"We Provide... Leverage."

WardOfTheWoods 711

It was the heist of the century, and she couldn't resist.

But first, she needed a crew...

  1. The Compromised Employee: Andromeda knew some Corp employees who could be persuaded to look the other way for a couple minutes.
  2. The Data Dealer: Andy has connections in ChiLo who could take the info and turn it around for the payday of all paydays.
  3. The Fall Guy: She'd heard of some loud-mouth chummer who was planning a big run at the same time. "Honor among thieves my ass," she thought as she prepared evidence to plant.
  4. John Masanori: This guy was hot shit and they both knew it. "I can watch the connections for ya, Andy. Make sure NAPD gets distracted and whatnot." She sighed. "What percent cut?" He grinned and smugly said, "Not a credit under 20%."
  5. Kati Jones: The most experienced driver Andy knew. She knew Kati had a bone to pick with the Corps.
  6. Mr. Li: Andy needed some additional data and gear. Mr. Li had everything a girl could ask for.
  7. The Other Contacts: Both professional and underworld, Andy knew people in various social groups who would hop on the bandwagon for a piece of the pie.

After weeks of planning, Andy's crew was finally ready...

I was inspired to build this deck from the various heist movies out there and Andromeda was the only runner I could imagine for the job. There's plenty of money and draw power to be had here. I don't like having Plascretes in my decks so with this one I went for max hand size since Andy can definitely make good use of it early game. ICEbreakers were a tough choice since I needed influence elsewhere but I'm pretty happy overall with the amount I have and they should be fairly cheap to use too. The deck takes some planning to set up (like most every heist) but by the end you should have a clean getaway with some Corp agendas.

7 Sep 2014 TheTick

Wait, this deck doesn't actually have Leverage in it? Missed opportunity....:)