WIP: Khan: Savvy Ice Analyzer - the Savoir-faire of Autoscri

Krams 949

Hi there. This deck is still work in progress, so it's probably not really good.
I'm mainly posting it to get some tips and feedback and to share the idea.
I'm going to make an updated version as soon as 1) Escalation is released, since I need a card out of it and 2) I have testplayed and improved the deck.

The 2 Peacocks are supposed to be much more aggressive decoder birds ;)
(Upcoming card in Escalation: Peregrine)

EDIT: WIP: Khan: Savvy Ice Analyzer - the Savoir-faire of Autoscripted Derezzing
The title is so long, it worked in the My Decks list, but got cut on publishing it. Maybe I'll come up with a shorter version in the next release :D

Khan and her birds - the deck concept

  • Peregrine + Golden (and maybe Ankusa?) for breaking and derrezing
  • Ice Analyzer for paying for Peregrine + Golden (re)installs
    • of course Ice Analyzer is fueled by the ice being derezzed regularly
  • Khan: Savvy Skiptracer for instant reinstalls after derezzing
  • Savoir-faire for on-demand installs of breakers (yay, facechecking!)
    • can be used for reinstalling breakers after passing any other Ice than the first
  • Autoscripter to profit off of regular program installs
    • bonus clicks can be used to make even more runs, fueling the standard criminal running engine

backup breakers

  • Mimic and Yog.0 should theoretically be able to handle most of the stuff that's too cheap for the derezzing engine to be effective, right? Right?!
  • Breach is much cheaper to install, so early game barriers don't force you to install the big tempo hit that is Ankusa

adding a standard criminal running engine

what else?

Right now, the deck contains the core engine, the running engine and a few basic economy events... and I'm at 38 cards. Great, so we have 2 slots and no inf left for a winning condition, let's put 2 Legworks in, yay!
Okay, maybe I haven't thought this through... Maybe I should ditch Exclusive Party to make room for stuff that actually does something. Maybe I should add at least a little bit protection...
So far, this deck is untested. I guess I'll have to testplay it a bit in order to see where to tinker around.

Thanks for reading! :)
As always, any comments are welcome.

7 Oct 2016 geekmate

I really like the approach. What about making room for 2 Sahasrara ? Meaning getting rid of Mimic and Yog... Also i hope that a console with something like "Gain 1 credit everytime you return and icebreaker to your grip" will come out. It could be very cool with Golden, Peregrin and i suppose the future Fracter that will complete this bird suit. Also are you sure about Savoir Faire ? Breakers are already very expensive...

7 Oct 2016 geekmate

Here's the build i was testing (with not so much success, but i'm not a real good player)

Khan: Savvy Skiptracer (Blood Money)

Event (18) 3x Account Siphon (Core Set) 3x Easy Mark (Core Set) 3x Inside Job (Core Set) 2x Special Order (Core Set) 3x Sure Gamble (Core Set) 1x Paper Tripping (Upstalk) 3x Career Fair (Breaker Bay)

Hardware (6) 3x Logos (Honor and Profit) 3x Autoscripter (Up and Over)

Resource (5) 3x Temüjin Contract (Blood Money) 2x Security Testing (Honor and Profit)

Icebreaker (5) 1x Paperclip (Blood Money) ••• 2x Golden (Blood Money) 2x Peregrine (Escalation)

Program (6) 3x Sahasrara (Creation and Control) ••••• • 3x Scheherazade (Second Thoughts) •••

12 influence spent (maximum 12) 40 cards (min 40)

7 Oct 2016 Krams

Ahh, Sahasrara money for install, instead of Ice Analyzer, not bad. But I like the synergy between derezzing builds and Ice Analyzer.

Using Scheherazade to host breakers might be a good idea in this deck, I have to try that. I haven't really thought about that, because, generally, I'm too much of a pussy to host my main breakers onto any other program - I'm just too scared of that random surprise program trash :D

And Savoir-faire, well... I think of it as a way to install on demand if I absolutely have to, not as something I do all the time. I guess I'll have to try out how much I'm really using it... But yeah, it IS expensive.

7 Oct 2016 seiya

I like the deck a lot! What about Scheherazade ? To make some money out of reinstalling our breakers.

I think Khan's suite is very nice but she really needs money and some sort of drawing engine, plus I would enter some protection to meat damage now that BOOM! is out there...

8 Oct 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Krams I like the ideas here, Id not thought of Autoscripter with Khan am running an Eater in my version and feel this could be a good include.