An Exploration of Throwback Format: 6 o'clock Shadow

Baa Ram Wu 2202

I'm going to be posting a decklist a day looking at the interesting side of Throwback Format deckbuilding.

What is Throwback Format?? Simply put it's Standard but you can add 1 full playset of a rotated card OR play with a rotated ID - Eric aka Whiteblade is running a Charity Tournament on the 5th using this tournament! More info here -

Now please feel free to stick 3x Account siphon into your reg 419 or Caprice Nisei into your Jinteki Glacier but if you could just wake me up afterwards from the coma inducing slumber you have put me in due to your unimaginitve deckbuilding!!

On the Twelfth day of Throwback, Baa Ram Wu gave to me - Khusyuks, So Many Khushuks!

6 o'clock Shadow

Throwback Card: The Shadow Net

Having listened to all the episodes of the Shadow Net podcast and enjoyed every one (nearly as much as the Slumscast shows!) It seemed only fitting that we see what new craziness is available using The Shadow Net itself.

One of the most powerful events of the Nisei era I could think of was obviously Khusyuk - The fact that it shuffles makes it an amazing event to try and trigger multiple times in a turn - and that is pretty much all this deck is looking to do.

Let me explain the game plan:

You have the Annicam + 21 events (most of which draw) + Lat himself to get through your deck as quick as possible - the most important thing is to get as many fan sites down as you can before the corp can score out their first agenda! You can use 2 hyperdrivers to speed up your set up - you need to save the last one!

As you go you want to build up you board with the 2 cost parts that will enable your Khushuks with the exception that you DO NOT want to install your Breakers yet - If you find a Paules Cafe, get it down and load your breakers onto it. You can also throw one into the bin and bring it out at the right time with simulchip.

You then want to draw into as many Khusyuks as possible and have a Shadow net down. hopefully you have a fair few credits by now from playing your gambles and a Peace in Our time or 2 (don't worry about giving the corp money - it will improve your Beth trigger - the extra click is incredibly valuable!)

Combo turn - You pop a Hyperdriver and Khusyuk up to 6 times in a go (selling your fan sites for free Khushuks.

You install Gauss and Euler (either from hand, from Paules or from Archives) getting their install abilities plus the strength boost from Cybertrooper making most Ice a cake walk to get through - especially if you have Takobi installed too - Double surveyor can be a pain and a tinkering would be an amazing include if you could find space for it (I think it would clog up the hand too often)

Use flame out to host which ever breaker you think will be most taxed (i.e against Blue sun, Gauss, against Jinja decks, ika, If you havn't got cyber trooper down then possibly euler)

The Compile and Boomerang (which should be hosted on Paule) are there to give you a little bit of game against remotes and Compile can be a powerful Shadow Net Target if the game does go long.

The I've had worse could be any number of Boomerangs (if you would like more remote pressure) or Labor rights (if you want to go full on R&D Mashing) - ive just gone for the quickest set up possible! (also a single Legwork is probably not wrong!)

Warning - This deck is a dumb combo deck - therefore it totally falls on its ass if it draws wrong or you cant get set up fast enough before the corp can score out. You need to take your best punt at when to pop off -

It also rolls over and dies to Prison RP and does not enjoy Purple decks that play Vacheron!

However - if you happen to come across any one who decided to stick 3 Domestic Sleepers in their fake points sports combo deck - you are literally laughing all the way to the bank!

30 Jun 2023 tracihefley

Great strategies. Thank you for sharing pizza) tower