What safety?

Ymbirtt 42

This deck is weird, dumb, and expects to lose. For some reason it's still punching over 50% winrate on Jinteki for me. What?

I saw Thule Subsea, and figured that, if I'm building a deck that slaps the runner every time they steal an agenda, I should fill my deck with tiny, crappy agendas so that they have to do that as often as possible, so I immediately put every 1-point agenda I could find into it.

Looking at the tiny agendas available to Haas, Stegodon and Elivagar let me derez things and benefit from it, so I should obviously fill it with ICE that likes being derezzed. Harmonic ICE likes being drezzed, so I crammed all those in.

Nightmare Archive can dish out some more core damage, and helps mitigate a couple of the small point losses that the deck is designed to suffer. It feels like sticking one core damage is enough to make Ontological good, and I'm pretty convinced that I'll be able to manage that in most games. From there, I need to start hanging econ off this pile.

Given the deck's built around cheap crappy ICE, the econ doesn't need to be that strong - Regolith, Grease and Hedge Fund are a decent start.

At this point, there's not a lot of space left in the deck. Spin Doctor is always good. Ablative Barrier also likes being derezzed and helps me fish things back out of archives. Anemone also likes being derezzed and can surprise the runner with a little more net damage than they're expecting - it doesn't credibly threaten a flatline by itself, but spinning it around is still painful for the runner. Finally, Extract gives me a smidge more econ when cards like Wave stop being useful.

Luminal Transubstantiation is a straightforwardly good agenda that fits in nicely. Salvo Testing is terrible in this deck - I don't think I can reasonably hope to score it at all. The goal instead is to spin doctor it back into R&D whenever it turns up and make sure the runner doesn't just blunder into it. I simply don't have room to put better agendas in here.

After a little bit of playtesting, my friend suggested slipping Djupstad Grid in, to reliably stick even more core damage, and Mr Hendrik, to fork the runner with some horrible choices. I love these ideas. A previous iteration ran Seamless Launch, which was rarely useful. The cuts were straightforward.

I also removed Salvo Testing and replaced it with Send a Message. Bloop can be pretty expensive to rez sometimes. If the deck is built around the idea of losing agendas, I may as well include one that benefits me when it's stolen.


  • Where does the rest of my influence go...?