Kate: The Sound of Silence

apocrita 2

This deck takes a little longer to get up and running because of Dagger. But, once in place, Dagger, with assists from Silencer and/or Personal Touch is terribly efficient. Frustratingly efficient to any corp that runs mean Sentries.

For example, a Dagger with a Personal Touch and a Silencer can cut through Archer for 4 real credits. With all of the Silencers out (which is not so difficult because of Replicator), Dagger will cut through 3 Archers in a row for what it costs some breakers to cut through just one.

Gordian Blade and Snowball both build strength during a run, so a late game Escher can provide even more efficient runs. Snowball, of course, is no Corroder, but with one Personal Touch, it becomes better than Corroder (because it builds strength). Yes, but it's much harder to get in play you say. You are correct. But some of that is mitigated by Replicator.

Once you find a Replicator, you will find all of your Personal Touches and all of your Silencers when you find just one of them.

So while the deck is not consistently fast in terms of early pressure, it gets consistently gets to the late game very quickly.