The Zen Art of Punk Rock

CodeMarvelous 20021

I am going to preface this that this is my favorite way to play noise, It is not the most consistent or competitive, but I win more than I lose and to me it captures the theme of anarchy. Every turn I draw two random cards and have to deal with it, could be bad for my opponent, could be bad for me, could be both.

What this deck does extremely well is make money and apply one runs worth of pressure every turn.


I went with knights, mimics and corroders to decrease the cost of me getting into servers, also knights add to ice destruction because I can coax them into trashing Ice I do not like by putting knight on it. I want everything to be rezzed so I can parasite it.


Medium and nerve agent are obvious choices, imp even more so as it is super game changing against HB and Jinteki asset as well as for trashing biotic labors out of NBN.

Lamprey is interesting, if I install two of them (for free with one sahasrara out) then I mill two and run archives, if they don't purge next turn I aesops one and run HQ with the other.


Clone chip - great for when you create an opening on HQ and you already aesoped your nerve agent, or for getting an imp out of the trash. Not to mention it gives you the ability to aesop a breaker for the cash you need for a run on a server with no sentries for example and know you can get it back.

Levy AR Lab Access - corps is starting to sweat but they know you have to be almost out of tricks, levy and reset the clock. Usually only gets used in games against RP, PE and HB glacier where the game can run long

Aesop's Pawnshop - Really this is one of the stars of this deck. Whatever I don't need right now is getting pawned, empty imps, Lampreys, a medium I want to reinstall now that I have grimoire, etc. also good for daily casts trick where you pawn it on the second to last turn so you get 3 back instead of the final 2 and get 5 credits from it on second to last turn of its use.

Sahasrara - This is what enables you to build money every turn. If I have one of these out, my most expensive virus will cost one of my actual credits and hopefully I aesoped something for 3 so im gaining at least 2 credits, with both out late game it gets ridiculous.

25 Jul 2014 666Raziel

Don't you have MU issues ?

25 Jul 2014 CodeMarvelous

No because i am pawning something once a turn, I am not attached to my viruses.

25 Jul 2014 Luit_Froops

Totally seems like it would have MU issues. Plus it have no way of getting want it needs. With that many viruses and no way to search for them its astonishing that Djinn isn't in there.

25 Jul 2014 Luit_Froops

Totally seems like it would have MU issues. Plus it have no way of getting want it needs. With that many viruses and no way to search for them its astonishing that Djinn isn't in there.

25 Jul 2014 CodeMarvelous

you are assuming that my goal is to have an enormous rig of viruses. It isnt. its to be able to run while gradually milling.

25 Jul 2014 hi_impact

He plays it a bit like a mem-starved Professor - installs a pressure piece, exploits it for a turn or two, then installs over it when they toss a 8+ cred ICE over that server and turns the other way.

26 Jul 2014 jeibel

What is a good starting hand with this deck ? What do you mulligan for ?

26 Jul 2014 CodeMarvelous

ideally i am looking for sahasrara in my opening hand and Wyldside. if I have only one of those I want sure gamble in there as well or I mulligan.

27 Jul 2014 esutter479

As always, Code, favorited. :D

This is something that, if I ever decide to give Manipulette a rest, that I'll certainly try out. It's totally off the grid, and it's not often that I see Aesop's Pawnshop anymore.

Code, is there any other way I can reach you to talk shop? I know you're very active on here, but I work 3rd shift, and would find it tough to interact with basically anyone on a regular basis. If I may, what is your e-mail...? I have some NEXT Design: Guarding the Net questions for ya. :)

27 Jul 2014 dante77

Better change Sahasrara for Scheherazade, and spend influence for gettin more cards.

27 Jul 2014 dante77

Look out for my version:

27 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

I agree if you're pawning cards and not caring about them, you'd be better off with like 2x cyberfeeder and scheherezade and use the inf for testrun/smc or something.

27 Jul 2014 CodeMarvelous

Esutter -

The sahasrara is a better value than cyberfeeders imo and also to get the full effect i only need one out as opposed to two cybers. The scheherezade is a card thats not a virus that i dont want taking up space.

3 Aug 2014 thewbert

I was looking for a good Noise deck so I tried this the other day and it's a blast to play. It does feel very Anarch(y), which I love. I wasn't even piloting the deck very well and while it's never rich, it makes enough money to keep the pressure on the whole game. I agree with keeping the Sahasrara and not putting in Scheherazade. Oh, I have no credits? Well, I'll install an Imp, mill a card, then run on your PAD Campaign, trash it for free, and then run on archives for the fun of it. Whee! Anarch!

4 Aug 2014 Nushura

It may be silly, but...why not using Cyberfeeders instead of sahsaharas? They do not cost neither memory nor influence...saves space and potentially can make a combo with Scheherazade