Party Animal Noise (Wyldside Chronotype)

DrunkenGineer 855

Do you want to party ALL THE TIME but need to wake up bright and early to OVERTHROW THE CORPORATE OLIGARCHY? In the past, have you been forced to give up your crazy ways and SELL YOUR FAVORITE CLUB TO A PAWNSHOP to make ends meet? Are you finding you're not spending enough time with your AWESOME VARIETY OF VIRUSES? Do you have TONS OF DOSH to throw at totally affordable and not-at-all risky genegineering?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, ADJUSTED CHRONOTYPE might be right for you!

For one simple payment of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS, you can turn that early bird body of yours into a night owl and PARTY LIKE IT'S PERMANENTLY 1999! No mess, no fuss, or we guarantee your money back. It's just like putting your brain on stims, without any of those messy side-effects like BRAIN DAMAGE OR FLATLINES. Adjusted Chronotype! You'll be AMAZED at how much more time there is in a day.

Ask your doctor if ADJUSTED CHRONOTYPE is right for you. Side effects may include drowsiness, nausea, headaches, and erectile dysfunction. Then again, these might just be side effects of ALL OF THE ALCOHOL that your new awesome chronotype enables you to drink!

A Jinteki Corporation product. Jinteki Corporation: Perfecting humanity, one gene at a time.

This deck owes a lot to @tyrellian's Hall-of-Fame-topping Can O' Whupass and @SlySquid's Provoke2Purge before it.

31 Mar 2015 DrunkenGineer

I'm not certain whether the Hades Shard is worth it over a third Cache, or if the Cyberfeeders should be Sure Gambles. Testing is required. I also don't know if the D4v1d slots can't be better utilized in a different way, but I think it's too risky to get rid of them.