Another Strike Val (4-1 Chicago Store Champ)

rubyvr00m 882

This is sort of my own spin on Strike Val and it's been performing really well for me in testing. At the Store Champ it beat CtM, Asa, Skorp, and Titan. The only loss was to Cybernetics Division through a crucial misplay.

Since the majority of Reg Val is standard at this point, I think the only things worth an explanation are the deviations.

Maker's Eye over Indexing cause it saves some influence and card slots. I've been feeling lately like Indexing isn't worth the trouble, because everyone seems to have a Miraju on R&D. Additionally, more corps are playing real 3-pointers so Mad Dash doesn't seem to help as much as it once did.

Seamus talks Strike vs Critic in his writeup for the decklist of the week, and I tend to agree with him.

Turntable is actually useful here because you often use 5 MU if the game goes long. It has huge value in a lot of different matchups, especially considering that more people are playing 5/3's and things like Project Atlas and MKII where the counters can decide games. Also, it solidifies the decision to not play Film Critic so it's a nice include.

The flex slots here are basically the Knifed and the 2nd Aumakua. I've played Pol Op in the slot and found that to be pretty useful. Other cards that just barely miss the cut include Bhagat, Same Old Thing, Spooned, Hacktivist Meeting and the illusive 3rd Career Fair.