Faoladh 1.0

M@cGr3g0r 15

Shapershifter! Shapers love modifying who they are and experiencing new things, so that's what this deck is about! Versatile and adaptable, this deck has several decent strategies for checking out all those interesting agendas a Corp might be hiding... R&D lock with Medium? Check! Full court press breaker suite that basically pays for itself each turn? Check! Click economy? Check! Drip economy? Check! Can't find a card or it got thrown away? Self modifying code and Clone chip to the rescue! Need to search deep in the deck for what you need? Diesel to the rescue!

As always, any and all feedback and modifications are greatly appreciated!

21 Aug 2015 PeterCapObvious

Make sure that you do use all of you available influence, otherwise your deck won't be as optimal as it can be!

Running a lot? Why not add a Legwork or two. And an extra Datasucker to help support Mimic and other breakers :)