[HOL5] Shaper Swift Sable Sees Seven ClickS

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
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Derived from
MoM Lat (4-2; 19th at Worlds 2024)
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shaneros 14

This click-happy runner is what I took to Hack O' Lantern V: Remotes of Terror. The 5th annual event that sees Netrunners ask and answer questions like "But what if Ob was purple?" and "Could Sable be clickier than Swift Lat?"

Costume Inspiration

Earlier this year, I took Wenjong's ✈️Swift Lat v4.1✈️ to my first Circuit Opener and had a great time. While watching Worlds unfold from home and eagerly awaiting decklists, I decided to put Sable in a Shaper suit and see if we could DJ Sable on a Swift to get up to 7 clicks without trashing any resources.

And it was glorious.

Changes and Influence

  • 2 Swift ●●●●
  • DJ Fenris
  • 2 Bahia Bands ●●
    • Going into the tournament, I was expecting tags to be a big deal. Perhaps I just avoided/respected the combos, but I didn't get a lot of tags in any of my matchups.
  • 1 Pinhole Threading
  • 1 Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra ●●
    • Kinda cute here to get extra clicks, but I just didn't get it down any of the times it would have helped.
  • 1 Revolver ●●●
    • There's nothing like running headlong into unrezzed ice knowing you can shoot through it and reload with a Simulchip.
  • 1 Clot ●●
    • With all the nonsense that comes from finding "unbalanced" ways to fast advance, I thought Clot might do some work. It did! -- for about 4 seconds until getting Mavirus'd. (It was pretty cool.)

Did we do the thing?

Ahem No. We maxed out at 6 clicks. We did DJ for Sable once, but GoggleChild's Haas-Bioroid: Replicating Perfection made us quickly say goodbye to that dream with a Working Prototype bounce and some well-timed damage.

Overall, We went 1-1-1 on the day. The loss was heartbreaking, yet incredible. After being click taxed by MCA and getting a few core damage, we were on the brink of a fantastic Deep Dive. I manage to play the Deep Dive with a click left against a Purple-shifted Ob and see not one but two Ikawah Projects in those top 8 cards! "Hooray!" I think, "We've got a click left and can steal," followed by "wait -- I only have 1 credit." Oops. Then a bunch of turns happened, I take more core damage and I eventually get put down with an Ob'd Fast Advanced Ronin.

I loved it. @famewolf earned the Best Corp Costume prize with Obsolescent Samurai.

Closing Thoughts

This was my second tournament-style event, and it was the first I didn't 100% netdeck. Making slots adjustments up until about an hour before registration made this a little more special.

Once again, playing Netrunner turned out to make for a pretty great day! Huge thanks to branimated for organizing and for the entire ATX meta for being super cool.