80)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If Cupellation hosts a rezzed Marilyn Campaign, when the runner trashes Cupellation to access additional cards in HQ, is Marilyn Campaign eligible to be shuffled back into R&D?

    No. While Marilyn Campaign is hosted on Cupellation, it is inactive, so the Corp is unable to trigger its interrupt ability when it is about to be trashed from that location.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    How does Cupellation interact with the persistent ability flag?

    An ability with the “Persistent →” flag does not remain active after its source card is hosted on Cupellation. Since the card was not trashed, the conditions of the keyword are not met and the ability does not persist.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner place a virus counter on Aumakua after a breach in which they hosted a card on Cupellation?

    Yes. Hosting a card on Cupellation is neither trashing nor stealing a card.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Does the Runner gain a credit from Aeneas Informant when they host a card on Cupellation?

    Yes, as long as the card was not accessed from Archives.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the runner host a card they access in Archives on Cupellation?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can Cupellation prevent ambush effects like Snare! from firing?

    No. Cupellation's access ability can only be used after “when accessed” abilities trigger.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner host a new card on Cupellation with its ability by trashing the currently hosted card?

    No. If Cupellation is already hosting a card, its mid-access ability has no effect.

Malandragem ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 81)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Does Ice Carver allow the Runner to use Malandragem to bypass a piece of ice with a printed strength of 4?

    Yes. Ice Carver’s static ability applies as soon as the game enters the Encounter Ice Phase, so Malandragem sees the encountered ice as having 3 strength.

Physarum Entangler ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 82)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World moves the Runner to encounter a piece of ice, can the Runner use an ability like Simulchip to install Physarum Entangler before the encounter begins, allowing them to bypass the ice they will encounter?

    No, the “when encountered” trigger occurs immediately after the Corp uses AgInfusion. The Runner does not get priority to use paid abilities before the encounter trigger, thus cannot install Physarum Entangler in time to use it to bypass that ice.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    How does Physarum Entangler interact with Anansi?

    If the Runner bypasses Anansi using Physarum Entangler, the Corp will do 3 net damage.

Amelia Earhart ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 83)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Runner accesses cards in or in the root of other servers during a run on HQ or R&D, such as with Otoroshi or Beatriz Friere Gonzalez, do those accesses count toward Amelia Earhart’s trigger condition?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Runner accesses 1 card in R&D and 2 upgrades in the root of R&D during a run, do they put a power counter on Amelia Earhart at the end of the run?


Juli Moreira Lee ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 84)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can Juli Moreira Lee meet her trigger condition multiple times per turn by taking an action on multiple resources?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If taking an action on an installed resource causes that resource to become uninstalled, such as Light the Fire!’s ability or taking the last 3 credits from Telework Contract, can the Runner still gain a click using Juli Moreira Lee’s ability?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    What constitutes an “action” for the sake of Juli Moreira Lee’s ability?

    An action is a paid ability whose cost begins with . Examples include the abilities with a cost on Red Team, Smartware Distributor, and Telework Contract. Abilities that do not begin with {click}, such as the paid abilities on Always Be Running or No Free Lunch, are not actions.

Burner ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 85)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Runner chooses to add 2 cards to the top of R&D with Burner, how is the order of those 2 cards in R&D determined??

    The Runner chooses the order of the cards added to R&D.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    What choices can the Runner make about where to put cards into R&D with Burner?

    The Runner may add 2 cards to the top of R&D, 2 cards to the bottom of R&D, or 1 card to the top and 1 card to the bottom of R&D. The third revealed card remains in HQ.

Spree ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 86)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can Spree install trojan programs?

    No. Spree only moves programs that are already installed to a different host.

Trick Shot ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 87)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    The Runner is making the second run from Trick Shot and the attacked server is changed to R&D. If that run is successful, does the Runner add credits to Trick Shot and access an additional card?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    What happens when the Runner plays Trick Shot but the attacked server is changed to another server, such as with AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World’s ability?

    If the attacked server is not R&D, the Runner cannot resolve the “If successful” ability on Trick Shot’s first run, but they can still run a remote server when the first run ends.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    When Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist installs a non-trojan program during a Trick Shot run, when is the program trashed?

    The second run from Trick Shot and the program trashing from Arissana are both conditional abilities that meet their trigger condition when the first run ends. The Runner can choose to resolve these abilities in either order. If they resolve Arissana’s ability first, the program will be trashed before the second run. If they resolve Trick Shot’s ability first, Arissana’s ability will remain pending for the entire second run and the program will be trashed after the second run ends.

