Streamlined Launch Pad

DatLo 21

An updated version of my Fortified Launch Pad deck, adding Rashida Jaheem and Red Level Clearances, making the deck faster and more consistent overall by focusing on what it does best : Fast advancing using Oberth Protocol behind big ice, with rigshooting as a back-up plan.

Malapert Data Vault, or in a pinch an Atlas token, allow you to use Building Blocks and Chiyashi together with more reliability than you'd expect. You probably shouldn't ever install a Chiyashi without Building Blocks using this list.

Tithonium also provides a cheap way of getting big barriers up, often crippling the runner if they don't have a Fracter ready. Don't be afraid of sacrificing even 3/2 agendas to rez it for cheap if the situation calls for it.

While getting scoring windows using your taxing ice and fast advancing with Oberth Protocol is your main gameplan, you also have decent rig shooting capacity from Archer, Winchester, Tithonium, Ark Lockdown, and SDS Drone Deployment. Giving up a scored 3/2 to score SDS from hand with an unrezzed Oberth Protocol on board leaves you with a single click to Ark Lockdown the Paperclip you just trashed, often leading to a runner lockout if you got all the clippies in the runner's deck out of the game.

Ark Lockdown is also useful against Clot, which can be a major pain when trying to score your last agenda.

Possible card swaps : -1 Standoff/Malapert Data Vault, +1 Audacity