Yellow Bluff

Diogene 4178

The idea is to kill the runner, and fast advance agendas when possible. Global Food Initiative (GFI), allow you to survive longer and to use Punitive Counterstrike. Bellona synergize super well with Punitive because it cost the runner 5 creds. Once you have 2 Punitive in hand, unless the runner has some tech for meat damage, you'll win. At that point, baiting one or two agendas by putting one advance of them is good. Once scored, Punitive them. And if the runner suspect the Punitive, you can score an agenda yourself, letting you getting closer to the win.

15 Minutes is your 7th point, very reliable and come back to you if stolen. There is a lot of creds in this deck. You need to have a credit lead to win here.

Ice Wall is there to have a cheap ice and to allow you to get Consulting Visit without spending influence. You can put some advance on Ice Wall to grind the runner a bit more out of their precious creds. Pop-up Window is good in that it deepen the credit differential at every run. And the runner will feel (rightly so) that they can run Pop-up with impunity.

Early Premiere is there to allow you to fast advance an agenda, if the runner does not get it fast enough. You'll mix it on the board with News Team to get the runner to run anything.

If the runner keep 2 tags, use BOOM if available. Hard-Hitting News (HHN) will slow the runner and make the runner spend ressource to deal with it.

The CVS is for some virus hate. Once the runner see a trap, they will be wary.

This is the Bluff series of fast and light decks. I'll try to do the same concept in all colors.

12 Nov 2020 Krams

How do you find your 7th point? I mean, if you score 6 points, the runner steals 15 Minutes and you shuffle it back into R&D, then, well, it's somewhere there in R&D and the runner has all the time in the world to finish their game before you dig it back up.

12 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Krams This deck primary win condition is to flatline the runner. The alternative is to score agendas. The most efficient way, while reducing the slots used for this, was to use 15 Minutes, which can be score from hand.

While it cannot be found easily, it was the safest option available, preventing it from being trashed and getting it back if stolen.

Yellow Bluff is the NBN version of my "Bluff" serie. The serie aim for a minimalist 40 cards deck, thus allowing for a relatively consistent plan and rather fast. The other faction are using traps. But my test showed this to be not working with NBN. NBN aim for econ type of warfare, but this does not go very well with a 40 cards deck. Instead, the aim is to reliably kill the runner.

With 3x Punitive and 3x Consulting Visit, the easiest is to bait a Bellona and kill the runner with double punitive. Since it can be done pretty early, the credit lead is often very much in favor of the corp.

As a side note, I tried to use Data Raven, but in this gameplan, it does not work well, since it cost 4 creds to rez and will cost 3 creds to the runner. Pop-up Window make sure to get good results. And News Team often will go to the runner score area, allowing you to survive longer if the draw is completely wrong for the runner.

This is probably more than what you asked :-) . An Echo Chamber could be exchanged for something in the deck, but I favored pushing the credit differential and try to flatline the runner, while still giving a chance to have 7 points (and not 9 points) to win. Since agenda protection is non existant, scoring more than 4 points would be rare.

Thanks for the question. I hope the long (long long long) is not too much :-)


13 Nov 2020 Krams

@DiogeneIt's not too much, I always enjoy reading the descriptions and comments.
It's fun to see how other people build their decks and the reasoning behind the card choices.

Thanks for sharing.