Cataloguer ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 88)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Runner has both Cataloguer and World Tree installed, can they use Cataloguer’s breach replacement effect and then trash Cataloguer for World Tree’s effect?

    No. The Runner can choose to resolve Cataloguer before World Tree, creating a lingering effect that will allow them to spend a power counter in a later step, when they would normally breach R&D. However, if the Runner trashes Cataloguer before reaching that step, there will no longer be any hosted power counters for the Runner to spend, preventing them from using the breach replacement effect. In that case, the runner would breach R&D normally.

Lobisomem ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 90)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    How many power counters does the Runner spend to break multiple barrier subroutines with Lobisomem's second interface ability?

    The Runner can use 1 power counter to break multiple barrier subroutines with the interface ability.

Muse ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 91)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    The Runner has an Environmental Testing with 3 power counters on it. Can the Runner install Muse and use the 9 from the Environmental Testing to install the program they search for with Muse?

    Yes. Both Muse and Environmental Testing meet their trigger condition when Muse is installed. The Runner can choose to resolve the “when installed” ability on Environmental Testing first. This places the last power counter on Environmental Testing and causes a chain reaction to give the Runner 9, which resolves before the game returns to the reaction window where Muse’s ability is pending.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner search for a trojan with Muse’s ability while there are no installed ice?

    The Runner is not allowed to find a trojan with Muse’s search while there is no installed ice, since the ability requires it to be installed on a piece of ice. The Runner won’t be able to complete the install instruction following the search. This is true even for trojans that can normally be installed without being hosted on ice, such as Ika.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    When the Runner installs a program using Muse’s ability, can they trash Muse while installing that program?

    The Runner can only trash Muse if they are not required to host the other program on Muse.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner trash an installed program as part of installing Muse and then use Muse to install that program from their heap?


  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Is the memory cost of a program hosted on Muse ignored?


“Pretty” Mary da Silva ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 93)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Mwanza City Grid is rezzed in the root of R&D, and the Runner breaches R&D on their turn with “Pretty” Mary da Silva installed. How many cards does the Runner access in R&D?

    The Runner will access 4 cards in R&D (as well as accessing Mwanza City Grid in the root of R&D): the 1 card allowed by default plus the 3 additional cards from Mwanza City Grid’s ability. The Runner cannot gain an additional access from “Pretty” Mary da Silva, because both abilities have the same trigger condition. The Runner resolves their abilities first because it is their turn. Since Mwanza City Grid’s ability is controlled by the Corp, the requirement for the Runner to be allowed to access 2 or more cards is not met until after it is too late to trigger “Pretty” Mary da Silva.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Runner access an additional card with “Pretty” Mary da Silva if there is an upgrade in the root of R&D?

    Not unless they have other additional accesses. Upgrades in the root of a central server are not “in the server” and do not have any effect on “Pretty” Mary da Silva’s requirement.

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    What does it mean for the Runner to be “allowed to access 2 or more cards in R&D”? By default, the Runner is allowed to access 1 card in R&D each time they breach R&D.

    At the beginning of the breach, the Runner resolves any abilities that grant them additional accesses. If any such ability has already resolved and given the Runner at least 1 additional access, “Pretty” Mary da Silva’s requirement is satisfied, and the Runner can gain another additional access by resolving that ability next.

Valentina Ferreira Carvalho ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 95)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Does the Runner gain a credit with Valentina Ferreira Carvalho’s first ability if they remove a tag with its threat ability?


Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 96)

Lightning Laboratory ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 97)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    The Corp uses Lightning Laboratory to rez ice protecting a server. What happens if there are no longer 2 rezzed pieces of ice protecting that server when their turn ends?

    The Corp resolves as much of the ability as they can. If there is 1 rezzed piece of ice, they will derez it. If there are no rezzed ice, they do nothing.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp uses Lightning Laboratory to rez 2 copies of Echo, how many power counters are placed on each piece of ice?

    2 power counters will be placed on each copy of Echo rezzed this way. Both pieces of ice are rezzed simultaneously, and both can trigger their ability when 2 pieces of ice are rezzed.

Warm Reception ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 98)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    When can the Corp derez Warm Reception to derez another installed card, assuming there is no ice protecting it?

    The ability to derez is part of the “turn begins” conditional ability. It resolves directly after the Corp installs (or declines to install) a card from HQ with the previous part of Warm Reception’s ability.

Working Prototype ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 99)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the Corp use Working Prototype’s second ability if there are no installed resources, in order to gain 6 for a single ?

