Virulent Soul (1st Place @ Chaos, Games and More)

CrimsonWraith 3638

Based on spags' Millman deck. Ran this at a 16-player tournament yesterday, went undefeated against fast-advance decks (including Near Earth Hub), and my only loss was to a net-damage heavy Jinteki deck.

Edit Played this list at a 10-player tournament a week later and won the whole thing, my only loss was to a Supermodernism deck.

Wyldside constantly brings in cards. Cyberfeeders allow you to install just about any virus you draw. Aesop's lets you dump Wyldside when you need all four clicks, drop Daily Casts when they're down to 2 credits remaining for an extra credit a turn early, and get rid of any programs that have outlived their usefulness. Cache is insane in the deck... with Cyberfeeder, Grimoire, and Aesop's out - a fairly standard Noise rig anyway - you profit 7 credits and a virus mill for a single click. The other viruses are fairly self-explanatory at this point. =)

And while the constant virus mill dumps cards into Archives repeatedly, I still enjoy pressuring the Corp by constantly running their servers, so we're bringing in a niche little breaker suite for this build. You generally want to Parasite away anything 3 strength and under. Corroder provides a way to get through common barriers and take care of the Wraparound problem. D4v1d gets you through trouble big-strength ice, provides another option for Wraparound in lieu of the one Corroder, and can be sold to Aesop's once out of counters. Atman gives you an enormous amount of flexibility based on what you're seeing from the Corp, though you almost always want one at 4-strength to deal with ETR ice that D4v1d can't hit - that includes Lotus Field, Eli 1.0, Ichi 1.0, Bastion, Mother Goddess, and Rainbow. Note that when you install Atman the Cyberfeeders can pay for raising Atman's strength, cushioning the economy blow that can come with setting an Atman at 4-strength.

Same Old Things are in the deck solely to recur Deja Vu. Deja Vu is your solution to just about anything. Short on money? Bring back Cache for an instant credit surge. Lots of pesky little ice? Recur some Parasites. Trying to mess up the Corp's combo? Bring Imps back for some more card destruction. Corp left R&D/HQ open? Bring in the Medium/Nerve Agent.

25 Aug 2014 saracenus

I like this a lot, if there was room Scheherazade, you could squeeze out an 8 credit single click mill with Cache. I like the consistency. Did you look at a single Aesop's Pawnshop with 2 Hostage to squeeze in Scrubber? Then again what would you sacrifice for them...

26 Aug 2014 CrimsonWraith

I've thought about Scheherazade. It would likely be effective, as many viruses as I bounce in and out of my rig without ever using, though I'm not sure what I'd remove. Though in all honesty, I'm rolling in so many credits, I don't feel any pressure to change up the list to squeak an 8th credit off Cache when I'm already pulling 7.

The original build of this deck (spags' Millman deck) ran 3 Atmans, 1 Aesop's, and 1 Net Celebrity. I saw how critical Aesop's was to the deck and dropped 1 Atman, Net Celebrity, and Lampreys for a second Aesop's and a couple Gorman Drips. I still struggled to consistently see Aesop's early, and I continued to see how incredible Cache was in the deck, so my final adjustment was dropping the Gorman Drips to fit in a third Aesop's and Same Old Things (to recur Deja Vu and play more Cache).

As for Scrubber, I've had no issue with asset heavy decks thus far, I've simply been using Imp virus counters to trash every SanSan City Grid, Marked Accounts, PAD Campaign, Eve Campaign, etc. that I run into.

26 Aug 2014 saracenus

Yeah, I just don't see what you could cut to put Scheherazade in. It would be a way to get credits out of Cyberfeeder when installing any virus (except Parasite). I will have to give this a whirl...

26 Aug 2014 pizzashark

I saw same old thing in the german national list as well and have trouble wrapping my mind around its utility. While I can't argue with success, It just seems like so many clicks for just Deja Vu. In play does it just feel that much stronger than something like Djinn?

26 Aug 2014 CrimsonWraith

Recurring the Caches is the primary reason I went with Same Old Thing. Look at it this way: Same Old Thing for Deja Vu for Cache, and immediately installing them with Grimoire and Aesop's in play is 4 clicks for 16 credits and 2 virus mills. Trust me, it's worth it.

27 Aug 2014 CodeMarvelous

this deck is really powerful but not easy to pilot

31 Aug 2014 StitchInTime

Any issues with Swordsman so far? I'd be afraid to play my 4 str Atman with no way to insta-sling a parasite if one shows up!

31 Aug 2014 CrimsonWraith

Won a tournament today with this list, my only loss was to a Supermodernism deck. My first three games were all against meat damage flatline decks, got hit by two 3-point Punitive Counterstrikes in two different games and was really missing Plascrete in the deck, but I survived all three games without being flatlined. Lost on points to the Supermodernism deck playing a bit too cautiously.

Fortunately Swordsman is not popular in the local groups at the moment. I did lose a 0-strength Atman to it today, but it didn't prove to be a problem. With three Deja Vus and three Same Old Things, Atman recursion isn't an issue, and this deck makes enough credits to afford reinstalling Atman for the rare Swordsman or two.