Inside Whizzard - (Vienna SC winner 7/2/2016)

Gespenst 273

There's really not that much to say about this deck. Your main win condition are Medium digs. Massive Medium digs. You often find yourself having 2 of them out at the same time and just hammering R&D hard. And harder. This can - of course - sometimes be tricky. That's why you also run DDOS and Femme. (And Inside Job is also a nice surprise).

Inside job and DDOS are your main way of threatening remotes. And super effective at that. You can get your DDOS down really fast using one of your Career Fairs and Deja Vu is there for either Inside Job or DDOS recursion.

It is my strong believe that Whizzard is one of the best choices in the current meta, because of his recurring credits. This became apparent against any kind of asset economy, but also helps digging through their R&D deeper and deeper...

Tough match-ups include Synch and HB with NEXT ICE. To be fair: I was lucky enough to not play against the only Blue Sun deck at the tournament.

I'll be the first one to admit that this deck has weaknesses (maybe even a lot of them - the lack of ICE destruction being one), but I didn't feel like teching against all the worst case scenarios. That's my general approach to runner decks and maybe that's why I enjoy playing Anarchs the most. You either win hard or lose hard. High risk and (at least sometimes) high reward.