    Yes. 👍

Lycian Multi-Munition ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 100)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    What happens when the Runner installs Hush on a rezzed Lycian Multi-Munition?

    The Lycian Multi-Munition keeps the subtypes the Corp chose when it was last rezzed as long as Hush remains hosted on it. The Lycian Multi-Munition will no longer derez itself at the end of a turn.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Do Lycian Multi-Munition’s subroutines still exist if the Corp did not choose the relevant subtype?

    Yes. The subroutines may have no effect, but they still count towards whether or not the Runner fully breaks the ice, get resolved as “ Do 1 net damage.” by Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga’s effect, and so on.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    What happens when resolving a subroutine on Lycian Multi-Munition with ZATO City Grid’s ability?

    By the time the text of the subroutine is executed, the effect granting additional subtypes to Lycian Multi-Munition will have expired, as it is no longer rezzed after being trashed by ZATO City Grid. Therefore, none of its subroutines will have any effect.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    What happens when resolving a subroutine on Lycian Multi-Munition with Nanisivik Grids ability?

    The text of the subroutine is executed, but Lycian Multi-Munition will only have its printed subtypes in Archives, so none of its subroutines will have any effect.

Sorocaban Blade ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 101)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    How does Sorocaban Blade’s restriction interact with the additional subroutine granted by Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power?

    The ability on Sorocaban Blade only restricts the Corp’s ability to trash cards. Since the trashing on the subroutine granted by Thunderbolt Armaments is performed by the Runner, it is unaffected by that restriction. The Runner can pay the cost to stop the subroutine from ending the run even if 1 of their installed cards was already trashed during that encounter.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the Corp decline to trash a card with a subroutine on Sorocaban Blade?


Active Policing ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 102)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Does Active Policing’s threat ability allow the Corp to reduce the Runner’s allotted clicks for their next turn by a total of 2?


Brasília Government Grid ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 104)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp rezzes a second copy of a unique piece of ice, such as Cloud Eater, can Brasília Government Grid derez the first copy of that ice before it is trashed due to uniqueness?

    No. The game trashes cards due to uniqueness before the pending ability from Brasília Government Grid resolves.

Sisyphus Protocol ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 106)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp uses Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter a piece of ice hosting Kyuban, will the Runner gain 2 after that encounter?

    No. Forced encounters with ice never proceed to the “pass ice” step.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    When the Corp uses Sisyphus Protocol, can the Runner use Physarum Entangler to bypass the ice?

    Yes. Bypassing a piece of ice during a forced encounter ends the encounter.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If a piece of ice is trashed during an encounter, can the Corp use Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter the trashed ice?

    No. If the ice is trashed, the Runner will not pass that piece of ice, and Sisyphus Protocol will not meet its trigger condition. Sisyphus Protocol can still meet its trigger condition later in the turn.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Runner bypasses a code gate or sentry and derezzes it with Capybara, can the Corp still use Sisyphus Protocol?

    The abilities of Capybara and Sisyphus Protocol both become pending at the same time, but Capybara’s ability will resolve first because it is the Runner’s turn. Sisyphus Protocol’s ability does resolve, and the Corp can pay 1 or trash 1 card from HQ, but the Runner will not re-encounter the ice because it is no longer rezzed. Sisyphus Protocol’s ability will not meet its trigger condition on any subsequent encounters that turn.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Runner uses Inversificator to swap a piece of ice to a different position after they encounter it, can the Corp still use Sisyphus Protocol to make the Runner encounter that ice again?


  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp has multiple scored copies of Sisyphus Protocol, can they use both copies to cause the Runner to encounter the same ice multiple times in a single run?


Charlotte Caçador ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 107)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If Charlotte Caçador has no hosted advancement counters when your turn begins, can the Corp place an advancement counter on her with a “start of turn” effect, such as La Costa Grid, and immediately remove that counter with Charlotte Caçador to gain 4c and draw a card?

    Yes. Charlotte Caçador’s ability is marked pending even if there are no hosted advancement counters at the start of turn.

Cohort Guidance Program ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 108)

Boto ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 109)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Runner uses Banner during an encounter with Boto, can the Corp trash cards from HQ with the second and third subroutine?

    Yes, the Corp can still trash cards from HQ, but this will not end the run.

Cloud Eater ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 110)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    When resolving Cloud Eater’s effect upon the end of encounter, does the Corp choose what card they intend to trash before the Runner chooses if they will take 2 tags or 3 net damage?

