STARTUP || Arissana - Painting Egrets

Virulentz 83

Startup Arisanna
2nd place at Startup CO Würzburg, Germany.

Beating a Pradivost, a Snared-Thule and a nailbitting win on time against R+.
Had some bad luck with my Corp in two games, one with all the agendas, one with no enough in time...
Nonethelless very fun and exciting games. Thanks a lot to KNT_HLZ for the tournament organisation!


I EGRET nothing

The idea of the deck is to apply early pressure with either Slap Vandal and/or one of your breakers and Egret. Bounce them back, draw cards with the next install and get you economy running and fueled this way.

Closing the game can occasionally be done quite early by a quick install of Conduit off of those street art credits and marking the spot on top of RnD as yours.

The additional tools are quite meta dependant. But within the current card pool, Hush was always a very valuable tool and I would consider playing a second copy if you'd excpect almost no Drago shenanigans. On the other hand Wheels can be turned into another Pinhole and NFL to counter this strategy.

In the end, just make sure to have colorful runs to remember and always wish for the best :)