Chaos by Committee

Scorcho1108 47

This deck earned it's name by being built by myself and a group of people who were watching my twitch stream at the time. I was trying to decide on a deck to build for Store Championships and knew I wanted to play MaxX, but not exactly what or how I wanted to go about it.

As you can see, this deck splits the different between "reg-ass MaxX" and the standard eater variety. In the games I've played so far, Eater has done some serious work, and I've run into exactly zero AI hate. But in the chance that you run into a Swordsman there are a couple mimics in there to have your back. The breaker suite has the benefits of being all in-faction and is actually quite versatile, allowing you to break through most ice setups without too much trouble.

The interesting thing of this deck is the economy. For now it was decided to go with a Prepaid VoicePAD aided burst economy. I usually don't have too many problems with money in this deck and if you can get 2/3 Prepaid VoicePADs up and running the economy gets CRAZY. The problem is that MaxX's ability will cause at least one or more to hit the trash on a regular basis before you ever see them, and if you don't get one out early, it's almost not worth it.

Deck Strategy: Be aggressive. B.E. aggressive. B.E. A.G.G.R.E.S.S.I.V.E. Put as much pressure on your opponent as you possibly can. If you can catch your opponent on the back foot with a less-than-optimum starting hand, you can easily put the game away within the first five turns. If the game starts to stretch out, shift your focus on blowing out remotes with singularity. The corp will have a false sense of security when first trying to score in those remotes. Once you destroy that they'll be hesitant to do ANYTHING and you can pick and choose your spots.

Again, this deck isn't finished and there may be some changes made here and there, but the early results for this deck have been quite positive. I hope you enjoy.