Rongydoge Cured My Depression

Whiteblade111 3039

By Mid September I was kinda sad about Netrunner. I knew I couldn't make worlds and was super overwhelmed with my work in a law clinic. I didn't play any continentals, didn't play worlds and wasn't winning with any runners. I couldn't make hosh work and was not jiving with 419. I was pretty down.

Kysra taught me how criminal works and explained in a testing game that you could use Cezve credits to pay for Bahia Bands installs. Mind blown, I thought it was sick but was still struggling..

It all came together when Rongydoge slid into my DM's and dropped me this beautiful diamond of a deck. It's sick as hell. You just play aggro runner with a late game wincon of twinning counters. Repeated makers eyes for net 3 credits is sick.

General play patterns are to be agressive and then let off the gas. Use your drip, Bahia Bands and Cezve credits to grind value and then finish the corp off with twinning.

I took this deck to 1st place finish at a 22 person CO in Seattle and I beat some very strong players. I love this deck to pieces and it is my fav runner to play atm.

I will now answer some common questions:

Isn't this better in "insert crim ID"

I actually think that the early tempo from Zahya and mid to late game refunds are quite potent. Playing 40 cards also means you draw down into your multiaccess pieces faster than something like 419 or Sable. I think Ken is also a reasonable alternative for this archetype.

Don't you lose to assets?

I think Assets are the toughest for this deck, but I actually think you can beat a lot of the Ob decks by just being agressive and using Hermes. Yes you die to NEH but that deck is turbo fucked

2x Wake?

Yeah card's sick what do you want

Why aren't you playing Diversion?

What are you, a fucking cop?

18 Oct 2023 Whiteblade111

Also someone please sell me your Cezve alts from worlds, I'll pay a good price!

18 Oct 2023 Jai

I feel you on multiple levels, as both a Worlds misser and 3xBahia Bands enjoyer, card is incredibly based. In the Worlds leadup rumors were swirling about the legendary Whiteblade Zahya That Won A CO and it was kinda anticlimatic not to see any reveals on that front, so I'm glad that you posted this list!

18 Oct 2023 pj20

Wake + Twinning = Deep Dive at home.

18 Oct 2023 MELLONE75

cured my depression too

18 Oct 2023 koga

I was waiting for this to be posted. The moment I played against it, I knew I had to try it out myself. Very based.

18 Oct 2023 rongydoge

zahya sparks joy <3

18 Oct 2023 Tradon

"Yes you die to NEH but that deck is turbo fucked" - can't agree any more :D

23 Oct 2023 MELLONE75

have you try another barrier breaker? i'm not a super fun of curupira. tycoon for example can it work here?

27 Oct 2023 tzeentchling

Diversion is a bad card, this is true.

8 Jan 2024 plambro

Why aren't you playing Diversion? What are you, a fucking cop?

Thank you this healed me. This deck is just what I need.

9 Apr 2024 asphyxia

What are you, a fucking cop?
