Such Tag. Very Advance. Wow.

CobraBubbles 1298

My first Corp deck. I love the NBN playstyle, even though I've hardly played any Netrunner. Last night I had an epic game, starting with a mulligan into 3 Beales, a SanSan and no Ice. 2 of the Beales and a Market Research were stolen and the SanSan was trashed and I still won! I'm sure this isn't news to anyone, but AstroScript is AMAZING. It won me that game, and another one in which it added a token to a Junebug just in time to flatline the runner, who had seen me over-advance a Beale and got scared. Bluffing with 3-advanced Beales/Junebugs/Ghost Branch is great fun and I love the Ghost Branch/Midseason + Psychographics combo. I have no idea how this might be improved but I'm sure it could be, so feedback is much appreciated :)