
cjbriley 11

This is the updated version (for Upstalk) of the deck I played at the Durham, NC regionals which I took 8th place with. The previous version of the deck didn't do too well (my Corp carried me through the day) but it was mostly through my own misplays rather than the fault of the deck. During the Store Championship season the deck did very well.

In this version I've gone back to Magnum Opus over Kati, Daily Casts, and Professional Contacts. I expect MO to provide more sustainable income and I'm hoping Leprechaun will help mitigate the MU issues the deck has been having.

Personal Touches were put in to help deal with Lotus Field. Yog is pretty hard to remove unless I face check a Destroyer without a way to instant-speed tutor for Sharpshooter (or slam into an Aggressive Secretary). Once Will-O'-the-Wisp comes out I'll need to change my strategy entirely as that will demolish Yog.0+Personal Touch.

Considering the more sustained income I've also replaced the Maker's Eyes with R&D Interfaces.

The last major change was to add two Test Runs and Scavenges. One of my biggest issues was not being able to find my Yog.0 fast enough. This should (hopefully) remedy that.