[Startup] Lat for Dinner

PreNic 343


This is the first deck that I publish so keep you expectation low and nobody will get hurt. I don't usually play Lat but I wanted to give it a try with Startup and I have to say that I love this identity: it provides you such a nice flow of cards!

To be honest, I wanted to build a deck using In the Groove and I thought that Lat: Ethical Freelancer could have a nice synergy with it since it allows you to keep your hand full while installing cards.

As you see I don't run a console but I have three DZMZ Optimizer since they will both provide memory and discounts. DZMZ is also occasionally synergic with In the Groove, even if I don't play enough programs to get value from that in a reliable way.

As a rule of thumb, In the Groove is here for drawing rather than making credits.

Besides that, I think that the deck has quite common card choices:

Multi-access: Docklands Pass and Conduit

Breakers: Bukhgalter, Gauss and Unity

Extra breaking tools: Boomerang and Botulus

Drawing: Diesel, VRcation and In the Groove (if required)

Economy: Sure Gamble, Creative Commission, Dirty Laundry, Daily Casts, Telework Contract, Aesop's Pawnshop, Rezeki and In the Groove (if required)

Recursion: Harmony AR Therapy and Simulchip

About Aesop's Pawnshop, I normally use it to trash a Telework Contract with the last three credits or a Daily Casts with the last two credits. I can occasionally trash an extra Simulchip or Self-modifying Code if required.

This deck allows you to gain credits quite quickly and with Rezeki/Daily Casts/Telework Contract plus the events you can be quite rich through the game.

You want to install at least one Rezeki as soon as possible to start making and get the most out of it. I normally keep a couple of them in play (depending on the available memory) since they are also nice targets in the late game if you need to immolate a program to Simulchip or an accessed SDS Drone Deployment.

Bye! :)