Chaos Theory - Overmind + Sage overpumped

Trypios 2313

Programs + Hardware

Obviously, Chaos Theory is all about fitting extra programs with the +. I took another route on keeping the program load extra small, focusing on pumping a Sage for Code Gates and Barriers and an Overmind for mostly sentries but it works for anything except Swordsman.

There are a lot of hardware in this deck mainly for beefing up the Sage:

Total: 17, down to 16 with Creeper and Overmind installed. Creeper is 0 once you get 2. Something that can be easily done with Rabbit Holes or Dysons.

Magnum Opus is optional for economy and can be scavenged or pawnshop'd if Sage needs more power, or Overmind needs more counters.

If you're lucky to install e3 Feedback Implants, it will save a few Overmind counters or some when using Sage. R&D Interface is there for obvious reasons and I would love to add The Maker's Eye but the deck should be kept small for . One Clone Chip is there just in case one of the programs got trashed, just as Scavenge

Overloaded Overmind + pumped Sage + e3 Feedback Implants are more than enough to break anything, except Swordsman. That's what Creeper is there for.


Deck needs serious economy for installing Hardware and breaking ICE.

Card draw

3x Diesels + 3x Test Run would hopefully be enough to find Sage and Overmind in a 41 card deck. Levy AR Lab Access is there for mid-late game when most of the rig is already installed, just for recycling. I'm not so keen on keeping it, it's still under testing.

There's 1 card more than the deck's min size, but I'm not sure what to exclude. I feel New Angeles City Hall is strong against tag n bag decks and saves clicks when siphoning. Maybe Levy AR Lab Access or R&D Interface can be left out...or even Aesop's Pawnshop?

18 Feb 2015 KarzinomEngel

Interesting... I took another approach using Sage and Femme (Test Run/Scavenged) for an early game aggression and also gives a better protection against Jinteki Zapping (which really hurts CT, because you tend to rush too fast through your deck). ... You can probably kick out some MU easily for 3x Lockpicks to keep the cost down of Sage.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!

18 Feb 2015 KarzinomEngel

Lost a part of the comment: "...I would recommend Box-E as your console, which does the same as Dino for Sage..."

18 Feb 2015 Trypios


Lockpicks indeed sound good but the reason I put so much is to be available even early on for the cheap ICE, then during mid game with all the Titans out there I would have at least 10 free MU to break outermost Curtain Walls etc. Also, instead of lockpicks, Underworld Contacts 3 would work great for any icebreaker if all of them are in place.

As for Box-E, I thought about it because of the 7hand, but it's like having less. Dino gives +2 strength to Sage (just as would & free hosting, freeing up more. It's also thematic, CT needs her Dino :P

Btw, I can't find your aforementioned deck, is it published?

18 Feb 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Replicator might need a slot. It provides you with draw and lets you filter the hardware out of your deck faster, increasing the chances you will draw into Magnum Opus (which it seems you will need once you burn through your operations).

18 Feb 2015 Trypios

``@FarCryFromHuman` I love the idea or Replicator! Thanks for the suggestion