Kate Teaching Deck - Single Core

Scrub! 196

This is a Single-Core teaching deck I use to introduce new players to Netrunner. This goes alongside my blogposts on the same subject: Learning Netrunner 101

This is first and foremost a teaching deck, this means that it may not be the most optimal Core Set deck you can build, but it will contain a lot of important concepts for teaching a new player the basics.


Diesel: Drawing cards is one of the most important things you can do as a Runner. Use them a lot! Overdraw! You have multiple copies of nearly everything for a reason.

Easy Mark: While not a great card, new players will find themselves broke more often than not. This helps ease that pain.

Infiltration: New players will be afraid of everything that's face down, so this helps easy some of the mental strain. Afraid of that 2-advanced card? Expose it!

Modded: Huge money saver, works especially well with Crypsis Femme Fatale, or Magnum Opus.

Sure Gamble: See Hedge Fund.

The Maker's Eye: Multiaccess is a very important concept to keep in mind in any of your decks, and The Maker's Eye does a great job at illustrating this. A single Maker's Eye can win the game.

Tinkering: Only have a Corroder out but that Rototurret is blocking your path? Tinker it into all types and then break it on the cheap.


Akamatsu Mem Chip: More MU helps with Magnum Opus and holding onto extra Datasuckers.

The Personal Touch: Goes great with Crypsis or Pipeline, as they have very low starting strengths.

The Toolbox: Mostly in this deck because it's cool. Also it gives Modded another target, and once it's installed you can discuss how recurring credits work.


Armitage Codebusting: Staple resource card, good to install when you don't need the money so you can tap on it later when you do.

Sacrificial Construct: This will save your programs from mean Sentries, and can be used to extend the life of Crypsis.


Corroder: The most effective barrier-breaker (Fracter) available. If you see a wall, start drawing through your deck until you find this beauty.

Crypsis: The hidden MVP of the Icebreakers. While you may not use them every turn, Crypsis with a virus counter on it is a threat the Corp cannot ignore.

Femme Fatale: The most "wacky" include in this decklist, and the one with the most confusing power. It also happens to be really powerful because of this power. Good for Runners to see as it shows that you won't have to break every piece of ICE you come across.

Gordian Blade: One of the few Icebreakers that retains its strength through the entirety of the run. It probably won't come up in any of these teaching games, but even outside of this power - it's one of the best Code Gate breakers (Decoder) out there.

Pipeline: Not a great card, but it goes to show you just how mean Sentries can get, even breaking them hurts (in credits).


Datasucker: It doesn't seem important at first, but once you get a token or two on board, it will do wonders with Parasite hanging around. It might also force the Corp to purge virus counters before they want to, leaving them with an effective dead turn.

Magnum Opus: Get this down fast, and start making money. Getting 2 credits per click is the gold standard of "good amounts of credits per click". Hefty Memory Unit cost though!

Parasite: When combined with Datasucker, this can destroy ICE quite quickly. Left on its own, it creates a slow-counting clock for the Corp. Either they watch the ICE die, or they install over that ICE, destroying it early for you.

Teachable Moments

Use Femme Fatale to bypass a Tollbooth, avoiding the toll

Femme Fatale and Tollbooth both have abilities that fire on "encountering" the ICE. Tollbooth has a single subroutine, which means Femme Fatale only has to spend 1 credit to Bypass this piece of ICE. If two things happen for both players at the same time, the active player gets to do all their actions first, and then the inactive player does theirs. In this case Femme Fatale encounters Tollbooth, pays the 1 to Bypass Tollbooth, and now because we are no longer encountering Tollbooth, the ICE cannot interact with the player, and thus cannot force them to lose the 3 credits.

Use Sacrificial Construct to save a Crypsis

Run into a Data Mine while you have Crypsis out? Instead of taking the 1 Net Damage, break the Trap subroutine with Crypsis, and instead of trashing Crypsis, prevent this trashing by trashing your Sacrificial Construct!