Double Deep Dive Sable @ 46th at EMEA 2024

Zoehope 279

I love playing Sable, so I played it at EMEA. I figured why not play something you love?

I have also been having a lot of fun with Ashen Epilogue in startup so thought I would try it in standard, subbing out the third Deep Dive for that and a fistful of Bahia Bands. This swap worked well on the Bahia side, the Ashen, I only fired once, but I mean once is enough.

The Dream:

>Six Inside Jobs if you fire Ashen right.

> Backstitching-Alarm Clock-when-your-mark-is-HQ-and-you-have-Swift installed… aka just get into a double iced server. Ok, Ok, the set-up is slightly ridiculous. I don’t need the feedback, I see that, I love it all the same. My love for this line made me realise I probably should just play Bankhar in Anarch.

The Reality:

This works like a Sable deck in a meta that hurts a lot.

> I wished I had Hermes

> I wished I had Trick Shot

> I wished I had Bankhar.

Overall this deck was a-okay - three wins and a draw. I’m very happy with that.

For my Corp, I netdecked Council's Monopoly on Murder which is honestly fire, and helped my get over the losses to NBN.

Field Notes

I am using the rest of this decklist text to thank the lovely people I met at EMEA 2024 and to add a few notes about the games I played (for the memories).

Thank Yous:

To Atien and Porkobolo – you are both amazing and totally smashed EMEA out of the park, so much fun, so much art, so much Netrunner!

To team QEH, thanks for bringing the Brum fun to Bergamo. It was so nice to see everyone thriving and having a great time. Thanks to everyone who provided kindness in challenging moments, and for all the support. Congratulations to everyone for their amazing games (especially to Cobalt for their enduring Startup title run). I am so proud of my friends.

To EA Sports, thanks for being so lovely as humans – I so enjoyed hanging out with you all in between rounds. Thank you for creating a horrid puzzle.

To SeaRose, for being by creative partner and love. It was the best thing to be able to share our creative work in The Tag Mill with the community with you at EMEA. Sharing cool stash on Etsy is super fun but seeing people’s reactions IN THE REAL is even better. Thanks to those who offered feedback, ideas, and encouragement (nicky, Alex, Ams, Sauc3, the list goes on). Making arts makes me feel self-conscious but also super happy.


To all my opponents, thank you. Every single match up and round was a genuine delight. Speaking of which….

Game Log for EMEA

First round, I sweep Karo123. Both games were really great and it was closer than the final score shows. Our games set the tone for a day of Netrunner which is positive and fun!

Second round, Corp split with Toron. I lose a game against Asa after scoring 5 agenda points in the first few turns from some sick rips. It hurts my ego quite a bit. But then I win with PE, rezzing Reaper Function into a 0 cost Blood in the Water, which felt so illegal I had to check with a judge it was in fact “a move” (thanks for being calm and entirely judgelike harmonbee. I joke that we each lost the game we deserved to win, and rue evil corporations.

Third round, I play two thrilling games against Erniemist. We both crunch numbers super hard and I remember that I am not good at math. The first game I totally fudge when I enthusiastically advance the wrong agenda. Definitely my most embarrassing moment of the weekend. I manage to squeak a draw in my second game with an up-to-the-clock-mad-dash (okay okay not literally Mad Dash but metaphorically). I’ll take it! Really enjoyed these games, though they were total nail biters!

Round four. Me and Rene sit absolutely sweating in the middle of the room in the middle of the day. We play two incredibly fun games, and Sable gets another win! Fun games. Grateful to you for your positive energy and really loved seeing your creative decks.

I enter Round 5 feeling great and play two wonderful games with Girometics, in which I manage to get a House of Knives kill and then swiftly get beaten out by another Asa. Asa is the enemy today, it seems, but these games with Girometrics are both intellectual and interesting. Thanks for posing such a tough puzzle :)

Round Six: It’s finally time for a sweepin’ against that Azmari deck everyone is nervously talking about (amazing props to all the team from EA Sports for cookin’ it). Fridan is incredibly lovely at destroying me with it. I would like to imagine that if I had managed to wolf down that Bruschetta before that round we might have split, but really you out played me. Well done.

Get drawn against Kay and feel a bit melancholy. Really respect it as a being and wanted them to do as well as possible. We ask a judge for top-half math, and realise either of us has to sweep the other so we flip our snazzy coin and agree to duke it out in a 2-4-1. I get runner and fear the worst. However, after the sickest of rips and some good early economy, I manage to snag the win.

12 Jul 2024 Porkobolo
