Tag Iceless

Diogene 4178

Iceless with a NBN ID is difficult. This is the most successful I got.

Here, the goal of the game is to tag and bag. Nearly everything gives a tag. Getting rid of the tags is expensive with Sync. Unless the runner has Misdirection. Against which you will have a problem. This mean that Shapers are usually better versus this deck.

Threat Assessment can be used, in an indirect manner, to deal with Misdirection. Instead of Misdirection, you aim for an important card, like a Turning Wheel with 8 tokens on it, or an expensive console. If the runner has Misdirection, it is likely that they will take the tags, thinking they can get rid of them easily next turn. Then, BOOM!

This deck still win games. Usually by BOOM! Sometime by agenda gains. All agendas give you something, either protection, get you back the cred, gives you creds when stolen or gives advancements for another agenda.

It is a bit strap for cash, with only Hedge Fund, IPO and Rashida (9 of 44) for income. Explode-a-palooza can give a small boost also. But you'll be clicking for creds a fair bit.

Tags come from many sources : Snare, News Team, Casting Call, Hard-Hitting News, SYNC Rerouting, Prisec and Threat Assessment (20 of 44). This should allow you to tag early and tag often.

I tried with CTM, but it lack influence. The extra BOOM! is much needed. Jinteki work well. Weyland work well. HB work very well. But NBN...

If you find a better recipe, please tell me.

In the mean time, there is an aspect to this deck that makes it fun. And it's the tag game. The same one you were playing in elementary school. Looking at your opponents, running wild, getting chased and "winning" by tagging someone mere seconds before the teacher call you to class.

Happy memories.