Argus Attrition

KitsuAeryn 297

This deck is designed to be just porous enough to let the runner through without having them feeling like you let them. The remotes are filled with traps - a fact that is true even when they contain agendas, thanks to your ID.

Main objective is to flatline, though you can punch agendas through in a pinch if you need to. Economy is there, but takes some getting used to.

Key Plays

Edge of World and Cerebral Overwriter pair nicely with your suite of Snares to keep things dangerous for the runner. Scoring surprise brain damage from either of the first two makes SE all the more lethal later on, while the snares give your Ravens some backup in terms of unexpected tagging. Pop a false lead afterward, and you're set.

Don't be afraid to toss Cleaners to power up Archer if you need it. Remember, you're winning by flatline nine times out of ten. Sometimes it's worth it.

Decision Points

I took Project Atlas out of this deck and subbed in NAPD Contract because it fits the theme better. The agendas are there to tax and damage the runner. I also cost myself several games trying to overscore atlas, so for me, this deck runs more smoothly without it.

The icebreaker suite is designed to be expensive but not difficult to bypass. You want the runner broke and paranoid.

I tested and discarded Fire Wall for being too hard to rez and too good at discouraging runs. I also tried Caduceus, Orion, and Wormhole, but just didn't like the way they panned out. The first never worked the way I wanted it to, and the other two were too slow to make worth rezzing. Errand Boy is actually an interesting choice that I am on the fence about including, too.

Influence is tight here, but I really like the options provided by this layout. Edge and Cerebral work really well with each other, and using one (or having one exposed) doesn't spoil the other one because they work differently. The Snares are useful in a lot of situations, and Jackson recycles all of your utility. Keep in mind that Edge of World only needs 3 credits to trigger, so runners who think they are safe from your Snares will often find themselves unpleasantly surprised.

A note about Jackson, though: sometimes you want to leave four agendas in your archives. The runner will have to take several tags to stay alive, and you can punish him for it on your turn.

All in all, this deck is a ton of fun to play, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


A note about DRT: There are versions of Argus for which Dedicated Response Team is perfect, but this isn't one of them. You won't be landing tags on the runner for more than a turn or two, and usually you'll only manage that if they run on their last click or if you use your False Leads to shut their turn down immediately after they got tagged. Because of that, DRT was too inconsistent to retain its slot over the other assets I wanted to run.

6 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

I'm still searching an Argus that works. This appears a bit stronger ones i thought. So thank you, i'll test a bit modified version and we'll see! May i report here?

6 Apr 2015 Letsaros

I find the lack of Dedicated Response Team disturbing :P

6 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

I tried with DRT but not that good, at the end. You have to cover it and this makes u spend many ices. If you no cover u just have to not take Bad Publicities, so hey, not sure about DRT. Surely the sinergy is strong, but not ALL THAT strong.

I found more funny things on Cerebral Overwriter,Edge of World and Shattered Remains(that really has the same aim, reduce hand size at 3 or less or destroy the carapace, cuz you can use only 1\2 SE for kill the runner !)

6 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

Just won now with a Professor,idk if count this as winning. I played better than him, i think, but he was unlucky (femme for bypassing and only 3 credits on a archer, so killed the FF and permits me to score a False Lead). But the deck makes what he has to make, damaging.

6 Apr 2015 Letsaros

mate without 3 data ravens no good Runner is ever gonna stay tagged. You depend too much in your traps.

6 Apr 2015 Letsaros

also 3x Snare is usually a must.

6 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

2 or 3 Snare! maybe don't change VERY much. But a Cerebral Overwriter can do! :P

6 Apr 2015 KitsuAeryn

@SlayerCNV @Letsaros Thanks for your comments! The lack of Dedicated Response Team is intentional, and I probably should have mentioned that in the description. You've mentioned that folks don't stay tagged for long, and I agree -- that's why I've left DRT out of the mix. It was at most a 3 tax, and I have much more interesting assets to play with in this build.

I've played this deck with 3x Snare! and 3x Data Raven (and without the Edge of World and Cerebral Overwriter), and I just didn't like it as much. Part of this deck's success is the mind games, and most folks assume you're running the Snares and Ravens -- especially after they've seen one. The Edge and Cerebral are much less common, and I'd much rather land one of those than a Snare unless I'm actually holding the killing strike in my hand. You'd be amazed how often people will smash into an Edge tucked into your scoring server; perhaps they were ready to eat some net damage and a tag, but nobody's ready to eat 3 brain damage.

Those are both decision points I've agonized over, but at the end of the day, my win rate is better with the splashed traps and without DRT than it was beforehand. Your mileage may vary, of course, so run whatever works for you :)

3 Feb 2016 NobbyNobs

Replace NAPD with Private Security Force, since the tags from Argus enable its ability and NAPD is on the wanted list

3 Feb 2016 NobbyNobs

Replace NAPD with Private Security Force

3 Feb 2016 NobbyNobs

Because of the new legality rules, switch Napd for Private Security. It goes along nicely with Argus's ability and can punish the tag option for more meat damage. Damage or damage and tags?