Hosh'Chip'ko - 1st place Worlds Warmup CO

Baa Ram Wu 2202

... It's 12.40am - I've just got home from my last full time shift at the Restaurant I work at and have drunk just enough wine to colour my vision enough that playing in Vales online CO would be a great idea. Having about 5 minutes to decide on decks and register before the first round started at 1am I chucked all the illegal econ out of Pauly G's Hoshipko list and replace it with a Fermentor/Simulchip package and a Deuces wild with the spare inf pip.

Deck did well - Going 4-0 - Undefeated against 3x Ob and 1x PE.

Round 1,2 & 3 Vs Ginevra, Rjorb & Gilesdavies on OB

I'll lump these together as my game plan in all was pretty much the same - Do not let them set up! Trash as much as possible, trash every marilyn on sight and always trash the excavators if there is going to be anything rezzed to sell (I don't care about it selling unrezzed ice for 3c)

Having been playing as/against a fair bit of Ob recently I felt pretty in control in these matchups - however the Game vs Rjorb did come down to the wire, with me stargating the winning agenda, floating tags and with a boom and at least 4c waiting for me the next turn.

Final of the Cut Vs Jonkey Dong a.k.a Huggernautilus on P.E. 'A New HoPe'

Weirdly similar gameplan to my strategy vs OB - Maybe it was just the remnants of the wine and my very tired brain (it was 5.30am by this point!) but i just decided to run almost everything - Once mitosis's started to show up I switched to centrals forcing the Corp to expose their hidden NGO's so they would have enough credits to fire Snare!

A single early fermenter + simulchip was pretty much my entire econ for the game in which I otherwise only really installed a dreamnet (especially good in this matchup) and a stargate to close!

All in all was a fun time - Great to hang out and play with some of my fellow drop bears - Thanks to everyone I played against and to Vale for Organising and letting me jump in at the very last minute.

27 Sep 2022 mendax

You've made me copy a 46 card runner into my decks - I am not happy about this