Breaking the Meta Ep.3: Stop....Kimmy Time

Sidkah 284

So it has been quite a while since I started posting decklists weekly, so I decided to write up a second one. This time, it is the Runner's turn and I have decide to take a (re)look at Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer. Let's break down the ID first. Eddy Kim is no joke. He has a 1 to link, making traces like Ash and other tracing ICE needing to pump out more to keep you out. The deck limit/Inf is normal, nothing to really see here. The Ability itself is NUTS! The ability to Account Siphon and then trash their Econ cards or even any nasty operations like Snatch and Grab or any Punitives or Scorches is awesome.


Account Siphonis just a great card in general. As stated above, its nice to Siphon, run into their hand and grab an econ, then clear tags. Its a pretty nasty card!. Déjà Vu was a toughy, i figured 1 might be more than enough, but sometimes you can lose important cards, recur an Account Siphon, bring back multiple viruses, or a breaker! Its a nice include and awesome. Forked is there for any pesky Senty getting in your way! But remember! Architect CANNOT BE TRASHED! Be careful not to fall for any tricks to make you use it. I've Had Worse is here for net/meat protection. Even though your ID Ability can trash one from there hand, its still a good cantrip and is like a condom: better have them and not need it then need it and not have one (or three!). Knifed is there to break Elis or any pesky ice. There are 2 here because I personally feel barriers are being played more since the rise of Glacier style decks have gone up. Singularity is in here for any obnoxious, multi-Upgraded remote server that you just can't pay to get through (Ash, Caprice, SanSan, etc). Its an OK as a 1 of, but remember its a Double Event, costing another Action. Sure Gambleis a staple. ZZZZZZZ Wanton Destruction is a nice out of nowhere event. If the corporation doesn't ICE up HQ too good, run in and cause mayhem! Its a lot better to go at least 2 Actions in it (3 if you can't hit archives too good). I LOVE this card because it is all RANDOM cards being discarded! How's it feel to deal net/meat damage to the corp!


Desperado Is amazing! It grants you a credit for every successful run! Influence well spent. MemStrips is in here for the large amounts of viruses you run. maybe I'll drop it to 1 later and add something else.

Daily Castsis a nice Drip Economy to have. Money is money and so is free clicked ones. Earthrise Hotel fixes what Anarchs in general had really nothing of: Draw power for limited clicks. I know there are cards like Inject and stuff, but i feel drawing 6 for 4 credits and 1 action is pretty decent. It is also nice to have a nice chain going! Kati Jones is really big right now. A lot of decks are packing her in because of slow Glacier-y builds. Also, she is just MASSIVE econ bursts. Same Old Thing Cutlery runs, Account Siphon, or even Wanton Destructionif you like! great recurring card overall for 0. Utopia Shard was a last minute 1 Influence spot I had left, but is pretty awesome! Random card disruption is always nice, but learning when to "pop" it takes practice and skill

                                                  Programs: icebreakers

In this you will find 1 ofs of the classic Anarch breakers with an Eater there to take on ICE for Cutlery Events, Siphon, Wanton, or anything. This deck has a lot of ways to draw into them, don't worry if you don't see them right away. Trust me, I'm a Runner.

                                             Programs: Non-breakers

Datasucker is a three of for Parasite and some of your breakers that can't pump them self. Imp Is a great program by itself. It will always force the corp to purge if they can.
Nerve Agent Alllows you to see more cards and have a greater chance to use Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer Ability.
Parasite is a Staple I feel if you are running Datasuckers.


Thank you all for (hopefully) reading this! Please take this deck out, tweak it, and break those Androids down till there's nothing left! I hope you all have fun and tune in next Sunday for the Corp's turn! Thanks a Bunch!


3 May 2015 Ber

Looks pretty nice, and good write-up. I agree Kim needs more experimentation too!

But I worry about simply being locked out by EtR ice with only 1 of each breaker in this deck. There is some extra draw here, but not that much.

Also, Kim's ability naturally pressures HQ the most, since that is where important combo Operations pile up (Scorched Earth, Biotic Labor, Mushin No Shin, Midseasons, etc). Nerve Agent goes with Kim's ability and is more HQ pressure. Then you also have Account Siphon which on first sight will make the Corp ice up HQ even more. And then Wanton Destruction on top of that, which is has no synergy with Kim's ability or Nerve Agent. Surely you'd be better served by some Mediums instead of WD, to add pressure to another server?