frogfrogfrogfrogfrog (2-2, 7th @ Seattle Async CO)

anarchomushroom 916

i've thought way too much about arissana the past few months. agonising over what your inf looks like, how many slots you have, what's core to the deck. this was the build i played in an async CO and is an evolution of the deck i worked on with extrac and vale for worlds.

aeneas is gone because it actually kinda stinks in a lotta matchups and even vs neh you need to find more than one for them to be actually useful ime. Wheels does way more work in the matchup. I added back in fenris because you need some form of HQ pressure and networking because i had an inf spare and it seemed fine into tags

turbine also back in because until takobi is running, breaking ice sucks

i think 2 lilypad is correct if you're playing lilypad but i think this is actually not correct and you should probably be playing just pantograph and deezy meezys. 4c is so fucken much to install without UAV. Bahia Bands im also skeptical of, i think you could cut them to free up inf, tho for what idk. Also this deck needs dirty laundry and frankly if youre building arissana and don't play 3 laundry i thinkit's just objectively wrong

in the tournament i won vs btl and aginfusion, and lost to ob and R+

this deck is very fun and the potential is there for it to be a real presence but it's missing some kind of late game econ piece and a way to contest early. Slap and env testing aren't the answers we frogs are looking for. if R+ gets banned and people start playing btl more this deck naturally gets absolutely stonked to high heaven

thanks maninthemoon for running the event, it was a blast!