SlySquids Provoke2Purge v2.1

SlySquid 4763

This deck is trying to provoke the corp to spend time reacting to me, the whole threory is to be able to get hiveming up to three virus tokens asap after a purge.

So, what i want is to be able to punish them for not purgeing and there a few really strong, first, the Chakanas make it hard to score, next im able to chew threw ice with the Parasites because Hivemind makes them insanely powerful (like they wernt to begin with lol) and lastly the Hemorrhage threatens HQ destruction, all wile Noise is doing what he do!

This is all theory crafting and not sure how itll play but i feel with some practice and tweaking this will become a force to be feared!

8 Jan 2015 PaxCecilia

With only Darwin as a breaker you might not be able to keep up pressure on R&D to warrant Chakana's.

As an aside: the art on Hivemind makes my skin crawl. It's probably the only card from O&C I'm not looking forward to for that reason alone.

8 Jan 2015 SerBrofist

I believe that the Chakanas are meant to be mostly powered by shared tokens from Hivemind. When properly setup, all installed Chakanas are fully loaded in two turns and two clicks after a purge, slowing down fast advance plans considerably.

8 Jan 2015 PaxCecilia

Dangit, my bad! Carry on :)

8 Jan 2015 steevo15

@PaxCecilia hivemind puts counters on chakana, I think that's what makes it so awesome in this build.

8 Jan 2015 theodorelogan

Yknow, Surge would make the chakana's even more ridiculous against fast advance,

If the corp purges, you get a counter on virus breeding ground, move it to hivemind, and then surge the hivemind.

8 Jan 2015 hatman

I like the ideas behind this deck. Have you considered Quetzal as an alternate ID? She already drops one type of ice, unless its double stacked, so wraparounds don't matter. Don't know if imp is the way to go here. It seems like Demolition Run would leverage threats better.

Self-modifying Code is interesting as a way to get just in time parasites. Of course, once they're in the heap, it's not that great. And then, Swordsman. You know the rant. Maybe a 1x Mimic? Would certainly help vs Jinteki and Architect.

Hiveming is my favorite vase.

8 Jan 2015 bcavalier

May I suggest finding room for Cyberfeeder, Darwin freaking LOVES it, as well do most virii. Also, might want to throw in an Eater to keep Chakana/Medium running post purge. I also think that Djinn/Clone Chip may server a majority of the purposes you have Self-modifying Code around for. And for less influence. I'm not sure which deck I wanna try out first, your Maxx deck or this one! Great job!

8 Jan 2015 gumonshoe

Biggest problem with this deck is that multi-sub ice are such a thing now, I'm not sure if Darwin can be your main breaker. Even nodding towards Hivemind->Parasite.

8 Jan 2015 x3r0h0ur

No surge or scavenge? Hrmmm I think those would be top priority! You don't even need to run RnD....

8 Jan 2015 structuremole

Without Djinn, how do you expect to get Darwin in a reasonable amount of time?

8 Jan 2015 ericbtool

Virus breeding ground states it can only move a token to a card that's hosting a token. So once hivemind is wiped?...

8 Jan 2015 theodorelogan

Hivemind will be on progenitor i would imagine.

8 Jan 2015 4dd150n

This is really great. I love the Chakana/Hivemind combo.

God I can't wait for Hivemind. Have a few other ideas brewing...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@theodorelogan Surge is just not as good as Virus Breeding Ground when it comes to losing this deck up... With Hivemind on Progenitor and two Virus Breeding Grounds I can have the Chakanas running every turn for two clicks... The point is to bring the corp to a grinding hualt befor I pull out my punishing cards and just hammer weak servers...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@hatman your looking at this deck the wrong way, it's going to play more like a solitaire deck where I just set up my combo peaces asap to shut them down then in single turns I can run for huge multi access with Medium or trash there hand with Hemorrhage... Keep in mind with all the cards I use I don't even need to run to get cards milled from the runners hand and all wile I'm setting up I'm rando milling with Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire for lols... If it would out right it should be fucking irritating not aggressive...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Thanks @bcavalier, that means a lot!!! So one thing people are not seeing is that running is real just a last resort, this is built to freeze the game and keep it at a state that I can control it in the later turns... Also the point of the deck is to provoke the purge, giving the corp the option to time walk them selfs and losing cerdits to Fester or letting me build up an insane amount of tokens and doing huge Medium runs, abusing Parasite and killing all the huge ice on the field in one shot or Hemorrhageing every card in there hand... It's a combo control deck...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@gumonshoe keep in mind that the interaction with Hivemind and Parasite is literaly crazy go nuts... First things first, this deck is built to get Hivemind to at least three tokens every turn to keep the Chakanas live, just buy doing this every Parasite will come out with 4 tokens on it (3 if I don't have Grimoire). Now that's just if the corp purges.... If they don't my Parasites could be coming out with a limitless amount of tokens instakilling almost all ice in the game, thus reinforcing the fact that the corp needs to purge as often as possible, all the wile it only takes me two clicks of Virus Breeding Ground to recover...

