HB Brain Damage-amage-amage

PaxCecilia 294

Just trying out a brain damage HB based on another deck, don't have 3 Neural EMP's though. Put in an Edge of the World.

5 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Over advanced vitruvius is your savior then.

If you own all the sets changing out the SDP and vitruvious for 3 pointers, and put in 3 punitive counterstrike. This can be very effective if you land some brain damage early. With 3 brain (1 fenris and a double advanced overwriter) they literally can't steal a 3 pointer unless they're way up on cash.

I had 4 brain on a player last night using my version of this deck. Top decked an EMP on the mandatory draw, drew into the second emp. Yum yum.

5 Jun 2014 PaxCecilia

Yeah, something similar happened when I tried the deck out the first time. Two Fenris' dealt 2 brain damage early, had 2 Neural EMP's in hand and a counter on Ichi for 6 or 7 turns hoping he'd end turn with only 2 cards... On the turn he got to 6-0 he ran on his last click and didn't think to draw, then I instagibbed him.

I will try out that variant if I find this isn't working with only two. Two 3-pointers in hand, overdraw, discard, let him steal, then punative? I've never tried it before...

5 Jun 2014 PaxCecilia

I meant Viktor 2.0 in the above post.

-3 Vitruvius (-6 AP)
-3 Sentinel Defense Program (-6 AP)
+2 Proj Wotan (+6 AP)
+2 Priority Requisition (+6 AP)

-1 Edge of World (-2inf)
-2 Neural EMP (-4inf)
+3 Punative Counterstrike (+6inf)

This leaves me with two slots...

5 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

+1 Janus +1 cerebral overwriter. The Janus is a beta test target. Alternatively the third viktor could work.