Westworld Adam

PureFlight 1070

The name comes from this Postmodern Jukebox vid because I'm sure Adam would "Rather Be" running than setting up without ABR.


Based off of the Adam builds which do not start with ABR (Run Sometimes, Criminal Adam), this is my latest iteration post-MWL 3.

This list is extremely strong for a mini-faction; I intend to take it to Regionals. Also of note: it's very rotation-proof. Only e3 Feedback Implants and Hostage will be gone after Red Sands.


Your goal is to get Brain Chip and score an agenda as soon as possible. All the draw is to help you do that. You'll need an Overmind (probably with only 3 counters) or an ABR to get your first agenda. If you can do that in your first several turns, you can snowball to a victory by simply having more draw and money than your opponent.

If you don't get an early agenda, you'll have to camp the remote. Make sure they think you can get in. Usually isn't too hard if you can get enough money. Then you can make a big mid-game HQ dash and snag 2 agendas in the same turn.

Recent Changes

Pre-MWL, this was serving me very well, going 5-1 across two recent GNKs and winning most games on J.net. That list had an Inti, an R&D Interface, and a silly Noble Path to cleanse the hand of chaff and turn the Safety First draw back on.

I had to lose 3 inf to keep the Temmy Js after MWL3, so I cut the above cards and an e3 to add a pair of Hostages. I filled out the extra slots with Armitage, which is nice because you can pretty much always play it, but the money wasn't needed. I then wanted to replace "Freedom Through Equality" with Mad Dash, but without FTE I wanted a current to remove a Scarcity or TarMar. Dropping the Armitages for Interdiction seemed the best choice, as it also helps with defensive upgrades, and I'm sure lots of people will be on glacier this summer after all the pro-glacier MWL changes.

Card Choices

Sysp's write-up of Criminal Adam is very good, so I'll try not to repeat too much from that.

  • Essentially, clickless draw from Safety First, Earthrise, and Dr. LoveDrug is vital, and you can avoid most tagging and scorch/boom plays by not running in the first few turns.
  • Multithreader is an inf-free way to make Overmind a lot cheaper.
  • Hostage targets are A.A.Ron for tag decks and the draw engine of Dr. GoodDrug. Hoping that 1 Aaron+Hostage is good enough, because Adam is super-allergic to tags.
  • I took out Inti because I'm seeing less Wraparound and more IP Blocks. I thought about including Hunting Grounds for help with those. At the moment, I'm more nervous of Skorpios killing e3 or my last Overmind, so I've put in a Sac Con.
  • I used to have Scrubber for help with asset spam and NAT, but there's already like 20 econ cards here. It was superfluous.
  • Included Slums for CtM because that matchup is pretty rough, although the universally-applicable Archives Interface for recursive strategies would be good too. Depends on how much CtM is present after Sensie's addition to the MWL.

Someone asked me recently, "Wtf, why is Adam so good all of a sudden? New Directive?" Yes, definitely, but also the fact that Adam wasn't viable in the tagstorm meta pre-Aaron. Find the Truth came out during a tag-heavy meta, so its effect on Adam was a bit delayed.