9 Jan 2015 toomuchnoise

No Clone Chip? That Parasite-Hive Mind combo is ridiculous, and Clone Chip would make it even worse. It would also give you some extra defense other than just Deja Vu if your Darwin gets blown up.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@x3r0h0ur Those were in the older builds but as I'm playing for the long game I have to really but the checks in place to be able to recover from a purge every turn and not just the few random times I have surge, that and it only is live if I placed a token on the card that turn, which would require me playing a new Hivemind or simply having a Virus Breeding Ground anywho...

As for Scavenge you hit the nail on the head, that is a flawless card for this idea in the sense that after I purge I can simply reinstall a #hivemind at two tokens, but with the release of Progenitor that becomes erelavent and also frees up the influince for Self-modifying Code that is going to give this deck the amount of constancy it needs to get the moving peaces asap...

But both those cards were in my last deck =) so you have an eye for this =) please help me make it better!!!

9 Jan 2015 steevo15

@nialbima I'd tend to agree with you I think. However as @SlySquid has said, running is a last resort for this deck, and for the most part it's non interactive. I'd love to see a version more centered around running and ice destruction to the max with the super pumped up parasites.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@ericbtool, @theodorelogan is right... Hivemind is going on Progenitor every game no question...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@structuremole as I've touched on in later posts, running is last resort because this plays more like a solitary control deck, the main goal is to stop scoring with my combo peaces rather than trying to steal them from the corp...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Thanks @Addison, I'm so stoked too! I'd love to hear some of your ideas...

9 Jan 2015 Elthane

Why not incubator over virus breeding ground? It's a virus so you get the mill and you can recur it with deja vu and clone chip.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@nialbima I need the influince to get the peaces with Self-modifying Code, recuring them is not as important as finding them asap... Also again, I really don't need to play Darwin at all and really don't plan on it all that often... If I wanted to make a Darwin it would look a lot differant than this lol

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@steevo15 I'm so stoked you see it, it's not a super obvious deck and it'll be hard to explain till people can see it played... That said I strongly think that you need a good balance of the kill and control and feel that with this build I can burn a shit load of ice to the ground, but I'd LOVE to see your idea on paper so we can compair notes =)

@Elthane you need to understand that I'm trading quick bursts for sustainability with Virus Breeding Ground because it's free and I can do it every turn, without fail... Your idea is strong and would be great in say a Medium/Demolition Run deck using Showing Off! But this is suited to my playstyle in the sense I want to frustrate, annoy and force the corp into a loose loose scenario every turn regardless of cards in hand or money in the bank...

9 Jan 2015 DukeOfLizards

What about Test Run over SMC? They purge, next turn you install a new program, trashing the Hivemind. Then you can Test Run it out, use it for that turn, then it goes on top of your deck, safe from a purge until you want to install it again. Also saves you some memory, which could be an issue...

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@DukeOfLizards your missing the fact that Progenitor allows Hivemind to keep a virus token after they purge, that will allow me to use Virus Breeding Ground to top it back up to three tokens and in turn making the Chakanas live again...

So because all these cards are programs the Self-modifying Code can tutor it'll help with the speed and consistency wile also allowing me the pull Parasites out mid run if I need it...

Also conveniently the Self-modifying Codes also are good protection from Power Shutdowns...

