![Runners be like]()
Last week, I made an effort to jam as many new cards as I thought would fit into a new deck. It ended up being my first time playing Asa in a while.
The end result worked pretty well - active policing can create an essentially un-stealable Ikawa, and the new assets can spiral out of control quickly if left unchecked. Don't sleep on cohort guidance program, its essentially Wage Workers 4,5, and 6. Working prototype gets to five counters extremely fast, often clicking for 6 the turn after install.
The deck lost to Loup 3 times, including in the finals. I expected the matchup to be poor, but it was far worse than I guessed. On the flip side, I showed up to play new cards with low expectations, and found my way into the finals with this thing.
There is no thrill like resolving a midnight-3 in this deck. Blasting into a full hand of cards with Asa is incredible, even if it looks like this:
![Be cool, be cool]()
If you don't know about NANPC, be sure to check it out. Whiteblade and Sindarin (and more!) have put a ton of work into it and I'm really thankful to them for building something so cool.
this is an amazing list, thank you * _ *