Adam rush beta v2.1 "Adam's Song"

x3r0h0ur 8956

Next iteration for testing. I cut back on the directives, as the game is too fast to install and uninstall them as much as I thought I might. IT though is a must late-early game to propel your board state after you've gotten the ice rezzed and snapped up some agendas. May cut the extra ABR altogether.

Dr. Lovegood was great to delay blowing up the Directives, mostly ABR. 3 copies for sure at this point.

I've decided to continue to err on the side of low econ, in favor of utility cards. Stimhack is the plan now, lots of abuse to remote lock, enabling NAT to hit HQ for agenda points while digging for TME recursion. As you score, the brain damage means less with brain chip, and brain cage helps if you get it early to offset safety first, for 1 credit, its fine, and encourages SF to draw as you play. Clone chip and SMC are just too good for aggressive runners to pass up, I hate to start falling back on old ways, but they're good cards. Also multithreader helps with SMC, so if you have the unused creds, its something you can do before your turn.

Cards that might come out: Same old thing and plascrete. Need better choices though, will evaluate after seeing if this resolves the econ and setup woes. SoT is quite good to abuse stimhack though.

Codebusting is for recovery early, and remote-attack bolstering late game.

Possible adds: Study Guide, good synergy with stimhack and multithreader, much cheaper than repeatedly using zu. Gordian is the other option. Employee strike looks great for helping with RP.

I'm still trying to avoid just datasucker anarch breakers since every deck does that, we'll see if its inevitable after testing though.

12 Aug 2015 CodeMarvelous

10/10 I think SMC is a better tutor for you than code siphone since multithreader can be used to pay the cost

12 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Yea, CodeSiphon's discount didn't matter, as corps never had 2 ice against me, and depending on them to do so was annoying. The stimhack synergy is great.

12 Aug 2015 Happyam

Just out of curiosity, you have 1 of each of the Directive in your deck. I thought Adam starts with 3 directives which doesn't count as part of the deck.

So you are putting 1 copy of each in the deck, IN ADDITION, to the 3 you are starting with?

12 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

1 of each in addition to the 3 starting. Previous versions I included the 3 in the deck and it was confusing. Apparently I did not remedy that :P

I want to be able to reinstall them if I decide I need to burst draw, but then still need them.

12 Aug 2015 Myriad

x3r0's plan is pretty solid. If you play Adam you generally want to reinstall a few of those directives late game.

12 Aug 2015 Diegofsv

Getting better and better!

12 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Diegofsv thanks! If I can find the right build, I might take this to worlds! Be the only guy playing it XD

12 Aug 2015 Diegofsv

@x3r0h0ur Its pretty hard to make great builds with Adam and APEX, but its getting there. Right now, I'm focused on NBN Spark and will make it play no matter what

22 Aug 2015 johncraven

any reason you play brain cage over public sympathy? you don't play heartbeat so you can't prevent the brain...

22 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Cheaper and it's hardware, doubles as powershutdown protection and is harder to kill. But mostly because it's cheaper.

5 Sep 2015 stimmyrobbins

Played smooth first time. Nicely refined. Thanks for sharing.

5 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

Try out the future iterations, I'm making lots of changes with the latest, so it's taking a long time.