Control is the Message

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Edit: The deck is showing right now as illegal but I built it for long term play with the new 8/1 rules.

Ever since I started playing Netrunner a couple of months ago, I was drawn to NBN and the idea of tagging. Unfortunately, having only one core set I couldn't effectively play the NBN fast advance decks that seem to dominate, and that's not really my style anyway.

Fortunately, the most recent MWL update and the new NBN identity shift the faction towards what I always envisioned it to be. In casual play I haven't lost a game with this yet (after 6 or so games against a variety of decks). I'm really curious to see if this is finally the deck I can be "competitive" with.

This deck is fine taking its time. The agenda suite is designed so that the runner must take 4 agendas to win, while I should only need 3. CTM provides enough of a tagging threat that I can forego the now expensive breaking news and 24 hour news cycle combo.

Ultimately, though, CTM just makes everything more expensive for the runner. Every turn there's a 4 credit or 2 credit+1 click cost to trashing an asset. This allows me to maintain a credit advantage either through keeping my drip asset economy on the board or by draining the runner's credits through the trace. This allows me to focus ice placement on centrals and a scoring server.

MVP of this deck so far is Daily Business Show, no doubt. The flexibility it provides is huge. Most games I end up setting up for the long term with it, but it can also let you try to get to astroscript early to threaten a quicker game before the runner has time to rig up.

Hard-Hitting News has worked brilliantly as well. It puts the runner into a fantastic bind: let the corp have a massive scoring window over multiple turns while they catch up on credits, or pray they don't have double scorched or closed accounts. So far they runners have opted for the former with me, which is fine. I just score while they spend 2+ turns trying to recover.

Ice is nothing special here--combination of tagging, cheap ETR, and taxing ice. I'm testing out RSVP right now and it's worked fairly well, but ultimately might not stay in the deck.

Comments and feedback are appreciated! Right now I'm limited by one core set and only 8 or so data packs (plus all 4 deluxe), so if a certain obvious card coughAryabhata Techcough isn't in there, that's probably why.