The BP 1.1

Votto 1

[Hello World] First deck I publish here. To sum up, this one tries to manage bad publicity and tries to turn it into its favour. I postes this deck here looking forward to some feedback about the overall construction of the deck. I have tested it a little bit at OCTGN

5 Oct 2015 HolyMackerel

Deck seems a bit schizophrenic to me. I'd suggest going with an either/or here. Either you use Ireress to profit from BP, or you use Broadcast Square and Witness Tampering to mitigate it. That way you're not obstructing yourself ^^

5 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

It seems like you should either go the high BP, fast-advance route or the huge money, BP-avoidance route.

Broadcast Square is really interesting for GRNDL, as you have the money for big traces early on, and most BP effects either keep you ahead in money or seriously harm the runner.

You might try Broadcast Square paired with Surveillance Sweep and see how that works out for you. I'd also look at Checkpoint over Ireress (it's just wonderful on centrals) and perhaps a single Swarm.

The All-Seeing I isn't going to work here. Your only method of tagging is Posted Bounty and you don't have any other method of punishing the runner via tags (like the obvious Scorched Earth). Why bother blowing out all the runner's resources if you can just flatline them?

I'd work on the agenda suite as well, 14 is too high even for a rush deck. Posted Bounty isn't worthwhile here, Priority Requisition is really only for Archer, and Veterans Program is superfluous if you are dodging your BP or removing it with Exposé (which is way more efficient and not as vulnerable to the runner).

Hostile Takeover should be here. It does what you want; gets you big money that the runner can't interfere with (except with Clot). It's also great Archer fodder.

If you have the influence, Global Food Initiative is wonderful (but I don't think you do). Most agendas are going to get you more money, so really you just need more traces to leverage it with.

Hopefully this rambling helps. I can't see any way to really improve the deck without significantly altering the structure.

5 Oct 2015 Votto

Wow. Thank you so much for the quick and helpful responses, people. I'll try to restructure this deck as soon as possible.