🔥 [STARTUP] Bladderwort NEH (2022, up to Midnight Sun)

FireRL 1133

This was my list for the Seattle Startup Bash 8/6/22, along with a few thoughts:

  • 🧠 Bladderwort is the main fair here. Because of the additional asset pressure that it puts on the runner, it divides the runners attention between not dying (or even just losing meaningful cards to net damage) and contesting the most valuable trashables (i.e. SanSan City Grid and Daily Business Show
  • 🎬 The typical turn begins by rezzing Assets/Upgrades until you have 4-n credits so that the Bladderworts cause maximum damage. Your econ is very easy to manipulate - especially with 3x Regolith Mining License and 3x Predictive Planogram. Don't be afraid to pre-rez, or go low (just be careful versus PAN-Weave/etc)
  • ♻️ Drafter, License Acquisition, and Spin Doctor help keep these must-trash tools on the table. If the runner's rig receives added benefits to running and trashing your servers (i.e. Pennyshaver, Rene, Dreamnet, etc), you'll have to dedicate some Gold Farmers/Enigmas/etc to ice ~2-4 remotes
  • 💯Engram Flush is a good busted card. It also makes Bladderwort more terrifying and potentially lethal
  • 🤷‍♂️ At one point, I had a combination of Psychographics and Funhouse in this list to penalize runners for going tag-me. It rarely happened so I cut them, but if you lean into tags a bit more I bet there's something there
  • 🤕 The biggest weakness of this deck has been Pennyshaver. I've lost 35% of my matches with this deck so far. 50% of those losses were against Pennyshaver, and I have a 100% loss rate versus it - though they were still very close matches (and I probably mostly just need to adjust how I play versus it)
10 Aug 2022 percomis

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