Industrial Pain in the A**

Quillet 10

Hi there, do you have problems with people having a stronger econ than you or simply not playing the econ game at all (I'm looking at you Faust!)? Do you hate sitting on your pile of credits as the runner's efficient rig makes your servers wide open while you wait for your Biotic Labor to sneak out agendas safely? Well don't sit there in agony alone friends, let the runner feel the agony of being dragged through the economic slugfest with Quillet's Industrial Pain in the A**!

How It Works: iPita focuses on keeping the opponent on the back foot not by forcing them to perform any action, but by punishing them for choosing to do what they normally would want to. Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions is a beautiful ID in a taxing kill deck for sure with cards like Hostile Infrastructure or Ronin to assure a kill - and there were versions of this with those staples - but to really make the runner feel the true agony of corp struggles you have to let them writhe in tough decisions.

Ash 2X3ZB9CY is a godsend for IG as it is already ridiculously taxing on its own but nobody wants to trash it for 6+ after a couple hits of Jackson Howard.

Quicksand as the only barrier was intentional, as it is first and foremost parasite bait to draw away from Komainu and also a way to make central hammering runs less efficient; having only 3 barriers in your deck may seem light, but with Corroder being the most efficient breaker outside of Yog.0, we can get better tax elsewhere.

Reuse pulls its weight here as it not only gives you crazy burst econ if you click 1 Jackson clicks 2 and 3 Reuse for 14 credits even if you were just at 0 after an Account Siphon or some expensive Ash uses but also puts the discarded cards face-down in archives to power up IG even more!

Reversed Accounts is your poking spear for decks that sit back and wait for an opening. You IAA it into your scoring server and let the runner waste their time checking it or pop it next turn for crazy swings and a scoring window. Often times the trash cost of it is high enough that you can leave it unprotected as a deterrent to the runner amassing credits and after the runner sees one, they will often start playing around the idea of more coming.

Mental Health Clinic was chosen over Sundew because the rez-trash ratio was preferable and the additional hand size for the runner makes Komainu more taxing in general. It's important to note that much of the ICE that you want early/deep in servers is some of the most expensive, so you will often need the 0 rez drip econ early to get you started.

As this is kind of long, I'll leave it for now, feel free to ask questions about matchups or card choices and I'll check in.