LEGO Headquarters

CptSunflower 21

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In All Seriousness...

This deck began as kind of a joke. I saw Building Blocks and Chiyashi and thought "pffffft, that's a ridiculous synergy, meme deck here I come!" But it turns out it's one my favorite corp decks I've made in a while.

I find the deck to be pretty simple and fun to pilot. The game plan is fairly straightforward; construct your Chiyashi remote (or double Chiyashi remote if you're feeling particularly sadistic), jam your City Works (tutor with DRM if necessary), Dedicate that son of a bitch and fill it with tokens until it physically can't be lifted off the table, and score things out when appropriate. If the runner steals the City Works, punish with Punitive, if they steal the Send a Message, rez a Chiyashi in their face, if they take all your money then play a Too Big to Fail and laugh it up. Snare is included because why would I not take every opportunity to shove three copies of Snare into any given deck?

Just hope they aren't planning to derez your big ice. You can only re-rez the same Chiyashi so many times before you feel like an absolute buffoon.

I haven't done a rigorous amount of playtesting with the deck, nor do I consider myself a particularly skilled Netrunner player. I just like making fun, somewhat-memey decks that don't have to be tournament-ready to be enjoyable. Let me know what your thoughts are, and hopefully you can get as much enjoyment out of this deck as I have :)

17 Aug 2021 merp

Fun to play and full of memes 10/10. Just remember to ...

!!!Beware Of Birds!!!

Golden Peregrine Saker :)