    No, the Runner must first decide if they want to pay the nested cost. If they choose not to, then the Corp chooses a card to trash.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    When the Runner is forced to encounter Cloud Eater with Ganked! or Sisyphus Protocol, does the end of encounter conditional ability meet its trigger condition?

    Yes, as long as Cloud Eater was rezzed this turn.

Tributary ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 111)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    The Runner runs Archives while the corp has a rezzed copy of Front Company protected by Tributary. If the Corp moves Tributary to protect Archives, leaving Front Company not protected by ice, will the Runner take 2 net damage?

    The Corp can choose if they do 2 net damage. Both cards’ abilities become pending when the run on Archives begins, but Front Company’s “if this server is not protected by ice” requirement is not evaluated until the ability resolves. If the Corp resolves Tributary’s ability first, moving it to defend Archives, then the requirement will be met and the Corp will do 2 net damage with Front Company.

Bring Them Home ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 112)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    In what order are the cards revealed by Bring Them Home added to the top of the Runner’s stack?

    The revealed cards are added to the top of the stack in a random order.

Kingmaking ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 113)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    Can the Corp choose to draw 0 cards after scoring Kingmaking?

    Yes. “Up to 3” means the Corp can draw 0, 1, 2, or 3 cards.

Stoke the Embers ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 114)

  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Corp uses Political Dealings to install Stoke the Embers when they draw it, where is it installed from?

    “When you draw” abilities resolve while the cards being drawn are set aside, before they are added to a player’s hand. Since the set-aside zone is hidden from abilities that don’t directly make reference to it, Stoke the Embers sees itself as having been installed from R&D. The Corp can use its ability to gain credits and place an advancement counter after installing it this way.

Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 115)

Piranhas ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 117)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the net damage subroutine on Piranhas trashes a copy of Steelskin Scarring from the Runner’s grip, can they draw 2 cards before the final subroutine on Piranhas checks the number of cards in the grip?

    Yes, any conditional abilities meeting their trigger condition due to the net damage must be resolved first before resolving the following subroutines.

The Holo Man ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 120)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp uses Jinja City Grid or a similar effect to install cards as they are drawn, does that count as installing cards from HQ?

    No. “When you draw” abilities resolve while the cards being drawn are set aside, before they are added to a player’s hand. Since the set-aside zone is hidden from abilities that don’t directly make reference to it, The Holo Man sees cards installed with Jinja City Grid as having been installed from R&D.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the Corp place advancement counters on Reconstruction Contract with The Holo Man?

    Yes. Because The Holo Man does not specify that it can only place counters on cards you can advance, it does not matter that Reconstruction Contract is not advanceable.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can The Holo Man create a new server when it moves?

    No, The Holo Man can only move to a server that already exists.

Nuvem SA: Law of the Land ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 121)

Eminent Domain ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 122)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp uses Eminent Domain's expendable ability to install and rez Logjam, will Eminent Domain move to Archives in time for Logjam to count it as a faceup card type in Archives?


  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp scores Eminent Domain, can they search R&D for an agenda and install it?

    Yes. Agendas cannot be rezzed, so the Corp must reveal the installed agenda to show that it could not be rezzed.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the Corp use Eminent Domain's expendable ability to install a piece of ice if they can't afford the rez cost?

    Yes. The ice will remain unrezzed, but the Corp must reveal it to show that they could not rez it.

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the 5 discount from Eminent Domain's expendable ability be spread across the rez and install cost of a piece of ice?


The Basalt Spire ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 123)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If the Corp triggers The Basalt Spire’s paid ability, can they choose the card trashed from R&D as part of paying its cost as the card to add from Archives to HQ?


Hearts and Minds ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 124)

Descent ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 125)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Where is Descent's ability that lets you add it to HQ active?

    Descent's ability to add itself to HQ is only active while Descent is installed and rezzed. The ability is not active in Archives.

Hammer ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 126)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Can the Runner break more than 1 subroutine during an encounter with Hammer if they use multiple non-killer sources like Boomerang or Botulus?

    No. The Runner can only break a combined total of 1 subroutine on Hammer per encounter using non-killer cards.

Business As Usual ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 128)

Isaac Liberdade ( Rebellion Without Rehearsal, 129)

  • Updated 2024-05-27

    If Isaac Liberdade is swapped with a card in the root of another server using Daruma, does that count as moving to the root of a server?


  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Does Isaac Liberdade place an advancement counter when he is first installed?

    No, Isaac Liberdade is unrezzed and inactive when initially installed.