Prav Vault

saff 27

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I took this list to PDX Déjà Vu Store Champs August 13th 2022 and went 2-1, along with Smoke which also went 2-1 for a 3rd place finish of 8. Thanks mystermerry for setting up the event!

This list was built to fight what I expected to see: lots of Aumakua, Boomerang, Deep Dive, and Endurance. To that end, I included a ton of annoying on-encounter ice and defensive non-ice cards.

Round 1 versus Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net

Simple glacier gameplay, starting with an early uncontested Daily Quest. Nothing really unusual in this game, just NAPD Cordon and a taxing remote doing a lot of work. Win

Round 2 versus Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist

This game felt like it was going well with a solid points lead until the ice destruction came out. R&D got completely revealed with a mix of Hippo, Devil Charm, and Chisel which lead to things going quickly downhill with Stargate. The game came down to me being one turn off my final agenda in the scoring remote with NAPD Cordon active with opponent at 4 points with 2 points in archives when Stargate revealed the last agenda the runner needed to win with just enough credits to steal both. Lesson learned: don't devote too many resources to just the remote against Anarch, R&D isn't as secure as you think it is. Very clean plays from the opponent, especially in managing exactly the right economic position to fight through the last turn Cordon.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the deck that was built to beat expected Crim and Shaper cards lost to Anarch. Loss

Round 3 versus Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy

Very similar to round 1, early Daily Quest powered up my economy. However, this time my opponent fought the value train which destabilized their economy enough that I was able to power out a few opportunistic agendas instead of glaciering up. Last points were secured with a 15-credit Bellona Win


The only really spicy includes in this list are Bio Vault and Masvingo. And yet I somehow only drew Bio Vault once and never saw Masvingo, so not much was learned there. Relying on NAPD Cordon to secure scores is strong against a lot of the hot runner tools but Apocalypse and Imp are definitely cards to worry about so perhaps another Bio Vault would help there.

This deck felt quite solid and I would be happy to bring it to another event with only mild modifications.