Puking Crescent Moon

Daine 3748

This deck has been my baby off and on since the store championships season (though Clicking Hell was much more successful). This deck did very well at the Lousiville Regional (4-2) but shit the bed at the Madison regional. I'm putting it away now, but wanted to open it up in case anybody wants to pick it up and play around with it.

The deck is generally never advance. Use your psychic fields as threats to punish people who will try to hunt down your DRTs. I like to install three remotes on a single turn to try and get kills. DRT and a snare will kill lots of careless runners.

Tech startup is for melange. If you're drawing enough and pitching your shocks, your ID ability is enough protection for your melange.

Beware of careful shapers with recurring deus exes. I've found that I have to rush against them to have any chance. You'll cream most criminals and anarchs with this deck, however.