Same boat, yet another engine (1st @Polish Nationals, 4-2)

Matuszczak 2311

The runner deck that helped me defend the Polish national championship. It sailed me (beating 2 Obs, a PE an Asa and losing against PD) to the top 4 cut where no runner won a game and I was lucky enough to catch another boat to victory.

This is a banlist-updated version of my Euro/German nationals list. Shaper now has enough premium economy cards to fill the Rezeki/Pad Tap slots. I chose to spend the influence on Tapwrm and No Free Lunch. Depending on the meta the Tapwrm could be swapped for a combination of Lunches/Harbingers. The saved MU and deck slots finally convinced me to include Stargate & Mad Dash, which probably should have both been here in the first place.

Special thanks to @Bookkeeper for organizing an awesome event, all the participants for the fun games and @Odol being an awesome friend, testing partner & rival.