Fast Harmony - HELP ME REFINE

Porkobolo 301

The plan is pretty easy: score fast. An agenda in the first turns if you can (maybe thanks to the cheap ices), an agenda with the palana/political dealings combo, an agenda with mushin/plan b or some trick of light. This is the core of the deck, but i need HELP (pls :D) to refine, specially with the influence!

3 Jan 2018 Brightsides

I would ditch the advanceable ice... You want your trick of light counters to come off the free Mushin tokens from Plan B.

Double down on Mushins, ditch the Pol dealings as well, and go for Project Junebugs, Cerebral Overwriter and Archived Memories.

Make it so that every thing you put down they are scared of checking. Also Shipment from Tennin would be a must have in a deck full of 3/2's.

So what gets mushined is probably a trap, if they don't run it, you tennin an agenda from hand, if they run it they get hit.

Gearchecks and irritating ICE on centrals, IPO instead of asset based econ (Marilyn may be alright), as you don't want to give them free and easy runs once you've rezzed them, plus you look to go much faster than waiting for 3/4 turns for money all the time.

That['s my advice, take from that what you will :)

3 Jan 2018 Brightsides

Ditch the advanceable ICE, you want Trick of Light to fire from your Mushin'ed assets, so 3 of those.

Get in IPO, Archived Memories, remove Political dealings, and Launch Campaign.

Shipment from Tennin is a must have in a deck full of 3/2's.

The idea being that if they run they lose, if they don't they lose. Punish the run's on your Mushin'ed assets by adding in Project Junebug, Cerebral Overwriter to complement plan B. Now they are scared and if they don't run you Tennin out a 3/2 from hand ( Agroplex numbers may need to be cut too :( )

A smart runner will pressure centrals instead (gives you trick of light opportunites if they're not checking and trashing what you install), so cheap gearcheck ICE there just to buy you a few turns - as you look to go fast, a few turns is all you need.

Probably keep the Marilyn's they should be fine - maybe just 2 depending on your inf choices.

It won't be a rich deck but it doesn't need to be.

That's my advice :)

3 Jan 2018 Shiiuga

Honestly, after a long time trying to make Plan B work it's just not a good trap. It seems great on paper but reality never seems to match up. Basically Junebug and Overwriter are always a threat because unless you're flat broke they will do something, but Plan B only works if you have a 3/2 agenda in hand when they run it, and the gods of draw aren't that kind most of the time.

I also really don't like Merger in here. I get the synergy with what the deck is trying to achieve but Global Food Initiative is the same concept but way more favourable for the Corp as the downside becomes the upside, which is very important in Medtech.

11 Jan 2018 jad

In my objectively correct opinion :p

I think I like the Agroplex? It's not going to get trashed, but I do wonder whether it's worth speeding up the runner as well, I might have to experiment with that. I'd use Mental Health Clinic over Marilyn. Gives you a credit immediately, same cost to trash and Marilyn is more of a long game piece anyway. Also, frees 3 inf. I'm fine with the Launch Campaigns in a rush deck, they give creds immediately and cost the runner to get rid of.

I actually think the Mergers are fine. No real downside unless they steal both. I think that's a legitimate strat.

On the other hand, I'd ditch political dealings. It's too expensive and it's easy to trash. I've played with it a fair bit out of Palana (Daily Business Show is good with it), but it's just not reliable. Its greatest strength is to pull the runner through expensive ice because it's kinda must trash, but your ice is cheap. Agree with above that Shipment from Tennin seems a great fit here.

Guard is rubbish, but you'll figure that out after playing with it a couple of games :p. Maybe use Rototurret and Batty because otherwise you're going to die to an early Aumakua or barrier breaker.

I too have tried to get Plan B to work, but it doesn't :(

Personally I've had the most success with Grail Ice and Batty, probably mostly Batty :p