Teaching Corp Deck - Beginner

wynalazca 162

Corp Deck that is meant to be used as a teaching aid. Deck uses the draft ID and you play with draft rules - aka only to 6 Agenda Points. All mechanics of the game are removed besides getting money and scoring. The idea is to teach the basic mechanics of creating servers and scoring and how all the different types of cards are used (Operation, Asset, Upgrade, Agenda). This is to be played against my Teaching Runner Deck - Beginner. The decks may need to be balanced.

13 Mar 2015 Oisin

I would include a few Snares in a tutorial deck. The runner needs to learn that multi-access can be dangerous.

13 Mar 2015 wynalazca

Thanks for the idea. I should update the description. My intention is to take out all of the mechanics that aren't critical to scoring agenda points and use this deck as an absolute beginner deck to teach a player about the different types of cards and the most basic mechanics of the game - getting money, creating servers, and scoring. I intend to make an "Intermediate" teaching deck that introduces the removed mechanics from this deck (Damage, Traces, Tags, Bad Pub, non ETR ICE, etc). After that, they should be able to fully play real decks without much difficulty. The main idea is to lower the learning curve by cutting away the "unimportant" mechanics at first.

13 Mar 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

A few thoughts, make what you want of them :

  • I'm not sure beginners may get how to use Jackson Howard. I'd put one or two Archived Memory instead.
  • Also, they may not get the right timing to rez Adonis and Clinic. Private Contracts and Melange Mining Corp are less tactical and should help for rule explanation since you won't have to insist that much on rezzing opportunities.
  • I'd cut any Upgrade and keep them for later game. How Upgrade works is kind of an exception against the "one Agenda or one Asset per server" rule, so not having to explain it saves some time.
  • I'd throw a few non-ETR ice, some like Errand Boy or RSVP.

Thanks for sharing, anyway.

13 Mar 2015 wynalazca

I like the idea of Archived Memories. Don't necessarily think Jackson should be removed as his draw 2 ability is pretty important and as a 1-of it's not like you can dodge agenda flood every game. Jackson is kind of a waste if you expect to burn him the turn after you install it all the time. I think without a Jackson though, the runner would win 90% of games if they can run R&D once per turn.

Melange does sound like a better choice over Adonis since the corp player will have to protect it and it will give the runner a natural incentive to go trash it ASAP where Adonis probably wouldn't get trashed by a very beginner player. Private Contracts is too slow for a 34 card deck, imo. 8 clicks to gain 11 credits isn't that strong either, especially when these decks should probably take about 10 turns each game.

I would keep the upgrades so that the new player can learn every single type of card right away. Experiential Data is a really simple upgrade to understand as well and helps make the Upgrade concept less confusing than it can be.

I intentionally left out ICE that don't say ETR on them but those two ICE are simple enough. Probably only 1x each replacing an Enigma and taking out the Ashigaru would be good.