De3us MatriX

mr_pelle 556

I've been working on this deck since Salvaged Memories was announced. Baa Ram Wu published it before I've even had the courage to bring it to a tournament. Kudos to him!

The final icebreaker

Deus X + Adjusted Matrix + e3 Feedback Implants


Mid-late game campering on the scoring remote. They'd need 4+ ICEs to stop you. If that happens, go Stargate-ing or hammering HQ with The Gauntlet.

Card choices

Economy is mainly for the setup because ICEs are broken really really cheaply.

Peace in Our Time goes well with Beth Kilrain-Chang, granting us most of the times an additional .

In the Groove, another priority card, lets us spend those sweet credits while cycling through our deck.

Stimhack credits should be saved for installing programs and hardwares via Paule's Café.

Kongamato is here for triple-advanced Hortum or as last resource when no clicks are left during the final all-in run (given you have e3 Feedback Implants installed).

Miss Bones and Whistleblower are unique connections that also have some great matchups (namely asset-spam decks and Obokata Protocol or SDS Drone Deployment).

Engolo is the backup icebreaker, while Cordyceps helps dealing with Chiyashi, Border Control, Tour Guide.