9 Jan 2015 Talism

umm -2 copies of Chakana, + 2 of djinn, not sure why you want 3 copies, you only ever will want 1 in play, djinn will help with mem and searching for the 1 off viruses with out wasting a SMC, also can host the SMC for memory freeing up.

9 Jan 2015 Talism

as with my post above, you can drop your hivemind down to 1 copy as its unique and search able. possibly to throw in 2 clone chips, or maybe 2 scavenges, or for more econ some caches

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@Talism I really want to see my combo peaces as early as posable and as far as I know, 3 Chakanas means agendas need a whole extra turn to score...

I see what your saying about having less copy's of cards cause SMC finds them but if I can I want to save the SMCs for Parasites as much as possable...

Also if your planing on changing up the deck and trying it, Gorman Drip v1 is way better with Hivemind than Caches because they don't require you to spend the tokens...

9 Jan 2015 Talism

thats my take on your deck, pure theory cast, having 3 chakanas isn't better then one, although i does mean all agendas need +3 advancements (if you have 3 tokens, via hivemind or runs on rnd, i think +1 is fine, there isn't to many ways they can fast advance past that, a sansan and astro counter prolly being the only really viable one atm.

i think you might be right about 3 copies of hivemind for consistancy sake. but with the 2 clone chips and 3 SMC you effectivly have 5 SMC or 5 parasites, insta speed

9 Jan 2015 hatman

@SlySquid I'm not totally seeing the trash a whole hand turn here. Are you saying put two counters on Hemorrhage/ Hivemind from Virus Breeding Ground? That's 8-10 clicks of moving tokens. If you're really going no-run, wouldn't Harbinger be a better threat?

Really, I think this deck needs to run to make good on threats. Medium is only threatening when you can get into RnD. If you can't get into RnD, why would the corp purge? Just score out behind a secure remote. Maybe you can get Parasites down fast enough to keep RnD clean. Color me skeptical, for now.

9 Jan 2015 ericbtool

indeed i missed the progenitor.

I think your biggest challenge will be putting your parasites to use. you have only the 3, your deja-vu's will be taxed to recover key programs lost to inject, and no tutor for your parasites. Without a cyberfeeder to cover your darwin cost it could proved detrimental.

I'm not telling you it won't work, i'm just saying those are the challenges I am concerned with.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@hatman thanks for clarifying, and sorry my response was not clear...

Let me try and explain better, first I'm going off of an assumption that if the corp chooses not to purge than I will accumulate so many tokens that in one turn I can pay use Hemorrhage 4 time, this is a very late game option after they have not been able to just install an score out, making HQ fat with agendas...

But you make a great point when it comes to Harbinger!!! I compleatly missed that card, it is so much better than Medium for this deck and makes me strongly consider Amped Up again...

But I'm not 100% sure this deck will work either, but it seems fun and I'm going to def play around with it...

Thanks again for the help =)

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@ericbtool those are all great and valid points... And I'm not saying it'll work at all but when I have a deck idea this is my starting prosses, I take cards I think will be good and fun and play test, play test, play test... So here's hoping (crosses fingers)

9 Jan 2015 hatman

@SlySquid I think I'm starting to see this a bit more clearly now. It's looking more and more like a Reina Roja Data Leak Reversal deck, using Chakana to deny scoring opportunities. I'm still a bit worried that a corp could drop a high strength ice and score out behind it--are you planning to SMC a Darwin early, to make sure you threaten remotes? Otherwise, yeah, this looks like a pretty solid strategy. The real questions I have left are about speed, and that comes down to playtesting, I think.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Ya your on the ball now @hatman!

I'm really not sure, I think the plan is to get the combo up asap regardless if the score out an agenda or two, but then pull the Darwin out and face check everything Parasiteing all the big jazz out'the way...

Everything else Iis inline with my concerns, but it's new and untested that means it could flop or rock! I'm hoping for nice solid rock =)

9 Jan 2015 steevo15

@SlySquid I'm not the best deckbuilder, but I'll definitely try to make a decklist more focused on running with hivemind as the main engine. So stoked for that card. I think I might import some of these ideas into quetzal using inject to put parasites into the trash.

9 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Sounds super fun @steevo15! I can't wait to read it =)

11 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Hey everyone, I did a few changes thanks to all your help, go check it out =) it's v2.2