Deep Dive At Home

parchmentEngineer 32

Deep Dive is such a clunky card. Three required runs, and you can only access one card per click left over. What if you could get the same number of cards from only a single run, and be able to access each and every one of them?

The core concept of this deck is simple - stack as much multi-access as possible, and then swing for a small number of extremely high impact central runs. To make room for all that, this deck runs very light on entry tools, and all of them are limited use or limited target. During the early game, you want to be somewhat contesting remotes, but focus mainly on digging through as much of your deck as physically possible and trying to get your multi-access engine set up. Late-game, don't bother with remotes at all - just focus on making your central runs impact as hard as they can and don't over-exert yourself.

Some specific tips for play:

  • Be careful about showing Divide and Conquer or Eru Ayase-Pessoa too early. Part of the joy of this deck is convincing your opponent to protect R&D as much as possible, then hitting them as hard as you can in Archives when they least expect it.
  • Also be careful about playing Climactic Showdown too early. Those extra accesses are often much more valuable late-game than early-game, and overcommiting to an early run with it can make it more difficult to set up later. (Also don't end your turn tagged with it installed - it's not a connection.)
  • If you play Divide and Conquer on a Climactic Showdown-fueled run, it will give you two extra cards in HQ instead of R&D. Sometimes that's extremely valuable, but if they have low cards in HQ then it wastes those accesses.
  • Mavirus hurts. Especially in Archives, if you play Divide and Conquer, it will take out your eXers before you get a chance to hit R&D.
  • Mayfly is a powerful tool. It's easy to drop without commiting to an ice like Boomerang or Botulus force you, and Friend of a Friend lets you get a burst of credits to make a big run.