HB EtF - Core + Creation & Control

GarfieldMew 503

Tom waltzed into the board room with his usual suave, as Director Haas was standing, with her back towards the door on the opposite end, looking out the window. Her expression was etched on the reflection.

"Why the long face, Ma'am?" asked Tom. "Did the board give you a hard time with the recent incidents?"

Director Haas half turned her head and cast a sharp stare at Tom. "What are you smirking about?" She asked and as she turn to face Tom, now with a much more relaxing posture, as if she was expecting some good news.

"Who needs the Jinteki's Project Junebug anyway, when we have got our very own Project Wotan along with Cerebral Overwriter we can lure those self claimed "smart" runners in and do permanent damage"

Said Tom as he walked up to the bar in the corner of the board room and started to pour himself a glass of whiskey.

"Carry on" came Director Haas' reply.

"Furthermore who needs those Private Security Force, when you have me, Thomas Haas overseeing things", declared Tom. "Let them come and trigger our latest ICE creation Heimdall 2.0 with our self defense mechanism the Awakening Center".

Defense Report:

Incident 1: Apex (Draw 0-0)

This was a null affair as neither had time to setup before time was called due to a long drawn out runner.

Incident 2: Valencia Esteques (Lose 3-9)

Was blackmailed before anything was rezzed and then with the confusion on rumor mill and agenda rush flood on turn 4/5 it over before it got it going.

Incident 3: Sunny Lebeau (Win 8-3)

Hitting an early ABT made a nice and secure remote forcing the runner to dig elsewhere and try a R&D lock but that was easily counter with an unexpected double data raven to help reduce/slow down its resource. Rezzing a Priority Requisition turned the game into my favor (5-3) which force the runner to check each following install with 2-advance; first a cerebral overwriter for 2 brain damage followed by Thomas Haas to starve the runner of econ following a big run made an easy finish for the remaining agenda.

Concluding thoughts:

Though Creation and Control added some powerful ice to HB, but none are that relevant in the current meta. It feels too expensive compared to what I had in the Core only deck.